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  <h2>12. Pyro Change Log</h2>
  (most recent entries <a href="#latest">at the end</a>)

  <p>Pyro versions before 3.5 can be found in the <a href="12-changes-archive.html">archive</a>.</p>

  <h3>Pyro 3.5</h3>

    <li><em>Starting from this version, Pyro is only tested and supported on Python 2.3+.</em> Python 2.2 <em>may</em>
    work, but no guarantees.</li>

    <li>PyroC -the static proxy compiler- has gone. Only dynamic proxies now.</li>

    <li>Removed the print statement from the Daemon (the warning in the log is still done

    <li>When verbose flag is given, NS now also does the deamon loopback test (and prints warning) just like ES

    <li>Remote method intercept code improved; it now uses a RemoteMethod stub object instead of the _name
    methodname-stack. You can now use bound method references to remote methods on the proxy (<code>meth =
    proxy.someMethod</code>), this did not work before.</li>

    <li>fixed some small documentation errors</li>

    <li>a few tweaks to the comparison methods (__eq__ etc) of the proxy object. Only eq and ne are defined now and
    work fine if a proxy is compared to a non-proxy object. You can now safely do <code>prox in aList</code> even when
    the list contains other objects.</li>

    <li>added the three missing name server methods fullName, setMeta and getMeta to the NS chapter in the docs</li>

    <li>Updated/clarified some things in the manual, such as the proxy-per-thread rule, and shutting down the server
    and daemon.</li>

    <li>daemon shutdown() is now honored by requestLoop()</li>

    <li>daemon shutdown() now takes an optional boolean disconnect parameter, if set to True (default=False) the daemon
    will unregister its objects directly (and shut down)</li>

    <li>rebindURI raises a more specific TimeoutError instead of plain ConnectionClosedError</li>

    <li>small fix in Pyroc so that it creates proxies for new-style classes too, but no guarantees that they work as
    intended (better to use dynamic proxy). Pyroc is a dinosaur and will likely be removed from Pyro.</li>

    <li>protocol code now uses socket.sendall() instead of a home grown loop.</li>

    <li>added support for MSG_WAITALL flag on socket recv for more efficient network transfers (especially large ones),
    on platforms that support this flag (such as Linux. Windows doesn't support it). I measured a 20% speed increase
    with the 'hugetransfer' example on Linux.</li>

    <li>added support for my recvall patch (it is used if detected). See Python patch #<a href=

    <li>Fixed the NameServer when using paired mode (-1/-2) and identification (-i).</li>

    <li>NameServerLocator now sends the two broadcast messages to locate the NS (possibly running in paired mode) in
    parallel, so the initial delay for it to figure out that one of the two is down, is now gone.</li>

    <li>Added the offending name to almost all <code>NamingError</code> exception args.</li>

    <li>Fixed the persistent name server when it stores names on the filesystem with special characters (they are now

    <li>Fixed persistent NS metadata-handling.</li>

    <li>Finally implemented persistent NS paired mode.</li>

    <li>The nsc tools now all have a <em>setmeta</em> command or button.</li>

    <li>Fixed various pychecker warnings and other assorted code cleanups.</li>

    <li>Fixed BasicNTService stream redir problems caused by recent pywin32 changes.</li>

    <li>New certificates in the ssl example that are valid until januari 2006.</li>

    <li>Tested with new M2Crypto (0.13+), had to implement a work-around for MSG_WAITALL-bug in M2Crypto API.</li>

    <li>Default connection validator <code>createAuthToken</code> now uses hmac-md5 instead of 'plain'
        md5. Updated the &quot;user_passwd_auth&quot; example accordingly.</li>

    <li>Fixed mobile code exception issue.</li>

    <li>Fixed ConnectionDeniedError exception issue.</li>

    <li>Changed md5.md5() calls to (likewise, the latter is the documented form</li>

    <li>Fixed mobile code pass-trough (as demonstrated by the new &quot;agent3&quot; example)</li>

    <li>Fixed mobile code issue that didn't allow multiple agent modules in the same package</li>

    <li>Added some more mobile code caveats in the docs.</li>

    <li>Fixed nsc shutdown command when not using broadcast.</li>

    <li>Fixed Oneway calls: they are now executed in their own thread, so that the caller is no longer
        blocked when using the same proxy again for the next <em>regular</em> call. Added a new &quot;oneway&quot;
        example that shows how that fix works.</li>

    <li>Added a very interesting &quot;distributed-computing&quot; example that 'cracks' md5, or sorts a huge
        array, but can easily process other tasks (if they can be partitioned)</li>

  <h3>Pyro 3.6</h3>

    <li>a PyroException is now raised when Pyro detects you're sharing a connected proxy among different threads.</li>
    <li>sre module is deprecated, import re instead (core)</li>
    <li>socket reuseaddr is no longer set on cygwin, to fix connection issues on cygwin/windows (protocol)</li>
    <li>added a new distributed computing example (distributed-computing2) that uses pull model (workers pull new chunks of work)</li>
    <li>added some mobile code test scenarios: testmobile examples</li>
    <li>documented float NaN/Inf problems in troubleshooting chapter</li>
    <li>fixed timeout bug (send/recv), added timeout example</li>
    <li>a lot more documentation on multithreading issues with proxy objects</li>
    <li>added some explicit remarks about using the same major Python version to avoid pickle dataformat mismatches</li>
    <li>removed support for PyXML pickling format because PyXML's marshaler is buggy and no longer maintained</li>
    <li>removed the 'any' setting for PYRO_XML_PICKLE, you must explicitly name the implementation you want</li>
    <li>Added PYRO_GNOSIS_PARANOIA config item to be able to manipulate Gnosis pickler's paranoia (security) setting</li>
    <li>Added support for new Gnosis utils version 1.3.x</li>
    <li>added warning in guidlines in manual about attribute access to large data structures</li>
    <li>reformatted manual HTML, manual now has a nice CSS style and optimized print output as well</li>
    <li>improved Nameserver exceptions a bit</li>
    <li>added PYRO_BROKEN_MSGWAITALL config item for use on systems that have broken socket MSG_WAITALL support. When set
        to 1, Pyro will use a different piece of code to receive data (slower, but working on these systems as well). </li>
    <li>improved the PYRO_BC_RETRIES and PYRO_BC_TIMEOUT config items: you can now set them to a negative value to mean 'infinitely'. </li>
    <li>added PYRO_HOST and PYRO_PUBLISHHOST config items</li>
    <li>automatic remote traceback printing has been removed, and the config item PYRO_PRINT_REMOTE_TRACEBACK as well.
    	Changes in Python's exception class implementation no longer allows to change the way
    	exceptions print themselves.</li>
    <li>renamed (internal) setDaemon method to avoid name clash with method on Python's Thread object</li>
    <li>replaced select() calls with a safer utility method (suggested by Oliver Gathmann)</li>
    <li>fixed very old frame GC-leak in Pyro_dyncall (SF bug 1407267)</li>
	<li>when running on localhost, Pyro will no longer start a NS broadcast server (this avoids not-working-NS addresses on other machines in the network)</li>
	<li>the NameServerLocator will now try to contact a Name Server on the current machine and localhost if the broadcast lookup fails. This allows standalone Pyro to work on Windows without having to configure PYRO_NS_HOSTNAME etc.</li>
	<li>threading fixes in event service and core pyro code</li>
	<li>locks around code doing mobile code imports, to avoid import race conditions</li>
	<li>mobile code is now able to compile source code with strange line endings such as CR LF (now opens source files in 'rU' mode)</li>
	<li>fixes in copying and pickling of proxies, also includes identification data now (if any)</li>
	<li>removed rserve example</li>
	<li>changed forking client in multithreading example to use threads instead, so it now works on Windows as well</li>
	<li>fixed ns thread issue in distributed-computing example</li>

  <h3>Pyro 3.7</h3>
    <li>Fixed typo for bdist_rpm target in setup.cfg</li>
    <li>Batch scripts have been renamed, all now start with a 'pyro-' prefix. This avoids name clashes. This was already done in the Debian package for instance.</li>
    <li>NS broadcast retry is now 1 (was 2) and timeout is now 0.75 (was 2)</li>
    <li>Pyro.core.SynchronizedObjBase now correctly handles string exceptions (deprecated anyway)</li>
    <li>the NS nt service won't respond to shutdown requests anymore</li>
    <li>wxnsc updated to recent WxPython API, deprecation warning is gone</li>
  <h3></a>Pyro 3.8.1</h3>
    <li>Pyro 3.8 is a bug-fix release that is almost completely backwards compatible with Pyro 3.7, apart from the exception change explained next.</li>
    <li>Pyro now uses an internal mutex to control concurrent access to proxy objects. You can now freely use proxy objects in different threads. The thread ownership check has been removed, and the _transferThread() method is now a stub.</li>
	<li>removed the exception args fiddling because it caused problems and depended on a deprecated python feature. If your code depends on the format of the exception.args field of an exception returned from a remote method call, you may need to change your code. This is the only thing that may not be backward compatible with code written for Pyro 3.7</li>
	<li>improved Jython and IronPython compatibility. See wiki pages for detailed info on this.</li>
	<li>fixed bug that self.daemon wasn't always set in NameServerStarter, causing problems with the shutdown and getServerSockets methods</li>
	<li>fixed pickling/copying of proxies (they were forgetting attributes such as oneway methods)</li>
	<li>version banner printing is now default off</li>
	<li>improved errorhandling of some protocol errors in</li>
	<li>added request data format sanity check in</li>
	<li>fixed /bin/env to /usr/bin/env in a couple of files (following patches from Ubuntu package)</li>
	<li>removed spaces in hashbang line in a lot of shellscripts (following patches from Ubuntu package)</li>
	<li>handle EINTR status (interrupted system call) during socket reads (no more ConnectionClosedError)</li>
	<li>fixed crash in initServer: storage dir checking issue with non-unique temporary files</li>
	<li>fixed crash in errormessage in</li>
	<li>changed relative imports to absolute imports</li>
	<li>a few more changes to certain del methods to avoid crashes</li>
	<li>nameserver locator no longer searches other hosts if an explicit hostname parameter is given</li>
	<li>pyro-xnsc didn't correctly use the hostname from the name server location textfield</li>
	<li>pyro-ns has new '-r' option to not look for existing name servers when starting a new one</li>
	<li>prefers hashlib over md5 module because of deprecation in newer python versions</li>
	<li>improved performance of supports_multithreading() and supports_compression() tests in (don't let them test the importing over and over again)</li>
	<li>removed's dependency on to avoid possible import problem</li>
	<li>fixed attrproxy getattr loop when deleting the object</li>
    <li>new config item PYROSSL_POSTCONNCHECK that you can set to 0 (default=1) to circumvent connection/certificate validations when using SSL</li>
	<li>user_passwd_auth example: passwords no longer stored as plaintext</li>
	<li>fixed server side connection exception when error occurs during oneway call</li>
	<li>The os can select a random port for your Pyro daemons if you set port=0 (and norange=1) when creating daemons. NS and ES also support this.</li>
	<li>You can now override the broadcast address for the name server and the name server locator. Added config items for this as well. </li>
    <li>fixed orig_import call in for extra params that Python 2.6+ use</li>
    <li>replaced custom locking objects by imp.acquire_lock() to obtain global import lock in mobile code import logic</li>
    <li>autoreconnect example no longer stops after ten seconds</li>
    <li>benchmark example got its iterations heavily increased because of faster machines</li>
    <li>distributed-computing2 example generates easier numbers to avoid excessive computation times in factorization</li>
    <li>,, explicitly import Pyro.errors to avoid import errors during runtime hopefully</li>
    <li>fixed monospace font in manual's print css; slightly tweaked the colors; headers are all underlined now (makes for easier reading when printed)</li>
    <li>ext/ and don't eat all break signals anymore (only ctrl-c), quickstart examples use timeout on loop to be able to break them</li>
    <li>cleanups in SSL code in (receive loop, handleRequests, M2Crypto.threading.init() called if multithreading)</li>
    <li>added 2 convenience methods to the daemon: getLocalObject(guid) and getLocalObjectForProxy(proxy)</li>
    <li>AllInOne examples now use automatic port allocation to avoid port rebinding issues on certain os'es such as MacOS</li>
    <li>3.8.1: fixed mobile code deadlock</li>
    <li>3.8.1: better handling of socket.timeout errors</li>

  <h3><a name="latest" id="latest"></a>Pyro 3.9</h3>
   	<li>Fixed mobile code failing when needed to process depending modules (hierarchy)</li>
   	<li>Nice new logo on website, also in manual</li>
   	<li>Renamed some parameters in to avoid overwriting the builtin type name 'object'</li>
   	<li>Added '-x' option to name server to avoid starting a broadcast listener</li>
	<li>Much simpler script</li>
	<li>Added PYRO_ONEWAY_THREADED config item to tell Pyro to use a thread or not for oneway calls (default=1, use threads)</li>
	<li>NS and ES, and the nsc tools, can now all be started by using python -m</li>
	<li>Easy config diagnostic using python -m Pyro.configuration</li>
	<li>jython: added workarounds for jython 2.2 bugs regarding __import__</li>
	<li>jython: re-enabled broadcast name server lookup for newer jython versions (2.5+)</li>
	<li>jython: removed seemingly useless select call in protocol code that caused crash in jython's select module</li>
	<li>More info about connection problems added to troubleshooting chapter in the manual</li>
	<li>Event server can now also run without name server</li>
	<li>Fixed possible deadlock in NS proxy when it needed to rebind to the server</li>
	<li>Added overview about threads,sessions,objects to usage chapter in manual</li>
	<li>Clarified TLS section in the manual</li>
	<li>Added session example to show use of TLS and user-session resource objects</li>
	<li>3.9.1: fixed invalid uri crash when starting nameserver in persistent mode</li>

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