

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 207e45e785cb8f6362fd9cc8fe5acbc8 > files > 126



  $FileInfo["Created"]                  = "Andrew Katkov";
  $FileInfo["Email"]                    = " (or";
  $FileInfo["Version"]                  = "2.3.2";
  $FileInfo["Language"]                 = "Russian";

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  $function["TWIGPlural"]		= <<<FUNC_END
  Function TWIGPluralrussian( \$n )
	if( \$n == 0 )
		return "zero";
	else if( \$n == 1 )
		return "singular";
	else if( \$n > 9 )
		switch( substr( (string)\$n, -2 ) )
			case 11:
			case 12:
			case 13:
			case 14:
				return "plural";
				switch( substr( (string)\$n, -1 ) )
					case 2:
					case 3:
					case 4:
						return "special234";
						// for >14 and not ending in 2,3,4
						return "plural";
		// for 2-9
		return "plural";

  $TWIGphrase["Add list"]               = "Add list";
  $TWIGphrase["New Contact"]            = "New Contact";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Contact"]           = "Edit Contact";
  $TWIGphrase["View Contact"]           = "View Contact";
  $TWIGphrase["New List"]               = "New List";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit List"]              = "Edit List";
  $TWIGphrase["View List"]              = "View List";
  $TWIGphrase["Selected"]               = "Selected";
  $TWIGphrase["Unselected"]             = "Unselected";
  $TWIGphrase["PegasusMail"]            = "PegasusMail";
  $TWIGphrase["New ToDo Item"]          = "New&nbsp;ToDo&nbsp;Item";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit ToDo Item"]         = "Edit&nbsp;ToDo&nbsp;Item";
  $TWIGphrase["View ToDo Item"]         = "View&nbsp;ToDo&nbsp;Item";
  $TWIGphrase["List Name"]              = "List Name";
  $TWIGphrase["Yearly view"]            = "Yearly&nbsp;view";
  $TWIGphrase["Daily view"]             = "Daily&nbsp;view";
  $TWIGphrase["Weekly view"]            = "Weekly&nbsp;view";
  $TWIGphrase["New Item"]               = "New Item";
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  $TWIGphrase["[Before you can edit a recurrance you must first save the entry]"]= "[Before you can edit a recurrance you must first save the entry]";
  $TWIGphrase["My Contact"]             = "My Contact";
  $TWIGphrase["Mycontact"]              = "My Contact";
  $TWIGphrase["Display uuencoded images inline"]= "Display uuencoded images inline";
  $TWIGphrase["Always return to message list after deleting when viewing a message"]= "Always return to message list after deleting when viewing a message";
  $TWIGphrase["New Note"]               = "New&nbsp;Note";
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  $TWIGphrase["View Note"]              = "View&nbsp;Note";
  $TWIGphrase["Registered Events"]      = "Registered&nbsp;Meetings";
  $TWIGphrase["Public Meetings"]        = "Public&nbsp;Meetings";
  $TWIGphrase["Private Meetings"]       = "Private&nbsp;Meetings";
  $TWIGphrase["Schedule a Meeting"]     = "Schedule&nbsp;a&nbsp;Meeting";
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  $TWIGphrase["View details"]           = "View&nbsp;details";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit notes"]             = "Edit&nbsp;notes";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit todo"]              = "Edit&nbsp;todo";
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  $TWIGphrase["Reschedule"]             = "Reschedule";
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  $TWIGphrase["RSVP3"]                  = "Not Attending";
  $TWIGphrase["Public meetings which you may attend"]= "Public meetings which you may attend";
  $TWIGphrase["Private meetings to which you are invited"]= "Private meetings to which you are invited";
  $TWIGphrase["Meetings for which you have registered an RSVP"]= "Meetings for which you have registered an RSVP";
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  $TWIGphrase["All"]                    = "All";
  $TWIGphrase["New Bookmark"]           = "New&nbsp;Bookmark";
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  $TWIGphrase["Back to Administration"] = "Back&nbsp;to&nbsp;Administration";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Main"]           = "Back&nbsp;to&nbsp;Main";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Mail"]           = "Back&nbsp;to&nbsp;Mail";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Meetings"]       = "Back&nbsp;to&nbsp;Meetings";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Help"]           = "Back&nbsp;to&nbsp;Help";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Logout"]         = "Back&nbsp;to&nbsp;Logout";
  $TWIGphrase["hebrew"]                 = "Hebrew";
  $TWIGphrase["Preferences"]            = "îÁÓÔÒÏÊËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Prefs"]                  = "îÁÓÔÒÏÊËÉ";
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  $TWIGphrase["Go To"]                  = "îÏ×ÏÅ ÏËÎÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["or"]                     = "ÉÌÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["the selected items to"]  = "ÏÔÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÅ ×";
  $TWIGphrase["This is"]                = "÷Ù ÐÏÌØÚÕÅÔÅÓØ ÐÒÏÇÒÁÍÍÏÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["No previous screen"]     = "îÅÔ ÐÒÅÄÙÄÕÝÅÇÏ ÜËÒÁÎÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["No next screen"]         = "îÅÔ ÓÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÇÏ ÜËÒÁÎÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["Error"]                  = "ïÛÉÂËÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["Welcome to TWIG version %1"]= "äÏÂÒÏ ÐÏÖÁÌÏ×ÁÔØ × TWIG  %1";
  $TWIGphrase["Number of items to index on one screen"]= "ëÏÌÉÞÅÓÔ×Ï ÚÁÐÉÓÅÊ ÎÁ ÏÄÎÏÍ ÜËÒÁÎÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Sorry this feature is not enabled, please select another feature."]= "éÚ×ÉÎÉÔÅ, ÜÔÁ ÏÐÃÉÑ ÎÅ ÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÁ. éÓÐÏÌØÚÕÊÔÅ ÄÒÕÇÕÀ.";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG"]                   = "TWIG";
  $TWIGphrase["Announcements"]          = "ÎÏ×ÏÓÔÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Groups"]                 = "çÒÕÐÐÙ";
  $TWIGphrase["Administration"]         = "õÐÒÁ×ÌÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["options"]                = "ÏÐÃÉÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Subject/Announcement"]   = "Subject/Announcment";
  $TWIGphrase["recent mail"]            = "ÎÏ×ÁÑ ÐÏÞÔÁ";
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  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Mail]"]            = "TWIG [ðÏÞÔÁ]";
  $TWIGphrase["Folders"]                = "ðÁÐËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["New Message"]            = "îÏ×ÏÅ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Folder Management"]      = "õÐÒÁ×ÌÅÎÉÅ ÐÁÐËÁÍÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Refresh"]                = "ðÅÒÅÒÉÓÏ×ÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Empty Trash"]            = "ïÞÉÓÔÉÔØ ËÏÒÚÉÎÕ";
  $TWIGphrase["of"]                     = "-ÏÅ ÉÚ";
  $TWIGphrase["to"]                     = "-";
  $TWIGphrase["from"]                   = "ÏÔ ËÏÇÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["Status"]                 = "óÔÁÔÕÓ";
  $TWIGphrase["date"]                   = "ÄÁÔÁ";
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  $TWIGphrase["read"]                   = "ÐÒÏÞÉÔÁÎÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["[no subject]"]           = "[ÎÅÔ ÔÅÍÙ]";
  $TWIGphrase["Select None"]            = "ïÔÍÅÎÉÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Select All"]             = "ïÔÍÅÔÉÔØ ÷ÓÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Copy Selected"]          = "ëÏÐÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ ÏÔÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete Selected"]        = "õÄÁÌÉÔØ ÏÔÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Move Selected"]          = "ðÅÒÅÍÅÓÔÉÔØ ÏÔÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Undelete Selected"]      = "÷ÏÓÓÔÁÎÏ×ÉÔØ ÏÔÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["**Select a folder**"]    = "×ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÐÁÐËÕ";
  $TWIGphrase["Set default tree view"]  = "Set default tree view";
  $TWIGphrase["the selected messages to"]= "ÏÔÍÅÞÅÎÎÙÅ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÑ ×";
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  $TWIGphrase["Delete"]                 = "õÄÁÌÉÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Reply"]                  = "ïÔ×ÅÔÉÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Reply to all"]           = "ïÔ×ÅÔÉÔØ ×ÓÅÍ";
  $TWIGphrase["Forward"]                = "ðÅÒÅÓÌÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Recompose"]              = "òÅÄÁËÔÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Save draft"]             = "óÏÈÒÁÎÉÔØ ÞÅÒÎÏ×ÉË";
  $TWIGphrase["Move"]                   = "ðÅÒÅÍÅÓÔÉÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["New message"]            = "îÏ×ÏÅ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to %1"]             = "îÁÚÁÄ ×&nbsp;%1";
  $TWIGphrase["Previous Message"]       = "ðÒÅÄÙÄÕÝÅÅ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Next Message"]           = "óÌÅÄÕÀÝÅÅ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Date"]                   = "äÁÔÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["From"]                   = "ïÔ ËÏÇÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["add to contacts"]        = "ÄÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ × ËÏÎÔÁËÔÙ";
  $TWIGphrase["To"]                     = "ëÏÍÕ (To)";
  $TWIGphrase["CC"]                     = "ëÏÐÉÀ (CC)";
  $TWIGphrase["Reply-To"]               = "áÄÒÅÓ ÄÌÑ ÏÔ×ÅÔÁ (Reply-To)";
  $TWIGphrase["Subject"]                = "ôÅÍÁ (Subject)";
  $TWIGphrase["Print View"]             = "ðÒÏÓÍÏÔÒ";
  $TWIGphrase["Full Headers"]           = "úÁÇÏÌÏ×ËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Hide Headers"]           = "óÐÒÑÔÁÔØ ÚÁÇÏÌÏ×ËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Display Headers"]        = "ðÏËÁÚÁÔØ úÁÇÏÌÏ×ËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Hide"]                   = "óÐÒÑÔÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["View"]                   = "ðÏËÁÚÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Send Now"]               = "ïÔÐÒÁ×ÉÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Contacts"]               = "ëÏÎÔÁËÔÙ";
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  $TWIGphrase["Attachment"]             = "÷ÌÏÖÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Attachments"]            = "÷ÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Spell Check"]            = "ïÒÆÏÇÒÁÆÉÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Add to 'To'"]            = "äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ Ë ÐÏÌÀ 'To'";
  $TWIGphrase["Add to 'CC'"]            = "äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ Ë ÐÏÌÀ 'CC'";
  $TWIGphrase["Add to 'BCC'"]           = "äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ Ë ÐÏÌÀ 'BCC'";
  $TWIGphrase["%1 said:"]               = "%1 said:";
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  $TWIGphrase["Forwarded From:"]        = "ðÅÒÅÐÒÁ×ÌÅÎÏ ÏÔ:";
  $TWIGphrase["Options"]                = "ïÐÃÉÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Change"]                 = "éÚÍÅÎÉÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Save a copy in 'Sent' Folder"]= "óÏÈÒÁÎÉÔØ ËÏÐÉÀ × ÐÁÐËÅ 'Sent-mail'";
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  $TWIGphrase["Include attachments when forwarding"]= "Include attachments when forwarding";
  $TWIGphrase["Include attachments from original message"]= "Include attachments from original message";
  $TWIGphrase["Number of body lines to display while composing a message"]= "Number of body lines to display while composing a message";
  $TWIGphrase["No mail recipients specified, please add at least one mail recipient and then resend your message."]= "îÅ ÕËÁÚÁÎÏ ÎÉ ÏÄÎÏÇÏ ÐÏÌÕÞÁÔÅÌÑ. ðÏÖÁÌÕÊÓÔÁ, ÕËÁÖÉÔÅ ËÁË ÍÉÎÉÍÕÍ ÏÄÎÏÇÏ ÁÄÒÅÓÁÔÁ.";
  $TWIGphrase["NOTE: Selecting users after adding a file attachment will cause the file attachment to be lost and you will have to re-attach it."]= "úáíåþáîéå: ÷ÙÄÅÌÅÎÉÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÅÊ ÐÏÓÌÅ ÄÏÂÁ×ÌÅÎÉÑ ×ÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ ÓÔÁÎÅÔ ÐÒÉÞÉÎÏÊ ÐÏÔÅÒÉ ÆÁÊÌÁ ×ÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ. ÷ÁÍ ÐÒÉÄÅÔÓÑ ÐÏ×ÔÏÒÉÔØ ÐÒÏÃÅÓÓ ×ÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ ÆÁÊÌÁ × ÐÉÓØÍÏ.";
  $TWIGphrase["Send RR now"]            = "Send RR now";
  $TWIGphrase["Read Receipt"]           = "Read Receipt";
  $TWIGphrase["with subject"]           = "with subject";
  $TWIGphrase["Request Read Receipts"]  = "Request Read Receipts";
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  $TWIGphrase["Never"]                  = "Never";
  $TWIGphrase["Manual"]                 = "Manual";
  $TWIGphrase["Always"]                 = "Always";
  $TWIGphrase["Respond to Read Receipts"]= "Respond to Read Receipts";
  $TWIGphrase["Disposition notification"]= "Disposition notification";
  $TWIGphrase["A Read Reciept has been automatically returned to the sender"]= "A Read Reciept has been automatically returned to the sender";
  $TWIGphrase["has been displayed.  This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood."]= "has been displayed.  This is no guarantee that the message has been read or understood.";
  $TWIGphrase["Spell Checked Version"]  = "ðÒÅÄÌÁÇÁÅÍÁÑ ×ÅÒÓÉÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Subscribed"]             = "äÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÕ";
  $TWIGphrase["Unsubscribed"]           = "îÅÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÅ ÓÅÒ×ÅÒÕ";
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  $TWIGphrase["Copy"]                   = "ëÏÐÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Select the mailbox you wish to move these messages to below:"]= "õËÁÖÉÔÅ ÐÁÐËÕ ËÕÄÁ ÷Ù ÖÅÌÁÅÔÅ ÐÅÒÅÍÅÓÔÉÔØ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÑ:";
  $TWIGphrase["Select the mailbox you wish to copy these messages to below:"]= "õËÁÖÉÔÅ ÐÁÐËÕ ËÕÄÁ ÷Ù ÖÅÌÁÅÔÅ ÓËÏÐÉÒÏ×ÁÔØ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÑ:";
  $TWIGphrase["Folder Overview"]        = "ïÂÚÏÒ ðÁÐÏË";
  $TWIGphrase["Folder"]                 = "ðÁÐËÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["New"]                    = "îÏ×ÁÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Total"]                  = "÷ÓÅÇÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["Size"]                   = "òÁÚÍÅÒ";
  $TWIGphrase["Totals"]                 = "éÔÏÇÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["Note: Large folder lists may take a long time to load."]= "õþôéôå: âÏÌØÛÏÊ ÓÐÉÓÏË ÐÁÐÏË ÂÕÄÅÔ ÔÒÅÂÏ×ÁÔØ ÍÎÏÇÏ ×ÒÅÍÅÎÉ ÄÌÑ ÚÁÇÒÕÚËÉ.";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Bookmarks]"]       = "TWIG [éÚÂÒÁÎÎÏÅ]";
  $TWIGphrase["bookmarks"]              = "ÉÚÂÒÁÎÎÏÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Add New Item"]           = "äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ ÎÏ×ÕÀ ÚÁÐÉÓØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit Item"]              = "äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ ÚÁÐÉÓØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Item Name"]              = "îÁÚ×ÁÎÉÅ ÚÁÐÉÓÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Add item"]               = "äÏÂÁ×ÉÔØ ÚÁÐÉÓØ";
  $TWIGphrase["item"]                   = "ÚÁÐÉÓØ";
  $TWIGphrase["url"]                    = "URL";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Bookmarks"]      = "ÎÁÚÁÄ × éÚÂÒÁÎÎÏÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [ToDo]"]            = "TWIG [ðÌÁÎÉÒÏ×ÝÉË]";
  $TWIGphrase["todo"]                   = "ÓÄÅÌÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Added by"]               = "äÏÂÁ×ÌÅÎÏ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÅÍ";
  $TWIGphrase["Added on"]               = "Added on";
  $TWIGphrase["Due on"]                 = "Due on";
  $TWIGphrase["due date"]               = "due date";
  $TWIGphrase["Due date type"]          = "Due date type";
  $TWIGphrase["On date"]                = "On date";
  $TWIGphrase["On date/time"]           = "On date/time";
  $TWIGphrase["Priority"]               = "ðÒÉÏÒÉÔÅÔ";
  $TWIGphrase["priority"]               = "ÐÒÉÏÒÉÔÅÔ";
  $TWIGphrase["status"]                 = "ÓÔÁÔÕÓ";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to ToDo"]           = "ÎÁÚÁÄ × ðÌÁÎÉÒÏ×ÝÉË";
  $TWIGphrase["Complete"]               = "úÁ×ÅÒÛÅÎÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["Working"]                = "äÅÊÓÔ×ÕÀÝÅÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Pending"]                = "ïÔÌÏÖÅÎÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["Canceled"]               = "ïÔÍÅÎÅÎÏ";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Contacts]"]        = "TWIG [ëÏÎÔÁËÔÙ]";
  $TWIGphrase["Contact"]                = "õÞÅÔÎÁÑ ÚÁÐÉÓØ";
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  $TWIGphrase["*Select User*"]          = "÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select user to add*"]   = "*÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ ÄÌÑ ÄÏÂÁ×ÌÅÎÉÑ*";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select user to delete*"]= "*÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ ÄÌÑ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÉÑ*";
  $TWIGphrase["Create"]                 = "óÏÚÄÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Item Edit"]              = "òÅÄÁËÔÉÒÏ×ÁÎÉÅ úÁÐÉÓÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Goto Line"]              = "ðÅÒÅÊÔÉ Ë ÌÉÎÉÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["New Mail Check"]         = "ðÒÏ×ÅÒËÁ îÏ×ÏÊ ðÏÞÔÙ";
  $TWIGphrase["Compose"]                = "óÏÚÄÁÔØ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["Message Reading"]        = "þÔÅÎÉÅ ÓÏÏÂÝÅÎÉÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Screen Refresh"]         = "ðÅÒÅÒÉÓÏ×ÁÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Command Line"]           = "ëÏÍÁÎÄÎÁÑ óÔÒÏËÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["Show Attachments"]       = "ðÏËÁÚÁÔØ ×ÌÏÖÅÎÉÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Transfer"]               = "ðÅÒÅÄÁÞÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["Transfer To"]            = "ðÅÒÅÄÁÞÁ ×";
  $TWIGphrase["Recent Mail"]            = "îÏ×ÁÑ ðÏÞÔÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["Posting"]                = "ïÔÐÒÁ×ËÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["Flush Databases"]        = "ïÞÉÓÔÉÔØ âÁÚÙ äÁÎÎÙÈ";
  $TWIGphrase["where username is"]      = "ÇÄÅ ÉÍÑ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["DB's to flush"]          = "âÁÚÙ ÄÌÑ ÏÞÉÓÔËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select a table*"]       = "*÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÔÁÂÌÉÃÕ*";
  $TWIGphrase["Create Databases"]       = "óÏÚÄÁÔØ âÁÚÙ äÁÎÎÙÈ";
  $TWIGphrase["Path to DB"]             = "ðÕÔØ Ë ÔÁÂÌÉÞÎÏÍÕ ÐÒÏÓÔÒÁÎÓÔ×Õ";
  $TWIGphrase["DB's to create"]         = "âÁÚÙ ÄÌÑ ÓÏÚÄÁÎÉÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Create DB"]              = "óÏÚÄÁÔØ âÁÚÕ äÁÎÎÙÈ";
  $TWIGphrase["Pack Databases"]         = "õÐÁËÏ×ÁÔØ âÁÚÙ äÁÎÎÙÈ";
  $TWIGphrase["DB's to pack"]           = "âÁÚÙ ÄÌÑ ÕÐÁËÏ×ËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Pack DB"]                = "õÐÁËÏ×ËÁ âÁÚÙ äÁÎÎÙÈ";
  $TWIGphrase["Same as English"]        = "ðÏÄÏÂÎÏ áÎÇÌÉÊÓËÏÍÕ";
  $TWIGphrase["language"]               = "ÑÚÙË";
  $TWIGphrase["View groups"]            = "ðÒÏÓÍÏÔÒ ÇÒÕÐÐ";
  $TWIGphrase["Display"]                = "ïÔÏÂÒÁÚÉÔØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Public"]                 = "ïÂÝÅÄÏÓÔÕÐÎÙÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["Private"]                = "ðÅÒÓÏÎÁÌØÎÙÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["Registered"]             = "úÁÒÅÇÉÓÔÒÉÒÏ×ÁÎÎÙÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["Mail Tree"]              = "Mail Tree";
  $TWIGphrase["Annoucement"]            = "Annoucement";
  $TWIGphrase["New Announcement"]       = "New Announcement";
  $TWIGphrase["Keys with null values"]  = "ëÌÀÞÉ Ó ÎÕÌÅ×ÙÍÉ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÑÍÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Show full phrase lists"] = "ðÏËÁÚÁÔØ ÐÏÌÎÙÊ ÓÐÉÓÏË ÆÒÁÚ";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to create group!"]= "ïÛÉÂËÁ ÓÏÚÄÁÎÉÑ ÇÒÕÐÐÙ!";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to delete group!"]= "ïÛÉÂËÁ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÉÑ ÇÒÕÐÐÙ!";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to delete*"]= "*÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÇÒÕÐÐÕ ÄÌÑ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÉÑ*";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to add to*"]= "*÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÇÒÕÐÐÕ ÄÌÑ ÄÏÂÁ×ÌÅÎÉÑ Ë*";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to display*"]= "*÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÇÒÕÐÐÕ ÄÌÑ ÏÔÏÂÒÁÖÅÎÉÑ*";
  $TWIGphrase["Display Users in ACL Group"]= "ðÏËÁÚÁÔØ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÅÊ × ÇÒÕÐÐÅ ACL";
  $TWIGphrase["List keys with null values"]= "óÐÉÓÏË ËÌÀÞÅÊ Ó ÎÕÌÅ×ÙÍÉ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÑÍÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Delete User from ACL Group"]= "õÄÁÌÉÔØ ðÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ ÉÚ ACL çÒÕÐÐÙ";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to add user to group!"]= "ïÛÉÂËÁ ÄÏÂÁ×ÌÅÎÉÑ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ × ÇÒÕÐÐÕ!";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select group to delete from*"]= "*÷ÙÂÅÒÉÔÅ ÇÒÕÐÐÕ ÄÌÑ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÉÑ ÉÚ*";
  $TWIGphrase["Failed to delete user from group!"]= "ÏÛÉÂËÁ ÕÄÁÌÅÎÉÑ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ ÉÚ ÇÒÕÐÐÙ!";
  $TWIGphrase["Sorry, you are not an administrator."]= "éÚ×ÉÎÉÔÅ, ÎÏ ÷Ù ÎÅ ÁÄÍÉÎÉÓÔÒÁÔÏÒ.";
  $TWIGphrase["You must select a user to change the password for!"]= "÷Ù ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ÕËÁÚÁÔØ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ ÄÌÑ ÉÚÍÅÎÅÎÉÑ ÐÁÒÏÌÑ!";
  $TWIGphrase["You must specify a username! (note: * represents all users)"]= "÷Ù ÄÏÌÖÎÙ ÕËÁÚÁÔØ ÉÍÑ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÑ! (ÚÁÐÍÎÉÔÅ: * - ÜÔÏ ÚÎÁÞÉÔ ×ÓÅ ÐÏÌØÚÏ×ÁÔÅÌÉ)";
  $TWIGphrase["List keys for which the value is the same as it is in English"]= "óÐÉÓÏË ËÌÀÞÅÊ ÄÌÑ ËÏÔÏÒÙÈ ÚÎÁÞÅÎÉÑ ÔÁËÉÅ ÖÅ ËÁË × ÁÎÇÌÉÊÓËÏÍ";
  $TWIGphrase["Object"]                 = "ïÂØÅËÔ";
  $TWIGphrase["Access"]                 = "äÏÓÔÕÐ";
  $TWIGphrase["Modify"]                 = "éÚÍÅÎÅÎÉÅ";
  $TWIGphrase["*Select object*"]        = "*÷ÙÄÅÌÉÔÅ ÏÂØÅËÔ*";
  $TWIGphrase["Global Setting"]         = "ïÂÝÉÅ ÕÓÔÁÎÏ×ËÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Help]"]            = "TWIG [Help]";
  $TWIGphrase["Help"]                   = "ðÏÍÏÝØ";
  $TWIGphrase["Topic"]                  = "ôÅÍÁ";
  $TWIGphrase["Subtopic"]               = "òÁÚÄÅÌ";
  $TWIGphrase["Help is not yet available on this topic."]= "äÌÑ ÜÔÏÊ ÔÅÍÙ ÒÁÚÄÅÌ ÐÏÍÏÝÉ ÅÝÅ ÎÅ ÎÁÐÉÓÁÎ.";
  $TWIGphrase["No submenu"]             = "äÌÑ ÜÔÏÊ ÔÅÍÙ ÎÅÔ ÒÁÚÄÅÌÏ× ÐÏÍÏÝÉ";
  $TWIGphrase["Filename of help file:"] = "éÍÑ ÆÁÊÌÁ ÐÏÍÏÝÉ:";
  $TWIGphrase["Filename of subtopic menu file:"]= "éÍÑ ÆÁÊÌÁ ÒÁÚÄÅÌÁ ÐÏÍÏÝÉ:";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Meetings]"]        = "TWIG [÷ÓÔÒÅÞÉ]";
  $TWIGphrase["TWIG [Notes]"]           = "TWIG [âÌÏËÎÏÔ]";
  $TWIGphrase["Notes"]                  = "âÌÏËÎÏÔ";
  $TWIGphrase["notes"]                  = "ÂÌÏËÎÏÔ";
  $TWIGphrase["Default sort order for notes list"]= "óÏÒÔÉÒÏ×ËÁ ÓÐÉÓËÁ ÐÏ ÕÍÏÌÞÁÎÉÀ";
  $TWIGphrase["Back to Notes"]          = "îÁÚÁÄ × âÌÏËÎÏÔ";
  $TWIGphrase["Width of text field"]    = "ûÉÒÉÎÁ ÔÅËÓÔÏ×ÏÇÏ ÐÏÌÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["Height of text field"]   = "÷ÙÓÏÔÁ ÔÅËÓÔÏ×ÏÇÏ ÐÏÌÑ";
  $TWIGphrase["chinesebig5"]            = "ëÉÔÁÊÓËÉÊ (Big 5)";
  $TWIGphrase["chinesegb"]              = "ëÉÔÁÊÓËÉÊ (gb)";
  $TWIGphrase["czech"]                  = "þÅÛÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["danish"]                 = "äÁÔÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["dutch"]                  = "Dutch";
  $TWIGphrase["english"]                = "áÎÇÌÉÊÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["estonian"]               = "üÓÔÏÎÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["finnish"]                = "æÉÎÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["french"]                 = "æÒÁÎÃÕÚÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["german"]                 = "îÅÍÅÃËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["italian"]                = "éÔÁÌØÑÎÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["polish"]                 = "ðÏÌØÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["portuguese"]             = "ðÏÒÔÕÇÁÌØÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["russian"]                = "òÕÓÓËÉÊ (KOI8-R)";
  $TWIGphrase["russianwin"]             = "òÕÓÓËÉÊ (Windows-1251)";
  $TWIGphrase["spanish"]                = "éÓÐÁÎÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["swedish"]                = "û×ÅÄÓËÉÊ";
  $TWIGphrase["korean"]                 = "Korean";
  $TWIGphrase["jpeuc"]                  = "Japanese (EUC-JP)";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum meetings to display"]= "Maximum meetings to display";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum todo items to display"]= "Maximum todo items to display";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum mail messages to display"]= "Maximum mail messages to display";
  $TWIGphrase["Maximum schedule item to display"]= "Maximum schedule item to display";
  $TWIGphrase["Features to display"]    = "Features to display";
  $TWIGphrase["Edit"]                   = "Edit";
  $TWIGphrase["Group Admin"]            = "Group&nbsp;Admin";
  $TWIGphrase["Permissions"]            = "Permissions";
  $TWIGphrase["Actions"]                = "Actions";
  $TWIGphrase["Group Administrators"]   = "Group Administrators";
  $TWIGphrase["NOTE: Use an asterisk ( '*' ) as the username in order to define global access permissions for this group."]= "NOTE: Use an asterisk ( '*' ) as the username in order to define global access permissions for this group.";
  $TWIGphrase["Group Admins cannot delete themselves from groups for which they are an administrator.  Please have another Group Admin for this group do this for you."]= "Group Admins cannot delete themselves from groups for which they are an administrator.  Please have another Group Admin for this group do this for you.";
  $TWIGphrase["You cannot change the Group Admin setting for your own account.  Please have another Group Admin change this for you."]= "You cannot change the Group Admin setting for your own account.  Please have another Group Admin change this for you.";
  $TWIGphrase["You do not have permission to delete one or more of the items you selected."]= "You do not have permission to delete one or more of the items you selected.";
  $TWIGphrase["You do not have permission to move one or more of the items you selected out of its current group."]= "You do not have permission to move one or more of the items you selected out of its current group.";
  $TWIGphrase["Search"]                 = "Search";
  $TWIGphrase["search"]                 = "search";
  $TWIGphrase["Item"]                   = "Item";
  $TWIGphrase["Name"]                   = "Name";
  $TWIGphrase["Criteria"]               = "Criteria";
  $TWIGphrase["No matches"]             = "No matches";
  $TWIGphrase["Features"]               = "Features";
  $TWIGphrase["After date"]             = "After date";
  $TWIGphrase["Before date"]            = "Before date";
  $TWIGphrase["Containing text"]        = "Containing text";
  $TWIGphrase["Answered"]               = "Answered";
  $TWIGphrase["Deleted"]                = "Deleted";
  $TWIGphrase["Urgent"]                 = "Urgent";
  $TWIGphrase["Old"]                    = "Old";
  $TWIGphrase["Recent"]                 = "Recent";
  $TWIGphrase["Read"]                   = "Read";
  $TWIGphrase["Not answered"]           = "Not answered";
  $TWIGphrase["Not deleted"]            = "Not deleted";
  $TWIGphrase["Not urgent"]             = "Not urgent";
  $TWIGphrase["Not read"]               = "Not read";
  $TWIGphrase["Flags"]                  = "Flags";
  $TWIGphrase["Due after"]              = "Due after";
  $TWIGphrase["Due before"]             = "Due before";
  $TWIGphrase["Allow access to search"] = "Allow access to search";
  $TWIGphrase["catalan"]                = "Catalan";
  $TWIGphrase["Tab style"]              = "Tab style";
  $TWIGphrase["and"]                    = "and";
  $TWIGphrase["URI"]                    = "URI";
  $TWIGphrase["is exactly"]             = "is exactly";
  $TWIGphrase["is not"]                 = "is not";
  $TWIGphrase["ends with"]              = "ends with";
  $TWIGphrase["starts with"]            = "starts with";
  $TWIGphrase["contains"]               = "contains";
  $TWIGphrase["Home Address 2"]         = "Home Address 2";
  $TWIGphrase["Work Address 2"]         = "Work Address 2";
  $TWIGphrase["turkish"]                = "Turkish";
  $TWIGphrase["greek"]                  = "Greek";
  $TWIGphrase["tongan"]                 = "Tongan";
  $TWIGphrase["Default sort order for bookmarks list"]= "Default sort order for bookmarks list";
  $TWIGphrase["Default group to display for contacts"]= "Default group to display for contacts";
  $TWIGphrase["sortup"]                 = "A";
  $TWIGphrase["sortdown"]               = "D";
  $TWIGphrase["replied"]                = "replied";
  $TWIGphrase["Save to file"]           = "Save to file";
  $TWIGphrase["Button Bar #2"]          = "Button Bar #2";
  $TWIGphrase["Button Bar Without Text #2"]= "Button Bar Without Text #2";
  $TWIGphrase["Reminder"]               = "Reminder";
  $TWIGphrase["Minutes"]                = "Minutes";
  $TWIGphrase["Hours"]                  = "Hours";
  $TWIGphrase["Days"]                   = "Days";
  $TWIGphrase["Weeks"]                  = "Weeks";
  $TWIGphrase["Months"]                 = "Months";
  $TWIGphrase["Years"]                  = "Years";
  $TWIGphrase["*** REMINDER ***"]       = "*** REMINDER ***";
  $TWIGphrase["This is a reminder for "]= "This is a reminder for ";
  $TWIGphrase["This is a recurring entry and you will be reminded again on "]= "This is a recurring entry and you will be reminded again on ";
  $TWIGphrase["on"]                     = "on";
  $TWIGphrase["at"]                     = "at";
  $TWIGphrase["The reminder time has already passed!!"]= "The reminder time has already passed!!";
  $TWIGphrase["Second address to mail reminder to:"]= "Second address to mail reminder to:";
  $TWIGphrase["Style Sheet"]            = "Style Sheet";
  $TWIGPhrase["This folder is using "]  = "This folder is using ";
  $TWIGphrase["% of its recommended capacity"] = "% of its recommended capacity";
  $TWIGphrase["You are "]               = "You are ";
  $TWIGphrase[" over"]                  = " over";
  $TWIGphrase["Export"]			= "Export";
  $TWIGphrase["Opera"]			= "Opera";
  $TWIGphrase["Overwrite"]		= "Overwrite";
  $TWIGphrase["Flush First"]		= "Flush First";
  $TWIGphrase["Unsupported Opera File Version"]	= "Unsupported Opera File Version";
  $TWIGphrase["Folder Size Graph"]	= "Folder Size Graph";
  $TWIGphrase["ThunderBird"]		= "ThunderBird";

  $dayNamesShort                        = array( "÷Ó", "ðÎ", "÷Ô", "óÒ", "þÔ", "ðÔ", "óÂ" );
  $dayNames                             = array( "÷ÏÓËÒÅÓÅÎØÅ", "ðÏÎÅÄÅÌØÎÉË", "÷ÔÏÒÎÉË", "óÒÅÄÁ", "þÅÔ×ÅÒÇ", "ðÑÔÎÉÃÁ", "óÕÂÂÏÔÁ" );
  $monthNames                           = array( "***îÅÔ", "ñÎ×ÁÒØ", "æÅ×ÒÁÌØ", "íÁÒÔ", "áÐÒÅÌØ", "íÁÊ", "éÀÎØ", "éÀÌØ", "á×ÇÕÓÔ", "óÅÎÔÑÂÒØ", "ïËÔÑÂÒØ", "îÏÑÂÒØ", "äÅËÁÂÒØ" );
