

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 024f4d3b36b07ff127664e571b9fb7a1 > files > 4


#ifndef __DIGI_DOC_CFG_H__
#define __DIGI_DOC_CFG_H__
// FILE:	DigiDocCfonfig.h
// PROJECT:     Digi Doc
// DESCRIPTION: Digi Doc functions for configuration management
// AUTHOR:  Veiko Sinivee, S|E|B IT Partner Estonia
// Copyright (C) AS Sertifitseerimiskeskus
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
// This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// Lesser General Public License for more details.
// GNU Lesser General Public Licence is available at
//==========< HISTORY >=============================
//      08.01.2004      Veiko Sinivee
//                      Creation
//      20.03.2004      Added functions createOrReplacePrivateConfigItem()
//                      writeConfigFile() and writePrivateConfigFile()
//      20.03.2004      changed function notarizeSignature to check for PKCS12 arguments

#include <DigiDocLib.h>
#include <DigiDocDefs.h>

// not ready yet
#ifdef WITH_MSSP
  #include <mssp/DigiDocMsspGw.h>

#ifdef  __cplusplus
extern "C" {

#include <openssl/x509.h>

// item type
#define ITEM_TYPE_GLOBAL    1

// used to mark modified items to then store all together in private config file
#define ITEM_STATUS_OK      1

  // holds one configuration item
  typedef struct ConfigItem_st {
	char* szKey;		// items key
	char* szValue;		// items value
	int nType;                  // items type (system wide or private)
	int nStatus;                // item status - clean/modified
  } ConfigItem;

  // array of configration items
  typedef struct ConfigurationStore_st {
	int nItems;
	ConfigItem** pItems;
  } ConfigurationStore;

  // Initializes configuration store
  // szConfigFile - name of config file. Use NULL for default
  EXP_OPTION int initConfigStore(const char* szConfigFile);

  // Cleans memory of configuration store
  // pConfStore - configuration collection (use NULL for default)
  EXP_OPTION void cleanupConfigStore(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore);

  // Adds a new configration item
  // pConfStore - configuration collection (use NULL for default)
  // key - items key
  // value - items value
  // type - item type
  // status - item status
  // returns ERR_OK on success
  EXP_OPTION int addConfigItem(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* key, const char* value, int type, int status);

  // Deletes configration item
  // key - items key
  // returns ERR_OK on success
  EXP_OPTION int ConfigItem_delete(const char* key);

  // Adds a new private configration item or modifies
  // pConfStore - configuration collection (use NULL for default)
  // an existing one
  // key - items key
  // value - items value
  // returns ERR_OK on success
  EXP_OPTION int createOrReplacePrivateConfigItem(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* key, const char* value);

  // Finds a new configration items value by key
  // key - items key
  // returns value of config item or NULL if not found
  EXP_OPTION const char* ConfigItem_lookup(const char* key);

  // Finds a new configration items value by key from the store
  // key - items key
  // pConfStore - store to search in
  // returns value of config item or NULL if not found
  EXP_OPTION const char* ConfigItem_lookup_fromStore(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* key);

  // Finds a all configration items that start with this prefix
  // pConfStore - collection of found items
  // prefix - item keys prefix
  // returns error code or ERR_OK
  int ConfigItem_findByPrefix(ConfigurationStore *pConfStore, const char* prefix);

  // Finds a numeric configration items value by key
  // key - items key
  // defValue - default value to be returned
  // returns value of config item or defValue if not found
  EXP_OPTION int ConfigItem_lookup_int(const char* key, int defValue);

  // Finds a bolean configration items value by key
  // key - items key
  // defValue - default value to be returned
  // returns value of config item or defValue if not found
  EXP_OPTION int ConfigItem_lookup_bool(const char* key, int defValue);

  // Finds a new configration items value by key
  // key - items key
  // returns value of config item or NULL if not found
  //EXP_OPTION const char* ConfigItem_lookup_str(const char* key, const char* defValue);

  // Reads and parses configuration file
  // fileName - configuration file name
  // type - type of config file global/private
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int readConfigFile(const char* fileName, int type);

  // Writes a configuration file
  // fileName - configuration file name
  // type - type of config file global/private
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int writeConfigFile(const char* fileName, int type);

  // Saves all private config items in correct file
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int writePrivateConfigFile();

  // Sets a new name for private config file. Can be
  // used to override default of env(HOME)/.digidoc.conf
  // Use NULL to restore default value
  EXP_OPTION void setPrivateConfigFile(const char* fileName);

  // Finds CA certificate of the given certificate
  // ppCA - address of found CA
  // pCert - certificate whose CA we are looking for
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int findCAForCertificate(X509** ppCA, const X509* pCert);

  // Finds CA certificate by CN
  // ppCA - address of found CA
  // szCN - CA certs common name
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int findCAForCN(X509** ppCA, const char* szCN);

  // Finds CA chain 
  // ppChain - address of cert pointer array
  // nMaxChain - cert pointer arrary length
  // szCN - CN of the first CA cert (not the child cert!)
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int findCAChainForCN(X509** ppChain, int* nMaxChain, const char* szCN);

  // Finds Responders certificate by CN
  // ppResp - address of found cert
  // szCN - Responder certs common name
  // szCertSerial - specific serial number to search
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int findResponderForCN(X509** ppResp, const char* szCN, char* szCertSerial);

  // Finds Responders certificate by CN and index
  // ppResp - address of found cert
  // szCN - Responder certs common name
  // nIdx - index of the certificate for this respnder. Starts at 0
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int findResponderByCNAndIndex(X509** ppResp, const char* szCN, int nIdx);

  // Finds Responder certificates CA certs CN
  // caCN - buffer for responders CA CN
  // szCN - responder certs common name
  // return error code or 0 for success
  EXP_OPTION int findResponderCAByCN(char* caCN, const char* szCN);

  // Get a notary confirmation for signature
  // pSigDoc - signed document pointer
  // pSigInfo - signature to notarize
  // returns error code
  EXP_OPTION int notarizeSignature(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo);

  // Get a notary confirmation for signature
  // pSigDoc - signed document pointer
  // pSigInfo - signature to notarize
  // ip - callers ip address if known
  // returns error code
  EXP_OPTION int notarizeSignatureWithIp(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, unsigned long ip);

  // Signs the document and gets configrmation
  // pSigDoc - signed document pointer
  // ppSigInfo - address of new signature pointer
  // pin - smart card PIN
  // manifest - manifest / resolution (NULL)
  // city - signers city (NULL)
  // state - signers state (NULL)
  // zip - signers postal code (NULL)
  // country - signers country (NULL)
  EXP_OPTION int signDocument(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo** ppSigInfo,
		   const char* pin, const char* manifest,
		   const char* city, const char* state,
		   const char* zip, const char* country);

  // Verify this notary
  // pSigDoc - signed document pointer
  // pNotInfo - notary to verify
  // returns error code
  int verifyNotary(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, NotaryInfo* pNotInfo);

  // Verify this signature and it's notary
  // pSigDoc - signed document pointer
  // pSigInfo - signature to verify
  // szFileName - input digidoc filename
  // returns error code
  EXP_OPTION int verifySignatureAndNotary(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, SignatureInfo* pSigInfo, const char* szFileName);

  // Extract common name from cert DN or responder id
  // src - DN
  // dest - buffer for CN
  int findCN(char* src, char* dest);

  // Verify certificate by OCSP
  // pCert - certificate to check
  // returns error code
  EXP_OPTION int ddocVerifyCertByOCSP(X509* pCert);

  // Reads an arbitrary file into memory buffer
  // szFileName - file name and path
  // pData - memory buffer object
  // returns error code
  EXP_OPTION int ddocReadFile(const char* szFileName, DigiDocMemBuf* pData);

#ifdef WITH_MSSP
  // Gets MSSP session status and returns status code
  // If you pass in a digidoc then the last signature
  // will be finalized with signature value if
  // available or removed in case of session error,
  // timeout or users cancelling signature operation
  // pMssp - MSSP context
  // pSigDoc - signed document object to be modified
  // returns MSSP session status code
  EXP_OPTION int ddocConfMsspGetStatus(MSSP* pMssp, SignedDoc* pSigDoc);

  // Signs the document and gets return status back
  // pSigDoc - signed document object
  // pMssp - MSSP context
  // szPhoneNo - users phone number
  // manifest - manifest or role
  // city - signers address , city
  // state - signers address , state or province
  // zip - signers address , postal code
  // country - signers address , country name
  // szDigiDocFile - name of the file user signs
  // szCertUrl - full url where to get cert. Use NULL for default url
  // return error code or ERR_OK
  EXP_OPTION int ddocConfMsspSign(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, MSSP* pMssp, const char* szPhoneNo,
				  const char* manifest, const char* city, 
				  const char* state, const char* zip, 
				  const char* country, const char* szDigiDocFile,
				  const char* szCertUrl);

  // Polls MSSP status and finalizes signature
  // pSigDoc - signed document object
  // pMssp - MSSP context
  // return error code or ERR_OK
  EXP_OPTION int ddocConfMsspPoll(SignedDoc* pSigDoc, MSSP* pMssp);

#ifdef  __cplusplus

#endif // __DIGI_DOC_CFG_H__