

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 14f9d1392cdb31b82b42df8a6fcda1e4 > files > 99


\section{Module {\tt{Strat}} : Interface to strategies}


{\tt{module type }}{\tt{T}}{\tt{ = }}\end{ocamldoccode}


type t 
The abstract type of strategies.


val default : t
Default strategy of this strategy implementation.


val grow : t -> int -> int
{\tt{grow strat new\_len}}

{\bf Returns }the new real length of some contiguous
      datastructure using strategy {\tt{strat}} given new virtual length
      {\tt{new\_len}}.  The user should then use this new real length to resize
      the datastructure.

      Be careful, the new (real) length {\bf must} be larger than the new
      virtual length, otherwise your program will crash!


val shrink : t -> real_len:int -> new_len:int -> int
{\tt{shrink strat \~{}real\_len \~{}new\_len}}

{\bf Returns }the new real length
      of a resizable datastructure given its current real length
      {\tt{real\_len}} and its required new virtual length {\tt{new\_len}}
      wrt. strategy {\tt{strat}}.  The user should then use this new real
      length to resize the datastructure.  If {\tt{-1}} is returned, it is
      not necessary to resize.

      Be careful, the new (real) length {\bf must} be larger than the new
      (virtual) length, otherwise your program may crash!


\section{Module {\tt{Pres\_intf}} : Interface to parameterized resizable arrays}


{\tt{module type }}{\tt{T}}{\tt{ = }}\end{ocamldoccode}


Signatures and types

{\tt{module }}{\tt{Strategy}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}
{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{}}

Module implementing the reallocation strategy


type strategy = Strategy.t 
Type of reallocation strategy


type 'a t 
Type of parameterized resizable arrays


Index and length information

val length : 'a t -> int
{\tt{length ra}}

{\bf Returns }(virtual) length of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      excluding the reserved space.


val lix : 'a t -> int
{\tt{lix ra}}

{\bf Returns }(virtual) last index of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      excluding the reserved space.


val real_length : 'a t -> int
{\tt{real\_length ra}}

{\bf Returns }(real) length of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      including the reserved space.


val real_lix : 'a t -> int
{\tt{real\_lix ra}}

{\bf Returns }(real) last index of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      including the reserved space.


Getting and setting

val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a
{\tt{get ra n}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index out of bounds.

{\bf Returns }the {\tt{n}}th element of {\tt{ra}}.


val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit
{\tt{set ra n}} sets the {\tt{n}}th element of {\tt{ra}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index out of bounds.


Creation of resizable arrays

val sempty : strategy -> 'a t
{\tt{sempty s}}

{\bf Returns }an empty resizable array using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val empty : unit -> 'a t
{\tt{empty ()}} same as {\tt{sempty}} but uses default strategy.


val screate : strategy -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
{\tt{screate s n el}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array of length {\tt{n}} containing
      element {\tt{el}} only using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val create : int -> 'a -> 'a t
{\tt{create n el}} same as {\tt{screate}} but uses default strategy.


val smake : strategy -> int -> 'a -> 'a t
{\tt{smake s n el}} same as {\tt{screate}}.


val make : int -> 'a -> 'a t
{\tt{make n el}} same as {\tt{create}}.


val sinit : strategy -> int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a t
{\tt{sinit s n f}}

{\bf Returns }an array of length {\tt{n}} containing
      elements that were created by applying function {\tt{f}} to the index,
      using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val init : int -> (int -> 'a) -> 'a t
{\tt{init n f}} sames as {\tt{sinit}} but uses default strategy.


Strategy handling

val get_strategy : 'a t -> strategy
{\tt{get\_strategy ra}}

{\bf Returns }the reallocation strategy used by
      resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val set_strategy : 'a t -> strategy -> unit
{\tt{set\_strategy ra s}} sets the reallocation strategy of
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} to {\tt{s}}, possibly causing an immediate


val put_strategy : 'a t -> strategy -> unit
{\tt{put\_strategy ra s}} sets the reallocation strategy of
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} to {\tt{s}}. Reallocation is only done at later
      changes in size.


val enforce_strategy : 'a t -> unit
{\tt{enforce\_strategy ra}} forces a reallocation if necessary
      (e.g. after a {\tt{put\_strategy}}.


Matrix functions

val make_matrix : int -> int -> 'a -> 'a t t
{\tt{make\_matrix sx sy el}} creates a (resizable) matrix of
      dimensions {\tt{sx}} and {\tt{sy}} containing element {\tt{el}} only. Both
      dimensions are controlled by the default strategy.


Copying, blitting and range extraction

val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{copy ra}}

{\bf Returns }a copy of resizable array {\tt{ra}}. The two
      arrays share the same strategy!


val sub : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a t
{\tt{sub ra ofs len}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if parameters do not denote a correct

{\bf Returns }a resizable subarray of length {\tt{len}}
      from resizable array {\tt{ra}} starting at offset {\tt{ofs}} using the
      default strategy.


val fill : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a -> unit
{\tt{fill ra ofs len el}} fills resizable array {\tt{ra}} from offset
      {\tt{ofs}} with {\tt{len}} elements {\tt{el}}, possibly adding elements at the
      end. Raises {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if offset {\tt{ofs}} is larger than the
      length of the array.


val blit : 'a t -> int -> 'a t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{blit ra1 ofs1 ra2 ofs2 len}} blits resizable array {\tt{ra1}} onto
      {\tt{ra2}} reading {\tt{len}} elements from offset {\tt{ofs1}} and writing them
      to {\tt{ofs2}}, possibly adding elements at the end of ra2. Raises
      {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if {\tt{ofs1}} and {\tt{len}} do not designate a valid
      subarray of {\tt{ra1}} or if {\tt{ofs2}} is larger than the length of


Combining resizable arrays

val append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{append ra1 ra2}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array using the
      default strategy and copying {\tt{ra1}} and {\tt{ra2}} in this order onto


val concat : 'a t list -> 'a t
{\tt{concat l}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array using the default
      strategy and copying all resizable arrays in {\tt{l}} in their respective
      order onto it.


Adding and removing elements

val add_one : 'a t -> 'a -> unit
{\tt{add\_one ra el}} adds element {\tt{el}} to resizable array {\tt{ra}},
      possibly causing a reallocation.


val remove_one : 'a t -> unit
{\tt{remove\_one ra}} removes the last element of resizable array
      {\tt{ra}}, possibly causing a reallocation.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Failure}} if the array is empty.


val remove_n : 'a t -> int -> unit
{\tt{remove\_n ra n}} removes the last n elements of resizable
      array {\tt{ra}}, possibly causing a reallocation.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_arg}} if there are not enough elements or {\tt{n < 0}}.


val remove_range : 'a t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{remove\_range ra ofs len}} removes {\tt{len}} elements from resizable
      array {\tt{ra}} starting at {\tt{ofs}} and possibly causing a

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if range is invalid.


val clear : 'a t -> unit
{\tt{clear ra}} removes all elements from resizable array {\tt{ra}},
      possibly causing a reallocation.



val swap : 'a t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{swap ra n m}} swaps elements at indices {\tt{n}} and {\tt{m}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if any index is out of range.


val swap_in_last : 'a t -> int -> unit
{\tt{swap\_in\_last ra n}} swaps the last element with the one at
      position {\tt{n}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index {\tt{n}} is out of range.


Array conversions

val to_array : 'a t -> 'a array
{\tt{to\_array ra}} converts a resizable array to a standard one.


val sof_array : strategy -> 'a array -> 'a t
{\tt{sof\_array s ar}} converts a standard array to a resizable one,
      using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val of_array : 'a array -> 'a t
{\tt{of\_array ar}} converts a standard array to a resizable one
      using the default strategy.


List conversions

val to_list : 'a t -> 'a list
{\tt{to\_list ra}} converts resizable array {\tt{ra}} to a list.


val sof_list : strategy -> 'a list -> 'a t
{\tt{sof\_list s l}} creates a resizable array using strategy {\tt{s}} and
      the elements in list {\tt{l}}.


val of_list : 'a list -> 'a t
{\tt{of\_list l}} creates a resizable array using the default
      strategy and the elements in list {\tt{l}}.



val iter : ('a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
{\tt{iter f ra}} applies the unit-function {\tt{f}} to each element in
      resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val map : ('a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
{\tt{map f ra}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array using the strategy of
      {\tt{ra}} and mapping each element in {\tt{ra}} to its corresponding position
      in the new array using function {\tt{f}}.


val iteri : (int -> 'a -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
{\tt{iteri f ra}} applies the unit-function {\tt{f}} to each index and
      element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val mapi : (int -> 'a -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b t
{\tt{mapi f ra}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array using the strategy of
      {\tt{ra}} and mapping each element in {\tt{ra}} to its corresponding
      position in the new array using function {\tt{f}} and the index


val fold_left : ('a -> 'b -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a
{\tt{fold\_left f a ra}} left-folds values in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      using function {\tt{f}} and start accumulator {\tt{a}}.


val fold_right : ('a -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
{\tt{fold\_right f a ra}} right-folds values in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      using function {\tt{f}} and start accumulator {\tt{a}}.


Scanning of resizable arrays

val for_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{for\_all p ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if all elements in resizable
      array {\tt{ra}} satisfy the predicate {\tt{p}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val exists : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{exists p ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if at least one element in
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} satisfies the predicate {\tt{p}}, {\tt{false}}


val mem : 'a -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{mem el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if element {\tt{el}} is logically equal
      to any element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val memq : 'a -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{memq el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if element {\tt{el}} is physically equal
      to any element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val pos : 'a -> 'a t -> int option
{\tt{pos el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{Some index}} if {\tt{el}} is logically
      equal to the element at {\tt{index}} in {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{None}} otherwise.  {\tt{index}}
      is the index of the first element that matches.


val posq : 'a -> 'a t -> int option
{\tt{posq el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{Some index}} if {\tt{el}} is physically
      equal to the element at {\tt{index}} in {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{None}} otherwise.  {\tt{index}}
      is the index of the first element that matches.


Searching of resizable arrays

val find : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a
{\tt{find p ra}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Not\_found}} if there is no such element.

{\bf Returns }the first element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      that satisfies predicate {\tt{p}}.


val find_index : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> int -> int
{\tt{find\_index p ra pos}}

{\bf Raises} \begin{itemize}
\item {\tt{Not\_found}} if there is no such element or if {\tt{pos}} is larger
      than the highest index.
\item {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if {\tt{pos}} is negative.

{\bf Returns }the index of the first element
      that satisfies predicate {\tt{p}} in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, starting
      search at index {\tt{pos}}.


val filter : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{filter p ra}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array by filtering
      out all elements in {\tt{ra}} that satisfy predicate {\tt{p}} using the same
      strategy as {\tt{ra}}.


val find_all : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{find\_all p ra}} is the same as {\tt{filter}}


val filter_in_place : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> unit
{\tt{filter\_in\_place p ra}} as {\tt{filter}}, but filters in place.


val partition : ('a -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t * 'a t
{\tt{partition p ra}}

{\bf Returns }a pair of resizable arrays, the
      left part containing only elements of {\tt{ra}} that satisfy predicate
      {\tt{p}}, the right one only those that do not satisfy it. Both returned
      arrays are created using the strategy of {\tt{ra}}.



val unsafe_get : 'a t -> int -> 'a

val unsafe_set : 'a t -> int -> 'a -> unit

val unsafe_sub : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a t

val unsafe_fill : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a -> unit

val unsafe_blit : 'a t -> int -> 'a t -> int -> int -> unit

val unsafe_remove_one : 'a t -> unit

val unsafe_remove_n : 'a t -> int -> unit

val unsafe_swap : 'a t -> int -> int -> unit

val unsafe_swap_in_last : 'a t -> int -> unit

\section{Module {\tt{Nopres\_intf}} : Interfaces to unparameterized resizable arrays and buffers}


{\tt{module type }}{\tt{T}}{\tt{ = }}\end{ocamldoccode}


Signatures and types

{\tt{module }}{\tt{Strategy}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}
{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{}}

Module implementing the reallocation strategy


type strategy = Strategy.t 
Type of reallocation strategy


type t 
Type of resizable arrays


type el 
Type of the elements in the resizable array


Index and length information

val length : t -> int
{\tt{length ra}}

{\bf Returns }(virtual) length of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      excluding the reserved space.


val lix : t -> int
{\tt{lix ra}}

{\bf Returns }(virtual) last index of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      excluding the reserved space.


val real_length : t -> int
{\tt{real\_length ra}}

{\bf Returns }(real) length of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      including the reserved space.


val real_lix : t -> int
{\tt{real\_lix ra}}

{\bf Returns }(real) last index of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      including the reserved space.


Getting and setting

val get : t -> int -> el
{\tt{get ra n}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index out of bounds.

{\bf Returns }the {\tt{n}}th element of {\tt{ra}}.


val set : t -> int -> el -> unit
{\tt{set ra n}} sets the {\tt{n}}th element of {\tt{ra}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index out of bounds.


Creation of resizable arrays

val sempty : strategy -> t
{\tt{sempty s}}

{\bf Returns }an empty resizable array using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val empty : unit -> t
{\tt{empty ()}} same as {\tt{sempty}} but uses default strategy.


val screate : strategy -> int -> t
{\tt{screate s n}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array with strategy {\tt{s}}
      containing {\tt{n}} arbitrary elements.

      {\em Attention: the contents is {\bf not} specified!}


val create : int -> t
{\tt{create n}} same as {\tt{screate}} but uses default strategy.


val smake : strategy -> int -> el -> t
{\tt{smake s n el}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array of length {\tt{n}}
      containing element {\tt{el}} only using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val make : int -> el -> t
{\tt{make n el}} same as {\tt{smake}} but uses default strategy.


val sinit : strategy -> int -> (int -> el) -> t
{\tt{sinit s n f}}

{\bf Returns }an array of length {\tt{n}} containing
      elements that were created by applying function {\tt{f}} to the index,
      using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val init : int -> (int -> el) -> t
{\tt{init n f}} sames as {\tt{sinit}} but uses default strategy.


Strategy handling

val get_strategy : t -> strategy
{\tt{get\_strategy ra}}

{\bf Returns }the reallocation strategy used by
      resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val set_strategy : t -> strategy -> unit
{\tt{set\_strategy ra s}} sets the reallocation strategy of
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} to {\tt{s}}, possibly causing an immediate


val put_strategy : t -> strategy -> unit
{\tt{put\_strategy ra s}} sets the reallocation strategy of
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} to {\tt{s}}. Reallocation is only done at later
      changes in size.


val enforce_strategy : t -> unit
{\tt{enforce\_strategy ra}} forces a reallocation if necessary
      (e.g. after a {\tt{put\_strategy}}.


Copying, blitting and range extraction

val copy : t -> t
{\tt{copy ra}}

{\bf Returns }a copy of resizable array {\tt{ra}}. The two
      arrays share the same strategy!


val sub : t -> int -> int -> t
{\tt{sub ra ofs len}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if parameters do not denote a correct

{\bf Returns }a resizable subarray of length {\tt{len}}
      from resizable array {\tt{ra}} starting at offset {\tt{ofs}} using the
      default strategy.


val fill : t -> int -> int -> el -> unit
{\tt{fill ra ofs len el}} fills resizable array {\tt{ra}} from offset
      {\tt{ofs}} with {\tt{len}} elements {\tt{el}}, possibly adding elements at the
      end. Raises {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if offset {\tt{ofs}} is larger than the
      length of the array.


val blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{blit ra1 ofs1 ra2 ofs2 len}} blits resizable array {\tt{ra1}} onto
      {\tt{ra2}} reading {\tt{len}} elements from offset {\tt{ofs1}} and writing them
      to {\tt{ofs2}}, possibly adding elements at the end of ra2. Raises
      {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if {\tt{ofs1}} and {\tt{len}} do not designate a valid
      subarray of {\tt{ra1}} or if {\tt{ofs2}} is larger than the length of


Combining resizable arrays

val append : t -> t -> t
{\tt{append ra1 ra2}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array using the
      default strategy and copying {\tt{ra1}} and {\tt{ra2}} in this order onto


val concat : t list -> t
{\tt{concat l}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array using the default
      strategy and copying all resizable arrays in {\tt{l}} in their respective
      order onto it.


Adding and removing elements

val add_one : t -> el -> unit
{\tt{add\_one ra el}} adds element {\tt{el}} to resizable array {\tt{ra}},
      possibly causing a reallocation.


val remove_one : t -> unit
{\tt{remove\_one ra}} removes the last element of resizable array
      {\tt{ra}}, possibly causing a reallocation.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Failure}} if the array is empty.


val remove_n : t -> int -> unit
{\tt{remove\_n ra n}} removes the last n elements of resizable
      array {\tt{ra}}, possibly causing a reallocation.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_arg}} if there are not enough elements or {\tt{n < 0}}.


val remove_range : t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{remove\_range ra ofs len}} removes {\tt{len}} elements from resizable
      array {\tt{ra}} starting at {\tt{ofs}} and possibly causing a

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if range is invalid.


val clear : t -> unit
{\tt{clear ra}} removes all elements from resizable array {\tt{ra}},
      possibly causing a reallocation.



val swap : t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{swap ra n m}} swaps elements at indices {\tt{n}} and {\tt{m}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if any index is out of range.


val swap_in_last : t -> int -> unit
{\tt{swap\_in\_last ra n}} swaps the last element with the one at
      position {\tt{n}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index {\tt{n}} is out of range.


Array conversions

val to_array : t -> el array
{\tt{to\_array ra}} converts a resizable array to a standard one.


val sof_array : strategy -> el array -> t
{\tt{sof\_array s ar}} converts a standard array to a resizable one,
      using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val of_array : el array -> t
{\tt{of\_array ar}} converts a standard array to a resizable one
      using the default strategy.


List conversions

val to_list : t -> el list
{\tt{to\_list ra}} converts resizable array {\tt{ra}} to a list.


val sof_list : strategy -> el list -> t
{\tt{sof\_list s l}} creates a resizable array using strategy {\tt{s}} and
      the elements in list {\tt{l}}.


val of_list : el list -> t
{\tt{of\_list l}} creates a resizable array using the default
      strategy and the elements in list {\tt{l}}.



val iter : (el -> unit) -> t -> unit
{\tt{iter f ra}} applies the unit-function {\tt{f}} to each element in
      resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val map : (el -> el) -> t -> t
{\tt{map f ra}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array using the strategy of
      {\tt{ra}} and mapping each element in {\tt{ra}} to its corresponding position
      in the new array using function {\tt{f}}.


val iteri : (int -> el -> unit) -> t -> unit
{\tt{iteri f ra}} applies the unit-function {\tt{f}} to each index and
      element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val mapi : (int -> el -> el) ->
  t -> t
{\tt{mapi f ra}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array using the strategy of
      {\tt{ra}} and mapping each element in {\tt{ra}} to its corresponding
      position in the new array using function {\tt{f}} and the index


val fold_left : ('a -> el -> 'a) -> 'a -> t -> 'a
{\tt{fold\_left f a ra}} left-folds values in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      using function {\tt{f}} and start accumulator {\tt{a}}.


val fold_right : (el -> 'a -> 'a) -> t -> 'a -> 'a
{\tt{fold\_right f a ra}} right-folds values in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      using function {\tt{f}} and start accumulator {\tt{a}}.


Scanning of resizable arrays

val for_all : (el -> bool) -> t -> bool
{\tt{for\_all p ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if all elements in resizable
      array {\tt{ra}} satisfy the predicate {\tt{p}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val exists : (el -> bool) -> t -> bool
{\tt{exists p ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if at least one element in
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} satisfies the predicate {\tt{p}}, {\tt{false}}


val mem : el -> t -> bool
{\tt{mem el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if element {\tt{el}} is logically equal
      to any element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val memq : el -> t -> bool
{\tt{memq el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if element {\tt{el}} is physically equal
      to any element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val pos : el -> t -> int option
{\tt{pos el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{Some index}} if {\tt{el}} is logically
      equal to the element at {\tt{index}} in {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{None}} otherwise.  {\tt{index}}
      is the index of the first element that matches.


val posq : el -> t -> int option
{\tt{posq el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{Some index}} if {\tt{el}} is physically
      equal to the element at {\tt{index}} in {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{None}} otherwise.  {\tt{index}}
      is the index of the first element that matches.


Searching of resizable arrays

val find : (el -> bool) -> t -> el
{\tt{find p ra}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Not\_found}} if there is no such element.

{\bf Returns }the first element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      that satisfies predicate {\tt{p}}.


val find_index : (el -> bool) -> t -> int -> int
{\tt{find\_index p ra pos}}

{\bf Raises} \begin{itemize}
\item {\tt{Not\_found}} if there is no such element or if {\tt{pos}} is larger
      than the highest index.
\item {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if {\tt{pos}} is negative.

{\bf Returns }the index of the first element
      that satisfies predicate {\tt{p}} in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, starting
      search at index {\tt{pos}}.


val filter : (el -> bool) -> t -> t
{\tt{filter p ra}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array by filtering
      out all elements in {\tt{ra}} that satisfy predicate {\tt{p}} using the same
      strategy as {\tt{ra}}.


val find_all : (el -> bool) -> t -> t
{\tt{find\_all p ra}} is the same as {\tt{filter}}


val filter_in_place : (el -> bool) -> t -> unit
{\tt{filter\_in\_place p ra}} as {\tt{filter}}, but filters in place.


val partition : (el -> bool) ->
  t -> t * t
{\tt{partition p ra}}

{\bf Returns }a pair of resizable arrays, the
      left part containing only elements of {\tt{ra}} that satisfy predicate
      {\tt{p}}, the right one only those that do not satisfy it. Both returned
      arrays are created using the strategy of {\tt{ra}}.



val unsafe_get : t -> int -> el

val unsafe_set : t -> int -> el -> unit

val unsafe_sub : t -> int -> int -> t

val unsafe_fill : t -> int -> int -> el -> unit

val unsafe_blit : t -> int -> t -> int -> int -> unit

val unsafe_remove_one : t -> unit

val unsafe_remove_n : t -> int -> unit

val unsafe_swap : t -> int -> int -> unit

val unsafe_swap_in_last : t -> int -> unit

Interface to unparameterized resizable arrays


{\tt{module type }}{\tt{Buffer}}{\tt{ = }}\end{ocamldoccode}


{\tt{include }}{\tt{Nopres\_intf.T}}

Includes all functions that exist in non-parameterized arrays.

String conversions

val sof_string : strategy -> string -> t
{\tt{sof\_string s ar}} converts a string to a resizable buffer
      using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val of_string : string -> t
{\tt{of\_string ar}} converts a string to a resizable buffer using
      the default strategy.


Functions found in the standard {\tt{Buffer}}-module

Note that the function {\tt{create n}} ignores the parameter {\tt{n}} and
      uses the default strategy instead. You can supply a different
      strategy with {\tt{creates s n}} as described above.

val contents : t -> string
{\tt{contents b}}

{\bf Returns }a copy of the current contents of the
      buffer {\tt{b}}.


val reset : t -> unit
{\tt{reset b}} just clears the buffer, possibly resizing it.


val add_char : t -> char -> unit
{\tt{add\_char b c}} appends the character {\tt{c}} at the end of
      the buffer {\tt{b}}.


val add_string : t -> string -> unit
{\tt{add\_string b s}} appends the string {\tt{s}} at the end of
      the buffer {\tt{b}}.


val add_substring : t -> string -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{add\_substring b s ofs len}} takes {\tt{len}} characters from offset
      {\tt{ofs}} in string {\tt{s}} and appends them at the end of the buffer


val add_buffer : t -> t -> unit
{\tt{add\_buffer b1 b2}} appends the current contents of buffer {\tt{b2}}
      at the end of buffer {\tt{b1}}. {\tt{b2}} is not modified.


val add_channel : t -> Pervasives.in_channel -> int -> unit
{\tt{add\_channel b ic n}} reads exactly {\tt{n}} character from the
      input channel {\tt{ic}} and stores them at the end of buffer {\tt{b}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{End\_of\_file}} if the channel contains fewer than {\tt{n}}


val output_buffer : Pervasives.out_channel -> t -> unit
{\tt{output\_buffer oc b}} writes the current contents of buffer {\tt{b}}
      on the output channel {\tt{oc}}.


Additional buffer functions

val add_full_channel : t -> Pervasives.in_channel -> unit

val add_full_channel_f :
  t -> Pervasives.in_channel -> int -> (int -> int) -> unit

Extended interface to buffers (resizable strings)


\section{Module {\tt{Weak\_intf}} : Interface to weak resizable arrays}


{\tt{module type }}{\tt{T}}{\tt{ = }}\end{ocamldoccode}


Signatures and types

{\tt{module }}{\tt{Strategy}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}
{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{}}

Module implementing the reallocation strategy


type strategy = Strategy.t 
Type of reallocation strategy


type 'a t 
Type of parameterized resizable arrays


Index and length information

val length : 'a t -> int
{\tt{length ra}}

{\bf Returns }(virtual) length of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      excluding the reserved space.


val lix : 'a t -> int
{\tt{lix ra}}

{\bf Returns }(virtual) last index of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      excluding the reserved space.


val real_length : 'a t -> int
{\tt{real\_length ra}}

{\bf Returns }(real) length of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      including the reserved space.


val real_lix : 'a t -> int
{\tt{real\_lix ra}}

{\bf Returns }(real) last index of resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      including the reserved space.


Getting, setting and checking

val get : 'a t -> int -> 'a option
{\tt{get ra n}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index out of bounds.

{\bf Returns }the {\tt{n}}th element of {\tt{ra}}.


val get_copy : 'a t -> int -> 'a option
{\tt{get\_copy ra n}} see documentation of module {\tt{Weak}} in the standard


val check : 'a t -> int -> bool
{\tt{check ra n}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if the {\tt{n}}th cell of {\tt{ra}} is
      full, {\tt{false}} if it is empty.  Note that even if {\tt{check ar n}}
      returns {\tt{true}}, a subsequent {\tt{Weak\_intf.T.get}}[\ref{val:Weak-underscoreintf.T.get}]{\tt{ ar n}} can return {\tt{None}}.


val set : 'a t -> int -> 'a option -> unit
{\tt{set ra n}} sets the {\tt{n}}th element of {\tt{ra}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index out of bounds.


Creation of resizable arrays

val sempty : strategy -> 'a t
{\tt{sempty s}}

{\bf Returns }an empty resizable array using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val empty : unit -> 'a t
{\tt{empty ()}} same as {\tt{sempty}} but uses default strategy.


val screate : strategy -> int -> 'a t
{\tt{screate s n el}}

{\bf Returns }a resizable array of length {\tt{n}}
      using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val create : int -> 'a t
{\tt{create n}} same as {\tt{screate}} but uses default strategy.


val sinit : strategy -> int -> (int -> 'a option) -> 'a t
{\tt{sinit s n f}}

{\bf Returns }an array of length {\tt{n}} containing
      elements that were created by applying function {\tt{f}} to the index,
      using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val init : int -> (int -> 'a option) -> 'a t
{\tt{init n f}} sames as {\tt{sinit}} but uses default strategy.


Strategy handling

val get_strategy : 'a t -> strategy
{\tt{get\_strategy ra}}

{\bf Returns }the reallocation strategy used by
      resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val set_strategy : 'a t -> strategy -> unit
{\tt{set\_strategy ra s}} sets the reallocation strategy of
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} to {\tt{s}}, possibly causing an immediate


val put_strategy : 'a t -> strategy -> unit
{\tt{put\_strategy ra s}} sets the reallocation strategy of
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} to {\tt{s}}. Reallocation is only done at later
      changes in size.


val enforce_strategy : 'a t -> unit
{\tt{enforce\_strategy ra}} forces a reallocation if necessary
      (e.g. after a {\tt{put\_strategy}}.


Copying, blitting and range extraction

val copy : 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{copy ra}}

{\bf Returns }a copy of resizable array {\tt{ra}}. The two
      arrays share the same strategy!


val sub : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a t
{\tt{sub ra ofs len}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if parameters do not denote a correct

{\bf Returns }a resizable subarray of length {\tt{len}}
      from resizable array {\tt{ra}} starting at offset {\tt{ofs}} using the
      default strategy.


val fill : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a option -> unit
{\tt{fill ra ofs len el}} fills resizable array {\tt{ra}} from offset
      {\tt{ofs}} with {\tt{len}} elements {\tt{el}}, possibly adding elements at the
      end. Raises {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if offset {\tt{ofs}} is larger than the
      length of the array.


val blit : 'a t -> int -> 'a t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{blit ra1 ofs1 ra2 ofs2 len}} blits resizable array {\tt{ra1}} onto
      {\tt{ra2}} reading {\tt{len}} elements from offset {\tt{ofs1}} and writing them
      to {\tt{ofs2}}, possibly adding elements at the end of ra2. Raises
      {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if {\tt{ofs1}} and {\tt{len}} do not designate a valid
      subarray of {\tt{ra1}} or if {\tt{ofs2}} is larger than the length of


Combining resizable arrays

val append : 'a t -> 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{append ra1 ra2}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array using the
      default strategy and copying {\tt{ra1}} and {\tt{ra2}} in this order onto


val concat : 'a t list -> 'a t
{\tt{concat l}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array using the default
      strategy and copying all resizable arrays in {\tt{l}} in their respective
      order onto it.


Adding and removing elements

val add_one : 'a t -> 'a option -> unit
{\tt{add\_one ra el}} adds element {\tt{el}} to resizable array {\tt{ra}},
      possibly causing a reallocation.


val remove_one : 'a t -> unit
{\tt{remove\_one ra}} removes the last element of resizable array
      {\tt{ra}}, possibly causing a reallocation.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Failure}} if the array is empty.


val remove_n : 'a t -> int -> unit
{\tt{remove\_n ra n}} removes the last n elements of resizable
      array {\tt{ra}}, possibly causing a reallocation.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_arg}} if there are not enough elements or {\tt{n < 0}}.


val remove_range : 'a t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{remove\_range ra ofs len}} removes {\tt{len}} elements from resizable
      array {\tt{ra}} starting at {\tt{ofs}} and possibly causing a

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if range is invalid.


val clear : 'a t -> unit
{\tt{clear ra}} removes all elements from resizable array {\tt{ra}},
      possibly causing a reallocation.



val swap : 'a t -> int -> int -> unit
{\tt{swap ra n m}} swaps elements at indices {\tt{n}} and {\tt{m}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if any index is out of range.


val swap_in_last : 'a t -> int -> unit
{\tt{swap\_in\_last ra n}} swaps the last element with the one at
      position {\tt{n}}.

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if index {\tt{n}} is out of range.


Standard conversions

val to_std : 'a t -> 'a Weak.t
{\tt{to\_std ra}} converts a resizable weak array to a standard one.


val sof_std : strategy -> 'a Weak.t -> 'a t
{\tt{sof\_std s ar}} converts a standard weak array to a resizable
      one, using strategy {\tt{s}}.


val of_std : 'a Weak.t -> 'a t
{\tt{of\_std ar}} converts a standard weak array to a resizable one
      using the default strategy.


List conversions

val to_list : 'a t -> 'a option list
{\tt{to\_list ra}} converts resizable array {\tt{ra}} to a list.


val of_list : 'a option list -> 'a t
{\tt{of\_list l}} creates a resizable array using the default
      strategy and the elements in list {\tt{l}}.



val iter : ('a option -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
{\tt{iter f ra}} applies the unit-function {\tt{f}} to each element in
      resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val iteri : (int -> 'a option -> unit) -> 'a t -> unit
{\tt{iteri f ra}} applies the unit-function {\tt{f}} to each index and
      element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}.


val fold_left : ('a -> 'b option -> 'a) -> 'a -> 'b t -> 'a
{\tt{fold\_left f a ra}} left-folds values in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      using function {\tt{f}} and start accumulator {\tt{a}}.


val fold_right : ('a option -> 'b -> 'b) -> 'a t -> 'b -> 'b
{\tt{fold\_right f a ra}} right-folds values in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      using function {\tt{f}} and start accumulator {\tt{a}}.


Scanning of resizable arrays

val for_all : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{for\_all p ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if all elements in resizable
      array {\tt{ra}} satisfy the predicate {\tt{p}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val exists : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{exists p ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if at least one element in
      resizable array {\tt{ra}} satisfies the predicate {\tt{p}}, {\tt{false}}


val mem : 'a option -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{mem el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if element {\tt{el}} is logically equal
      to any element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val memq : 'a option -> 'a t -> bool
{\tt{memq el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{true}} if element {\tt{el}} is physically equal
      to any element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{false}} otherwise.


val pos : 'a option -> 'a t -> int option
{\tt{pos el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{Some index}} if {\tt{el}} is logically
      equal to the element at {\tt{index}} in {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{None}} otherwise.  {\tt{index}}
      is the index of the first element that matches.


val posq : 'a option -> 'a t -> int option
{\tt{posq el ra}}

{\bf Returns }{\tt{Some index}} if {\tt{el}} is physically
      equal to the element at {\tt{index}} in {\tt{ra}}, {\tt{None}} otherwise.  {\tt{index}}
      is the index of the first element that matches.


Searching of resizable arrays

val find : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a option
{\tt{find p ra}}

{\bf Raises} {\tt{Not\_found}} if there is no such element.

{\bf Returns }the first element in resizable array {\tt{ra}}
      that satisfies predicate {\tt{p}}.


val find_index : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> int -> int
{\tt{find\_index p ra pos}}

{\bf Raises} \begin{itemize}
\item {\tt{Not\_found}} if there is no such element or if {\tt{pos}} is larger
      than the highest index.
\item {\tt{Invalid\_argument}} if {\tt{pos}} is negative.

{\bf Returns }the index of the first element
      that satisfies predicate {\tt{p}} in resizable array {\tt{ra}}, starting
      search at index {\tt{pos}}.


val filter : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{filter p ra}}

{\bf Returns }a new resizable array by filtering
      out all elements in {\tt{ra}} that satisfy predicate {\tt{p}} using the same
      strategy as {\tt{ra}}.


val find_all : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> 'a t
{\tt{find\_all p ra}} is the same as {\tt{filter}}


val filter_in_place : ('a option -> bool) -> 'a t -> unit
{\tt{filter\_in\_place p ra}} as {\tt{filter}}, but filters in place.


val partition : ('a option -> bool) ->
  'a t -> 'a t * 'a t
{\tt{partition p ra}}

{\bf Returns }a pair of resizable arrays, the
      left part containing only elements of {\tt{ra}} that satisfy predicate
      {\tt{p}}, the right one only those that do not satisfy it. Both returned
      arrays are created using the strategy of {\tt{ra}}.



val unsafe_get : 'a t -> int -> 'a option

val unsafe_set : 'a t -> int -> 'a option -> unit

val unsafe_sub : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a t

val unsafe_fill : 'a t -> int -> int -> 'a option -> unit

val unsafe_blit : 'a t -> int -> 'a t -> int -> int -> unit

val unsafe_remove_one : 'a t -> unit

val unsafe_remove_n : 'a t -> int -> unit

val unsafe_swap : 'a t -> int -> int -> unit

val unsafe_swap_in_last : 'a t -> int -> unit

\section{Module {\tt{Res}} : Global module for resizable datastructures and default implementations}


Default strategies

{\tt{module }}{\tt{DefStrat}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with type t = float * float * int}}

Default strategy for resizable datastructures

{\tt{type t}} is a triple {\tt{waste, shrink\_trig, min\_size}}, where
    {\tt{waste}} (default: 1.5) indicates by how much the array should
    be grown in excess when reallocation is triggered, {\tt{shrink\_trig}}
    (default: 0.5) at which percentage of excess elements it should be
    shrinked and {\tt{min\_size}} (default: 16 elements) is the minimum size
    of the resizable array.


{\tt{module }}{\tt{BitDefStrat}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with type t = float * float * int}}

Same as {\tt{DefStrat}}, but the minimum size is 1024 elements (bits).


Default instantiation of standard resizable datastructures

{\tt{module }}{\tt{Array}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{Pres\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = DefStrat}}

Resizable parameterized array using the default reallocation strategy.


{\tt{module }}{\tt{Floats}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{Nopres\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = DefStrat and type el = float}}

Resizable float array using the default reallocation strategy.


{\tt{module }}{\tt{Bits}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{Nopres\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = BitDefStrat and type el = bool}}

Resizable bit vector using the default reallocation strategy.


{\tt{module }}{\tt{Weak}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{Weak\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = DefStrat}}

Resizable weak array using the default reallocation strategy.


{\tt{module }}{\tt{Buffer}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{Nopres\_intf.Buffer}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = DefStrat and type el = char}}

Resizable buffer using the default reallocation strategy.


Functors for creating standard resizable datastructures from

{\tt{module }}{\tt{MakeArray}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{functor (}}{\tt{S}}{\tt{ : }}{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{) -> }}{\tt{Pres\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = S}}

Functor that creates resizable parameterized arrays from reallocation


{\tt{module }}{\tt{MakeFloats}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{functor (}}{\tt{S}}{\tt{ : }}{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{) -> }}{\tt{Nopres\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = S and type el = float}}

Functor that creates resizable float arrays from reallocation


{\tt{module }}{\tt{MakeBits}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{functor (}}{\tt{S}}{\tt{ : }}{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{) -> }}{\tt{Nopres\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = S and type el = bool}}

Functor that creates resizable bit vectors from reallocation


{\tt{module }}{\tt{MakeWeak}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{functor (}}{\tt{S}}{\tt{ : }}{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{) -> }}{\tt{Weak\_intf.T}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = S}}

Functor that creates resizable weak arrays from reallocation


{\tt{module }}{\tt{MakeBuffer}}{\tt{ : }}\end{ocamldoccode}

{\tt{functor (}}{\tt{S}}{\tt{ : }}{\tt{Strat.T}}{\tt{) -> }}{\tt{Nopres\_intf.Buffer}}{\tt{ }}{\tt{ with module Strategy = S and type el = char}}

Functor that creates resizable buffers ($=$string arrays) from
    reallocation strategies.

