

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 0be7620be6a1578fbd49765844864a01 > files > 1846


(*    Lablgtk - Examples                                                  *)
(*                                                                        *)
(*    There is no specific licensing policy, but you may freely           *)
(*    take inspiration from the code, and copy parts of it in your        *)
(*    application.                                                        *)
(*                                                                        *)

(* $Id: 1452 2009-05-08 10:15:38Z garrigue $ *)

open StdLabels
open GdkKeysyms
open GMain
open GObj

let create_bbox direction title spacing child_w child_h layout =
  let frame = GBin.frame ~label: title () in
  let bbox = GPack.button_box direction ~border_width: 5 ~packing: frame#add
      ~layout: layout ~child_height: child_h ~child_width: child_w
      ~spacing: spacing () in
  GButton.button ~label: "OK"     ~packing: bbox#add ();
  GButton.button ~label: "Cancel" ~packing: bbox#add ();
  GButton.button ~label: "Help"   ~packing: bbox#add ();

let create_button_box =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "Button Boxes" ~border_width: 0 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let main_vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing: (window#add) () in

	let frame_horz = GBin.frame ~label: "Horizontal Button Boxes"
	    ~packing:(main_vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true ~padding:10) () in

	let vbox = GPack.vbox ~border_width: 10 ~packing: frame_horz#add () in

	vbox#add  (create_bbox `HORIZONTAL "Spread" 40 85 20 `SPREAD);
	vbox#pack (create_bbox `HORIZONTAL "Edge"   40 85 20 `EDGE)
          ~expand: true ~fill: true ~padding: 5;
	vbox#pack (create_bbox `HORIZONTAL "Start"  40 85 20 `START)
          ~expand: true ~fill: true ~padding: 5;
	vbox#pack (create_bbox `HORIZONTAL "End"    40 85 20 `END)
          ~expand: true ~fill: true ~padding: 5;

	let frame_vert = GBin.frame ~label: "Vertical Button Boxes"
	    ~packing:(main_vbox#pack ~expand:true ~fill:true ~padding:10) () in

	let hbox = GPack.hbox ~border_width: 10 ~packing: frame_vert#add () in
	hbox#add  (create_bbox `VERTICAL "Spread" 30 85 20 `SPREAD);
	hbox#pack (create_bbox `VERTICAL "Edge"   30 85 20 `EDGE)
          ~expand: true ~fill: true ~padding: 5;
	hbox#pack (create_bbox `VERTICAL "Start"  30 85 20 `START)
          ~expand: true ~fill: true ~padding: 5;
	hbox#pack (create_bbox `VERTICAL "End"    30 85 20 `END)
          ~expand: true ~fill: true ~padding: 5;
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
in aux

let button_window button _ =
  if button #misc#visible then
    button #misc#hide ()
    button #misc#show ()

let create_buttons =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "GtkButton" ~border_width: 0 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in

	let table = GPack.table ~rows:3 ~columns:3 ~homogeneous:false
	    ~row_spacings:3 ~col_spacings:3 ~border_width:10
	    ~packing:box1#add () in

	let button = Array.create 9 (GButton.button ~label:"button1" ()) in
	for i = 2 to 9 do
	  button.(i-1) <- GButton.button ~label:("button" ^ string_of_int i) ();

	let f i l r t b =
	  button.(i) #connect#clicked ~callback:(button_window button.(i+1));
	  table #attach button.(i)#coerce ~left:l ~right:r ~top:t ~bottom:b
	    ~xpadding:0 ~ypadding:0 ~expand:`BOTH
	f 0 0 1 0 1;
	f 1 1 2 1 2;
	f 2 2 3 2 3;
	f 3 0 1 2 3;
	f 4 2 3 0 1;
	f 5 1 2 2 3;
	f 6 1 2 0 1;
	f 7 2 3 1 2;
	button.(8) #connect#clicked ~callback:(button_window button.(0));
	table #attach button.(8)#coerce ~left:0 ~right:1 ~top:1 ~bottom:2
	  ~xpadding:0 ~ypadding:0 ~expand:`BOTH;

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:box1#pack ();

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~border_width: 10
            ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing: box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
	button #grab_default ();
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
in aux

let create_check_buttons =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "GtkCheckButton"
	    ~border_width: 0 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in
	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~border_width: 10
	    ~packing: box1#pack () in

	for i = 1 to 3 do
	  GButton.check_button ~label:("button" ^ (string_of_int i))
	    ~packing: box2#add ();

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing: box1#pack ();

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10
	    ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing:box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
	button #grab_default ();
	window #show ()

    | Some window ->  window #destroy ()
in aux

let create_radio_buttons =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "radio buttons"
	    ~border_width: 0 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10
	    ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.radio_button ~label:"button1"
	    ~packing: box2#add () in

	let button = GButton.radio_button ~label:"button2" ~group:button#group
	    ~packing: box2#add ~active:true () in

	let button = GButton.radio_button ~label:"button3" ~group:button#group
	    ~packing: box2#add () in

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing: box1#pack ();

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10
            ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing: box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window #destroy;
	button #grab_default ();
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
in aux

let create_toggle_buttons =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "GtkToggleButton"
	    ~border_width: 0 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing: window#add () in

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~border_width: 10
	    ~packing: box1#pack () in

	for i = 1 to 3 do
	  GButton.toggle_button ~label:("button" ^ (string_of_int i))
	    ~packing: box2#add ()

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing: box1#pack ();

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~border_width: 10
	    ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing:box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
	button #grab_default ();
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
in aux

(* Menus *)

let create_menu depth tearoff =
  let rec aux depth tearoff =
    let menu = () and group = ref None in
    if tearoff then ignore (GMenu.tearoff_item ~packing: menu#append ());
    for i = 0 to 4 do
      let menuitem = GMenu.radio_menu_item ?group:!group
	  ~label:("item " ^ string_of_int depth ^ " - " ^ string_of_int (i+1))
	  ~packing:menu#append ~show_toggle:(depth mod 2 <> 0)
	  () in
      group := Some (menuitem #group);
      if i = 3 then menuitem #misc#set_sensitive false;
      if depth > 1 then
	menuitem #set_submenu (aux (depth-1) true)

  in aux depth tearoff

let create_menus =
  let rw = ref None in
  fun () ->
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "menus"
	    ~border_width: 0 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);
	window #event#connect#delete ~callback:(fun _ -> true);

	let accel_group = GtkData.AccelGroup.create () in
	window #add_accel_group accel_group  ;

	let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in

	let menubar = GMenu.menu_bar ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let menuitem = GMenu.menu_item ~label:"test\nline2"
	    ~packing: menubar#append () in
	menuitem #set_submenu (create_menu 2 true);

	let menuitem = GMenu.menu_item ~label:"foo" ~right_justified:true
	    ~packing: menubar#append () in
	menuitem #set_submenu (create_menu 3 true);

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~packing: box1#add
	    ~border_width: 10 () in

	let menu = create_menu 1 false in
	menu #set_accel_group accel_group;

	let menuitem = GMenu.check_menu_item ~label:"Accelerate Me"
	    ~packing:menu#append () in
	menuitem #add_accelerator ~group:accel_group _M

	let menuitem = GMenu.check_menu_item ~label:"Accelerator Locked"
	    ~packing:menu#append () in
	menuitem #add_accelerator ~group:accel_group _L
	  ~flags:[`VISIBLE; `LOCKED];

	let menuitem = GMenu.check_menu_item ~label:"Accelerators Frozen"
	    ~packing:menu#append () in
	menuitem #add_accelerator ~group:accel_group _F

	let menuitem = GMenu.image_menu_item ~stock:`OPEN
	    ~packing:menu#append () in
	let path = "<APPLICATION>/Open" in
	GtkMenu.MenuItem.set_accel_path menuitem#as_item path;
	let stock = GtkStock.Item.lookup `OPEN in
	GtkData.AccelMap.add_entry ~key:stock.GtkStock.keyval
	  ~modi:stock.GtkStock.modifier path;

	let optionmenu = GMenu.option_menu ~packing: box2#add () in
	optionmenu #set_menu menu;
	optionmenu #set_history 3;

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing: box1#pack ();

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10
	    ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing: box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
	button #grab_default ();
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()

(* Modal windows *)

let cmw_destroy_cb _ =
  Main.quit ()

let cmw_color parent _ =
  let csd = GWindow.color_selection_dialog ~modal:true
      ~title:"This is a modal color selection dialog" () in
  csd # set_transient_for parent#as_window;
  csd # connect#destroy ~callback:cmw_destroy_cb;
  csd # ok_button # connect#clicked ~callback:csd#destroy;
  csd # cancel_button # connect#clicked ~callback:csd#destroy;
  csd # show ();
  Main.main ()

let cmw_file parent _ =
  let fs = GWindow.file_selection ~modal:true
      ~title:"This is a modal file selection dialog" () in
  fs # set_transient_for parent#as_window;
  fs # connect#destroy ~callback:cmw_destroy_cb;
  fs # ok_button # connect#clicked ~callback:fs#destroy;
  fs # cancel_button # connect#clicked ~callback:fs#destroy;
  fs # show ();
  Main.main ()

let create_modal_window () =
  let window = GWindow.window ~modal:true ~title:"This window is modal" () in
  let box1 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:5 ~border_width:3 ~packing:window#add () in
  let frame1 = GBin.frame ~label:"Standard dialogs in modal form"
      ~packing:(box1#pack ~expand:true ~padding:4) () in
  let box2 = GPack.vbox ~homogeneous:true ~spacing:5 ~packing:frame1#add () in
  let btnColor = GButton.button ~label:"Color"
      ~packing:(box2#pack ~padding:4) ()
  and btnFile = GButton.button ~label:"File selection"
      ~packing:(box2#pack ~padding:4) ()
  and btnClose = GButton.button ~label:"Close"
      ~packing:(box2#pack ~padding:4) () in
  GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL
    ~packing:(box1#pack ~padding:4) ();

  btnClose #connect#clicked ~callback:(fun _ -> window #destroy ());
  window #connect#destroy ~callback:cmw_destroy_cb;
  btnColor #connect#clicked ~callback: (cmw_color window);
  btnFile #connect#clicked ~callback: (cmw_file window);
  window # show ();
  Main.main ()

(* corrected bug in testgtk.c *)
let scrolled_windows_remove, scrolled_windows_clean =
  let parent = ref None and float_parent = ref None in
  let remove (scrollwin : GBin.scrolled_window) () =
    match !parent with
    | None ->
	parent := scrollwin#misc#parent;
	let f = GWindow.window ~title:"new parent" () in
	float_parent := Some f#coerce;
	f #set_default_size ~width:200 ~height:200;
	scrollwin #misc#reparent f#coerce;
	f #show ()
    | Some p ->
	scrollwin #misc#reparent p;
	match !float_parent with
	| None -> ()
	| Some f ->
	  f #destroy ();
	float_parent := None;
	parent := None
  and clean () =
    match !float_parent with
    | None -> ()
    | Some p -> p #destroy (); parent := None; float_parent := None
  in remove, clean

(* scrolled windows *)

let create_scrolled_windows =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.dialog ~title:"dialog" ~border_width:0 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun  _ -> rw := None);
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:scrolled_windows_clean;

	let scrolled_window = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width:10
	    ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
	    ~packing: window#vbox#add () in

	let table = GPack.table ~rows:20 ~columns:20 ~row_spacings:10
	    ~col_spacings:10 ~packing:scrolled_window#add_with_viewport () in
	table #focus#set_hadjustment (Some scrolled_window # hadjustment);
	table #focus#set_vadjustment (Some scrolled_window # vadjustment);

	for i = 0 to 19 do
	  for j=0 to 19 do
	      ~label:("button ("^ string_of_int i ^","^ string_of_int j ^")\n")
	      ~packing:(table #attach ~left:i ~top:j ~expand:`BOTH) ()

	let button = GButton.button ~label:"close"
	    ~packing:window#action_area#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback:(window #destroy);
	button #grab_default ();

	let button = GButton.button ~label:"remove"
	    ~packing:window#action_area#add () in
	button #connect#clicked
	  ~callback:(scrolled_windows_remove scrolled_window);
	button #grab_default ();

	window #set_default_size ~width:300 ~height:300;
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
  in aux

(* Toolbar *)

let make_toolbar (toolbar : GButton.toolbar) window =
  let icon =
    let pb = GdkPixbuf.from_file "test.xpm" in
    fun () -> (GMisc.image ~pixbuf:pb ())#coerce

  toolbar #insert_button ~text:"Horizontal"
    ~tooltip:"Horizontal toolbar layout"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(fun _ -> toolbar #set_orientation `HORIZONTAL) ();

  toolbar #insert_button ~text:"Vertical"
    ~tooltip:"Vertical toolbar layout"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(fun _ -> toolbar #set_orientation `VERTICAL) ();

  toolbar #insert_space ();

  toolbar #insert_button ~text:"Icons"
    ~tooltip: "Only show toolbar icons"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(fun _ -> toolbar #set_style `ICONS) ();

  toolbar #insert_button ~text:"Text"
    ~tooltip: "Only show toolbar text"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(fun _ -> toolbar #set_style `TEXT) ();

  toolbar #insert_button ~text:"Both"
    ~tooltip: "Show toolbar icons and text"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(fun _ -> toolbar #set_style `BOTH) ();

  toolbar #insert_space ();

  GEdit.entry ~packing:(toolbar #insert_widget
			 ~tooltip:"This is an unusable GtkEntry"
			 ~tooltip_private: "Hey don't click me!!!") ();

  toolbar #insert_space ();

  toolbar #insert_button ~text:"Enable"
    ~tooltip:"Enable tooltips"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(fun _ -> toolbar #set_tooltips true) ();

  toolbar #insert_button ~text:"Disable"
    ~tooltip:"Disable tooltips"
    ~icon:(icon ())
    ~callback:(fun _ -> toolbar #set_tooltips false) ();

let create_toolbar =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "Toolbar test"
	    ~border_width: 0 ~allow_shrink: false ~allow_grow: true () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);
	window #misc #realize ();

	let toolbar = GButton.toolbar ~packing: window#add () in
	make_toolbar toolbar window;

	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
  in aux

(* Handlebox *)

let handle_box_child_signal action (hb : GBin.handle_box) child =
  Printf.printf "%s: child <%s> %s\n" hb#misc#get_type
    child#misc#get_type action;
  flush stdout

let create_handle_box =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title: "Handle box test"
	    ~border_width: 20 ~allow_shrink: false ~allow_grow: true () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);
	window #misc #realize ();

	let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in

	GMisc.label ~text:"Above" ~packing:vbox#add ();
	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:vbox#add ();

	let hbox = GPack.hbox ~spacing:10 ~packing:vbox#add () in
	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:vbox#add ();

	GMisc.label ~text:"Below" ~packing:vbox#add ();
	let handle_box = GBin.handle_box ~packing:hbox#pack () in
	handle_box #connect#child_attached
	  ~callback:(handle_box_child_signal "attached" handle_box);
	handle_box #connect#child_detached
	  ~callback:(handle_box_child_signal "detached" handle_box);

	let toolbar = GButton.toolbar ~packing:handle_box#add () in
	make_toolbar toolbar window;

	let handle_box = GBin.handle_box ~packing:hbox#pack () in
	handle_box #connect#child_attached
	  ~callback:(handle_box_child_signal "attached" handle_box);
	handle_box #connect#child_detached
	  ~callback:(handle_box_child_signal "detached" handle_box);

	let handle_box2 = GBin.handle_box ~packing:handle_box#add () in
	handle_box2 #connect#child_attached
	  ~callback:(handle_box_child_signal "attached" handle_box);
	handle_box2 #connect#child_detached
	  ~callback:(handle_box_child_signal "detached" handle_box);

	GMisc.label ~text:"Fooo!" ~packing:handle_box2#add ();
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
  in aux

(* Tree *)

class tree_and_buttons () =
  val tree = GBroken.tree ()
  val add_button = GButton.button ~label: "Add Item" ()
  val remove_button = GButton.button ~label:"Remove Item(s)" ()
  val subtree_button = GButton.button ~label:"Remove Subtree" ()
  val mutable nb_item_add = 0

  method tree = tree
  method add_button = add_button
  method remove_button = remove_button
  method subtree_button = subtree_button
  method nb_item_add = nb_item_add
  method incr_nb_item_add = nb_item_add <- nb_item_add + 1

let cb_tree_destroy_event w = ()

let cb_add_new_item (treeb : tree_and_buttons) _ =
  let subtree =
    match treeb#tree#selection with
    | []  -> treeb#tree
    | selected_item :: _ ->
       match selected_item#subtree with Some t -> t
       | None ->
	   let t = GBroken.tree () in
	   selected_item#set_subtree t;
  let item_new = GBroken.tree_item ~packing:(subtree#insert ~pos:0)
      ~label:("item add " ^ string_of_int treeb # nb_item_add) () in
  treeb #incr_nb_item_add

let cb_remove_item (treeb : tree_and_buttons) _  =
  let tree = treeb#tree in
  match tree #selection with
  | [] -> ()
  |  selected -> tree #remove_items selected

let cb_remove_subtree (treeb : tree_and_buttons) _ =
  match treeb#tree #selection with
  | [] -> ()
  | selected_item :: _ ->
    try selected_item#subtree; selected_item#remove_subtree ()
    with Not_found -> ()

let cb_tree_changed (treeb : tree_and_buttons) _ =
  let tree = treeb#tree in
  let nb_selected = List.length (tree#selection) in
  if nb_selected = 0 then begin
    treeb # remove_button #misc#set_sensitive false;
    treeb # subtree_button #misc#set_sensitive false;
  end else begin
    treeb # remove_button #misc#set_sensitive true;
    treeb # subtree_button #misc#set_sensitive (nb_selected = 1);
    treeb # add_button #misc#set_sensitive (nb_selected = 1);

let rec create_subtree (item : GBroken.tree_item) level nb_item_max
    recursion_level_max =
  if level = recursion_level_max then ()
  else begin
    let item_subtree = GBroken.tree () in
    for nb_item = 1 to nb_item_max do
      let item_new =
        GBroken.tree_item ~packing:(item_subtree#insert ~pos:0) () in
      let ali =
        GBin.alignment ~xalign:0. ~xscale:0. ~packing:item_new#add () in
      let label = GMisc.label ~packing:ali#add
          ~text:("item" ^ string_of_int level ^ "-" ^ string_of_int nb_item) ()
      if nb_item = 2 then begin
        ali#remove label#coerce;
        let evbox = GBin.event_box ~packing:ali#add () in
        evbox#add label#coerce;
        evbox#misc#modify_bg [`NORMAL, `NAME "green"]
      create_subtree item_new (level + 1) nb_item_max recursion_level_max;
    item # set_subtree item_subtree

let create_tree_sample selection_mode draw_line view_line no_root_item
    nb_item_max recursion_level_max =
  let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Tree Sample" () in
  let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in
  let box2 = GPack.vbox ~packing:box1#add ~border_width:5 () in
  let scrolled_win = GBin.scrolled_window ~packing:box2#add
      ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy:`AUTOMATIC
      ~width:200 ~height:200 () in

  let root_treeb = new tree_and_buttons () in
  let root_tree = root_treeb#tree in
  root_tree #connect#selection_changed ~callback:(cb_tree_changed root_treeb);
  scrolled_win #add_with_viewport root_tree#coerce;
  root_tree #set_selection_mode selection_mode;
  root_tree #set_view_lines draw_line;
  root_tree #set_view_mode
    (match view_line with `LINE -> `ITEM | `ITEM -> `LINE);

  if no_root_item then
    for nb_item = 1 to nb_item_max do
      let item_new =
        GBroken.tree_item ~label:("item0-" ^ string_of_int nb_item)
	  ~packing:(root_tree#insert ~pos:0) () in
      create_subtree item_new 1 nb_item_max recursion_level_max;
  else begin
    let root_item = GBroken.tree_item ~label:"root item"
	~packing:(root_tree #insert ~pos:0) () in
    create_subtree root_item 0 nb_item_max recursion_level_max

  let box2 = GPack.vbox ~border_width:5 ~packing:box1#pack () in

  let button = root_treeb #add_button in
  button #misc#set_sensitive false;
  button #connect#clicked ~callback:(cb_add_new_item root_treeb);
  box2 #add button#coerce;

  let button = root_treeb #remove_button in
  button #misc#set_sensitive false;
  button #connect#clicked ~callback:(cb_remove_item root_treeb);
  box2 #add button#coerce;

  let button = root_treeb #subtree_button in
  button #misc#set_sensitive false;
  button #connect#clicked ~callback:(cb_remove_subtree root_treeb);
  box2 #add button#coerce;

  GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:box1#pack ();

  let button = GButton.button ~label:"Close" ~packing:box2#add () in
  button #connect#clicked ~callback:window#destroy;

  window #show ()

let create_tree_mode_window =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
    let default_number_of_item = 3.0 in
    let default_recursion_level = 3.0 in
    let single_button = GButton.radio_button ~label:"SINGLE" () in
    let browse_button = GButton.radio_button
	~group:single_button#group ~label:"BROWSE" () in
    let multiple_button = GButton.radio_button
	~group:browse_button#group ~label:"MULTIPLE" () in
    let draw_line_button = GButton.check_button ~label:"Draw line" () in
    let view_line_button = GButton.check_button ~label:"View line mode" () in
    let no_root_item_button = GButton.check_button
	~label:"Without Root item" () in
    let nb_item_spinner = GEdit.spin_button
	~adjustment:(GData.adjustment ~value:default_number_of_item
	   ~lower:1.0 ~upper:255.0 ~step_incr:1.0 ~page_incr:5.0
	   ~page_size:0.0 ()) ~rate:0. ~digits:0 () in
    let recursion_spinner = GEdit.spin_button
	~adjustment:(GData.adjustment ~value:default_recursion_level
	   ~lower:0.0 ~upper:255.0 ~step_incr:1.0 ~page_incr:5.0
	   ~page_size:0.0 ()) ~rate:0. ~digits:0 () in
    let cb_create_tree _ =
      let selection_mode =
	if single_button #active then `SINGLE
	else if browse_button #active then `BROWSE
	else `MULTIPLE in
      let nb_item = nb_item_spinner#value_as_int  in
      let recursion_level = recursion_spinner#value_as_int in
      create_tree_sample selection_mode (draw_line_button #active)
	(if (view_line_button #active) then `ITEM else `LINE)
	(no_root_item_button #active)
	nb_item recursion_level
    match !rw with
    | None ->
	let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Set Tree Parameters" () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:box1#add
	    ~border_width:5 () in

	let box3 = GPack.hbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:box2#add () in

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Selection Mode" ~packing:box3#add ()

	let box4 = GPack.vbox ~packing:frame#add ~border_width:5 () in

	box4 #add single_button#coerce;
	box4 #add browse_button#coerce;
	box4 #add multiple_button#coerce;

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Options" ~packing:box3#add () in

	let box4 = GPack.vbox ~packing:frame#add ~border_width:5 () in
	box4 #add draw_line_button#coerce;
	draw_line_button #set_active true;

	box4 #add view_line_button#coerce;
	view_line_button #set_active true;

	box4 #add no_root_item_button#coerce;

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Size Parameters" ~packing:box2#add ()

	let box4 = GPack.hbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:frame#add ~border_width:5 () in

	let box5 = GPack.hbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:box4#add () in
	let label = GMisc.label ~text:"Number of items : "
            ~xalign:0. ~yalign:0.5 ~packing:box5#pack () in
	box5 #pack nb_item_spinner#coerce;

	let label = GMisc.label ~text:"Depth : " ~xalign:0. ~yalign:0.5
	    ~packing:box5#pack () in
	box5 #pack recursion_spinner#coerce;

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:box1#pack ();

	let box2 = GPack.hbox ~homogeneous:true ~spacing:10 ~border_width:5
	    ~packing:box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label:"Create Tree"
            ~packing:box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback:cb_create_tree;

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing:box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
	button #grab_default ();
	window #show ()

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
  in aux

(* Tooltips *)

let tips_query_widget_entered (toggle : GButton.toggle_button)
    (tq : GMisc.tips_query) _ ~text ~privat:_  =
  if toggle #active then begin
    tq #set_text (if text = "" then "There is no tip!" else "There is a tip!");
    GtkSignal.stop_emit ()

let tips_query_widget_selected (w : #widget option) ~text ~privat:tp _ =
  (match w with
  | None -> ()
  | Some w ->
    Printf.printf "Help \"%s\" requested for <%s>\n"
	(if tp = "" then "None" else tp)
	(w #misc#get_type));

let create_tooltips =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
     match !rw with
    | None ->

	let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Tooltips"
	    ~border_width:0 ~allow_shrink:false ~allow_grow:false () in
	rw := Some window;
	let tooltips = GData.tooltips () in
	window #connect#destroy
	  ~callback:(fun _ -> tooltips #destroy ();  rw := None);

	let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10
	    ~packing:box1#add () in

	let button = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"button1"
            ~packing:box2#add ()
	tooltips #set_tip button#coerce ~text:"This is button1"

	let button = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"button2"
            ~packing:box2#add ()
	tooltips #set_tip button#coerce
	  ~text:"This is button 2. This is also a really long tooltip which probably won't fit on a single line and will therefore need to be wrapped. Hopefully the wrapping will work correctly."

	let toggle = GButton.toggle_button ~label:"Override TipsQuery Label"
	    ~packing:box2#add () in
	tooltips #set_tip toggle#coerce ~text:"Toggle TipsQuery view."
	  ~privat:"Hi msw! ;)";

	let box3 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:5 ~border_width:5 () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label:"[?]"
	    ~packing:box3#pack () in

	let tips_query = GMisc.tips_query ~packing:box3#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback:(tips_query #start);

	tooltips #set_tip button#coerce ~text:"Start the Tooltips Inspector"

	tips_query #set_caller (Some button#coerce);
	tips_query #connect#widget_entered
	  ~callback:(tips_query_widget_entered toggle tips_query);
	tips_query #connect#widget_selected ~callback:tips_query_widget_selected;

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Tooltips Inspector"
	    ~border_width:0 ~packing:(box2#pack ~expand:true ~padding:10)
	    ~label_xalign:0.5 ~label_yalign:0.0 () in
	frame #add box3#coerce;

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:box1#pack ();

	let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~border_width: 10
	    ~packing: box1#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing: box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
	button #grab_default ();
	tooltips #set_tip button#coerce ~text:"Push this button to close window"

	window #show ();

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
  in aux

(* Labels *)
let create_labels =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
     match !rw with
    | None ->

	let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Labels" ~border_width:5 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy
	  ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let hbox = GPack.hbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:window#add () in
	let vbox = GPack.vbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:hbox#add () in

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Normal Label"
	    ~packing:vbox#pack () in
	GMisc.label ~text:"This is a normal label" ~packing:frame#add ();

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Multi_line Label"
	    ~packing:vbox#pack () in
	GMisc.label ~packing:frame#add
	  ~text:"This is a multi-line label.\nSecond line\nThird line" ();

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Left Justified Label"
	    ~packing:vbox#pack () in
	GMisc.label ~packing:frame#add ~justify:`LEFT
	  ~text:"This is a left justified\nmulti_line label\nThird line" ();

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Right Justified Label"
	    ~packing:vbox#pack () in
	GMisc.label ~packing:frame#add ~justify:`RIGHT
	  ~text:"This is a right justified\nmulti_line label\nThird line" ();

	let vbox = GPack.vbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:hbox#add () in

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Line wrapped Label"
	    ~packing:vbox#pack () in
	GMisc.label ~packing:frame#add ~line_wrap:true
	  ~text:"This is an example of a line-wrapped label.  It should not be taking up the entire             width allocated to it, but automatically wraps the words to fit.  The time has come, for all good men, to come to the aid of their party.  The sixth sheik's six sheep's sick.\n     It supports multiple paragraphs correctly, and  correctly   adds many          extra  spaces. " ();

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Underlined Label"
	    ~packing:vbox#pack () in
	GMisc.label ~text:"This label is underlined!\nThis one is underlined in a quite a funky fashion" ~packing:frame#add
	  ~justify:`LEFT ~pattern:"_________________________ _ _________ _ _____ _ __ __  ___ ____ _____" ();

	window #show ();

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
  in aux

(* reparent *)

let set_parent child old_parent =
  let name_opt = function
    | None -> "(NULL)"
    | Some w -> w#misc#get_type in
    "set parent for \"%s\": new parent: \"%s\", old parent: \"%s\"\n"
    (name_opt child#misc#parent)
    (name_opt old_parent);
  flush stdout

let reparent_label (label : GMisc.label) new_parent _ =
  label #misc#reparent new_parent

let create_reparent =
  let rw = ref None in
  let aux () =
     match !rw with
    | None ->

	let window = GWindow.window ~title:"Reparent" ~border_width:5 () in
	rw := Some window;
	window #connect#destroy ~callback:(fun _ -> rw := None);

	let vbox = GPack.vbox ~packing:window#add () in
	let hbox = GPack.hbox ~spacing:5 ~border_width:10
            ~packing:vbox#add () in

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Frame1"  ~packing:hbox#add () in
	let vbox2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:5 ~border_width:5
            ~packing:frame#add () in
	let label = GMisc.label ~text:"Hello world"
	    ~packing:vbox2#pack () in
	label #misc#connect#parent_set ~callback:(set_parent label);
	let button = GButton.button ~label:"switch"
	    ~packing:vbox2#pack () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback:(reparent_label label vbox2#coerce);

	let frame = GBin.frame ~label:"Frame2"  ~packing:hbox#add () in
	let vbox2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing:5 ~packing:frame#add ~border_width:5 () in
	let button = GButton.button ~label:"switch"
	    ~packing:vbox2#pack () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback:(reparent_label label vbox2#coerce);

	GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing:vbox#pack ();

	let vbox = GPack.vbox ~spacing:10 ~border_width:10
	    ~packing:vbox#pack () in

	let button = GButton.button ~label: "close" ~packing:vbox#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
	button #grab_default ();

	window #show ();

    | Some window -> window #destroy ()
  in aux

let create_main_window () =
  let buttons = [
    "button box", Some create_button_box;
    "buttons", Some create_buttons;
    "check buttons", Some create_check_buttons;
    "clist", None;
    "color selection", None;
    "ctree", None;
    "cursors", None;
    "dialog", None;
    "entry", None;
    "event watcher", None;
    "file selection", None;
    "font selection", None;
    "gamma curve", None;
    "handle box", Some create_handle_box;
    "item factory", None;
    "labels", Some create_labels;
    "layout", None;
    "list", None;
    "menus", Some create_menus;
    "modal windows", Some create_modal_window;
    "notebooks", None;
    "panes", None;
    "pixmap", None;
    "preview color", None;
    "preview gray", None;
    "progress bar", None;
    "radio buttons", Some create_radio_buttons;
    "range controls", None;
    "rc file", None;
    "reparent", Some create_reparent;
    "rulers", None;
    "saved position", None;
    "scrolled windows", Some create_scrolled_windows;
    "shapes", None;
    "spinbutton", None;
    "statusbar", None;
    "test idle", None;
    "test mainloop", None;
    "test scrolling", None;
    "test selection", None;
    "test timeout", None;
    "text", None;
    "toggle buttons", Some create_toggle_buttons;
    "toolbar", Some create_toolbar;
    "tooltips", Some create_tooltips;
    "tree", Some create_tree_mode_window;
    "WM hints", None
  ] in

  let window = GWindow.window ~title:"main window" ~width:200 ~height:400 () in
  window#move ~x:20 ~y:20;

  window #connect#destroy ~callback: Main.quit;

  let box1 = GPack.vbox ~packing: window#add () in

  GMisc.label ~text: "Gtk+ v2.x" ~packing:box1#pack ();

  let scrolled_window = GBin.scrolled_window ~border_width: 10
      ~hpolicy: `AUTOMATIC ~vpolicy: `AUTOMATIC
      ~packing:box1#add () in

  let box2 = GPack.vbox ~border_width: 10
      ~packing:scrolled_window#add_with_viewport () in
  box2 #focus#set_vadjustment (Some scrolled_window#vadjustment);

  let rec aux = function
    | [] -> ()
    | (_,     None) :: tl -> aux tl
    | (label, Some func) :: tl ->
	let button = GButton.button ~label: label ~packing: box2#add () in
	button #connect#clicked ~callback: func;
	aux tl
  in aux buttons;

  GMisc.separator `HORIZONTAL ~packing: box1#pack ();

  let box2 = GPack.vbox ~spacing: 10 ~border_width: 10
      ~packing: box1#pack () in

  let button = GButton.button ~label: "close"  ~packing: box2#add () in
  button #connect#clicked ~callback: window#destroy;
  button #grab_default ();

  window #show ();
  let tray_icon = GMisc.status_icon_from_file "gnome-fs-directory.png" in
   (fun () -> GToolbox.message_box "testgtk" "Tray icon activated!"));
  Main.main ()

let _ = create_main_window ()