

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 48787808f0aa8c66c98ca8aead901311 > files > 75



:Author: PyBlosxom Development Team
:Version: $Id: comments.txt 1029 2007-06-07 02:33:12Z willhelm $
:Copyright: This document is distributed under the MIT license.

.. contents::

This chapter briefly walks you through installing the comments, trackback,
pingback, and CommentAPI plugins.


PyBlosxom does not come with comments functionality built-in.
Instead, comments are implemented as a plugin which people who are
interested in in having comments can install and everyone else can

You can get the latest stable version of the comments plugin from the
`contributed plugins pack`_. Alternatively, you can get the latest
version `from SVN`_, which is even more recent but may be broken.
Caveat hacker!

.. _contributed plugins pack:
.. _from SVN:

The comments plugin also has a `README file`_ that has more
information on installing comments, traceback, pingback, and the
comment API.

.. _README file:*checkout*/pyblosxom/trunk/contrib/plugins/comments/README

Installing the comments plugin


* A directory the web-server has writable permissions to.

After making sure you have the requirements, do the following:

1. Copy ``contrib/plugins/comments/plugins/`` to 
   your plugins directory.  Then add ``"comments"`` to the 
   ``load_plugins`` property in your ```` 

2. Comments are stored in a directory tree which will parallel the
   data directory tree.  The comments themselves are stored as XML
   files named ``entryname-datetime.suffix``.  The comment system
   allows you to specify the directory where the comment directory
   tree will stored, and the suffix used for comment files.  You need
   to make sure that this directory is writable by the pyblosxom CGI

   Set ``comment_dir`` to the directory (in your data directory) where
   you want the comments to be stored.  The default value is a
   directory named ``comments`` in your data directory.

   Set ``comment_ext`` to the change comment file extension.  The
   default file extension is ``cmt``.

3. Copy the flavour files from the contrib/plugins/comments/flavours
   directory.  There are flavours for ``html`` and ``rss``. You should
   copy all the files to your data directory.

   The ``comment-story`` template is used to format a single entry
   that has comments.  The ``comment`` template is used to format a
   single comment/trackback/pingback.  The ``comment-form`` template
   provides the form used to enter new comments.

4. Edit the ``comment-story``,
   ``comment``, and ``comment-form`` templates.
   Variables that are available are:

   Available in the ``story`` and ``comment-story`` templates:


   =============   ========================================================
   Template variables from available in story and comment-story
   variable name   description
   =============   ========================================================
   num_comments    contains an integer count of the number of comments
                   associated withthis entry
   =============   ========================================================

   Available in the ``comment`` template:

   ============================   ===============================================================
   Template variables from
   variable name                  description
   ============================   ===============================================================
   cmt_title                      the title of the comment

   cmt_description                the content of the comment or excerpt of the trackback/pingback

   cmt_link                       the pingback link referring to this entry

   cmt_author                     the author of the comment or trackback

   cmt_optionally_linked_author   the author, wrapped in an <a href> tag to 
                                  ``$cmt_link`` *if* it was provided

   cmt_pubDate                    the date and time of the comment/trackback/pingback

   cmt_source                     the source of the trackback
   ============================   ===============================================================

Email notification

Enabling email notification

The comment system can notify you via e-mail when new
comments/trackbacks/pingbacks are posted.  There are two ways to
configure this feature.  The first is to have email notifications sent
through your MTA via SMTP and the second is to have email
notifications sent through your MTA via a local command.

If you want to enable this feature, add the following properties to
your ```` file::

    py['comment_smtp_server'] - your SMTP server


    py['comment_mta_cmd']     - alternatively, the path to your MTA


    py['comment_smtp_from']   - the address sending the notification
    py['comment_smtp_to']     - the address receiving the notification

For example, this sends email through your MTA via SMTP connecting
to localhost::

    py['comment_smtp_server'] = "localhost"
    py['comment_smtp_from']   = ""
    py['comment_smtp_to']     = ""

This sends email through your MTA via the command 

    py['comment_mta_cmd']     = "/usr/bin/mail"
    py['comment_smtp_from']   = ""
    py['comment_smtp_to']     = ""

Problems you might have


Writing comments plugin templates

This "diagram" shows which templates are responsible for what for rendering
a single entry::

    <div class="news">           <- story.html
    <h2>$title</h2>               |
    <div class="content">         |
    ...                           |
    </div>                        |
    links                         |
    </div>                       <-
    <div class="comments">       <- comment-story.html
    <div class="comment">        <- comment.html
    Posted by $blah at $blah      |
    $blah                         |
    </div>                       <-
    <div class="comment">        <- comment.html
    Posted by $blah at $blah      |
    $blah                         |
    </div>                       <-
    <div class="commentform">    <- comment-form.html
    form stuff here.              |
    </div>                        |
    </div>                       <-

AJAX commenting

Comment previewing and posting can optionally use `AJAX`_, as opposed
to full HTTP POST requests. This avoids a full-size roundtrip and
re-render, so commenting feels faster and more lightweight.

.. _AJAX:

AJAX commenting degrades gracefully in older browsers. If the user's
browser doesn't support JavaScript or XmlHttpRequest, or if the user
has turned JavaScript off, comment posting and preview will use normal


To enable AJAX commenting in your pyblosxom installation, just copy
``comments.js`` to your plugin directory and add the following
JavaScript to your ``comment-form`` template. (It's already included
in the ``comment-form.html`` template that comes with the comments

First, add a ``comment-anchor`` tag to the beginning of the

    <p id="comment-anchor" />

Add an ``onsubmit`` handler to the ``form`` tag::

    <form method="post" action="$base_url/$file_path#comment-anchor"
          name="comments_form" id="comments_form" onsubmit="return false;">

If you run pyblosxom inside `cgiwrap`_, remove ``#comment-anchor``
from the URL in the action attribute, since it confuses cgiwrap. (If
AJAX comment previewing and posting don't work, try removing
``#comment-anchor`` first. Your hosting provider may be using cgiwrap
without your knowledge. )

.. _cgiwrap:

Next, add ``onclick`` handlers to the button ``input`` tags::

    <input value="Preview" name="preview" type="button" id="preview"
           onclick="send_comment('preview');" />
    <input value="Submit" name="submit" type="button" id="post"
           onclick="send_comment('post');" />

Finally, include this ``script`` tag somewhere after the
``form`` closing tag::

    <script type="text/javascript" src="/comments.js"></script>

The separate closing ``&lt;/script&gt;`` tag is necessary for
IE. Without it, IE won't actually run the code in ``comments.js``.


To disable AJAX support, simply remove the JavaScript ``onsubmit`` and
``onclick`` handlers from your ``comment-form`` template. The comments
plugin will fall back to traditional HTTP POST commenting.

Dealing with comment spam

Expect it to happen.  Some folks get comment spam trickling in and
others get a torrential downpour.  It's best to deal with it from the
start.  It's also something you're going to have to deal with every
few months as spam techniques change and your needs change.

If this doesn't sound like something you want to actively maintain on
your blog, then you should encourage people to email comments to you
and rely upon your email spam-prevention.

As of contributed plugins pack 1.2 (March 27, 2005), the comments
plugin has a ``comment_reject`` callback which allows plugins to
examine each comment and reject it according to the plugin's
heuristics.  Because this is done in a callback, you can have multiple
comment rejection plugins that handle different situations.  A comment
won't be accepted until it has been looked at by each comment
rejection plugin you have running on your blog.

The recommended comment spam solution is ``akismetcomments`` and
``check_javascript``, in parallel.  ``akismetcomments`` uses
`Akismet`_, a centralized comment spam database and filter, and
``check_javascript`` simply checks that the client's user agent
supports Javascript.  (Spam bots almost never do.)

.. _Akismet:


`Akismet`_ is a spam filter service developed and operated by
`Automattic`_, the people behind `WordPress`_.  Akismet maintains an
up-to-date blacklist, Bayesian filter, and other tools to determine
whether blog comments are spam or valid, ie "ham".

.. _WordPress:
.. _Automattic:

The ``akismetcomments`` plugin passes every comment on your blog to
Akismet, which decides whether the comment is spam or ham.  If spam,
the comment is logged and discarded; if ham, it is accepted to your

To use ``akismetcomments``, you'll need to `sign up for a API key`_.

.. _sign up for a API key:

After you have your API key, copy ```` and
```` to your plugin directory. Add an ``akismet_api_key``
config variable with to your API key to your ````.  Also,
make sure the ``baseurl`` config variable is defined::

    py['baseurl']        = ""
    py['akismet_api_key] = "ABQIAAAAg88GzFz..."

Finally, your blog's web server will need to be able to make outbound
HTTP connections on port 80 to ````.  Some
hosting providers and firewalls may prevent this.  If you're not sure
about this, check with your webmaster or hosting provider.

``akismetcomments`` was written by `Benjamin 'Mako' Hill`_ and `Blake

.. _Benjamin 'Mako' Hill:
.. _Blake Winton:


Comment spam is usually sent by automated spam bots, which blindly
send HTTP POSTs to a large, static list of blog addresses. These spam
bots have very little in common with web browsers. In particular, they
rarely parse or render HTML, and even more rarely run Javascript.

Given this, Javascript can be an effective way to determine whether a
comment was submitted by a spam bot or a web browser.
``check_javascript`` uses a small piece of Javascript on the client
side to set the value of an ``input`` element in the comment form,
which it checks for on the server.

To use ``check_javascript``, first copy ```` to
your plugins directory.  Then include this hidden input element and
Javascript in your flavour's ``comment-form`` template::

    <input type="hidden" name="secretToken" id="secretTokenInput"
      value="pleaseDontSpam" />

    <script type="text/javascript">
    // used by this is almost entirely backwards compatible,
    // back to 4.x browsers.
    document.getElementById("secretTokenInput").value = "$blog_title";

It's included in the ``comment-form.html`` template in the
``contrib/plugins/comments/flavours/``, so if you use that template,
you're good to go.

``check_javascript`` was written by `Ryan Barrett`_.

.. _Ryan Barrett:

rolling your own

It's not hard to roll your own comment rejection plugin.  First figure
out what the heuristics involved would be.  Then write a plugin with a
``cb_comment_reject`` function in it.  In that function, look at the
data provided and reject the plugin if it seems appropriate to do so.
A basic template for writing a plugin to reject comments is as

Example: Template for plugin for rejecting comments


    FIXME - Documentation for what your plugin does and how to set it up
    goes here.

    FIXME - License information goes here.

    FIXME - Copyright information goes here.
    __author__      = "FIXME - your name and email address"
    __version__     = "FIXME - version number and date released"
    __url__         = "FIXME - url where this plugin can be found"
    __description__ = "FIXME - one-line description of plugin"

    def verify_installation(request):
        # FIXME - code to verify that this plugin is installed correctly 
        # here.

        return 1

    def cb_comment_reject(args):
        req = args["request"]
        comment = args["comment"]

        blog_config = req.getConfiguration()

        # FIXME - code for figuring out whether this comment should
        # be rejected or not goes here.  If you want to reject the
        # comment, return 1.  Otherwise return 0.

Installing trackback

If you want to support `trackbacks`_, copy
``contrib/plugins/comments/plugins/`` to your plugins
directory.  Then add ``"trackback"`` to the ``load_plugins`` property
in your ```` file.

.. _trackbacks:

If you want trackbacks you need to advertise the trackback ping URL
for a particular entry.

You advertise a manual trackback ping link.  You can do this by
inserting the following HTML in story.html and comment-story.html

    <a href="$base_url/trackback/$file_path" title="Trackback">TB</a> 

The ``/trackback`` URL prefix is configurable with the
``trackback_urltrigger`` config variable.

You can supply an embedded RDF description of the trackback ping::

      <rdf:RDF xmlns:rdf=""

This RDF should also be inserted in story.html and comment-story.html.
Since it is in an HTML comment, it doesn't matter where you put it.

Installing pingback

If you want to support `pingbacks`_, copy
``contrib/plugins/comments/plugins/`` and
``contrib/xmlrpc_plugins/`` to your plugins directory.  Make
sure you have the ``base_url`` property defined in your ````
file.  Then add ``"xmlrpc_pingback"`` to the ``load_plugins`` property
in your ```` file.

.. _pingbacks:

You'll need to advertise a pingback link in your ``head``
template. Add the following tag to the ``meta`` section::

    <link rel="pingback" href="" />

Replace ```` with your ``baseurl``.

Installing the CommentAPI

FIXME - this text probably needs fixing.

If you want to support `CommentAPI`_, copy
``contrib/plugins/comments/plugins/`` to your plugins
directory.  If you enable CommentAPI in your RSS feed (see below),
some RSS aggregator programs will provide an interface that can post a
comment to a blog entry.

.. _CommentAPI:

You need to have ```` installed in order for this 
to work.

Then you must add the CommentAPI tags to your RSS 2.0 feed.  The best 
way to do this is to add an XML namespace declaration to the rss


Then inside your RSS items you need to add a wfw:comment element::

where ###commentAPI### is replaced by the URI that you mapped your
CommentAPI.cgi to  At the moment, you need to map to a URI one level
below the $base_url of the blog