

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 34426142ce52d6d0e361a0ad00fa5686 > files > 16


Upgrade instructions

From 1.20 to 1.21:

1. Unpackage the new copy of Tunez and copy the html/ directory to where your
present Tunez webpages are.

2. Copy and paste the following (which is part of the new file
near the bottom of your existing file.  Ensure that you do it
before the closing "?>" tag which should remain on the last line.

# skip_sleeptime
#       Allows the admin to set an appropriate number of seconds to sleep after
#       a song skip occurs.  One second usually suffices for most systems although
#       some admins may be able to set this to 0 and not have any problems
$_CONF['skip_sleeptime'] = 1;

# random_query controls how songs are picked when nothing is voted
# for in the queue
# * Set to unweighted for a completely random selection provided
#   the song is not blocked from random play
# * Set to weighted for a weighted random choice based on the
#   number of times each song has been played
$_CONF['random_query'] = "unweighted";

3. Update the following files with the proper paths & database information
if you are operating under the listed mode.  If you are using or note the new options and set them accordingly.       (ALL: Fix path to!)           (local-perl shout-perl)
    tunezd.php          (local-php  shout-php)             (ices)

4. If you are using Perl you MUST remake the PQueue perl module as there have
been significant bug fixes / improvements.

    $ cd PQueue/
    $ make
    # make install

5. Remake the programs in the tmixer/ & detach-1.2/ directories or copy the
old directories to the new ones.

6. If you are using ices don't forget to copy your ices.conf script to the new
Tunez directory.

7. Enjoy! And post bug reports on our Sourceforge project page:

Amongst 1.20-pre and 1.20-rc versions:
Two options:
1.  Find a patch file on the Tunez sourceforge site and follow the
instructions in the release notes section

2.  Perform a pseudo "new install" without doing all of the typical steps of
an install:

* Move your old Tunez directory out of the way and put your new Tunez
directory in its place.
* Move your old html directory out of the way and put the new Tunez html
folder in its place
* Copy over your from your old tunez folder
* Edit your file and point it to your file again
* If necessary reedit
* Remake the utilties in detach-1.2 and tmixer

From 1.15 to 1.20:
* Follow the Tunez installation instructions for 1.20 but neglect going through
the setup wizard as it will wipe your database.  You can use it to check your
configuration but don't go beyond the first page!
* Remove the admin_setup.php file in html/admin/setup/ (or just delete the
whole directory
* Run the SQL instructions in system/sql/updates/1_15_to_1_20.sql
No actual schema modifications have taken place.  The only change is to the
type of MySQL table (MyISAM) from the older style ISAM tables.