

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 4122fb51c176aabb0ac1ab1b7ee327ce > files > 3


# n e t  d i s c o
# Config File 
# $Id: netdisco.conf,v 1.51 2009/06/11 21:44:23 maxbaker Exp $
# See README for the possible configuration options and their values.
# Syntax: Multiple Items are separated by commas
#         Escape ,#$ characters with a \
#         Can split over multiple lines with a trailing \
# Variable Expansion:
#         You can use existing variables after defining them
#            eg. topofile=$home/mytopo.txt

# ---- General Settings ----
domain          =
home            = /var/www/netdisco
topofile        = $home/netdisco-topology.txt
oui_file        = $home/oui.txt
#customer        = mycompany
#customericon    = mycompany.gif,88,31
topofile        = netdisco-topology.txt
timeout         = 180
macsuck_timeout = 240
#macsuck_all_vlans = true
macsuck_no_vlan = fddi-default,token-ring-default,fddinet-default,trnet-default
#macsuck_no     =
#macsuck_only   =
#discover_no    =
#discover_no_type = cisco\s+AIR-LAP
#discover_only  =
#arpnip_no      =,,,
#arpnip_only    =

# interfaces with names matching these items will skipped in discovery
ignore_interfaces = EOBC,unrouted VLAN,StackPort,Control Plane Interface,SPAN (S|R)P Interface,StackSub

# The module inventory code can be expensive, since these tables
# can be large.  Uncomment this to turn off this feature.
#store_modules   = false
# The wireless client code is specific to Cisco standalone APs;
# if you don't have any of these, you can skip it altogether.
store_wireless_client = true

# Enable parallel mode.  Set to the number of processes you would like to run simultaneously.
# If not running parallel mode, consider decreasing timeout values to lower walk times
# You may need to increase the number of connections in postgresql.conf
# See max_connections here :
# And you may need to increase kernel shared memory space for Postgres
# See for details
max_procs       = 10

# -- Database Maintenance and Data Removal --
expire_devices       = 60
expire_nodes         = 90
expire_nodes_archive = 60
expire_processes     = 1
# Uncomment this if running autovacuum on PostgreSQL 8.1+, netdisco
# application will not vacuum tables
#vacuum_no = true

# ---- Admin Panel Daemon Settings ----
daemon_bg       = true
daemon_pid      = /var/run/netdisco/
daemon_poll     = 2

# ---- Port Control Settings ---
#vlanctl             = true
#portctl_email       =
#portctl_nophones    = true
portctl_timeout      = 60
#---- These next two are really dangerous. Beware.
#portctl_uplinks     = false
#portctl_vlans       = false

# Data Archiving and Logging
compresslogs    = true
compress        = /usr/bin/gzip -f
datadir         = $home/data
logextension    = log
#nmis_dump       = netdisco_nmis

# ---- Web Settings ----
port_info            = false
secure_server        = false
#web_console_models  = wsc1900,wsc1900c
#web_console_vendors = cisco,hp
webpath              = /netdisco
websession           = 90
#traceroute          = true

# ---- User Authentication Settings ----
# Use web server supplied authentication
#apache_auth          = true
# Use LDAP authentication see LDAP Settings below

# ---- Database Settings ----
# Note:
#   If you use a database name other than netdisco
#   You must change all the pg_* files in sql/
db_Pg           = dbi:Pg:dbname=netdisco
db_Pg_user      = netdisco
db_Pg_pw        = dbpassword
db_Pg_opts      = PrintError => 1, AutoCommit => 1
# Postgres errors like "invalid byte sequence for encoding",
#   are because of non UTF-8 characters present in device module data or
#   Net-BIOS data.  Since most Postgres installs default to UTF8 these days,
#   we set the encoding to iso8859-1.  This helps when importing oui.txt too.
db_Pg_env       = PGCLIENTENCODING => iso8859-1

#db_Oracle      =;port=1521
#db_Oracle_user = netdisco
#db_Oracle_pw   = password
#db_Oracle_opts = PrintError => 0
#db_Oracle_env  = ORACLE_HOME => /usr/local/orcale7

# ---- SNMP Settings ----
community       = public,public2,public3
community_rw    = private1,private2,private3
v3_users        = netdisco
v3_users_rw     = netdisco
v3_user         = netdisco:auth,enc:SHA:disconet:AES:disconet
snmpver         = 2
# Use external program to get community string for a device
# variables are %IP% = ip-address, %HOST% = hostname
#get_community   = ./get_com %IP%
# snmptimeout in micro-seconds before retry, 1000000 micro-seconds = 1 second
snmptimeout     = 1000000 
snmpretries     = 3
mibdirs         = \
    $home/mibs/allied, \
    $home/mibs/arista, \
    $home/mibs/aruba, \
    $home/mibs/asante, \
    $home/mibs/cabletron, \
    $home/mibs/cisco, \
    $home/mibs/cyclades, \
    $home/mibs/dell, \
    $home/mibs/enterasys, \
    $home/mibs/extreme, \
    $home/mibs/foundry, \
    $home/mibs/hp, \
    $home/mibs/juniper, \
    $home/mibs/netscreen, \
    $home/mibs/nortel, \
    # Do not remove rfc or net-snmp. \
    $home/mibs/rfc,     $home/mibs/net-snmp

#bulkwalk_no    = vendor:foundry,model:blah,,myswitch
#bulkwalk_off   = true
# If netdisco's automatic detection of buggy Net-SNMP versions
# triggers incorrectly on your system, e.g., because your Net-SNMP
# still reports itself as 5.3.1 but it is actually patched,
# uncomment this:
#bulkwalk_off   = false
#bulkwalk_repeaters = 20

# ---- LDAP Settings ----
#ldap_server          = LDAP-Server-1,LDAP-Server-2
#ldap_user_string     = cn=%USER%
#ldap_base            = o=MYORGANIZATION
#ldap_proxy_user      = anonymous
#ldap_proxy_pass      = password
#ldap_opts            = version => 3, debug => 0
#ldap_tls_opts        = verify => 'none' , sslversion => 'tlsv1'

# ---- Graph Settings ----
edge_color      = wheat

graph           = $home/html/netmap.gif
#graph_png       = $home/netmap.png
graph_bg        = black
graph_clusters  = false  # try fdp layout
graph_color     = white
#graph_default  = svg
#graph_dir      = net_dir.gif
graph_epsilon   = 6
graph_layout    = twopi  # try neato or fdp too
graph_map       = $home/html/
graph_overlap   = scale
graph_nodesep   = 2
graph_ranksep   = .3
#graph_raw      =
graph_splines   = false
graph_svg       = $home/html/netmap.svg
graph_timeout   = 90
graph_x         = 30
graph_y         = 30

node_fillcolor  = dimgrey
node_font       = DejaVuSansMono-Roman
node_fontsize   = 8.0
node_fontcolor  = white
node_problem    = red
node_shape      = box
node_style      = filled

# ---- Node Maps ----
#    variable:matching pattern:node attribute:attribute value:key:key name

#   cat, not cat-g
#node_map       = label:cat(?!-g):fillcolor:blue:cat:Blue Box - Catalyst Device
#node_map       = label:-g:fillcolor:darkgreen:dev-g:Green Box - Gateway / Router
#node_map       = ip:^192.168\.:color:yellow:dev:Yellow Border - ResNet