

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 34426142ce52d6d0e361a0ad00fa5686 > files > 12


Tunez Installation instructions:
(Written by Philip Lowman)


Before you begin running commands you must first determine what you want Tunez
to do for you.

There are currently 5 supported modes:

    Local playback to your soundcard using a php script (requires a compiled
    php binary)
    Local playback to your soundcard using a perl script and provided PQueue
    perl module
    This is the newer icecast support (utilizes the perl support in ices
    v0.3).  This also requires installing the PQueue perl module.
    This does NOT work with OGG files (not a limitation of Icecast v2.0 but
    rather that of ices itself.  Please email and encourage
    them to add support for OGG files to ices2)
shout-php (not suggested, use ices)
    Shout is executed to stream audio to a shoutcast (v1) server via php.
    (requires a compiled php binary)
shout-perl (not suggested, use ices)
    Shout is executed to stream audio to a shoutcast (v1) server via perl.

The following dependencies are required depending on what mode you are in.
Simply look above, determine your mode and if you see your mode listed you
need that software.

- Web server with php4 support (apache works)
- MySQL (tested with 3.23.49, 4.0.13)
- Album image support requires php compiled with libcurl support

Debian packages:
apt-get install php4 php4-mysql php4-curl apache mysql-server

- PQueue perl module (included in PQueue directory)
- DBD::Mysql perl module

Debian packages:
apt-get install libdbd-mysql-perl

- You will require a php binary in this mode which supports mysql calls
- Download from

- Icecast 1.3.12 ( )
- I think it comes with the shout command... not sure though

Debian packages:
apt-get install icecast-server icecast-client

- Icecast v2.0 and all of it's dependencies.  Most of them are listed in the
  HOWTO-Icecast file.
- Ices v0.3 (find it here: )

Debian packages:
apt-get install icecast2 libshout3 libshout3-dev
(you will still have to install ices2 from source because the version packaged
in unstable is not v0.3)


Please continue with the steps in this documentation.

You must perform all steps with (all) next to them.  The remainder of the
steps should be performed if they are relevant to your chosen configuration
(local-perl), (local-php), (shout-perl), (shout-php), or (ices).

(all) Moving your html/ directory

1.  Move the contents of the html/ subdirectory in Tunez to the place where
apache can display them.
2.  It is strongly recommended to leave the rest of your tunez folder in a
folder that is NOT web-accessible since sensitive data might be viewable to
people on the web (, etc.)

(all) Database setup:  (if you've already setup a database you can skip these)

1.  Ensure you have a root password set for mySQL.  Some installed
distributions of mySQL come without a root password!  If you have not yet set
a root password for your mySQL server you should do so with the following

    $ mysql -uroot
    mysql> SET PASSWORD FOR root@localhost=PASSWORD('yourpassword');
    mysql> (hit Ctrl-d)

    If it responds "Access denied" after you enter "mysql -uroot",
    then you already have a password...
2.  Create a database called tunez or whatever you want to call it.

    You can create the Tunez database with the following command or you can
    simply use something like phpmyadmin if you aren't comfortable with this.

    It is strongly recommended you do not use the "root" mysql user for Tunez.

    $ mysql -uroot -p
    MYSQL> GRANT ALL on tunez.* to tunez@localhost identified by 'your-password';
    MYSQL> FLUSH privileges;
    MYSQL> (hit Ctrl-D)

(all) Tunez config script setup:

1.  Edit in the root directory of Tunez and add your mysql
username, password, and database there.
2.  Change the $_CONF['mode'] option to your configuration mode of choice
(local-php, local-perl, etc.)
3.  Find the $_CONF['dirs'] array and add the directories you want shown on tunez to it.
4.  Change anything else you like but be careful with some of the options. :)

(all) setup:

1.  Edit in the html/ subdirectory and set the location for
including the file:

    # You must set the path to your file here!  This should be
    # the only thing you have to touch in this file

(local-php), (shout-php) Tunezd.php configuration:
1.  Set the path to in your tunezd.php file.

(local-perl), (shout-perl) configuration:
1.  Modify and add the mysql username, password, etc. (we don't have
a unified config file yet, sorry).

2.  Ensure the paths to mpg123 and ogg123 are correct if you are using local
mode.  Likewise ensure the paths to the shout binary are correct if you are
using shout.

3.  If you are using shout, enter the hostname and password of the icecast
server you are using where prompted.

(local-perl), (shout-perl), (ices) Compiling PQueue Perl Module:

1.  Run the following commands to compile and install the PQueue perl module

    $ cd PQueue
    $ perl Makefile.PL
    $ make
    # make install (as root)

2.  Why are we using a perl module when a perl script would suffice?

    Two reasons
        1.  Code reuse (check out & and compare with
        2.  I was bored and wanted to learn something new

(all) PHP Setup for webserver:

Locate your php.ini file (for your webserver).  On my system (Debian) this is
at /etc/php4/apache/php.ini although YMMV

1.  If you have lots of audio files find max_execution_time and make it longer
to allow for better importing of songs into Tunez.  I suggest at least 2 
minutes (120 seconds).  You can always change it back later when you're
finished with the initial importing.

        max_execution_time = 120

2.  If you want HTTP uploading to work find this line and set it to the
biggest audio file size you'll ever upload to Tunez.  By default it's only 2M.
I suggest 10-15M although again, YMMV.

        upload_max_filesize = 15M

3.  Restart apache

        /etc/init.d/apache restart      [ for debian ]
        /etc/rc.d/init.d/apache restart [ for redhat/mandrake ] 

(all) Compiling detach:

Detach is required if you want to be able to control spawning and killing
processes from the webserver.  Simply run 'make' in the detach-1.2 directory.
If for some reason you don't want any web control over the tunez daemon you
can ignore this step.

$ cd detach-1.2
$ make

(all) Compiling smixer:

We're using a program called smixer for the volume page.  If you want to be
able to change the volume you need to compile it.  (Yes we know the directory
is called tmixer, but it's really not worth changing at this point)

$ cd tmixer
$ make

(local-perl),(local-php) Permissions:

If you forget this step the install script will bitch at you.

Make sure your audio devices /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer have write permissions
for the daemon (which will be launched by apache).  THIS IS IMPORTANT.  If you
do an "ls -l" on /dev/dsp and /dev/mixer they MUST be writeable by the user
which is running Apache, otherwise you will not hear sound.

If you aren't going to be spawning the daemon from Apache you must ensure the
user that is running or tunezd.php has write permissions to /dev/dsp
and /dev/mixer

If you are the only user on your machine and don't care much about security
execute these commands as root:
    chmod o+rw /dev/dsp
    chmod o+rw /dev/mixer
This will allow any local user access to use your sound card. 

(local-php), (shout-php) Remember you need a PHP binary!

If you are using php as a daemon (tunezd.php) you will need a PHP binary in
order to start it (which you may even need to compile if you can't find a
packaged version of php for your distro which provides mysql support).

Download PHP from and after compiling set the $_CONF['php_binary']
variable in your file to wherever your php binary is (probably

(all) Loading the database, and creating an admin account

1.  Go to /admin/setup/admin_setup.php in a webbrowser and go through the
2.  After you have finished the wizard DELETE the setup directory or the
admin_setup.php file!!!

STEP 2 IS VERY IMPORTANT!!!!  If you don't delete this file then anyone can
wipe your entire tunez database (not fun)!

(ices) Ices setup:

Make sure you compiled the PQueue module and the detach binary above.

Follow the directions in HOWTO-Icecast

(all) Security:

Ensure that the configuration files in the root of your Tunez directory are
not world readable and only readable by your webserver if you are on a system
with multiple accounts.  This is because these files contain your database
password which is a bad thing to share!
    ices.conf (if you are using Ices) (if you are using Perl)