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    <meta name="description" content="Pmw - a toolkit for building high-level compound widgets in Python">
    <meta name="content" content="python, megawidget, mega widget, compound widget, gui, tkinter">
    <title>Pmw.ButtonBox reference manual</title>

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    <h1 ALIGN="CENTER">Pmw.ButtonBox</h1>
<center><IMG SRC=ButtonBox.gif ALT="" WIDTH=297 HEIGHT=65></center>
<dt> <h3>Name</h3></dt><dd>
<p>Pmw.ButtonBox() - 
    manager megawidget for buttons

<dt> <h3>Inherits</h3></dt><dd>
<a href="MegaWidget.html">Pmw.MegaWidget</a><br>
<dt> <h3>Description</h3></dt><dd>
    A button box is a container megawidget which manages a number of
    buttons.  One of these buttons may be specified as the default and
    it will be displayed with the platform specific appearance for a
    default button.  The buttons may be laid out either horizontally
    or vertically.</p>


<dt> <h3>Options</h3></dt><dd>
Options for this megawidget and its base
classes are described below.<p></p>
<a name=option.labelmargin></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>labelmargin
Initialisation option. If the <strong>labelpos</strong> option is not <strong>None</strong>, this specifies the
        distance between the <strong>label</strong> component and the rest of the
        megawidget. The default is <strong>0</strong>.</p>

<a name=option.labelpos></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>labelpos
Initialisation option. Specifies where to place the <strong>label</strong> component.  If not
        <strong>None</strong>, it should be a concatenation of one or two of the
        letters <strong>'n'</strong>, <strong>'s'</strong>, <strong>'e'</strong> and <strong>'w'</strong>.  The first letter
        specifies on which side of the megawidget to place the label. 
        If a second letter is specified, it indicates where on that
        side to place the label.  For example, if <strong>labelpos</strong> is <strong>'w'</strong>,
        the label is placed in the center of the left hand side; if
        it is <strong>'wn'</strong>, the label is placed at the top of the left
        hand side; if it is <strong>'ws'</strong>, the label is placed at the
        bottom of the left hand side.</p>
<p>        If <strong>None</strong>, a label component is not created. The default is <strong>None</strong>.</p>

<a name=option.orient></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>orient
Initialisation option. Specifies the orientation of the button box.  This may be
    <strong>'horizontal'</strong> or <strong>'vertical'</strong>. The default is <strong>'horizontal'</strong>.</p>

<a name=option.padx></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>padx
Initialisation option. Specifies a padding distance to leave between each button in the x
    direction and also between the buttons and the outer edge of the 
    button box. The default is <strong>3</strong>.</p>

<a name=option.pady></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>pady
Initialisation option. Specifies a padding distance to leave between each button in the y
    direction and also between the buttons and the outer edge of the
    button box. The default is <strong>3</strong>.</p>

<dt> <h3>Components</h3></dt><dd>
Components created by this megawidget and its base
classes are described below.<p></p>
<a name=component.frame></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>frame
If the <strong>label</strong> component has been created (that is, the <strong>labelpos</strong>
    option is not <strong>None</strong>), the <strong>frame</strong> component is created to act as
    the container of the buttons created by the <code>add()</code> and
    <code>insert()</code> methods.  If there is no <strong>label</strong> component, then no
    <strong>frame</strong> component is created and the <strong>hull</strong> component acts as the
    container. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Frame.</p>

<a name=component.hull></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>hull
This acts as the body for the entire megawidget.  Other components
    are created as children of the hull to further specialise this
    class. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Frame.</p>

<a name=component.label></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>label
If the <strong>labelpos</strong> option is not <strong>None</strong>, this component is
        created as a text label for the megawidget.  See the
        <strong>labelpos</strong> option for details.  Note that to set, for example,
        the <strong>text</strong> option of the label, you need to use the <strong>label_text</strong>
        component option. By default, this component is a Tkinter.Label.</p>

<dt> <h3>Dynamic components</h3></dt><dd>
        Button components are created dynamically by the <code>add()</code> and
        <code>insert()</code> methods.  By default, the buttons are of type
        Tkinter.Button and are created with a component group of
<p>        </p>

<a name=methods></a>
<dt> <h3>Methods</h3></dt><dd>
Only methods specific to this megawidget are described below.
For a description of its inherited methods, see the
manual for its base class
<strong><a href="MegaWidget.html#methods">Pmw.MegaWidget</a></strong>.
<a name=method.add></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>add</strong>(<em>componentName</em>, **<em>kw</em>)</dt><dd>
Add a button to the end of the button box as a component named
    <em>componentName</em>.  Any keyword arguments present will be passed to the
    constructor when creating the button.  If the <strong>text</strong> keyword
    argument is not given, the <strong>text</strong> option of the button defaults to
    <em>componentName</em>.  The method returns the component widget.</p>

<a name=method.alignbuttons></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>alignbuttons</strong>(<em>when</em> = <strong>'later'</strong>)</dt><dd>
Set the widths of all the buttons to be the same as the width of
    the widest button.  If <em>when</em> is <strong>'later'</strong>, this will occur when the
    interpreter next becomes idle, otherwise the resizing will occur

<a name=method.button></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>button</strong>(<em>buttonIndex</em>)</dt><dd>
Return the button specified by <em>buttonIndex</em>, which may have any
    of the forms accepted by the <code>index()</code> method.</p>

<a name=method.delete></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>delete</strong>(<em>index</em>)</dt><dd>
Delete the button given by <em>index</em> from the button box.  <em>index</em>
    may have any of the forms accepted by the <code>index()</code> method.</p>

<a name=method.index></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>index</strong>(<em>index</em>, <em>forInsert</em> = <strong>0</strong>)</dt><dd>
Return the numerical index of the button corresponding to <em>index</em>. 
    This may be specified in any of the following forms:</p>
<dl><dt><em>name</em></dt><dd>Specifies the button named <em>name</em>.<p></p>

<dt><em>number</em></dt><dd>Specifies the button numerically, where <strong>0</strong> corresponds to
         the left (or top) button.<p></p>

<dt><strong>Pmw.END</strong></dt><dd>Specifies the right (or bottom) button.<p></p>

<dt><strong>Pmw.DEFAULT</strong></dt><dd>Specifies the current default button.<p></p>

<p>    If <em>forInsert</em> is true, <strong>Pmw.END</strong> returns the number of buttons rather
    than the index of the last button.</p>

<a name=method.insert></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>insert</strong>(<em>componentName</em>, <em>beforeComponent</em> = <strong>0</strong>, **<em>kw</em>)</dt><dd>
Add a button to the button box as a component named
    <em>componentName</em>.  The button is added just before the button
    specified by <em>beforeComponent</em>, which may have any of the forms
    accepted by the <code>index()</code> method.  Any keyword arguments present
    will be passed to the constructor when creating the button.  If
    the <strong>text</strong> keyword argument is not given, the <strong>text</strong> option of the
    button defaults to <em>componentName</em>.  To add a button to the end of
    the button box, use <code>add()</code>.  The method returns the component

<a name=method.invoke></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>invoke</strong>(<em>index</em> = <strong>Pmw.DEFAULT</strong>, <em>noFlash</em> = <strong>0</strong>)</dt><dd>
Invoke the callback command associated with the button specified
    by <em>index</em> and return the value returned by the callback.
    Unless <em>noFlash</em> is true, flash the button to
    indicate to the user that something happened.
    <em>index</em> may have any of the forms accepted by the <code>index()</code> method.</p>

<a name=method.numbuttons></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>numbuttons</strong>()</dt><dd>
Return the number of buttons in the button box.</p>

<a name=method.setdefault></a>
<dl><dt> <strong>setdefault</strong>(<em>index</em>)</dt><dd>
Set the default button to the button given by <em>index</em>.  This
    causes the specified button to be displayed with the platform
    specific appearance for a default button.  If <em>index</em> is <strong>None</strong>,
    there will be no default button.  <em>index</em> may have any of the
    forms accepted by the <code>index()</code> method.</p>

<dt> <h3>Example</h3></dt><dd>
The image at the top of this manual is a snapshot
of the window (or part of the window) produced
by the following code.<p></p>
class Demo:
    def __init__(self, parent):
        # Create and pack the ButtonBox.
        self.buttonBox = Pmw.ButtonBox(parent,
                labelpos = 'nw',
                label_text = 'ButtonBox:',
                frame_borderwidth = 2,
                frame_relief = 'groove')
        self.buttonBox.pack(fill = 'both', expand = 1, padx = 10, pady = 10)

        # Add some buttons to the ButtonBox.
        self.buttonBox.add('OK', command = self.ok)
        self.buttonBox.add('Apply', command = self.apply)
        self.buttonBox.add('Cancel', command = self.cancel)

        # Set the default button (the one executed when &lt;Return&gt; is hit).
        parent.bind('&lt;Return&gt;', self._processReturnKey)

        # Make all the buttons the same width.

    def _processReturnKey(self, event):

    def ok(self):
        print 'You clicked on OK'

    def apply(self):
        print 'You clicked on Apply'

    def cancel(self):
        print 'You clicked on Cancel'


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    Pmw 1.3 -
     7 Aug 2007
     - <a href="index.html">Home</a>
    <br>Manual page last reviewed: 24 May 1998
