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<title>4.2 Overview of a Request Handler</title>
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<H1><A NAME="SECTION006200000000000000000"></A><A NAME="pyapi-handler"></A>
4.2 Overview of a Request Handler
<a id='l2h-24' xml:id='l2h-24'></a>
A <i class="dfn">handler</i> is a function that processes a particular phase of a
request. Apache processes requests in phases - read the request,
process headers, provide content, etc. For every phase, it will call
handlers, provided by either the Apache core or one of its modules,
such as mod_python which passes control to functions provided by the
user and written in Python. A handler written in Python is not any
different from a handler written in C, and follows these rules:

<a id='l2h-26' xml:id='l2h-26'></a> <a id='l2h-25' xml:id='l2h-25'></a> A handler function will always
be passed a reference to a request object. (Throughout this manual,
the request object is often referred to by the <code>req</code> variable.)

Every handler can return:


<LI><tt class="constant">apache.OK</tt>, meaning this phase of the request was handled by this 
  handler and no errors occurred. 

<LI><tt class="constant">apache.DECLINED</tt>, meaning this handler has not handled this
  phase of the request to completion and Apache needs to look for
  another handler in subsequent modules.

<LI><tt class="constant">apache.<em>HTTP_ERROR</em></tt>, meaning an HTTP error occurred. 
  <var>HTTP_ERROR</var> can be any of the following:

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
    HTTP_CONTINUE                     = 100
    HTTP_PROCESSING                   = 102
    HTTP_OK                           = 200
    HTTP_CREATED                      = 201
    HTTP_ACCEPTED                     = 202
    HTTP_NON_AUTHORITATIVE            = 203
    HTTP_NO_CONTENT                   = 204
    HTTP_RESET_CONTENT                = 205
    HTTP_PARTIAL_CONTENT              = 206
    HTTP_MULTI_STATUS                 = 207
    HTTP_MULTIPLE_CHOICES             = 300
    HTTP_MOVED_PERMANENTLY            = 301
    HTTP_MOVED_TEMPORARILY            = 302
    HTTP_SEE_OTHER                    = 303
    HTTP_NOT_MODIFIED                 = 304
    HTTP_USE_PROXY                    = 305
    HTTP_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT           = 307
    HTTP_BAD_REQUEST                  = 400
    HTTP_UNAUTHORIZED                 = 401
    HTTP_PAYMENT_REQUIRED             = 402
    HTTP_FORBIDDEN                    = 403
    HTTP_NOT_FOUND                    = 404
    HTTP_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED           = 405
    HTTP_NOT_ACCEPTABLE               = 406
    HTTP_REQUEST_TIME_OUT             = 408
    HTTP_CONFLICT                     = 409
    HTTP_GONE                         = 410
    HTTP_LENGTH_REQUIRED              = 411
    HTTP_EXPECTATION_FAILED           = 417
    HTTP_LOCKED                       = 423
    HTTP_FAILED_DEPENDENCY            = 424
    HTTP_NOT_IMPLEMENTED              = 501
    HTTP_BAD_GATEWAY                  = 502
    HTTP_GATEWAY_TIME_OUT             = 504
    HTTP_VARIANT_ALSO_VARIES          = 506
    HTTP_NOT_EXTENDED                 = 510


As an alternative to <em>returning</em> an HTTP error code, handlers can
signal an error by <em>raising</em> the <tt class="constant">apache.SERVER_RETURN</tt>
exception, and providing an HTTP error code as the exception value,

<div class="verbatim"><pre>

Handlers can send content to the client using the <tt class="method">req.write()</tt>

Client data, such as POST requests, can be read by using the
<tt class="method"></tt> function.

<div class="note"><b class="label">Note:</b>
The directory of the Apache <code>Python*Handler</code> 
  directive in effect is prepended to the <code>sys.path</code>. If the
  directive was specified in a server config file outside any
  <code>&lt;Directory&gt;</code>, then the directory is unknown and not prepended.

An example of a minimalistic handler might be: 

<div class="verbatim"><pre>
from mod_python import apache

def requesthandler(req):
    req.content_type = "text/plain"
    req.write("Hello World!")
    return apache.OK


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<span class="release-info">Release 3.3.1, documentation updated on January 29, 2007.</span>
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