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Flavours and Templates

:Author: PyBlosxom Development Team
:Version: $Id: flavours_and_templates.txt 1168 2007-12-11 16:33:55Z willhelm $
:Copyright: This document is distributed under the MIT license.

.. contents::


PyBlosxom takes the data provided in the entries and by the plugins and
transforms it into output using renderers.  Output can be in html, xhtml, 
xml, or anything else--anything that you could get back from a CGI 
script or web application.  The default renderer can be set in your 
config file like this::

   py["renderer"] = "blosxom"

PyBlosxom comes with two renderers: blosxom and debug.

The debug renderer displays all the data in the various parts of the 
PyBlosxom Request object.  This is really helpful to see what variables 
are at your disposal and also to debug problems you might be having with 
plugins you've installed.

The blosxom renderer renders entries just like Blosxom does.

If you want your blog rendered using a different template system--say
Cheetah or htmltmpl--implement a renderer that renders the output.  This
can be done as a PyBlosxom plugin.  See the chapter on writing plugins
for more information.

The rest of this chapter talks about the various things you can do with
the blosxom renderer which comes with PyBlosxom.

Flavours and Templates

The blosxom renderer uses the same template style that Blosxom uses.  As
such, you can use most Blosxom flavour templates and only have to make some
minor modifications.

A flavour can be thought of as a theme or an output format.  For example,
you could have an "html" flavour that renders the blog data in html format.
You could have an "xhtml" flavour that renders the blog in a strict xhtml
format.  You could have a "happy-sunshine" flavour that renders the blog
in html format using a happy sunshiney look and feel.  You can have an
"rss" flavour that renders the output in RSS 2.0 format with enclosures.
So on and so forth.

A flavour consists of a series of templates each of which is a part of 
the page that finally gets rendered.  The minimum set of templates are

* **content_type** - holds the content type of the flavour
* **head** - holds everything before all the entries
* **story** - holds a single entry
* **foot** - holds everything after all the entries
* **date_head** - shows at the start of a date
* **date_foot** - shows at the end of a date

You can have other templates as well.  Many plugins require additional
templates in order to work.

The template files for a given flavour all have the same file extension which
is the flavour's name.  For example, if you were using an "html" flavour,
the flavour itself would be composed of the following files:

* content_type.html
* head.html
* story.html
* foot.html
* date_head.html
* date_foot.html

If you want to create a "joy" flavour, you would have the following files:


You can have as many flavours as you want in your blog.

.. Warning::

   A warning about flavour names:

   The one thing to be aware of is creating a flavour where the name is 
   the same extension as file extensions of your blog entries.  For example,
   the default extension for pyblosxom blog entries is 
   ``.txt``.  Don't create a **txt** flavour.

PyBlosxom comes with a series of flavours: html, rss (RSS 0.9.1), rss20
(RSS 2.0), and atom (Atom 1.0).  These flavours come as part of PyBlosxom
and they will work out of the box with no modifications and no configuration
changes.  Additionally, you can override all or portions of these flavours.
We'll talk about this a little later.

Additionally, there is a flavour registry on the PyBlosxom web-site
(  This is where you can submit flavours 
that you have created and see flavours other people have created and 

Where to Put Your Flavour Files

If you want to override the existing flavours, add new flavours, or
develop your own flavours, you should set the ``flavourdir`` property of 
your ```` file.  I have this directory parallel to my datadir.  
In my flavourdir, I have flavour directories--one for each flavour in my 

    |-- willg/
       |-- myblog/
          |-- entries/        <-- my datadir
          |  |-- content/        <-- category
          |  |-- dev/            <-- category
          |  |-- links/          <-- category
          |-- flavours/       <-- my flavourdir
             |-- html.flav/      <-- defines the html flavour
             |-- xml.flav/       <-- defines the xml flavour
             |-- links/          <-- parallels the links category
                |-- html.flav/   <-- defines the html flavour for the 
                                     links category

In my flavourdir, I have two flavour directories ``html.flav``
and ``xml.flav``.  The ``xml.flav`` is a copy of the ``atom.flav`` directory 
that comes with PyBlosxom.  I copied it so that I could use "xml" for the 
flavour name.  This isn't necessarily a wonderful idea, but it helped me 
upgrade my blog without disturbing planets and writing lots of ``.htaccess``
redirects and such.

You'll notice there's an ``html.flav`` directory in the ``links`` directory.  
When someone is looking at items in the links directory, then PyBlosxom 
will use this html flavour.

The order of overiding works like this:

1. PyBlosxom looks for flavour files that came with PyBlosxom
2. PyBlosxom starts at the root of the flavourdir and looks for flavour
   files there.  If there are some, then these files override the files
   PyBlosxom has found so far.
3. PyBlosxom iterates through category directories in the flavourdir if
   there are any that are parallel to the datadir and looks for flavour
   directories there.  If there are some, then those files override the
   files it has so far.

This allows you to easily override specific templates in your blog
(like the header or footer) depending on what category the user is looking

.. Note::

   A note about the datadir and flavourdir:

   PyBlosxom is backwards compatible with previous versions of
   PyBlosxom.  You can put your flavour files in your datadir.  You
   can also put your flavour files in the categories of your datadir.
   However you cannot have a flavourdir and put flavour files in your
   datadir--PyBlosxom will look at EITHER your datadir OR your
   flavourdir for flavour files.

Template Variables

This is the list of variables that are available to your templates.
Additionally, plugins that you are using will add additional variables.

To use a variable in a template, prefix the variable name with a $.
For example, this would expand to the blog's title as a h2::


Additionally, you can wrap the variable name in parentheses so that PyBlosxom
correctly identifies it and expands it::


This helps in situations where a natural delimiter (space, punctuation, ...)
doesn't follow the variable.  So this won't work::


but this will::


To get a complete list of what variables are available in your blog, use 
the debug renderer by changing the renderer property in your 
```` file to debug like this::

   py["renderer"] = "debug"

That will tell you all kinds of stuff about the data structures involved 
in the request.  Don't forget to change it back when you're done!

URL Encoding and Escaping of Template Variables

PyBlosxom versions 1.3 and later allows you to escape and URL encode 
any variables by adding ``_escaped`` or ``_urlencoded`` to the end of 
the variable name.

For example, ``title_escaped`` is an escaped form of the title with 
' (single-quote) replaced with ``&apos;`` and " (double-quote) replaced 
with ``&quot;``.

``title_urlencoded`` is a URL encoded form of the title which uses 
the Python urllib.

Variables from

These template variables are available to all templates.  They come directly 
from your ```` file.

   The description of the blog.

   Example: ``blosxom with a touch of python``

   The title of the blog.

   Example: ``RoughingIT - pyblosxom : /weblogs/tools/pyblosxom``

   The primary language of the blog.

   Example: ``en``

   The encoding of the blog.

   Example: ``iso8859-1``

   The author of the blog (probably you).

   Example: ``Joe Dirt``

   The email address of the author of the blog (feel free to obfuscate it).

   Example: ``joe at joe dot com``

   The geographical location of your blog as a latitude/longitude pair.

   Example: ``37.448089,-122.159259``

   This is the url up to and including the portion that kicks off PyBlosxom.
   If you do not specify this in your ```` file, then it will be
   generated based on information your web-server passes PyBlosxom in
   the environment.

   Example: ````

   Example: ````

   You should use ``$base_url`` at the beginning of any links that should
   be handled by PyBlosxom.

Additionally, any other properties you set in ```` are available 
in your templates.  If you wanted to create a ``blog_images`` variable 
holding the base url of the directory with all your images::

   py["blog_images"] = ""

to your ```` file and it would be available in all your templates.

Calculated Template Variables

These template variables are available to all templates as well.  They are 
calculated based on the request.

   The root datadir of this page?

   Example: ``/home/subtle/blosxom/weblogs/tools/pyblosxom``

   The PATH_INFO to this page.

   Example: ``pyblosxom/weblogs/tools/pyblosxom``

   The flavour that's being used to render this page.

   Example: ``html``

   The date of the most recent entry that is going to be rendered.

   Example: ``Tue, 15 Nov 2005``

   The date of the most recent entry that is going to be rendered in 
   w3cdate format.

   Example: ``2005-11-13T17:50:02Z``

   The date of the most recent entry that is going to show in RFC 822 

   Example: ``Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:50 GMT``

   The four-digit year if the request indicated a year.

   Example: ``2002``

   The month name if the request indicated a month.

   Example: ``Sep``

   The day of the month if the request indicated a day of the month.

   Example: ``15``

   The entry the user requested to see if the request indicated a specific

   Example: ``weblogs/tools/pyblosxom``

   The version number and release date of the pyblosxom version you're

   Example: ``1.2 3/25/2005``

Template Variables Only Available in the story Template

These template variables are only available in your story template.

   The title of the entry.

   Example: ``First Post!``

   The absolute path of the file that the entry is stored in.

   Example: ``/home/subtle/blosxom/weblogs/tools/pyblosxom/firstpost.txt``

   The filename and extension of the file that the entry is stored in.

   Example: ``firstpost.txt``

   The filename with no extension of the file that the entry is stored in.

   Example: ``firstpost``

   The category/path of the entry (from the perspective of the url).

   Example: ``weblogs/tools/pyblosxom``

   The text of the entry.

   Example: ``<p>This is my first post!</p>``

   The trackback id of the entry.

   Example: ``_firstpost``

   The category/path of the entry.

   Example: ``weblogs/tools/pyblosxom``

   The four-digit year of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``2004``

   The month abbreviation of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``Jan``

   The zero-padded month number of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``01``

   The 24-hour hour and minute of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``16:40``

   The date string of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``Sun, 23 May 2004``

   The date in w3cdate format of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``2005-11-13T17:50:02Z``

   The date in RFC 822 format of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``Sun, 13 Nov 2005 17:50 GMT``

   The date in YYYYMMDDHHMMSS format of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``20040523164000``

   The time tuple (year, month, month-day, hour, minute, second, week-day,
   year-day, isdst) of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``(2004, 5, 23, 16, 40, 0, 6, 144, 1)``

   The mtime of this entry measured in seconds since the epoch.

   Example: ``1085348400.0``

   The day of the week of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``Sunday``

   The day of the month of the mtime of this entry.

   Example: ``23``

Also, any variables created by plugins that are entry-centric and any
variables that come from metadata in the entry are available.  See
those sections in this document for more details.

Template Variables from Plugins

Many plugins will create additional variables that are available in
templates.  Refer to the documentation of the plugins that you have
installed to see what variables are available and what they do.

Template Variables from Entry Metadata

You can add metadata to your entries on an individual basis and this
metadata is available to your story templates.

For example, if I had a blog entry like this::

   First Post!
   #mood happy
   #music The Doors - Break on Through to the Other Side
     This is the first post to my new PyBlosxom blog.  I've
     also got two metadata items in it which will be available
     as variables!

You'll have two variables ``$mood`` and ``$music`` that will also
be available in your story templates.

Invoking a Flavour

The flavour for a given page is specified in the extension of the file 
being requested.  For example:

* ```` - 
  brings up the index in the default flavour which is "html"

* ```` - 
  brings up the index in the "html" flavour

* ```` -
  brings up the index in the "rss" flavour (which by default is RSS 0.9.1)

* ```` -
  brings up the index for May of 2004 in the "joy" flavour

Additionally, you can specify the flavour by adding a ``flav`` 
variable in the query-string.  Examples:

* ```` -
  brings up the index in the default flavour which is "html"

* ```` -
  brings up the index in the "rss" flavour

* ```` -
  brings up the index for May of 2004 in the "joy" flavour

You can change the default flavour from ``html`` to some other flavour 
in your ```` file with the ``default_flavour`` property::

   py["default_flavour"] = "joy"

Doing this will set the default flavour to use when the URI the user has
used doesn't specify which flavour to use.  For example, if you do the
above, then the following URIs will use the default flavour:

* ```` - 
  uses the default flavour which is set to "joy"

* ```` -
  uses the html flavour as specified by ``flav=``

Order of Operations to Figure Out Which Flavour to Use

We know that you can specify the default flavour to use in the ```` 
file with the ``default_flavour`` property.  We know that the user can 
specify which flavour to use by the file extension of the URI.  We also 
know that the user can specify which flavour to use by using the ``flav`` 
variable in the query string.

The order in which we figure out which flavour to use is this:

1. look at the URI extension: if the URI has one, then we use that.
2. look at the ``flav`` querystring variable: if there is one, 
   then we use that.
3. look at the ``default_flavour`` property in the ```` 
   file: if there is one, then we use that.
4. use the ``html`` flavour

Examples of Templates

For examples of templates and flavours, see the included flavours
that come with your PyBlosxom installation.