

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 1e07de2009c1b4cf9b7971c91f42461d > files > 204


-*- outline -*-

non-independent things left to do on newpb. These require deeper magic or
can not otherwise be done casually. Many of these involve fundamental
protocol issues, and therefore need to be decided sooner rather than later.

* summary
** protocol issues
*** negotiation
*** VOCABADD/DEL/SET sequences
*** remove 'copy' prefix from RemoteCopy type sequences?
*** smaller scope for OPEN-counter reference numbers?
** implementation issues
*** cred
*** oldbanana compatibility
*** Copyable/RemoteCopy default to __getstate__ or self.__dict__ ?
*** RIFoo['bar'] vs (should RemoteInterface inherit from Interface?)
*** constrain ReferenceUnslicer
*** serialize target.remote_foo usefully

* decide whether to accept positional args in non-constrained methods

DEFERRED until after 2.0
<glyph> warner: that would be awesome but let's do it _later_

This is really a backwards-source-compatibility issue. In newpb, the
preferred way of invoking callRemote() is with kwargs exclusively: glyph's
felt positional arguments are more fragile. If the client has a
RemoteInterface, then they can convert any positional arguments into keyword
arguments before sending the request.

The question is what to do when the client is not using a RemoteInterface.
Until recently, callRemote("bar") would try to find a matching RI. I changed
that to have callRemote("bar") never use an RI, and instead you would use
callRemote(RIFoo['bar']) to indicate that you want argument-checking.

That makes positional arguments problematic in more situations than they were
before. The decision to be made is if the OPEN(call) sequence should provide
a way to convey positional args to the server (probably with numeric "names"
in the (argname, argvalue) tuples). If we do this, the server (which always
has the RemoteInterface) can do the positional-to-keyword mapping. But
putting this in the protocol will oblige other implementations to handle them

* change the method-call syntax to include an interfacename

Scope the method name to the interface. This implies (I think) one of two

 callRemote() must take a RemoteInterface argument

 each RemoteReference handles just a single Interface

Probably the latter, maybe have the RR keep both default RI and a list of
all implemented ones, then adapting the RR to a new RI can be a simple copy
(and change of the default one) if the Referenceable knows about the RI.
Otherwise something on the local side will need to adapt one RI to another.
Need to handle reference-counting/DECREF properly for these shared RRs.

From glyph:

 callRemote(methname, **args) # searches RIs
 callRemoteInterface(remoteinterface, methname, **args) # single RI

 getRemoteURL(url, *interfaces)

 URL-RRefs should turn into the original Referenceable (in args/results)
  (map through the factory's table upon receipt)

 URL-RRefs will not survive round trips. leave reference exchange for later.
  (like def remote_foo(): return GlobalReference(self) )

 move method-invocation code into pb.Referenceable (or IReferenceable
 adapter). Continue using remote_ prefix for now, but make it a property of
 that code so it can change easily.
  <warner> ok, for today I'm just going to stick with remote_foo() as a
  low-budget decorator, so the current restrictions are 1: subclass
  pb.Referenceable, 2: implements() a RemoteInterface with method named "foo",
  3: implement a remote_foo method
  <warner> and #1 will probably go away within a week or two, to be replaced by
  #1a: subclass pb.Referenceable OR #1b: register an IReferenceable adapter

 try serializing with ISliceable first, then try IReferenceable. The
 IReferenceable adapter must implements() some RemoteInterfaces and gets
 serialized with a MyReferenceSlicer.

** use the methods of the RemoteInterface as the "method name"
DONE (provisional), using RIFoo['add']

 rr.callRemote(RIFoo.add, **args)

Nice and concise. However, #twisted doesn't like it, adding/using arbitrary
attributes of Interfaces is not clean (think about IFoo.implements colliding
with RIFoo.something).

 rr.callRemote(RIFoo['add'], **args)
 RIFoo(rr).callRemote('add', **args)
  adaptation, or narrowing?

<warner> glyph: I'm adding callRemote(, **args) to newpb right now
<radix> wow.
<warner> seemed like a simpler interface than callRemoteInterface("RIFoo",
"bar", **args)
<radix> warner: Does this mean that IPerspective can be parameterized now?
<glyph> warner: bad idea
<exarkun> warner: Zope hates you!
<glyph> warner: zope interfaces don't support that syntax
<slyphon> zi does support multi-adapter syntax
<slyphon> but i don't really know what that is
<exarkun> warner: callRemote(RIFoo.getDescriptionFor("bar"), *a, **k)
<warner> glyph: yeah, I fake it. In RemoteInterfaceClass, I remove those
attributes, call InterfaceClass, and then put them all back in
<glyph> warner: don't add 'em as attributes
<glyph> warner: just fix the result of __getitem__ to add a slot actually
refer back to the interface
<glyph> radix: the problem is that IFoo['bar'] doesn't point back to IFoo
<glyph> warner: even better, make them callable :-)
<exarkun> glyph: IFoo['bar'].interface == 'IFoo'
<glyph> RIFoo['bar']('hello')
<warner> glyph: I was thinking of doing that in a later version of
<glyph> exarkun: >>> type(IFoo['bar'].interface)
<glyph> <type 'str'>
<exarkun> right
<exarkun> 'IFoo'
<exarkun> Just look through all the defined interfaces for ones with matching
<glyph> exarkun: ... e.g. *NOT* __main__.IFoo
<glyph> exarkun: AAAA you die
<radix> hee hee
* warner struggles to keep up with his thoughts and those of people around him
* glyph realizes he has been given the power to whine
<warner> glyph: ok, so with RemoteInterface.__getitem__, you could still do
rr.callRemote(, **kw), right?
<warner> was your objection to the interface or to the implementation?
<itamar> I really don't think you should add attributes to the interface
<warner> ok
<warner> I need to stash a table of method schemas somewhere
<itamar> just make __getitem__ return better type of object
<itamar> and ideally if this is generic we can get it into upstream
<exarkun> Is there a reason Method.interface isn't a fully qualified name?
<itamar> not necessarily
<itamar> I have commit access to zope.interface
<itamar> if you have any features you want added, post to mailing list
<itamar> and if Jim Fulton is ok with them I can add them for you
<warner> hmm
<warner> does using to designate a remote method seem reasonable?
<warner> I could always adapt it to something inside callRemote
<warner> something PB-specific, that is
<warner> but that adapter would have to be able to pull a few attributes off
the method (name, schema, reference to the enclosing RemoteInterface)
<warner> and we're really talking about __getattr__ here, not __getitem__,
<exarkun> for x.y yes
<itamar> no, I don't think that's a good idea
<itamar> interfaces have all kinds od methods on them already, for
introspection purposes
<itamar> namespace clashes are the suck
<itamar> unless RIFoo isn't really an Interface
<itamar> hm
<itamar> how about if it were a wrapper around a regular Interface?
<warner> yeah, RemoteInterfaces are kind of a special case
<itamar> RIFoo(IFoo, publishedMethods=['doThis', 'doThat'])
<itamar> s/RIFoo/RIFoo = RemoteInterface(/
<exarkun> I'm confused. Why should you have to specify which methods are
<itamar> SECURITY!
<itamar> not actually necessary though, no
<itamar> and may be overkill
<warner> the only reason I have it derive from Interface is so that we can do
neat adapter tricks in the future
<itamar> that's not contradictory
<itamar> RIFoo(x) would still be able to do magic
<itamar> you wouldn't be able to check if an object provides RIFoo, though
<itamar> which kinda sucks
<itamar> but in any case I am against
<warner> pity, it makes the callRemote syntax very clean
<radix> hm
<radix> So how come it's a RemoteInterface and not an Interface, anyway?
<radix> I mean, how come that needs to be done explicitly. Can't you just
write a serializer for Interface itself?

* warner goes to figure out where the RemoteInterface discussion went after he
  got distracted
<warner> maybe I should make RemoteInterface a totally separate class and just
implement a couple of Interface-like methods
<warner> cause rr.callRemote(, a=1) just feels so clean
<Jerub> warner: why not IFoo(rr).bar(a=1) ?
<warner> hmm, also a possibility
<radix> well
<radix> IFoo(rr).callRemote('bar')
<radix> or RIFoo, or whatever
<Jerub> hold on, what does rr inherit from?
<warner> RemoteReference
<radix> it's a RemoteReference
<Jerub> then why not IFoo(rr) /
<warner> I'm keeping a strong distinction between local interfaces and remote
<Jerub> ah, oka.y
<radix> warner: right, you can still do RIFoo
<warner> ILocal(a).meth(args) is an immediate function call
<Jerub> in that case, I prefer rr.callRemote(, a=1)
<radix> .meth( is definitely bad, we need callRemote
<warner> rr.callRemote("meth", args) returns a deferred
<Jerub> radix: I don't like from foo import IFoo, RIFoo
<warner> you probably wouldn't have both an IFoo and an RIFoo
<radix> warner: well, look at it this way: IFoo(rr).callRemote('foo') still
makes it obvious that IFoo isn't local
<radix> warner: you could implement RemoteReferen.__conform__ to implement it
<warner> radix: I'm thinking of providing some kind of other class that would
allow .meth() to work (without the callRemote), but it wouldn't be the default
<radix> plus, IFoo(rr) is how you use interfaces normally, and callRemote is
how you make remote calls normally, so it seems that's the best way to do
interfaces + PB
<warner> hmm
<warner> in that case the object returned by IFoo(rr) is just rr with a tag
that sets the "default interface name"
<radix> right
<warner> and callRemote(methname) looks in that default interface before
looking anywhere else
<warner> for some reason I want to get rid of the stringyness of the method
<warner> and the original syntax (callRemoteInterface('RIFoo', 'methname',
args)) felt too verbose
<radix> warner: well, isn't that what your optional .meth thing is for?
<radix> yes, I don't like that either
<warner> using callRemote(, args) means I can just switch on the
_name= argument being either a string or a (whatever) that's contained in a
<warner> a lot of it comes down to how adapters would be most useful when
dealing with remote objects
<warner> and to what extent remote interfaces should be interchangeable with
local ones
<radix> good point. I have never had a use case where I wanted to adapt a
remote object, I don't think
<radix> however, I have had use cases to send interfaces across the wire
<radix> e.g. having a parameterized portal.login() interface
<warner> that'll be different, just callRemote('foo', RIFoo)
<radix> yeah.
<warner> the current issue is whether to pass them by reference or by value
<radix> eugh
<radix> Can you explain it without using those words? :)
<warner> hmm
<radix> Do you mean, Referenceable style vs Copyable style?
<warner> at the moment, when you send a Referenceable across the wire, the
id-number is accompanied with a list of strings that designate which
RemoteInterfaces the original claims to provide
<warner> the receiving end looks up each string in a local table, and
populates the RemoteReference with a list of RemoteInterface classes
<warner> the table is populated by metaclass magic that runs when a 'class
RIFoo(RemoteInterface)' definition is complete
<radix> ok
<radix> so a RemoteInterface is simply serialized as its qual(), right?
<warner> so as long as both sides include the same RIFoo definition, they'll
wind up with compatible remote interfaces, defining the same method names,
same method schemas, etc
<warner> effectively
<warner> you can't just send a RemoteInterface across the wire right now, but
it would be easy to add
<warner> the places where they are used (sending a Referenceable across the
wire) all special case them
<radix> ok, and you're considering actually writing a serializer for them that
sends all the information to totally reconstruct it on the other side without
having the definiton
<warner> yes
<warner> or having some kind of debug method which give you that
<radix> I'd say, do it the way you're doing it now until someone comes up with
a use case for actually sending it...
<warner> right
<warner> the only case I can come up with is some sort of generic object
browser debug tool
<warner> everything else turns into a form of version negotiation which is
better handled elsewhere
<warner> hmm
<warner> so RIFoo(rr).callRemote('bar', **kw)
<warner> I guess that's not too ugly
<radix> That's my vote. :)
<warner> one thing it lacks is the ability to cleanly state that if 'bar'
doesn't exist in RIFoo then it should signal an error
<warner> whereas callRemote(, **kw) would give you an AttributeError
before callRemote ever got called
<warner> i.e. "make it impossible to express the incorrect usage"
<radix> mmmh
<radix> warner: but you _can_ check it immediately when it's called
<warner> in the direction I was heading, callRemote(str) would just send the
method request and let the far end deal with it, no schema-checking involved
<radix> warner: which, 99% of the time, is effectively the same time as would happen
<warner> whereas callRemote( would indicate that you want schema
<warner> yeah, true
<radix> hm.
<warner> (that last feature is what allowed callRemote and callRemoteInterface
to be merged)
<warner> or, I could say that the normal RemoteReference is "untyped" and does
not do schema checking
<warner> but adapting one to a RemoteInterface results in a
TypedRemoteReference which does do schema checking
<warner> and which refuses to be invoked with method names that are not in the
<radix> warner: we-ell
<radix> warner: doing method existence checking is cool
<radix> warner: but I think tying any further "schema checking" to adaptation
is a bad idea
<warner> yeah, that's my hunch too
<warner> which is why I'd rather not use adapters to express the scope of the
method name (which RemoteInterface it is supposed to be a part of)
<radix> warner: well, I don't think tying it to callRemote(RIFoo.methName)
would be a good idea just the same
<warner> hm
<warner> so that leaves rr.callRemote(RIFoo['add']) and
rr.callRemoteInterface(RIFoo, 'add')
<radix> OTOH, I'm inclined to think schema checking should happen by default
<radix> It's just a the matter of where it's parameterized
<warner> yeah, it's just that the "default" case (rr.callRemote('name')) needs
to work when there aren't any RemoteInterfaces declared
<radix> warner: oh
<warner> but if we want to encourage people to use the schemas, then we need
to make that case simple and concise
* radix goes over the issue in his head again
<radix> Yes, I think I still have the same position.
<warner> which one? :)
<radix> IFoo(rr).callRemote("foo"); which would do schema checking because
schema checking is on by default when it's possible
<warner> using an adaptation-like construct to declare a scope of the method
name that comes later
<radix> well, it _is_ adaptation, I think.
<radix> Adaptation always has plugged in behavior, we're just adding a bit
more :)
<warner> heh
<warner> it is a narrowing of capability
<radix> hmm, how do you mean?
<warner> rr.callRemote("foo") will do the same thing
<warner> but rr.callRemote("foo") can be used without the remote interfaces
<radix> I think I lost you.
<warner> if rr has any RIs defined, it will try to use them (and therefore
complain if "foo" does not exist in any of them, or if the schema is violated)
<radix> Oh. That's strange.
<radix> So it's really quite different from how interfaces regularly work...
<warner> yeah
<warner> except that if you were feeling clever you could use them the normal
<radix> Well, my inclination is to make them work as similarly as possible.
<warner> "I have a remote reference to something that implements RIFoo, but I
want to use it in some other way"
<radix> s/possible/practical/
<warner> then IBar(rr) or RIBar(rr) would wrap rr in something that knows how
to translate Bar methods into RIFoo remote methods
<radix> Maybe it's not practical to make them very similar.
<radix> I see.

rr.callRemote(RIFoo.add, **kw)
rr.callRemote(RIFoo['add'], **kw)
RIFoo(rr).callRemote('add', **kw)

I like the second one. Normal Interfaces behave like a dict, so IFoo['add']
gets you the method-describing object (z.i.i.Method). My RemoteInterfaces
don't do that right now (because I remove the attributes before handing the
RI to z.i), but I could probably fix that. I could either add attributes to
the Method or hook __getitem__ to return something other than a Method
(maybe a RemoteMethodSchema).

Those Method objects have a .getSignatureInfo() which provides almost
everything I need to construct the RemoteMethodSchema. Perhaps I should
post-process Methods rather than pre-process the RemoteInterface. I can't
tell how to use the return value trick, and it looks like the function may
be discarded entirely once the Method is created, so this approach may not

On the server side (Referenceable), subclassing Interface is nice because it
provides adapters and implements() queries.

On the client side (RemoteReference), subclassing Interface is a hassle: I
don't think adapters are as useful, but getting at a method (as an attribute
of the RI) is important. We have to bypass most of Interface to parse the
method definitions differently.

* create UnslicerRegistry, registerUnslicer
DONE (PROVISIONAL), flat registry (therefore problematic for len(opentype)>1)

consider adopting the existing collection API (getChild, putChild) for this,
or maybe allow registerUnslicer() to take a callable which behaves kind of
like a twisted.web isLeaf=1 resource (stop walking the tree, give all index
tokens to the isLeaf=1 node)

also some APIs to get a list of everything in the registry

* use metaclass to auto-register RemoteCopy classes

** use metaclass to auto-register Unslicer classes

** and maybe Slicer classes too
DONE with name 'slices', perhaps change to 'slicerForClasses'?

 class FailureSlicer(slicer.BaseSlicer):
     classname = "twisted.python.failure.Failure"
     slicerForClasses = (failure.Failure,) # triggers auto-register

** various registry approaches

There are currently three kinds of registries used in banana/newpb:

 RemoteInterface <-> interface name
 class/type -> Slicer (-> opentype) -> Unslicer (-> class/type)
 Copyable subclass -> copyable-opentype -> RemoteCopy subclass

There are two basic approaches to representing the mappings that these
registries implement. The first is implicit, where the local objects are
subclassed from Sliceable or Copyable or RemoteInterface and have attributes
to define the wire-side strings that represent them. On the receiving side,
we make extensive use of metaclasses to perform automatic registration
(taking names from class attributes and mapping them to the factory or
RemoteInterface used to create the remote version).

The second approach is explicit, where pb.registerRemoteInterface,
pb.registerRemoteCopy, and pb.registerUnslicer are used to establish the
receiving-side mapping. There isn't a clean way to do it explicitly on the
sending side, since we already have instances whose classes can give us
whatever information we want.

The advantage of implicit is simplicity: no more questions about why my
pb.RemoteCopy is giving "not unserializable" errors. The mere act of
importing a module is enough to let PB create instances of its classes.

The advantage of doing it explicitly is to remind the user about the
existence of those maps, because the factory classes in the receiving map is
precisely equal to the user's exposure (from a security point of view). See
the E paper on secure-serialization for some useful concepts.

A disadvantage of implicit is that you can't quite be sure what, exactly,
you're exposed to: the registrations take place all over the place.

To make explicit not so painful, we can use quotient's .wsv files
(whitespace-separated values) which map from class to string and back again.
The file could list fully-qualified classname, wire-side string, and
receiving factory class on each line. The Broker (or rather the RootSlicer
and RootUnslicer) would be given a set of .wsv files to define their
mapping. It would get all the registrations at once (instead of having them
scattered about). They could also demand-load the receive-side factory

For now, go implicit. Put off the decision until we have some more
experience with using newpb.

* move from VocabSlicer sequence to ADDVOCAB/DELVOCAB tokens

Requires a .wantVocabString flag in the parser, which is kind of icky but
fixes the annoying asymmetry between set (vocab sequence) and get (VOCAB
token). Might want a CLEARVOCAB token too.

On second thought, this won't work. There isn't room for both a vocab number
and a variable-length string in a single token. It must be an open sequence.
However, it could be an add/del/set-vocab sequence, allowing the vocab to be
modified incrementally.

** VOCABize interface/method names

One possibility is to make a list of all strings used by all known
RemoteInterfaces and all their methods, then send it at broker connection
time as the initial vocab map. A better one (maybe) is to somehow track what
we send and add a word to the vocab once we've sent it more than three

Maybe vocabize the pairs, as "ri/name1","ri/name2", etc, or maybe do them
separately. Should do some handwaving math to figure out which is better.

* nail down some useful schema syntaxes

This has two parts: parsing something like a __schema__ class attribute (see
the sketches in schema.xhtml) into a tree of FooConstraint objects, and
deciding how to retrieve schemas at runtime from things like the object being
serialized or the object being called from afar. To be most useful, the
syntax needs to mesh nicely (read "is identical to") things like formless and
(maybe?) atop or whatever has replaced the high-density highly-structured
save-to-disk scheme that used to do.

Some lingering questions in this area:

 When an object has a remotely-invokable method, where does the appropriate
 MethodConstraint come from? Some possibilities:

  an attribute of the method itself: obj.method.__schema__

  from inside a __schema__ attribute of the object's class

  from inside a __schema__ attribute of an Interface (which?) that the object

 Likewise, when a caller holding a RemoteReference invokes a method on it, it
 would be nice to enforce a schema on the arguments they are sending to the
 far end ("be conservative in what you send"). Where should this schema come
 from? It is likely that the sender only knows an Interface for their

 When PB determines that an object wants to be copied by value instead of by
 reference (pb.Copyable subclass, Copyable(obj), schema says so), where
 should it find a schema to define what exactly gets copied over? A class
 attribute of the object's class would make sense: most objects would do
 this, some could override jellyFor to get more control, and others could
 override something else to push a new Slicer on the stack and do streaming
 serialization. Whatever the approach, it needs to be paralleled by the
 receiving side's unjellyableRegistry.

* RemoteInterface instances should have an "RI-" prefix instead of "I-"


* merge my RemoteInterface syntax with zope.interface's

I hacked up a syntax for how method definitions are parsed in
RemoteInterface objects. That syntax isn't compatible with the one
zope.interface uses for local methods, so I just delete them from the
attribute dictionary to avoid causing z.i indigestion. It would be nice if
they were compatible so I didn't have to do that. This basically translates
into identifying the nifty extra flags (like priority classes, no-response)
that we want on these methods and finding a z.i-compatible way to implement
them. It also means thinking of SOAP/XML-RPC schemas and having a syntax
that can represent everything at once.

* use adapters to enable pass-by-reference or pass-by-value

It should be possible to pass a reference with variable forms:

 rr.callRemote("foo", 1, Reference(obj))
 rr.callRemote("bar", 2, Copy(obj))

This should probably adapt the object to IReferenceable or ICopyable, which
are like ISliceable except they can pass the object by reference or by
value. The slicing process should be:

 look up the type() in a table: this handles all basic types
 else adapt the object to ISliceable, use the result
 else raise an Unsliceable exception
  (and point the user to the docs on how to fix it)

The adapter returned by IReferenceable or ICopyable should implement
ISliceable, so no further adaptation will be done.

* remove 'copy' prefix from remotecopy banana type names?

<glyph> warner: did we ever finish our conversation on the usefulness of the
(copy foo blah) namespace rather than just (foo blah)?
<warner> glyph: no, I don't think we did
<glyph> warner: do you still have (copy foo blah)?
<warner> glyph: yup
<warner> so far, it seems to make some things easier
<warner> glyph: the sender can subclass pb.Copyable and not write any new
code, while the receiver can write an Unslicer and do a registerRemoteCopy
<warner> glyph: instead of the sender writing a whole slicer and the receiver
registering at the top-level
<glyph> warner: aah
<warner> glyph: although the fact that it's easier that way may be an artifact
of my sucky registration scheme
<glyph> warner: so the advantage is in avoiding registration of each new
unslicer token?
<glyph> warner: yes. I'm thinking that a metaclass will handily remove the
need for extra junk in the protocol ;)
<warner> well, the real reason is my phobia about namespace purity, of course
<glyph> warner: That's what the dots are for
<warner> but ease of dispatch is also important
<glyph> warner: I'm concerned about it because I consider my use of the same
idiom in the first version of PB to be a serious wart
* warner nods
<warner> I will put together a list of my reasoning
<glyph> warner: I think it's likely that PB implementors in other languages
are going to want to introduce new standard "builtin" types; our "builtins"
shouldn't be limited to python's provided data structures
<moshez> glyph: wait
<warner> ok
<moshez> glyph: are you talking of banana types
<moshez> glyph: or really PB
<warner> in which case (copy blah blah) is a non-builtin type, while
(type-foo) is a builtin type
<glyph> warner: plus, our namespaces are already quite well separated, I can
tell you I will never be declaring new types outside of quotient.* and
twisted.* :)
<warner> moshez: this is mostly banana (or what used to be jelly, really)
<glyph> warner: my inclination is to standardize by convention
<glyph> warner: *.* is a non-builtin type, [~.] is a builtin
<moshez> glyph: ?
<glyph> sorry [^.]*
<glyph> my regular expressions and shell globs are totally confused but you
know what I mean
<glyph> moshez: yes
<moshez> glyph: hrm
<saph_w> glyph: you're making crazy anime faces
<moshez> glyph: why do we need any non-Python builtin types
<glyph> moshez: because I want to destroy SOAP, and doing that means working
with people I don't like
<glyph> moshez: outside of python
<moshez> glyph: I meant, "what specific types"
<moshez> I'd appreciate a blog on that

* have Copyable/RemoteCopy default to __getstate__/__setstate__?

At the moment, the default implementations of getStateToCopy() and
setCopyableState() get and set __dict__ directly. Should the default instead
be to call __getstate__() or __setstate__()?

* make slicer/unslicers for pb.RemoteInterfaces

exarkun's use case requires these Interfaces to be passable by reference
(i.e. by name). It would also be interesting to let them be passed (and
requested!) by value, so you can ask a remote peer exactly what their
objects will respond to (the method names, the argument values, the return
value). This also requires that constraints be serializable.

do this, should be referenceable (round-trip should return the same object),
should use the same registration lookup that RemoteReference(interfacelist)

* investigate decref/Referenceable race

Any object that includes some state when it is first sent across the wire
needs more thought. The far end could drop the last reference (at time t=1)
while a method is still pending that wants to send back the same object. If
the method finishes at time t=2 but the decref isn't received until t=3, the
object will be sent across the wire without the state, and the far end will
receive it for the "first" time without that associated state.

This kind of conserve-bandwidth optimization may be a bad idea. Or there
might be a reasonable way to deal with it (maybe request the state if it
wasn't sent and the recipient needs it, and delay delivery of the object
until the state arrives).

DONE, the RemoteReference is held until the decref has been acked. As long as
the methods are executed in-order, this will prevent the race. TODO:
third-party references (and other things that can cause out-of-order
execution) could mess this up.

* sketch out how to implement glyph's crazy non-compressed sexpr encoding

* consider a smaller scope for OPEN-counter reference numbers

For newpb, we moved to implicit reference numbers (counting OPEN tags
instead of putting a number in the OPEN tag) because we didn't want to burn
so much bandwidth: it isn't feasible to predict whether your object will
need to be referenced in the future, so you always have to be prepared to
reference it, so we always burn the memory to keep track of them (generally
in a ScopedSlicer subclass). If we used explicit refids then we'd have to
burn the bandwidth too.

The sorta-problem is that these numbers will grow without bound as long as
the connection remains open. After a few hours of sending 100-byte objects
over a 100MB connection, you'll hit 1G-references and will have to start
sending them as LONGINT tokens, which is annoying and slightly verbose (say
3 or 4 bytes of number instead of 1 or 2). You never keep track of that many
actual objects, because the references do not outlive their parent

The fact that the references themselves are scoped to the ScopedSlicer
suggests that the reference numbers could be too. Each ScopedSlicer would
track the number of OPEN tokens emitted (actually the number of
slicerForObject calls made, except you'd want to use a different method to
make sure that children who return a Slicer themselves don't corrupt the
OPEN count).

This requires careful synchronization between the ScopedSlicers on one end
and the ScopedUnslicers on the other. I suspect it would be slightly

One sorta-benefit would be that a somewhat human-readable sexpr-based
encoding would be even more human readable if the reference numbers stayed
small (you could visually correlate objects and references more easily). The
ScopedSlicer's open-parenthesis could be represented with a curly brace or
something, then the refNN number would refer to the NN'th left-paren from
the last left-brace. It would also make it clear that the recipient will not
care about objects outside that scope.

* implement the FDSlicer

Over a unix socket, you can pass fds. exarkun had a presentation at PyCon04
describing the use of this to implement live application upgrade. I think
that we could make a simple FDSlicer to hide the complexity of the
out-of-band part of the communication.

class Server(unix.Server):
    def sendFileDescriptors(self, fileno, data="Filler"):
        @param fileno: An iterable of the file descriptors to pass.
        payload = struct.pack("%di" % len(fileno), *fileno)
        r = sendmsg(self.fileno(), data, 0, (socket.SOL_SOCKET, SCM_RIGHTS, payload))
        return r

class Client(unix.Client):
    def doRead(self):
        if not self.connected:
            msg, flags, ancillary = recvmsg(self.fileno())
            buf = ancillary[0][2]
            fds = []  
            while buf:
                fd, buf = buf[:4], buf[4:]
                fds.append(struct.unpack("i", fd)[0])
        return unix.Client.doRead(self)

* implement AsyncDeferred returns

dash wanted to implement a TransferrableReference object with a scheme that
would require creating a new connection (to a third-party Broker) during
ReferenceUnslicer.receiveClose . This would cause the object deserialization
to be asynchronous.

At the moment, Unslicers can return a Deferred from their receiveClose
method. This is used by immutable containers (like tuples) to indicate that
their object cannot be created yet. Other containers know to watch for these
Deferreds and add a callback which will update their own entries
appropriately. The implicit requirement is that all these Deferreds fire
before the top-level parent object (usually a CallUnslicer) finishes. This
allows for circular references involving immutable containers to be resolved
into the final object graph before the target method is invoked.

To accomodate Deferreds which will fire at arbitrary points in the future,
it would be useful to create a marker subclass named AsyncDeferred. If an
unslicer returns such an object, the container parent starts by treating it
like a regular Deferred, but it also knows that its object is not
"complete", and therefore returns an AsyncDeferred of its own. When the
child completes, the parent can complete, etc. The difference between the
two types: Deferred means that the object will be complete before the
top-level parent is finished, AsyncDeferred makes claims about when the
object will be finished.

CallUnslicer would know that if any of its arguments are Deferreds or
AsyncDeferreds then it need to hold off on the broker.doCall until all those
Deferreds have fired. Top-level objects are not required to differentiate
between the two types, because they do not return an object to an enclosing
parent (the CallUnslicer is a child of the RootUnslicer, but it always
returns None).

Other issues: we'll need a schema to let you say whether you'll accept these
late-bound objects or not (because if you do accept them, you won't be able
to impose the same sorts of type-checks as you would on immediate objects).
Also this will impact the in-order-invocation promises of PB method calls,
so we may need to implement the "it is ok to run this asynchronously" flag
first, then require that TransferrableReference objects are only passed to
methods with the flag set.

Also, it may not be necessary to have a marker subclass of Deferred: perhaps
_any_ Deferred which arrives from a child is an indication that the object
will not be available until an unknown time in the future, and obligates the
parent to return another Deferred upwards (even though their object could be
created synchronously). Or, it might be better to implement this some other
way, perhaps separating "here is my object" from "here is a Deferred that
will fire when my object is complete", like a call to
parent.addDependency(self.deferred) or something.

DONE, needs testing

* TransferrableReference

class MyThing(pb.Referenceable): pass
r1 = MyThing()
r2 = Facet(r1)
g1 = Global(r1)
class MyGlobalThing(pb.GloballyReferenceable): pass
g2 = MyGlobalThing()
g3 = Facet(g2)


rem.callRemote("m1", r1) # limited to just this connection
rem.callRemote("m2", Global(r1)) # can be published
g3 = Global(r1)
rem.callRemote("m3", g1) # can also be published..
g1.revoke() # but since we remember it, it can be revoked too
g1.restrict() # and, as a Facet, we can revoke some functionality but not all

rem.callRemote("m1", g2) # can be published

E tarball: jsrc/net/captp/tables/NearGiftTable

 1: when A sends a reference on B to C, C's messages to the object
 referenced must arrive after any messages A sent before the reference forks

 in particular, if A does:
  B.callRemote("1", hugestring)
  B.callRemote("2_makeYourSelfSecure", args)
  C.callRemote("3_transfer", B)

 and C does B.callRemote("4_breakIntoYou") as soon as it gets the reference,
 then the A->B queue looks like (1, 2), and the A->C queue looks like (3).
 The transfer message can be fast, and the resulting 4 message could be
 delivered to B before the A->B queue manages to deliver 2.

 2: an object which get passed through multiple external brokers and
 eventually comes home must be recognized as a local object

 3: Copyables that contain RemoteReferences must be passable between hosts

E cannot do all three of these at once

I think that it's ok to tell people who want this guarantee to explicitly
serialize it like this:

 B.callRemote("1", hugestring)
 d = B.callRemote("2_makeYourSelfSecure", args)
 d.addCallback(lambda res: C.callRemote("3_transfer", B))

Note that E might not require that method calls even have a return value, so
they might not have had a convenient way to express this enforced

** more thoughts

To enforce the partial-ordering, you could do the equivalent of:
  B.callRemote("1", hugestring)
  B.callRemote("2_makeYourSelfSecure", args)
  nonce = makeNonce()
  B.callRemote("makeYourSelfAvailableAs", nonce)
  C.callRemote("3_transfer", (nonce,

C uses the nonce when it connects to B. It knows the name of the reference,
so it can compare it against some other reference to the same thing, but it
can't actually use that name alone to get access.

When the connection request arrives at B, it sees (which is also
unguessable), so that gives it reason to believe that it should queue C's
request (that it isn't just a DoS attack). It queues it until it sees A's
request to makeYourSelfAvailableAs with the matching nonce. Once that
happens, it can provide the reference back to C.

This implies that C won't be able to send *any* messages to B until that
handshake has completed. It might be desireable to avoid the extra round-trip
this would require.

** more thoughts

 url = PBServerFactory.registerReference(ref, name=None)
  creates human-readable URLs or random identifiers

the factory keeps a bidirectional mapping of names and Referenceables

when a Referenceable gets serialized, if the factory's table doesn't have a
name for it, the factory creates a random one. This entry in the table is
kept alive by two things:

 a live reference by one of the factory's Brokers
 an entry in a Broker's "gift table"

When a RemoteReference gets serialized (and it doesn't point back to the
receiving Broker, and thus get turned into a your-reference sequence), 

<warner> A->C: "I'm going to send somebody a reference to you, incref your
         gift table", C->A: roger that, here's a gift nonce
<warner> A->B: "here's Carol's reference: URL plus nonce"
<warner> B->C: "I want a liveref to your 'Carol' object, here's my ticket
         (nonce)", C->B: "ok, ticket redeemed, here's your liveref"

once more, without nonces:
 A->C: "I'm going to send somebody a reference to you, incref your
       gift table", C->A: roger that
 A->B: "here's Carol's reference: URL"
 B->C: "I want a liveref to your 'Carol' object", C->B: "ok, here's your

 on A: c.vat.callRemote("giftYourReference", c).addCallback(step2)
       c is serialized as (your-reference, clid)
 on C: vat.remote_giftYourReference(which): self.table[which] += 1; return
 on A: step2: b.introduce(c)
       c is serialized as (their-reference, url)
 on B: deserialization sees their-reference
       newvat = makeConnection(URL)
       newvat.callRemote("redeemGift", URL).addCallback(step3)
 on C: vat.remote_redeemGift(URL):
           ref = self.urls[URL]; self.table[ref] -= 1; return ref
       ref is serialized as (my-reference, clid)
 on B: step3(c): b.remote_introduce(c)

problem: if alice sends a thousand copies, that means these 5 messages are
each send a thousand times. The makeConnection is cached, but the rest are
not. We don't rememeber that we've already made this gift before, that the
other end probably still has it. Hm, but we also don't know that they didn't
lose it already.

** ok, a plan:

concern 1: objects must be kept alive as long as there is a RemoteReference
to them.

concern 2: we should be able to tell when an object is being sent for the
first time, to add metadata (interface list, public URL) that would be
expensive to add to every occurrence.

 each (my-reference) sent over the wire increases the broker's refcount on
 both ends.

 the receiving Broker retains a weakref to the RemoteReference, and retains a
 copy of the metadata necessary to create it in the clid table (basically the
 entire contents of the RemoteReference). When the weakref expires, it marks
 the clid entry as "pending-free", and sends a decref(clid,N) to the other
 Broker. The decref is actually sent with broker.callRemote("decref", clid,
 N), so it can be acked.

 the sending broker gets the decref and reduces its count by N. If another
 reference was sent recently, this count may not drop all the way to zero,
 indicating there is a reference "in flight" and the far end should be ready
 to deal with it (by making a new RemoteReference with the same properties as
 the old one). If N!=0, it returns False to indicate that this was not the
 last decref message for the clid. If N==0, it returns True, since it is the
 last decref, and removes the entry from its table. Once remote_decref
 returns True, the clid is retired.

 the receiving broker receives the ack from the decref. If the ack says
 last==True, the clid table entry is freed. If it says last==False, then
 there should have been another (my-reference) received before the ack, so
 the refcount should be non-zero.

 message sequence:

   A-> : (my-reference clid metadata)  [A.myrefs[clid].refcount++ = 1]
   A-> : (my-reference clid)  [A.myrefs[clid].refcount++ = 2]
    ->B: receives my-ref, creates RR, B.yourrefs[clid].refcount++ = 1
    ->B: receives my-ref, B.yourrefs[clid].refcount++ = 2
       :  time passes, B sees the reference go away
    <-B: d=brokerA.callRemote("decref", clid, B.yourrefs[clid].refcount)
         B.yourrefs[clid].refcount = 0; d.addCallback(B.checkref, clid)
   A-> : (my-reference clid)  [A.myrefs[clid].refcount++ = 3]
   A<- : receives decref, A.myrefs[clid].refcount -= 2, now =1, returns False
    ->B: receives my-ref, re-creates RR, B.yourrefs[clid].refcount++ = 1
    ->B: receives ack(False), B.checkref asserts refcount != 0
       :  time passes, B sees the reference go away again
    <-B: d=brokerA.callRemote("decref", clid, B.yourrefs[clid].refcount)
         B.yourrefs[clid].refcount = 0; d.addCallback(B.checkref, clid)
   A<- : receives decref, A.myrefs[clid].refcount -= 1, now =0, returns True
         del A.myrefs[clid]
    ->B: receives ack(True), B.checkref asserts refcount==0
         del B.yourrefs[clid]

B retains the RemoteReference data until it receives confirmation from A.
Therefore whenever A sends a reference that doesn't already exist in the clid
table, it is sending it to a B that doesn't know about that reference, so it
needs to send the metadata.

concern 3: in the three-party exchange, Carol must be kept alive until Bob
has established a reference to her, even if Alice drops her carol-reference
immediately after sending the introduction to Bob.

(my-reference, clid, [interfaces, public URL])
(your-reference, clid)
(their-reference, URL)

Serializing a their-reference causes an entry to be placed in the Broker's
.theirrefs[URL] table. Each time a their-reference is sent, the entry's
refcount is incremented.

Receiving a their-reference may initiate a PB connection to the target,
followed by a getNamedReference request. When this completes (or if the
reference was already available), the recipient sends a decgift message to
the sender. This message includes a count, so multiple instances of the same
gift can be acked as a group.

The .theirrefs entry retains a reference to the sender's RemoteReference, so
it cannot go away until the gift is acked.

DONE, gifts are implemented, we punted on partial-ordering

*** security, DoS

Bob can force Alice to hold on to a reference to Carol, as long as both
connections are open, by never acknowledging the gift.

Alice can cause Bob to open up TCP connections to arbitrary hosts and ports,
by sending third-party references to him, although the only protocol those
connections will speak is PB.

Using yURLs and StartTLS should be enough to secure and authenticate the

*** partial-ordering

If we need it, the gift (their-reference message) can include a nonce, Alice
sends a makeYourSelfAvailableAs message to Carol with the nonce, and Bob must
do a new getReference with the nonce.

Kragen came up with a good use-case for partial-ordering:
  B.callRemote("updateDocument", bigDocument)
  C.callRemote("pleaseReviewLatest", B)

* PBService / Tub

Really, PB wants to be a Service, since third-party references mean it will
need to make connections to arbitrary targets, and it may want to re-use
those connections.

 s = pb.PBService()
 s.listenOn(strport) # provides URL base
 swissURL = s.registerReference(ref)  # creates unguessable name
 publicURL = s.registerReference(ref, "name") # human-readable name
 s.unregister(URL) # also revokes all clids
 d = s.getReference(URL) # Deferred which fires with the RemoteReference
 d = s.shutdown() # close all servers and client connections

DONE, this makes things quite clean

* promise pipelining

Even without third-party references, we can do E-style promise pipelining.

<warner> hmm. subclass of Deferred that represents a Promise, can be
 serialized if it's being sent to the same broker as the RemoteReference it was
 generated for
<dash> warner: hmmm. how's that help us?
<dash> oh, pipelining?
<warner> maybe a flag on the callRemote to say that "yeah, I want a
 DeferredPromise out of you, but I'm only going to include it as an argument to
 another method call I'm sending you, so don't bother sending *me* the result"
<dash> aah
<dash> yeah
<dash> that sounds like a reasonable approach
<warner> that would actually work
<warner> dash: do you know if E makes any attempt to handle >2 vats in their
 pipelining implementation? seems to me it could turn into a large network
 optimization problem pretty quickly
<dash> warner: Mmm
<warner> hmm
<dash> I do not think you have to
<warner> so you have: t1=a.callRemote("foo",args1);
 t2=t1.callRemote("bar",args2), where callRemote returns a Promise, which is a
 special kind of Deferred that remembers the Broker its answer will eventually
 come from. If args2 consists of entirely immediate things (no Promises) or
 Promises that are coming from the same broker as t1 uses, then the "bar" call
 is eligible for pipelining and gets sent to the remote broker
<warner> in the resulting newpb banana sequence, the clid of the target method
 is replaced by another kind of clid, which means "the answer you're going to
 send to method call #N", where N comes from t1
<dash> mmm yep
<warner> using that new I-can't-unserialize-this-yet hook we added, the second
 call sequence doesn't finish unserializing until the first call finishes and
 sends the answer. Sending answer #N fires the hook's deferred.
<warner> that triggers the invocation of the second method
<dash> yay
<warner> hm, of course that totally blows away the idea of using a Constraint
 on the arguments to the second method
<warner> because you don't even know what the object is until after the
 arguments have arrived
<warner> but
<dash> well
<warner> the first method has a schema, which includes a return constraint
<dash> okay you can't fail synchronously
<warner> so you *can* assert that, whatever the object will be, it obeys that
<dash> but you can return a failure like everybody else
<warner> and since the constraint specifies an Interface, then the Interface
 plus mehtod name is enough to come up with an argument constraint
<warner> so you can still enforce one
<warner> this is kind of cool
<dash> the big advantage of pipelining is that you can have a lot of
 composable primitives on your remote interfaces rather than having to smush
 them together into things that are efficient to call remotely
<warner> hm, yeah, as long as all the arguments are either immediate or
 reference something on the recipient
<warner> as soon as a third party enters the equation, you have to decide
 whether to wait for the arguments to resolve locally or if it might be faster
 to throw them at someone else
<warner> that's where the network-optimization thing I mentioned before comes
 into play
<dash> mmm
<warner> you send messages to A and to B, once you get both results you want
 to send the pair to C to do something with them
<dash> spin me an example scenario
<dash> Hmm
<warner> if all three are close to each other, and you're far from all of
 them, it makes more sense to tell C about A and B
<dash> how _does_ E handle that
<warner> or maybe tell A and B about C, tell them "when you get done, send
 your results to C, who will be waiting for them"
<dash> warner: yeah, i think that the right thing to do is to wait for them to
 resolve locally
<Tv> assuming that C can talk to A and B is bad
<dash> no it isn't
<Tv> well, depends on whether you live in this world or not :)
<dash> warner: if you want other behaviour then you should have to set it up
 explicitly, i think
<warner> I'm not even sure how you would describe that sort of thing. It'd be
 like routing protocols, you assign a cost to each link and hope some magical
 omniscient entity can pick an optimal solution

** revealing intentions

<zooko> Now suppose I say "B.your_fired(C.revoke_his_rights())", or such.
<warner> A->C: sell all my stock. A->B: declare bankruptcy

If B has access to C, and the promises are pipelined, then B has a window
during which they know something's about to happen, and they still have full
access to C, so they can do evil.

Zooko tried to explain the concern to MarkM years ago, but didn't have a
clear example of the problem. The thing is, B can do evil all the time,
you're just trying to revoke their capability *before* they get wind of your
intentions. Keeping intentions secret is hard, much harder than limiting
someone's capabilities. It's kind of the trailing edge of the capability, as
opposed to the leading edge.

Zooko feels the language needs clear support for expressing how the
synchronization needs to take place, and which domain it needs to happen in.

* web-calculus integration

Tyler pointed out that it is vital for a node to be able to grant limited
access to some held object. Specifically, Alice may want to give Bob a
reference not to Carol as a whole, but to just a specific Carol.remote_foo
method (and not to any other methods that Alice might be allowed to invoke).
I had been thinking of using RemoteInterfaces to indicate method subsets,
something like this:

 bob.callRemote("introduce", Facet(self, RIMinimal))

but Tyler thinks that this is too coarse-grained and not likely to encourage
the right kinds of security decisions. In his web-calculus, recipients can
grant third-parties access to individual bound methods.

 bob.callRemote("introduce", carol.getMethod("howdy"))

If I understand it correctly, his approach makes Referenceables into a
copy-by-value object that is represented by a dictionary which maps method
names to these RemoteMethod objects, so there is no actual
callRemote(methname) method. Instead you do something like:

 rr = tub.getReference(url)
 d = rr['introduce'].call(args)

These RemoteMethod objects are top-level, so unguessable URLs must be
generated for them when they are sent, and they must be reference-counted. It
must not be possible to get from the bound method to the (unrestricted)
referenced object.

TODO: how does the web-calculus maintain reference counts for these? It feels
like there would be an awful lot of messages being thrown around.

To implement this, we'll need:

 banana sequences for bound methods
  ('my-method', clid, url)
  ('your-method', clid)
  ('their-method', url, RI+methname?)
 syntax to carve a single method out of a local Referenceable
  A: self.doFoo  (only if we get rid of remote_)
  B: self.remote_doFoo
  C: self.getMethod("doFoo")
  D: self.getMethod(RIFoo['doFoo'])
  leaning towards C or D
 syntax to carve a single method out of a RemoteReference
  A: rr.doFoo
  B: rr.getMethod('doFoo')
  C: rr.getMethod(RIFoo['doFoo'])
  D: rr['doFoo']
  E: rr[RIFoo['doFoo']]
   leaning towards B or C
 decide whether to do getMethod early or late
  early means ('my-reference') includes a big dict of my-method values
   and a whole bunch of DECREFs when that dict goes away
  late means there is a remote_tub.getMethod(your-ref, methname) call
   and an extra round-trip to retrieve them
   dash thinks late is better

We could say that the 'my-reference' sequence for any RemoteInterface-enabled
Referenceable will include a dictionary of bound methods. The receiving end
will just stash the whole thing.

* do implicit "doFoo" -> RIFoo["doFoo"] conversion

I want rr.callRemote("doFoo", args) to take advantage of a RemoteInterface,
if one is available. RemoteInterfaces aren't supposed to be overlapping (at
least not among RemoteInterfaces that are shared by a single Referenceable),
so there shouldn't be any ambiguity. If there is, we can raise an error.

* accept Deferreds as arguments?

 bob.callRemote("introduce", target=self.tub.getReference(pburl))
 bob.callRemote("introduce", carol.getMethod("doFoo"))
  instead of
 carol.getMethod("doFoo").addCallback(lambda r: bob.callRemote("introduce", r))

If one of the top-level arguments to callRemote is a Deferred, don't send the
method request until all the arguments resolve. If any of the arguments
errback, the callRemote will fail with some new exception (that can contain a
reference to the argument's exception).

however, this would mean the method would be invoked out-of-order w.r.t. an
immediately-following bob.callRemote

put this off until we get some actual experience.

* batch decrefs?

If we implement the copy-by-value Referenceable idea, then a single gc may
result in dozens of simultaneous decrefs. It would be nice to reduce the
traffic generated by that.

* promise pipelining


DoS prevention techniques in CapIDL (MarkM)

tubs for lifetime management
separate listener object, share tubs between listeners
 distinguish by key number

 actually, why bother with separate keys? Why allow the outside world to
 distinguish between these sub-Tubs? Use them purely for lifetime management,
 not security properties. That means a name->published-object table for each
 SubTub, maybe a hierarchy of them, and the parent-most Tub gets the
 Listeners. Incoming getReferenceByURL requests require a lookup in all Tubs
 that descend from the one attached to that listener.

So one decision is whether to have implicitly-published objects have a name
that lasts forever (well, until the Tub is destroyed), or if they should be
reference-counted. If they are reference counted, then outstanding Gifts need
to maintain a reference, and the gift must be turned into a live
RemoteReference right away. It has bearing on how/if we implement SturdyRefs,
so I need to read more about them in the E docs.

Hrm, and creating new Tubs from within a remote_foo method.. to make that
useful, you'd need to have a way to ask for the Tub through which you were
being invoked. hrm.

* creating new Tubs

Tyler suggests using Tubs for namespace management. Tubs can share TCP
listening ports, but MarkS recommends giving them all separate keys (which
means separate SSL sessions, so separate TCP connections). Bill Frantz
discourages using a hierarchy of Tubs, says it's not the sort of thing you
want to be locked into.

That means I'll need a separate Listener object, where the rule is that the
last Tub to be stopped makes the Listener stop too.. probably abuse the
Service interface in some wacky way to pull this off.

Creating a new Tub.. how to conveniently create it with the same Listeners as
the current one? If the method that's creating the Tub is receiving a
reference, the Tub can be an attribute of the inbound RemoteReference. If
not, that's trickier.. the _tub= argument may still be a useful way to go.
Once you've got a source tub, then tub.newTub() should create a new one with
the same Listeners as the source (but otherwise unassociated with it).

Once you have the new Tub, registering an object in it should return
something that can be directly serialized into a gift.

class Target(pb.Referenceable):
    def remote_startGame(self, player_black, player_white):
        tub = player_black.tub.newTub()
        game = self.createGame()
        gameref = tub.register(game)
        game.setPlayer("black", tub.something(player_black))
        game.setPlayer("white", tub.something(player_white))
        return gameref

Hmm. So, create a SturdyRef class, which remembers the tubid (key), list of
location hints, and object name. These have a url() method that renders out a
URL string, and a compare method which compares the tubid and object name but
ignores the location hints. Serializing a SturdyRef creates a their-reference
sequence. Tub.register takes an object (and maybe a name) and returns a
SturdyRef. Tub.getReference takes either a URL or a SturdyRef.
RemoteReferences should have a .getSturdyRef method.

Actually, I think SturdyRefs should be serialized as Copyables, and create
SturdyRefs on the other side. The new-tub sequence should be:

 create new tub, using the Listener from an existing tub
 register the objects in the new tub, obtaining a SturdyRef
 send/return SendLiveRef(sturdyref) to the far side
  SendLiveRef is a wrapper that causes a their-reference sequence to be sent.
  The alternative is to obtain an actual live reference (via
  player_black.tub.getReference(sturdyref) first), then send that, but it's
  kind of a waste if you don't actually want to use the liveref yourself.

Note that it becomes necessary to provide for local references here: ones in
different Tubs which happen to share a Listener. These can use real TCP
connections (unless the Listener hint is only valid from the outside world).
It might be possible to use some tricks cut out some of the network overhead,
but I suspect there are reasons why you wouldn't actually want to do that.