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<title>Roundup: an Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers</title>
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Copyright (c) 2000 Ka-Ping Yee.  This material may
be distributed only subject to the terms and conditions set forth in
the Software Carpentry Open Publication License, which is available at:
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<h1 align=center>Roundup</h1>
<h3 align=center>An Issue-Tracking System for Knowledge Workers</h3>
<h4 align=center>Ka-Ping Yee</h4>
<h4 align=center><a href="">lfw discorporated</a><br>
<a href=""></a></h4>

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<li><a href="#overview">Overview</a>
<li><a href="#background">Background</a>
    <li><a href="#principles">Guiding Principles</a>
<li><a href="#data">Data Model</a>
    <li><a href="#hyperdb">The Hyperdatabase</a>
    <li><a href="#rationale">Rationale</a>
    <li><a href="#roundupdb">Roundup's Hyperdatabase</a>
    <li><a href="#schema">The Default Schema</a>
<li><a href="#ui">User Interface</a>
    <li><a href="#discuss">Submission and Discussion (Nosy Lists)</a>
    <li><a href="#edit">Editing (Templated UI)</a>
    <li><a href="#browse">Browsing and Searching</a>
<li><a href="#devplan">Development Plan</a>
<li><a href="#issues">Open Issues</a>
<li><a href="#summary">Summary</a>
<li><a href="#ack">Acknowledgements</a>

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<h2><a name="overview">Overview</a></h2>

<p>We propose an issue-tracking system called
<em>Roundup</em>, which will manage a number of issues
(with properties such as "description", "priority", and so on)
and provide the ability to
(a) submit new issues,
(b) find and edit existing issues,
(c) discuss issues with other participants.
The system will facilitate communication
among the participants by managing discussions and
notifying interested parties when issues are edited.

<p>This design draws on experience from 
<a href="">an existing
implementation</a> which we will refer to
as "the Roundup prototype".
The graphical interface we have in mind will resemble
<a href="">
the main display of the prototype</a>.

<p align=center>
<a href="images/roundup-1.png">
<img src="images/roundup.png" width=358 height=205 border=0 alt=""></a>

<h2><a name="background">Background</a></h2>

<p>A typical software project requires the management of
many tasks, usually distributed among several collaborators.
In fact, any project team
could use a tool for sorting out and discussing all the
relevant issues.  A common approach is to set up some kind
of "to-do" list that people can share.

<p>However, to address the overall problem we need much more
than just a shared to-do list; we need to
manage a growing body of knowledge and experience to help a
team collaborate effectively on a project.  The issue-tracking
tool becomes a nexus for communication: the Grand Central
Station of the group intelligence.

<p>The primary focus of this design is to help
developers work together well, not to provide a customer
service interface to the developers.  This is not to say that
the design is to be made unsuitable for customers to use.
Rather, it is assumed that many of the same qualities
that are good for supporting development (see below)
are also good for non-developers using the system.
Additional niceties
for providing a safe or simplified interface to clients are
intentionally deferred for later consideration.

<p>A good issue-tracking system should have at least the
following properties:

<p><table align=right width="40%" bgcolor="#808080"
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With a nod to the time-honoured computer science tradition
of "filling in the fourth quadrant", we note that
there are really four kinds of information flow
going on here.  The three mentioned qualities
really address the first three quadrants of this 2-by-2 matrix,

<li>User push: a user submits information to the system.
<li>User pull: a user queries for information from the system.
<li>System push: the system sends information out to users.
<li>System pull: the system solicits information from users.

An example of the fourth kind of flow is voting.
Voting isn't described in this design,
but it should be noted as a potential enhancement.

<li><strong>Low barrier to participation.</strong>
The usefulness of the tool depends entirely on the
information people contribute to it.  It must be made
as easy as possible to submit new issues and contribute
information about existing issues.<p>

<li><strong>Straightforward navigation.</strong>
It should be easy for users to extract information they need
from the system to direct their decisions and tasks.
They should be able to get a decent overview of
things as well as finding specific information when
they know what they're after.<p>

<li><strong>Controlled information flow.</strong>
The users must have control over how much information and
what information they get.  A common flaw of some issue-tracking
systems is that they inundate users with so much useless
e-mail that people avoid the system altogether.
<br clear=all>

<h3><a name="principles">Guiding Principles</a></h3>

<p><strong>Simplicity.</strong> It is a strong requirement
that the tool be accessible and understandable.  It should
be fairly obvious what different parts of the interface do,
and the inner mechanisms should operate in ways that most
users can easily predict.

We aim to optimize for minimum effort to do the most common
operations, and best use of resources like screen real estate
to maximize the amount of information that we summarize and present.

<p><strong>Generality.</strong> We try to avoid making
unnecessary assumptions that would restrict the applicability
of the tool.  For example, there is no reason why one might
not also want to use this tool to manage a design process,
non-software projects, or organizational decisions.

<p><strong>Persistence.</strong> We
prefer hiding or reclassifying information to deleting it.
This helps support the collection of statistics later.
If records are never destroyed, there is little danger
in providing access to a larger community, and logging yields
accountability, which may encourage better behaviour.

<p><table align=right width="40%" bgcolor="#808080"
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Okay, enough ranting.  Let's get down to business.
<h2><a name="data">Data Model</a></h2>

<p>Roundup stores a number of <em>items</em>, each of
which can have several properties and an associated discussion.
The properties can be used to classify or search for items.
The discussion is a sequence of e-mail messages.
Each item is identified by a unique number, and has
an activity log which
records the time and content of edits made on its properties.
The log stays fairly small since the design intentionally
provides only small data types as item properties, and
encourages anything large to be attached to
e-mail where it becomes part of the discussion.
The next section explains how items are organized.

<h3><a name="hyperdb">The Hyperdatabase</a></h3>

<p><table align=right width="40%" bgcolor="#808080"
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cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5 border=0><tr><td
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In my opinion, forcing
items into fixed categories is one of the most
serious problems with the Roundup prototype.
The hyperdatabase is an <em>experimental</em> attempt to
address the problem of information organization,
whose scope goes beyond just Roundup.

Often when classifying information we are
asked to select exactly one of a number of categories
or to fit it into a rigid hierarchy.  Yet things
only sometimes fall into one category; often,
a piece of information may be related to several concepts.

For example, forcing each item into a single topic
category is not just suboptimal but counterproductive:
seekers of that
item may expect to find it in a different category
and conclude that the item is not present in the
database -- which has them <em>worse</em> off
than if the items were not categorized at all.

<p>Some systems try to alleviate this problem by
allowing nodes to appear at multiple locations
in a tree, as with "aliases" or "symbolic links" in
a filesystem, for example.  This does help somewhat,
but we want to be even more flexible
by allowing the
organization of nodes into sets that may freely
intersect.  Rather than putting each node at exactly
one place in an overall "grand scheme", a node can
belong to as many sets as are appropriate.

If we choose to represent the sets themselves as nodes
and set membership as a link between nodes,
we're now ready to present the definition of a

<p><table align=right width="40%" bgcolor="#808080"
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Perhaps it's too pretentious a name?
You could say this is just like an object database.
The hyperdatabase is hardly much of an invention; the
intent is merely to emphasize querying on links
rather than properties.
(I haven't heard of this being done with
object databases before, but plead ignorance if
there's already a good name for this idea.)
A <em>hyperdatabase</em> is a collection of <em>nodes</em>
that may be hyperlinked to
each other (hence the name "hyperdatabase").
Each node carries a collection of key-value pairs,
where some of the values may be links to other nodes.
Any node may have an arbitrary number of outgoing and
incoming links.  Hyperdatabases are able to efficiently
answer queries such as "what nodes link to this node?"
and "what nodes does this node link to?"

<h3><a name="rationale">Rationale</a></h3>

<p>There are several reasons for building our
own kind of database for Roundup rather than using an existing one.

Requiring the installation of a full-blown third-party
SQL database system would probably deter many potential
users from attempting to set up Roundup;
yet a real relational database would be too
complicated to implement on our own.

On the other hand, a hyperdatabase can be implemented fairly easily
using one of the Python DBM modules, so we can
take the "batteries-included" approach and provide it
as part of the system.  It's easier to build and understand
than a true relational database (in accordance with our guiding
principle of <em>simplicity</em>), but provides
most of the query functionality we want.

<p>A hyperdatabase is well suited for finding the intersection
of a number of sets in which items belong.  We expect that
most of the queries people want to do will be of this
form, rather than complicated SQL queries.  For example, a
typical request might be
"show me all critical items related to security".
The ability to store arbitrary key-value pairs and links
on nodes gives it more flexibility than an RDBMS.

Users are not going to be making thousands of queries
per second, so it makes sense to optimize for simplicity
and flexibility rather than performance.

<p align=center><img src="images/hyperdb.png" width=433 height=352 alt=""></a>

<h3><a name="roundupdb">Roundup's Hyperdatabase</a></h3>

<p>For our application, we store each item as a node in a
hyperdatabase.  The item's properties are stored
as key-value pairs on its node.
Four types of properties are allowed:
<em>string</em>, <em>date</em>,
<em>choice</em>, and <em>reference</em>.

<p>The <em>string</em> type is for short, free-form strings.
String properties are not intended to contain large
amounts of text, and it is recommended that they be presented
as one-line fields to encourage brevity.

<p>The <em>date</em> type is for calendar dates and times.

<p>The <em>choice</em> type denotes a single selection
from a number of options.  A <em>choice</em> property
entails a link from the node possessing the property to
the node representing the chosen option.

<p>The <em>reference</em> type is for a list of links to any
number of other nodes in the in the database.  A <em>reference</em>
property, for example, can be used to refer to related items
or topic categories relevant to an item.

<p>For Roundup, all items have five properties
that are not customizable:

<li>a <em>string</em> property named <strong>description</strong>
<li>a <em>reference</em> property named <strong>superseder</strong>
<li>a <em>reference</em> property named <strong>nosy</strong>
<li>a <em>date</em> property named <strong>creation</strong>
<li>a <em>date</em> property named <strong>activity</strong>

<p>The <strong>description</strong> property is a short
one-line description of the item.
The detailed description can go in the
first e-mail message of the item's discussion spool.

<p>The <strong>superseder</strong> property is used to 
support the splitting, joining, or replacing of items.
When several items need to be
joined into a single item, all the old items
link to the new item in their <strong>superseder</strong>
When an item needs to be split apart, the item
references all the new items in its <strong>superseder</strong>
We can easily list all active items just by checking
for an empty <strong>superseder</strong> property, and trace
the path of an item's origins by querying the hyperdatabase
for links.

<p>The <strong>nosy</strong> property contains a list of
the people who are interested in an item.  This
mechanism is explained in
<a href="#discuss">the section on Nosy Lists</a>.

<p>The <strong>creation</strong> property records the
item's creation time.  The <strong>activity</strong>
property records the last time that the item was edited or
a mail message was added to its discussion spool.  These two
properties are managed by Roundup and are not available to
be edited like other properties.

<p>Users of the system are also represented by nodes in the
hyperdatabase, containing properties
like the user's e-mail address, login name, and password.

<h3><a name="schema">The Default Schema</a></h3>

<p><table align=right width="40%" bgcolor="#808080"
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Roundup could be distributed with a few
suggested schemas for different purposes.
One possible enhancement to the
software-development schema is
a <em>reference</em> property
named <strong>implements</strong> for connecting
development items to design requirements which
they satisfy, which should
be enough to provide basic support for
<a href="">traceability</a>.
Clearly there is also potential for adding
properties for related source files, check-ins,
test results, regression tests for resolved items,
and so on, though these have not yet been
sufficiently well thought out to specify here.
<p>It is hoped that the hyperdatabase together with the
specializations mentioned above for Roundup will be
applicable in a variety of situations
(in accordance with our guiding principle of <em>generality</em>).

<p>To address the problem at hand, we need
a specific schema for items applied particularly to software development.
Again, we are trying to keep the schema simple: too many
options make it tougher for someone to make a good choice.
The schema is written here in the same form that it would
appear in a configuration file.
<br clear=all>

    fixer = Reference()             # people who will fix the problem

    topic = Reference()             # relevant topic keywords

    priority = Choice("critical",   # panic: work is stopped!
                      "urgent",     # important, but not deadly
                      "bug",        # lost work or incorrect results
                      "feature",    # want missing functionality
                      "wish")       # avoidable bugs, missing conveniences

    status = Choice("unread",       # submitted but no action yet
                    "deferred",     # intentionally set aside
                    "chatting",     # under review or seeking clarification
                    "need-eg",      # need a reproducible example of a bug
                    "in-progress",  # understood; development in progress
                    "testing",      # we think it's done; others, please test
                    "done-cbb",     # okay for now, but could be better
                    "resolved")     # fix has been released

<p>The <strong>fixer</strong> property assigns
responsibility for an item to a person or a list of people.
The <strong>topic</strong> property places the
item in an arbitrary number of relevant topic sets (see
<a href="#browse">the section on Browsing and Searching</a>).

<p>As previously mentioned, each item gets an activity log.
Whenever a property on an item is changed, the log
records the time of the change, the user making the change,
and the old and new values of the property.  This permits
the later gathering of statistics (for example, the average time
from submission to resolution).

<p>We do not specify or enforce a state transition graph,
since making the system rigid in that fashion is probably more
trouble than it's worth.
Experience has shown that there are probably
two convenient automatic state transitions:

<li>from <strong>unread</strong> to <strong>chatting</strong>
when e-mail is written about an item
<li>from <strong>testing</strong> to <strong>resolved</strong>
when a new release of the software is made

Beyond these, in accordance with our principle of <em>generality</em>,
we allow access to the hyperdatabase
API so that scripts can automate transitions themselves or
be triggered by changes in the database.

<h2><a name="ui">User Interface</a></h2>

<p>Roundup provides its services through two main interfaces:
e-mail and the Web.
This division is chosen to optimize the most common tasks.

<p>E-mail is best suited for
the submission of new items since most people are most comfortable
with composing long messages in their own favourite e-mail client.
E-mail also permits them to mention URLs or attach files relevant
to their submission.  Indeed, in many cases people are already
used to making requests by sending e-mail to a mailing list
of people; they can do exactly the same thing to use Roundup
without even thinking about it.
Similarly, people are already
familiar with holding discussions in e-mail, and plenty of
valuable usage conventions and software tools already exist for that medium.

<p>The Web, on the other hand, is best suited for summarizing
and seeking information, because it can present an interactive
overview of items.  Since the Web has forms, it's also
the best place to edit items.

<h3><a name="discuss">Submission and Discussion</a></h3>

<p><table align=right width="40%" bgcolor="#808080" cellpadding=0 border=0
><tr><td><table bgcolor="#e8e8e8" width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
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Nosy lists have actually been tried in practice,
and their emergent properties have
turned out to be very effective.
They are one of the key strengths of the Roundup prototype,
and often cause me to wonder if all mailing lists ought to work this way.
Roundup could even replace Hypermail.

<p>The system needs an address for receiving mail
and an address that forwards mail to all participants.
Each item has its own list
of interested parties, known as its <em>nosy list</em>.
Here's how nosy lists work:

<p><ol type="a">
<li>New items are always submitted by sending an e-mail message
to Roundup.  The "Subject:" field becomes the description
of the new item.
The message is saved in the mail spool of the new item,
and copied to the list of all participants
so everyone knows that a new item has been added.
The new item's nosy list initially contains the submitter.

<li>All e-mail messages sent by Roundup have their "Reply-To:"
field set to Roundup's address, and have the item's
number in the "Subject:" field.  Thus, any replies to the
initial announcement and subsequent threads are all received
by Roundup.  Roundup notes the item number in the "Subject:"
field of each incoming message and appends the message
to the appropriate spool.

<li>Any incoming e-mail tagged with an item number is copied
to all the people on the item's nosy list,
and any users found in the "From:", "To:", or "Cc:" fields
are automatically added to the nosy list.  Whenever a user
edits an item's properties in the Web interface, they are
also added to the nosy list.

<p>The effect
is like each item having its own little mailing list,
except that no one ever has to worry about subscribing to
anything.  Indicating interest in an issue is sufficient, and if you
want to bring someone new into the conversation, all you need to do
is Cc: a message to them.  It turns out that no one ever has to worry
about unsubscribing, either: the nosy lists are so specific in scope
that the conversation tends to die down by itself when the issue is
resolved or people no longer find it sufficiently important.

<p>Each nosy list is like an asynchronous chat room,
lasting only a short time (typically five or ten messages)
and involving a small group of people.
However, that
group is the <em>right</em> group of people:
only those who express interest in an item in some way
ever end up on
the list, so no one gets spammed with mail they
don't care about, and no one who <em>wants</em>
to see mail about a particular item needs to be left
out, for they can easily join in, and just as easily
look at the mail spool on an item to catch up on any
messages they might have missed.

<p>We can take this a step further and
permit users to monitor particular topics or
classifications of items
by allowing other kinds of nodes to
also have their own nosy lists.
For example, a manager could be on the
nosy list of the priority value node for "critical", or a
developer could be on the nosy list of the
topic value node for "security".
The recipients are then
determined by the union of the nosy lists on the
item and all the nodes it links to.

<p>Using many small, specific mailing lists results
in much more effective communication than one big list.
Taking away the effort of subscribing and unsubscribing
gives these lists the "feel" of being cheap and

The transparent capture of the mail spool attached to each
issue also yields a nice knowledge repository over time.

<h3><a name="edit">Editing</a></h3>

<img src="images/edit.png" align=right width=171 height=471 alt="">
Since Roundup is intended to support arbitrary user-defined
schema for item properties, the editing interface must be
automatically generated from the schema.  The configuration for
Roundup will include a template describing how to lay out the
properties to present a UI for inspecting and editing items.
For example:

    &lt;table width="100%"&gt;
    &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td align=right&gt;Description:&lt;/td&gt;
        &lt;td&gt;&lt;?property description size=70&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;
    &lt;tr&gt;&lt;td align=right&gt;Status:&lt;/td&gt;
        &lt;td&gt;&lt;?property status&gt;&lt;/td&gt;&lt;/tr&gt;

<p>To display the editing form for an item, Roundup substitutes
an HTML form widget for each <tt>&lt;?property </tt>...<tt>&gt;</tt>
tag, and transfers attributes
(such as <tt>size=70</tt> in the above example)
from the processing tag to the form widget's tag.
Each type has its own appropriate editing widget:
<li><em>string</em> properties appear as text fields
<li><em>date</em> properties appear as text fields
<li><em>choice</em> properties appear as selection lists
<li><em>reference</em> properties appear as multiple-selection lists
with a text field for adding a new option

<p>We foresee the use of custom date fields for things like deadlines,
so input fields for <em>date</em> properties should support some
simple way of specifying relative dates (such as "three weeks from now").

<p>The <strong>superseder</strong> property is a special case:
although it is more efficient to store a <strong>superseder</strong>
property in the superseded item, it makes more sense to provide
a "supersedes" edit field on the superseding item.  So we need
a special widget on items for this purpose (perhaps something
as simple as a text field containing a comma-separated list of
item numbers will do).  Links in the <strong>superseder</strong> property
should appear on both the superseding and superseded items to
facilitate navigating an item's pedigree.

<p>After the editing widgets, the item inspection page shows
a "note" text box and then a display of the messages in the
discussion spool, like the Roundup prototype.  This field
lets you enter a note explaining your change when you edit the
item, and the note is included in the notification message that
goes out to tell the interested parties on the nosy list of
your edits.

<h3><a name="browse">Browsing and Searching</a></h3>

<p>The ideal we would like to achieve is to make searching as
much like browsing as possible: the user simply clicks about
on things that seem interesting, and the information narrows
down comfortably until the goal is in sight.  This is preferable
to trying to digest a screen filled with widgets and buttons
or entering a search expression in some arcane algebraic syntax.

<p><table align=right width="40%" bgcolor="#808080" cellpadding=0 border=0
><tr><td><table bgcolor="#e8e8e8" width="100%" cellspacing=0 cellpadding=5
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Though the generation of each page amounts to a database query,
so that the underlying mechanism is still a series of queries and
responses, the user interface never separates the query from
the response, so the <em>experience</em> is one of stepwise
While a one-shot search may be appropriate when you're
looking for a single item and you know exactly what you want, it's
not very helpful when you want an overview of
things ("Gee, there are a lot more high-priority items than
there were last week!") or trying to do comparisons ("I have
some time today, so who is busiest and could most use some help?")
<br clear=all>

<p>The browsing interface presents filtering
functionality for each of the properties in the schema.  As with
editing, the interface is generated from a template
describing how to lay out the properties.
Each type of property has its own appropriate filtering widget:
<li><em>string</em> properties appear as text fields supporting
case-insensitive substring match
<li><em>date</em> properties appear as a text field with an
option to choose dates after or before the specified date
<li><em>choice</em> properties appear as a group of
selectable options
(the filter selects the <em>union</em> of the sets of items
associated with the active options)
<li><em>reference</em> properties appear as a group of
selectable options
(the filter selects the <em>intersection</em> of the sets of items
associated with the active options)

<p>For a <em>reference</em> property like <strong>topic</strong>,
one possibility is to show, as hyperlinks, the keywords whose
sets have non-empty intersections with the currently displayed set of
items.  Sorting the keywords by popularity seems
reasonable.  Clicking on a keyword then narrows both the list of items
and the list of keywords.  This gives some of the feel of walking
around a directory tree -- but without the restriction of having
to select keywords in a particular hierarchical order, and without
the need to travel all the way to the leaves of the tree before
any items are visible.

<p>Below the filtering form is a listing of items, with their
properties displayed in a table.  Rows in the table can also be
generated from a template, as with the editing interface.
This listing is the central overview of the system, and it
should aim to maximize the density of
useful information in accordance with our guiding principle of
For example, 
<a href="">Bugzilla
initially displays seven or eight items of the index</a>, but only
after the user has 
<a href="">waded</a>
<a href="">three</a>
<a href="">screens</a> of
form widgets.
<a href="">Jitterbug can't
even fit any items at all in the first screenful</a>, as it's
taken up by artwork and adminstrative debris.  In contrast,
<a href="">in the
Roundup prototype,
25 high-priority issues are immediately visible</a>, with
most of the screen space devoted to their descriptions.  
Colour indicates
the status of each item to help the eye sift through the index quickly.

<p>In both Jitterbug and Bugzilla, items are sorted by default by ID,
a meaningless field.  Sorting by ID puts the issues in order by
ascending submission date, which banishes recent issues far away
at the bottom of the list.
The Roundup prototype sorts items
in sections by priority, and then within sections by the date
of last activity.  This reveals at a glance where discussion is
most active, and provides an easy way for anyone to move an issue
up in the list.

<p>The page produced by a given set of browsing options constitutes
a <em>view</em>.  The options should all be part of the query
parameters in the URL so that views may be bookmarked.  A view

<li>search strings for string properties
<li>date ranges for date properties
<li>acceptable values for choice properties
<li>required values for reference properties
<li>one or more sort keys
<li>a list of properties for which to display filtering widgets

<p>On each sort key there is the option to use sections -- that is,
instead of making the property's value a column of the table, each
possible value for the property
is displayed at the top of a section and all the items having
that value for that property are grouped underneath.  This avoids
wasting screen space with redundant information.

<p>We propose that our default view should be:

<li>all options on for <strong>priority</strong> and <strong>fixer</strong>
<li>all options on except "resolved" for <strong>status</strong>
<li>no options on for <strong>topic</strong>
<li>primary sort by <strong>priority</strong> in sections
<li>secondary sort by decreasing <strong>activity</strong> date

<p>The starting URL for Roundup should immediately present the listing of
items generated by this default view, with no
preceding query screen.

<h2><a name="devplan">Development Plan</a></h2>

<p>The hyperdatabase is clearly a separable component which
can be developed and tested independently to an API specification.

<p>As soon as the API to the hyperdatabase is nailed down,
the implementation of the Roundup database layer
on top of the hyperdatabase can begin.
(This refers to the data types and five fixed properties
specific to Roundup.)  This layer can also be tested separately.

<p>When the interface to the Roundup hyperdatabase is ready,
development can begin on the user interface.  The mail handler
and the Web interface can be developed in parallel and mostly
independently of each other.

<p>The mail handler can be set up for testing fairly easily:
mail messages on its standard input can be synthesized;
its output is outgoing mail, which can be
captured by replacing the implementation of the
"send mail" function; and its side effects appear in the
hyperdatabase, which has a Python API.

<p>The Web interface is not easily testable in its entirety,
though the most important components of it can be unit tested,
such as the component that translates a view specification
into a list of items for display, and
the component that performs replacements on templates
to produce an editing or filtering interface.

<h2><a name="issues">Open Issues</a></h2>

<p>The description of the hyperdatabase above avoids some
issues regarding node typing that need to be better specified.
It is conceivable that eventually Roundup
could support multiple kinds of items with their own schemas.

<p>To permit integration with external tools, it is probably
a good idea to provide a command-line tool that exposes the
hyperdatabase API.  This tool will be left for a later phase
of development and so isn't specified in detail here.

<p>Generating the user interface from a template is like
applying an XSL stylesheet to XML, and if there's a standard
Python module for performing these transformations, we could
use XML instead.

<p>More thinking is needed to determine the best filtering
interface for <em>reference</em> properties.
The proposed interface works well for topic keywords, but
it isn't clear what to do when there are too many keywords
to display them all.

<p>There has been a variety of reactions to the hyperdatabase
from reviewers: some like it, some are neutral, and some
would prefer a "standard" RDBMS solution.
For those in the latter camp, note
that it's still possible to build the Roundup database layer
around an RDBMS if we really need to.  The rest of the design, in
particular the "nosy list" mechanism, remains intact.

<p>The possibility of malice by registered users has been disregarded.
The system is intended to be used by a co-operative group.

<p>This design tries to address as many as possible of the
suggested requirements mentioned on
<a href="">the contest page</a>:

<li>configuring states: Edit the schema.
<li>setting state transition rules: We don't enforce any rules.
<li>assigning responsibility: Set the <strong>fixer</strong> property.
<li>splitting and joining: Use the <strong>superseder</strong> property.
<li>hiding information: Add
a property and a pre-defined view that filters on it.
<li>secure protocols: Naturally HTTPS would be nice, though it's largely
a webserver configuration issue; secure e-mail is not addressed.
<li>archiving old issues: Tag them with a property.
<li>identifying repeated issues: Use the <strong>superseder</strong> property.
<li>connecting state changes to external operations: We provide an
API to the database and the notification mechanism so it can be scripted.
<li>non-Latin alphabets: Unicode in Python 1.6 will handle
this for string properties, and we can leverage existing standards for
internationalizing e-mail messages.
<li>images and other binaries: Attach them to e-mail messages.
<li>inspecting item state: Use the editing interface.
<li>translation between system-dependent formats: This is not addressed.
<li>performing searches: Use the browsing and filtering interface.
<li>collecting statistics: Information is gathered in the activity log,
though tools to summarize it are not described here.

<h2><a name="summary">Summary</a></h2>

<p>Roundup is an issue-tracking system that also functions as
a communications center and a knowledge repository.  It combines
the strengths of e-mail and the Web to try to provide the best
possible user interaction.

<li>The submission and discussion of items by e-mail, permitting
participants to use an easy and familiar tool, achieves our goal
of <em>low barrier to participation</em>.
<li>The generic link-based structuring of data and use of
incremental filtering rather than one-shot querying makes for
<em>straightforward navigation</em>.
<li>The use of <em>nosy lists</em> (a powerful replacement for
e-mail discussion lists) to manage communication on
a fine-grained level provides <em>controlled information flow</em>.

<p>The use of a "hyperdatabase" as the core model for
the knowledge repository gives us the flexibility to extend
Roundup and apply it to a variety of domains by
providing new item schemas and user-interface templates.

<p>Roundup is self-contained and easy to set up, requiring
only a webserver and a mailbox.  No one needs to be root to
configure the webserver or to install database software.

<p>This design is based on an existing deployed
prototype which has proven its strengths and revealed its
weaknesses in heavy day-to-day use by a real development team.

<h2><a name="ack">Acknowledgements</a></h2>

<p>My thanks are due to 
Christina Heyl, Jesse Vincent, Mark Miller, Christopher Simons,
Jeff Dunmall, Wayne Gramlich, and Dean Tribble
for reviewing this paper and contributing their suggestions.


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Last modified 2001/04/06 11:50:59.9063 US/Mountain