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<h1 align="center">IPURGE</h1>

<a href="#NAME">NAME</a><br>
<a href="#SYNOPSIS">SYNOPSIS</a><br>
<a href="#OPTIONS">OPTIONS</a><br>
<a href="#FILES">FILES</a><br>



<a name="NAME"></a>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em">ipurge &minus;
delete mail from IMAP mailbox or partition based on age or

<a name="SYNOPSIS"></a>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>ipurge</b> [
<b>&minus;f</b> ] [ <b>&minus;C</b> <i>config-file</i> ] [
<b>&minus;x</b> ] [ <b>&minus;X</b> ] [ <b>&minus;i</b> ] [
<b>&minus;s</b> ] <br>
[ <b>&minus;d</b> <i>days</i> | <b>&minus;b</b> <i>bytes</i>
| <b>&minus;k</b> <i>Kbytes</i> | <b>&minus;m</b>
<i>Mbytes</i> ] <br>
[ <i>mailbox-pattern</i>... ]</p>

<a name="DESCRIPTION"></a>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><i>Ipurge</i>
deletes messages from the mailbox(es) specified by
<i>mailbox-pattern</i> that are older or larger than
specified by the <b>-d</b>, <b>-b</b>, <b>-k</b> or
<b>-m</b> options. If no <i>mailbox-pattern</i> is given,
<i>ipurge</i> works on all mailboxes. If the <b>-x</b>
option is given, the message age and size MUST match exactly
those specified by <b>-d</b>, <b>-b</b>, <b>-k</b> or
<b>-m</b>. The are no default values, and at least one of
<b>-d</b>, <b>-b</b>, <b>-k</b> or <b>-m</b> MUST be

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><i>Ipurge</i>
by default only deletes mail below shared folders, which
means that mails in mailbox(es) below INBOX.* and user.*
stay untouched. Use the option <b>-f</b> to also delete mail
in mailbox(es) below these folders.</p>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><i>Ipurge</i>
reads its configuration options out of the
<i>imapd.conf</i>(5) file unless specified otherwise by

<a name="OPTIONS"></a>

<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
       cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="11%"></td>
<td width="3%">

<p style="margin-top: 1em"><b>&minus;f</b></p></td>
<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="61%">

<p style="margin-top: 1em">Force deletion of mail in
<i>all</i> mailboxes.</p></td>
<td width="17%">

<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;C</b>

<p style="margin-left:22%;">Read configuration options from

<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;d</b> <i>days</i></p>

<p style="margin-left:22%;">Age of message in

<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;b</b>

<p style="margin-left:22%;">Size of message in

<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;k</b>

<p style="margin-left:22%;">Size of message in
<i>Kbytes</i> (2^10 bytes).</p>

<p style="margin-left:11%;"><b>&minus;m</b>

<p style="margin-left:22%;">Size of message in
<i>Mbytes</i> (2^20 bytes).</p>

<table width="100%" border="0" rules="none" frame="void"
       cellspacing="0" cellpadding="0">
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="11%"></td>
<td width="3%">

<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="78%">

<p>Perform an exact match on age or size (instead of older
or larger).</p></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="11%"></td>
<td width="3%">

<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="78%">

<p>Use delivery time instead of Date: header for date
matches</p> </td></tr>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="11%"></td>
<td width="3%">

<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="78%">

<p>Invert match logic: -x means not equal, date is for
newer, size is for smaller</p></td></tr>
<tr valign="top" align="left">
<td width="11%"></td>
<td width="3%">

<td width="8%"></td>
<td width="78%">

<p>Skip over messages that have the \Flagged flag set.</p></td></tr>

<a name="FILES"></a>

<p style="margin-left:11%; margin-top: 1em"><b>/etc/imapd.conf</b></p>