

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 3b00985c4efc37e4323748209f86e77f > files > 20


Solaris 10+ support is here as of Jan-1-2008

	G15 Daemon 1.9.4

Fully tested on Solaris 10 and and OpenSolaris 11 (Nevada) with G15 Version 1 and G15 Version 2.
The other keyboards should function but I have not tested them.
I will be trying to keep up with new versions and providing packages as needed.
All packages are in SV datastream format.
You can install them using 'pkgadd -d http://URL to package all'

G15 Daemon requires Solaris 10 and later with libusb installed.

SUNWlibusb                       Sun wrapper library for libusb
SUNWlibusbS                      libusb (source)
SUNWlibusbugen                   SUN libusb ugen plugin
SUNWlibusbugenS                  libusbugen plugin (source)

Compiling from source :
	Note :	Compiling code on Opensolaris 11 (Nevada) does not guarantee
	the binaries will be functional on Solaris 10.

If installing from SVN you must have the following packages from
installed into /usr/local/bin :


When compiling LibG15 from SVN you may need to set 

If installing from a release source package you must fist compile and install
at least LibG15 1.2.5 and LibG15Render-1.2.
No other packages are required.

Successfully configure options are as follows :
./configure --prefix=/opt/g15 'LDFLAGS='-L/usr/sfw/lib -L/opt/g15/lib' \
'CPPFLAGS=-I/usr/sfw/include -I/opt/g15/include' && gmake && gmake install

* The following script can be used to configure the device support to Solaris and Opensolaris.
* G15Daemon runs as user nobody so we must provide read/write permissions for user nobody
* or you must run g15daemon with the option : --user root

exec 2>/dev/null
echo "Verifying the ugen driver"
	add_drv -m '* 0666 root sys' -i 'ugen' ugen
echo "Adding driver support for Logitech G15 V1"
	/usr/sbin/update_drv -a -m '* 0660 nobody sys' -i '"usb46d,c222"' ugen
echo "Adding driver support for Logitech G15 V2"
	/usr/sbin/update_drv -a -m '* 0660 nobody sys' -i '"usb46d,c227"' ugen
echo "Adding driver support for Logitech G11 V1"
	/usr/sbin/update_drv -a -m '* 0660 nobody sys' -i '"usb46d,c225"' ugen
echo "Adding driver support for Logitech Z-10 V1"
	/usr/sbin/update_drv -a -m '* 0660 nobody sys' -i '"usb46d,0a07"' ugen
echo "Finished installing device support."
	touch /reconfigure
echo "You must reboot to enable ugen in your device tree"

The following XML document can be used to integrate G15Daemon into SMF.
	1. Save it to a file (Suggested location is /var/svc/manifest/site/g15daemon.xml)
	2. verify using 'svccfg validate /path_to_file'
	3. import using 'svccfg import /path_to_file'
	4. enable using 'svcadm enable g15daemon'

<?xml version="1.0"?>
<!DOCTYPE service_bundle SYSTEM "/usr/share/lib/xml/dtd/service_bundle.dtd.1">

<service_bundle type='manifest' name='SCIG15daemon:default'>
<service name='site/g15daemon' type='service' version='1'>

        <create_default_instance enabled='false' />

        <single_instance />

        <dependency name='localfs' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none' type='service'>
                <service_fmri value='svc:/system/filesystem/local' />

        <dependency name='loopback' grouping='require_all' restart_on='none' type='service'>
                <service_fmri value='svc:/network/loopback' />

        <dependency name='device_files' grouping='require_any' restart_on='restart' type='path'>
                <service_fmri value='file://localhost/dev/usb/46d.c222' />
                <service_fmri value='file://localhost/dev/usb/46d.c225' />
                <service_fmri value='file://localhost/dev/usb/46d.c227' />
                <service_fmri value='file://localhost/dev/usb/46d.0a07' />

        <exec_method type='method' name='start' exec='/opt/g15/sbin/g15daemon' timeout_seconds='60'/>
        <exec_method type='method' name='stop'  exec='/opt/g15/sbin/g15daemon -k' timeout_seconds='60' />

        <stability value='Unstable' />

                <common_name><loctext xml:lang='C'>G15daemon</loctext></common_name>
                        <manpage title='g15daemon' section='1' manpath='/opt/g15/share/man' />
                        <manpage title='g15daemon_client_devl' section='3' manpath='/opt/g15/share/man' />

Please read the README and manpages for further info.