

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 024f4d3b36b07ff127664e571b9fb7a1 > files > 12


#ifndef __DIGI_DOC_LIB_H__
#define __DIGI_DOC_LIB_H__
// FILE:	DigiDocLib.h
// PROJECT: Digi Doc
// DESCRIPTION: Digi Doc functions for creating
//	and reading signed documents. 
// AUTHOR:  Veiko Sinivee, S|E|B IT Partner Estonia
// Copyright (C) AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.ode
// GNU Lesser General Public Licence is available at
//==========< HISTORY >=============================
//      10.02.2004      Integrated
//      02.01.2004      Veiko Sinivee
//                      Added support for format 1.3
//      29.10.2003      Aare Amenberg
//                      Added some function headers 
//                      (needed for compiling COM)
// 1.0	09.04.2002	Veiko Sinivee	
//  Supports XML format (Type: SK-XML-1.0)

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <openssl/x509.h>
#include <openssl/ocsp.h>
#include <DigiDocMem.h>
#include <DigiDocDefs.h>
#include <DigiDocError.h>

//==========< data structures >====================

// supported format and version combination
typedef struct FormatAndVer_st {
	char* szFormat;
	char* szVersion;	
} FormatAndVer;

// contains timestamp data
typedef struct Timestamp_st {
  int year;
  int mon;
  int day;
  int hour;
  int min;
  int sec;
  int tz;
} Timestamp;

// contains the signed attributes of each document file entry
typedef struct DocInfo_st {
	char* szDocId;			// document id
	char* szDigestType;		// digest method used
	byte* szDigest;			// digest value
	int   nDigestLen;			// digest value length
	byte* szMimeDigest;		// digest value
	int nMimeDigestLen;		// digest value length
} DocInfo;

typedef struct SignatureProductionPlace_st {
	char* szCity;
	char* szStateOrProvince;
	char* szPostalCode;
	char* szCountryName;
} SignatureProductionPlace;

typedef struct SignerRole_st {
	int nClaimedRoles;
	char** pClaimedRoles;
	int nCertifiedRoles;
	char** pCertifiedRoles;
} SignerRole;

// signature info for each user signature
typedef struct SignatureInfo_st {
	char* szId;			// signature id
	int nDocs;			// number of separate documents signed
	DocInfo** pDocs;	// info for each signed document	
	char* szTimeStamp;	// signature timestamp in format "YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ"
	byte* szSigPropDigest;	// signed properties digest
	int   nSigPropDigestLen;	// length of signed properties digest
	byte* szSigPropRealDigest;	// signed properties digest as read from file
	int   nSigPropRealDigestLen;	// length of signed properties digest as read from file
	byte* szSigInfoRealDigest;	// signed properties digest as read from file
	int   nSigInfoRealDigestLen;	// length of signed properties digest as read from file
	char* szSigType;	// signature type used
	byte* szSigValue;	// signature value
	short nSigLen;		// signature value length
	X509* pX509Cert;	// X509Cert certificate (used internally for data during loading)
	char* szIssuerSerial; // certificates serial number (signed value)
	byte* szCertDigest;	// signed properties digest
	int   nCertDigestLen;	// length of signed properties digest
	SignatureProductionPlace sigProdPlace;
	SignerRole signerRole;
	byte* szOrigContent;
	int   nOrigContentLen;
} SignatureInfo;

// data file entry for each data file
typedef struct DataFile_st {
	char* szId;			// data file id
	char* szFileName;	// signed doc file name
	char* szMimeType;	// date file mime type
	char* szContentType;	// DETATCHED, EMBEDDED or EMBEDDED_BASE64
	long  nSize;		// file size (unencoded)
	char* szDigestType;	// digest type
	byte* szDigest;		// digest value
	int nDigestLen;		// digest value length
        byte* szWrongDigest;    // bad digest calculated in earlier buggy version
	int nWrongDigestLen;		// digest value length
	byte* szDetachedDigest;		// detached files digest value
	int nDetachedDigestLen;		// digest value length
	int nAttributes;		// number of other attributes
	char* szCharset;		// datafile initial codepage
	char** pAttNames;		// other attribute names
	char** pAttValues;		// other attribute values
        byte* szContent;
        long nContentLen;
} DataFile;

typedef struct NotaryInfo_sk {
	char* szId;			// Notary id
	char* szSigId;		// signature id that is notaried
	char* szNotType;	// notary info type (OCSP-1.0)
	char* timeProduced;	// producedAt
	char* szRespIdType;	// responder id type
	char* szRespId;		// responder id	value
	int   nRespIdLen;	// responder id value length
	char* thisUpdate;	// thisUpdate (nextUpdate is allways NULL)
	char* nextUpdate;	// next update time
	char* szDigestType;	// digest method used
	byte* szIssuerNameHash;  // issuer hash value
	int   nIssuerNameHashLen; // issuer hash value length
	byte* szIssuerKeyHash;
	int   nIssuerKeyHashLen;
	byte* szUserSign;	 // verified signature hash value (OCSP Nonce)
	int   nUserSignLen;  // signature hash value length
	// notaries personal signature
	char* szSigType;	// signature type used
	byte* szSigValue;	// signature value
	short nSigLen;		// signature value length
	X509* pX509Cert;	// X509Cert certificate (used internally for data during loading)

	char* szIssuerSerial; // certificates serial number (signed value)
	byte* szCertDigest;	// signed properties digest (used internally for data during loading)
	int   nCertDigestLen;	// length of signed properties digest
	byte* szOcspDigest;		// OCSP response digest
	int   nOcspDigestLen;	// OCSP response digest length
	void* pOcspResponse;	// actual OCSP response
} NotaryInfo;

typedef struct SignedDoc_st {
	char* szFormat;		// data format name
	char* szFormatVer;	// data format version
	int nDataFiles;
	DataFile** pDataFiles;
	int nSignatures;
	SignatureInfo** pSignatures;
	int nNotaries;
	NotaryInfo** pNotaries;
} SignedDoc;

// structure used to report paths of data files
typedef struct FilePath_st {
	char* szFileName;
	char* szPath;
} FilePath;

//==========< admin functions >====================

// returns the library name
EXP_OPTION const char* getLibName();
// returns the library version
EXP_OPTION const char* getLibVersion();
// returns an array of supported formats terminated by NULL
EXP_OPTION const char** getSupportedFormats();
// returns an array of supported formats  and versions terminated by NULL
EXP_OPTION FormatAndVer* getSupportedFormatsAndVersions();
// returns the GUI version
EXP_OPTION const char* getGUIVersion();
// sets the GUI version
EXP_OPTION void setGUIVersion(const char* szVer);

// initializes error library
EXP_OPTION void initDigiDocLib();
// cleanup of error library
EXP_OPTION void finalizeDigiDocLib();

// trim leading and trailing whitespace
EXP_OPTION char* trim(char* src);

// converts timestamp string to it's components
EXP_OPTION int convertStringToTimestamp(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szTimestamp, Timestamp* pTimestamp);
// converts timestamp to string 
EXP_OPTION int convertTimestampToString(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const Timestamp* pTimestamp, char* szTimestamp);
// creates new timestamp object
EXP_OPTION int Timestamp_new(Timestamp **, int year,int month,int day,int hour,int minute,int second,int timezone);
// frees this timestamp object
EXP_OPTION void Timestamp_free(Timestamp* pTimestamp);

// converts timestamp string to time_t value
EXP_OPTION time_t convertStringToTimeT(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szTimestamp);
// Sets a string element of a struct to a new value
int setString(char** dest, const char* value, int valLen);

EXP_OPTION int checkFileExists(const char* szFileName);

int ddocPullUrl(const char* url, DigiDocMemBuf* pSendData, DigiDocMemBuf* pRecvData, 
		const char* proxyHost, const char* proxyPort);

// sends an OCSP_REQUES object to remore server and
// retrieves the OCSP_RESPONSE object
// resp - buffer to store the new responses pointer
// req - request objects pointer
// url - OCSP responder URL
// ip_addr - senders ip address if known or 0
int sendOCSPRequest(OCSP_RESPONSE** resp, OCSP_REQUEST *req, 
		    char* url, char* proxyHost, char* proxyPort,
		    unsigned long ip_addr);

// Cheks a combination of format and version for validity
int ddocCheckFormatAndVer(const char* format, const char* version);

EXP_OPTION int ddocConvertFileName(char* dest, int destlen, const char* src);

// Converts timestamp (time_t) value to a struct
// tm value. Caller must provide address of tm struct.
// This function is used because loacltime() is not
// thread-safe and win32 has no equvalent of localtime_r().
// pTime - time_t value address
// pTmStruct - struct tm address
// bLocal - 1=localtime_r, 0=gmtime_r
// returns error code or ERR_OK
EXP_OPTION int ddocLocalTime(time_t* pTime, struct tm* pTmStruct, int bLocal);

//==========< general crypto fucntions >============

// calculates input files digest.
// supports only SHA1
EXP_OPTION int calculateFileDigest(const char* szFileName, int nDigestType,
						byte* pDigestBuf, int* nDigestLen, long* lFileLen);

// calculate file size
EXP_OPTION int calculateFileSize(const char* szFileName, long* lFileLen);

// calculates files RSA+SHA1 signature
EXP_OPTION int calculateFileSignature(const char* szFileName, int nDigestType,
							byte* pSigBuf, int* nSigLen,
							const char *keyfile, const char* passwd);
// verifies files signature
EXP_OPTION int verifyFileSignature(const char* szFileName, int nDigestType,
						byte* pSigBuf, int nSigLen,
						const char *certfile);
// sign some arbitrary daya
EXP_OPTION int signData(const byte* data, int dlen, byte* pSigBuf, int* nSigLen,
			 int nDigestType, const char *keyfile, const char* passwd);

// calculate digest over some arbitrary data
EXP_OPTION int calculateDigest(const byte* data, int nDataLen, int nDigestType,
					byte* pDigestBuf, int* nDigestLen);

// Base64 encode some data
EXP_OPTION void encode(const byte* raw, int rawlen, byte* buf, int* buflen);
// Base64 decode some data
EXP_OPTION void decode(const byte* raw, int rawlen, byte* buf, int* buflen);

// Decodes binary (DER) OCSP_RESPONSE data and returns a OCSP_RESPONSE object
EXP_OPTION int ddocDecodeOCSPResponseData(OCSP_RESPONSE **ppResp, const byte* data, int len);

// Decodes base64 (PEM) OCSP_RESPONSE data and returns a OCSP_RESPONSE object
EXP_OPTION int ddocDecodeOCSPResponsePEMData(OCSP_RESPONSE **ppResp, const byte* data, int len);

// Prepares a new signature for signing and calculates
// the final hash value to sign.
// pSigDoc - signed document object
// ppSigInfo - pointer for address of newly allocated signature
// manifest - manifest or role
// city - signers address , city
// state - signers address , state or province
// zip - signers address , postal code
// country - signers address , country name
// id - id for new signature. Optional, use NULL for default

// return returns error code or ERR_OK
EXP_OPTION int ddocPrepareSignature(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo** ppSigInfo,
			 const char* manifest, const char* city, 
			 const char* state, const char* zip, 
			 const char* country, X509* pCert, const char* id);

// Returns the hash to be signed with or without ASN1
// prefix and with or without base64 encoding
// pSigInfo - signature address
// pBuf - buffer for hash value with or without prefix
// pBufLen - pointer to buffer length
// b64 - return base64 encode 1/0
// bWithAsn1Prefix - return with or without ASN1 prefix 1/0
// return returns error code or ERR_OK
EXP_OPTION int ddocGetSignedHash(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* pBuf, int* pBufLen, int b64, int bWithAsn1Prefix);

//==========< XML generating functions >=================
// thse functions generate certain XML form info, that
// is used as input data for either signing or digesting

// generates current timestamp in format: DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS
EXP_OPTION int createTimestamp(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, char* buf);
// creates XML <SignedInfo> block (actually signed info)
EXP_OPTION char* createXMLSignedInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
// creates XML mime type <SinatureProperty> block for signing
EXP_OPTION int createMimeType(char* buf, const char* mime, 
				   const char* sigId, const char* docId);

//==========< memory mgmt functions >=================

// Get the filename part of full file name
EXP_OPTION const char* getSimpleFileName(const char* szFileName);
// Get the absolute filename with path
EXP_OPTION int getFullFileName(const char* szFileName, char* szDest, int len);
// Get the path part of full file name
EXP_OPTION int getFileNamePath(const char* szFileName, char* szPath);
// creates a new <SignedDoc> structure
EXP_OPTION int SignedDoc_new(SignedDoc **newSignedDoc, const char* format, const char* version);
// cleanup signed doc data
EXP_OPTION void SignedDoc_free(SignedDoc* pSigDoc);

// returns the number of data files
EXP_OPTION int getCountOfDataFiles(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
// returns the n-th DataFile object
EXP_OPTION DataFile* getDataFile(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, int nIdx);
// returns the last DataFile object
EXP_OPTION DataFile* ddocGetLastDataFile(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
// Retrieve and convert DataFile Filename atribute and convert
int ddocGetDataFileFilename(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDocId, void** ppBuf, int* pLen);
// returns the DataFile object with the given id
EXP_OPTION DataFile* getDataFileWithId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
// add a <DataFile> block to <SignedDoc>
// use NULL for any parameter you don't have the value
// use NULL for id if you want to auto-calculate it (recommended!!!)
EXP_OPTION int DataFile_new(DataFile **newDataFile, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id,
					   const char* filename, const char* contentType, 
					   const char* mime, long size,
					   const byte* digest, int digLen,
					   const char* digType, const char* szCharset);
// cleanup DataFile memory
EXP_OPTION void DataFile_free(DataFile* pDataFile);

// Removes this DataFile from signed doc and frees it's memory
EXP_OPTION int DataFile_delete(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);

// Returns number of DataFile attributes
EXP_OPTION int getCountOfDataFileAttributes(const DataFile* pDataFile);
// Adds an attribute to data file
EXP_OPTION int addDataFileAttribute(DataFile* pDataFile, const char* name, 
									const char* value);
// Gets an attribute of a data file
EXP_OPTION int getDataFileAttribute(DataFile* pDataFile, int idx, char** name, char** value);

// get datafile cahed data
int ddocGetDataFileCachedData(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szDocId, void** ppBuf, long* pLen);

// apppends DataFile content to cache
void ddocAppendDataFileData(DataFile* pDf, int maxLen, void* data, int len);

// calculates file size and digest and store in the
// given DataFile object
EXP_OPTION int calculateDataFileSizeAndDigest(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id,
								const char* filename, int digType);
// returns the number of signatures
EXP_OPTION int getCountOfSignatures(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
// Returns the desired SignatureInfo object
EXP_OPTION SignatureInfo* getSignature(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, int nIdx);
// Returns the last SignatureInfo object
EXP_OPTION SignatureInfo* ddocGetLastSignature(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
// Returns the SignatureInfo object with the given id
EXP_OPTION SignatureInfo* getSignatureWithId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
// Adds a new SignedInfo element to a SignedDoc element and initializes it
EXP_OPTION int SignatureInfo_new(SignatureInfo **newSignatureInfo, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);

// Sets the signature production place info (use NULL for unknown attributes)
EXP_OPTION int setSignatureProductionPlace(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
								const char* city, const char* state,
								const char* zip, const char* country);
// Adds a signer role 
EXP_OPTION int addSignerRole(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nCertified, 
				   const char* role, int rLen, int encode);
// Returns the number of signer roles
EXP_OPTION int getCountOfSignerRoles(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nCertified);
// Returns the desired signer role
EXP_OPTION const char* getSignerRole(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nCertified, int nIdx);

// Removes this SignatureInfo from signed doc and frees it's memory
EXP_OPTION int SignatureInfo_delete(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);

// cleanup SignatureInfo memory
EXP_OPTION void SignatureInfo_free(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
// Adds a new DocInfo element to a SignatureInfo element and initializes it
EXP_OPTION int addDocInfo(DocInfo **newDocInfo, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* docId,
			   const char* digType, const byte* digest,
			   int digLen, const byte* mimeDig, int mimeDigLen);
// cleanup DocInfo memory
EXP_OPTION void DocInfo_free(DocInfo* pDocInfo);
// Returns number of DocInfos
EXP_OPTION int getCountOfDocInfos(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
// Returns the desired DocInfo
EXP_OPTION DocInfo* getDocInfo(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int idx);
// Returns the last DocInfo
EXP_OPTION DocInfo* ddocGetLastDocInfo(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);

// Returns the DocInfo object with the given id
EXP_OPTION DocInfo* getDocInfoWithId(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* id);
// Sets the DocInfo objects document digest and digest type
EXP_OPTION void setDocInfoDigest(DocInfo* pDocInfo, const byte* digest, 
					  int digLen, const char* digType);
// Sets the DocInfo objects mime digest and mime type
EXP_OPTION void setDocInfoMimeDigest(DocInfo* pDocInfo, const byte* mimeDig, int mimeDigLen);

// Adds all DocInfo elements in this file to a SignatureInfo element
EXP_OPTION int addAllDocInfos(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
// Calculates and stores a signature for this SignatureInfo object
EXP_OPTION int calculateSigInfoSignature(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nSigType, 
			const char* keyfile, const char* passwd, const char* certfile);

// returns the number of signatures
EXP_OPTION int getCountOfNotaryInfos(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
// Returns the desired NotaryInfo object
EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getNotaryInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, int nIdx);
// Returns the last NotaryInfo object
EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* ddocGetLastNotaryInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc);
// Returns the NotaryInfo object with the given id
EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getNotaryWithId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);
// Returns the NotaryInfo object that corresponds to the given signature
EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getNotaryWithSigId(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* sigId);
// Returns the NotaryInfo object that corresponds to the given signature
// ore creates a new one
EXP_OPTION NotaryInfo* getOrCreateNotaryWithSigId(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* sigId);

// Adds a new NotaryInfo element to a SignedDoc element and initializes it partly
EXP_OPTION int NotaryInfo_new(NotaryInfo** newNotaryInfo, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
// the same as above, but reads response and cert from file
EXP_OPTION int NotaryInfo_new_file(NotaryInfo**  newNotaryInfo, SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
						   const char* ocspRespFile, const char* notaryCertFile);
// cleanup NotaryInfo memory
EXP_OPTION void NotaryInfo_free(NotaryInfo* pNotary);

// Removes this NotaryInfo from signed doc and frees it's memory
EXP_OPTION int NotaryInfo_delete(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* id);

// creates xml form of <SignedProperties>
EXP_OPTION char* createXMLSignedProperties(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, int nWithEscapes);

// Calculates <SignedProperties> digest
EXP_OPTION int calculateSignedPropertiesDigest(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);
// Calculates <SignedInfo> digest
EXP_OPTION int calculateSignedInfoDigest(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, byte* digBuf, int* digLen);

// Sets the signatures certificate and calculates
EXP_OPTION int setSignatureCertFile(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* certFile);
// Sets the signatures certificate and calculates it's digest
EXP_OPTION int setSignatureCert(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, X509* cert);

// Sets the signature value 
EXP_OPTION int setSignatureValue(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, byte* szSignature, int sigLen);

// Sets the signature value from a file that contains
// the base64 encoded signature value
EXP_OPTION int setSignatureValueFromFile(SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* szSigFile);

//==========< encoding functions >=================

// writes the signed doc to a file
EXP_OPTION int createSignedDoc(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* szOldFile, const char* szSigDocFile);

//================< verification functions> =================================

// Frees file paths array
// pPaths - FilePaths array
// nPaths - number of paths
EXP_OPTION void FilePaths_free(FilePath* pPaths, int nPaths);

// Finds all detatched files and returns their
// names. The user can now set the path portion.
// Allocaes new memory that caller must free 
// with FilePaths_free()
// pSigDoc - signed document
// pPaths - pointer to FilePaths array
// nPaths - pointer to number of paths
EXP_OPTION int findDetatchedDataFiles(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, FilePath** pPaths, int* nPaths);

// Compares two byte arrays and returns 0 for OK
EXP_OPTION int compareByteArrays(const byte* dig1, int len1, const byte* dig2, int len2);

// verifies one doc's check digests in this signature
EXP_OPTION int verifySigDocDigest(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
				 const DocInfo* pDocInfo, const char* szFileName, 
				 const char* szDataFile);
// verifies the mime digest of this doc in this signature
EXP_OPTION int verifySigDocMimeDigest(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
				       const DocInfo* pDocInfo, const char* szFileName);
// Verifies the SignedProperties digest 
EXP_OPTION int verifySigDocSigPropDigest(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, 
				  const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szDataFile);

// verifies this one signature
EXP_OPTION int verifySignatureInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
						const char* signerCA, const char* szDataFile, int bUseCA,
						FilePath* pPaths, int nPaths);
// verifies the whole document (returns on first err)
EXP_OPTION int verifySigDoc(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* signerCA, 
							const char** caFiles, const char* caPath, const char* notCert, 
							const char* szDataFile, int bUseCA,
							FilePath* pPaths, int nPaths);

// Verifies the certificates signed attributes
EXP_OPTION int verifySigCert(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);

// Verfies NotaryInfo signature
EXP_OPTION int verifyNotaryInfo(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo,  
					const char ** caFiles, const char *CApath, const char* notCertFile);

// Verifies the certificates signed attributes
EXP_OPTION int verifyNotCert(const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo);

// Verfies NotaryInfo digest
EXP_OPTION int verifyNotaryDigest(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo);

 EXP_OPTION int writeOCSPRequest(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const char* signerCertFile, const char* issuertCertFile,
					 byte* nonce, int nlen, const char* szOutputFile);

// Creates and sends an OCSP_REQUEST object
// to the notary server, receives the response
// and uses it to create a confirmation object.
EXP_OPTION int getConfirmation(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo,
                               	const X509** caCerts, const X509* pNotCert,
 								char* pkcs12FileName, char* pkcs12Password,
                               	char* notaryURL, char* proxyHost, char* proxyPort);

// another way to get OCSP confirmation by sending also callers ip address
EXP_OPTION int getConfirmationWithIp(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
				     const X509** caCerts, const X509* pNotCert,
				     char* pkcs12FileName, char* pkcs12Password,
				     char* notaryURL, char* proxyHost, char* proxyPort,
				     unsigned long ip);

// use this if you passed NULL-s to getConfirmation() param notaryCert
EXP_OPTION int finalizeAndVerifyNotary(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, NotaryInfo* pNotInf,
				       const X509** caCerts, const X509* pNotCert);

int readTagContents(char** data, const char* fileName, 
					const char* tagName, int nAttrs,
					const char** attNames, const char** attValues,
					int withTags);

//EXP_OPTION int signOCSPRequest(OCSP_REQUEST *req,const char* key)
//void testXML1(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* fileName);

// verifies signed doc 
EXP_OPTION int verifySigDocCERT(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const void* signerCA, 
				const X509** caCerts, 
				const char* caPath, const X509* notCert, 
				const char* szDataFile, int bUseCA,
				FilePath* pPaths, int nPaths);

// Verifies this signature
EXP_OPTION int verifySignatureInfoCERT(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, 
							const void* signerCACert, const char* szDataFile, int bUseCA,
							FilePath* pPaths, int nPaths);
// Checks if the cert has been signed by this CA-cert
EXP_OPTION int isCertSignedByCERT(const X509* cert, const X509* caCert);
// Verfies NotaryInfo signature
EXP_OPTION int verifyNotaryInfoCERT(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, 
				    const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo,  
				    const X509** caCerts, 
				    const char *CApath, const X509* notCert);

// Calculates the digest of NotaryInfo
EXP_OPTION int calculateNotaryInfoDigest(const SignedDoc* pSigDoc, 
					const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo, byte* digBuf, int* digLen);

//================< certficate info functions> =================================

int ReadOCSPResponse(OCSP_RESPONSE **newOCSP_RESPONSE, const char* szFileName);
int initializeNotaryInfoWithOCSP(SignedDoc *pSigDoc, NotaryInfo *pNotary, 
				OCSP_RESPONSE *resp, X509 *notCert, int initDigest);

// Decodes a signature value
void decodeSignatureValue(const char* b64val, int b64len, char* value, int* vlen);

// Returns the user signatures certificate data
EXP_OPTION X509* getSignCertData(const SignatureInfo* pSignInfo);
// Returns the notary signatures certificate data
EXP_OPTION X509* getNotCertData(const NotaryInfo* pNotInfo);

// get OCSP in PEM form
EXP_OPTION int getOcspPEM(OCSP_RESPONSE* pResp, int bHeaders, char** buf);

//================< deprecated functions> =================================
// these functions are deprecated. Use the replacements in DigiDocCert.h
// these functions will be removed in future releases!

// get signers id-code
// USE: ddocCertGetSubjectPerCode(getSignCertData(pSignInfo), pMemBuf);
EXP_OPTION int getSignerCode(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* buf);

// get signers first name
// USE: ddocCertGetSubjectFirstName(getSignCertData(pSignInfo), pMemBuf);
EXP_OPTION int getSignerFirstName(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* buf);

// get signers last name
// USE: ddocCertGetSubjectLastName(getSignCertData(pSignInfo), pMemBuf);
EXP_OPTION int getSignerLastName(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* buf);

// get the whole signers CN in desired charset
// USE: ddocCertGetSubjectCN(getSignCertData(pSignInfo), pMemBuf);
EXP_OPTION int getSignerCN(const SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, char* buf, int bUTF8);


void CorrectCharacters(char *psText);

#ifdef  __cplusplus

#endif // __DIGI_DOC_LIB_H__