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<title>Irrlicht Engine Tutorial</title>
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    <td bgcolor="#666699" width="10"><b><a href="" target="_blank"><img src="../../media/irrlichtlogo.jpg" width="88" height="31" border="0"></a></b></td>
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        <div align="left"><b><font color="#FFFFFF">Tutorial 7. Collision detection 
          and response</font></b></div>
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    <td height="90" colspan="2"> 
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        <p>In this tutorial, I will show how to collision detection with the Irrlicht 
          Engine. I will describe 3 methods: Automatic collision detection for 
          moving through 3d worlds with stair climbing and sliding, manual triangle 
          picking and manual scene node picking.</p>
        <p>The program which is described here will look like this:</p>
        <p align="center"><img src="../../media/007shot.jpg" width="259" height="204"><br>
<table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="0" cellpadding="2" align="center">
    <td bgcolor="#666699"> <div align="center"><b><font color="#FFFFFF"></font></b></div>
      <b><font color="#FFFFFF">Lets start!</font></b></td>
    <td height="90" bgcolor="#eeeeff" valign="top"> <div align="left"> 
        <div align="left">
          <p>To start, we take the program from tutorial 2, which loaded and displayed 
            a quake 3 level. We will use the level to walk in it and to pick triangles 
            from it. In addition we'll place 3 animated models into it for scene 
            node picking. The following code starts up the engine and loads a 
            quake 3 level. I will not explain it, because it should already be 
            known from tutorial 2.</p>
          <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
              <td> <pre><font size="2"><font color="#008000">#include &lt;irrlicht.h&gt;
#include &lt;iostream&gt;<br>
</font><b>using namespace </b>irr;

<font color="#008000">#pragma comment(lib, &quot;Irrlicht.lib&quot;)

</font><b>int </b>main()
<font color="#008000">  // let user select driver type</font>
<br>  video::E_DRIVER_TYPE driverType;<br><br>  printf(&quot;Please select the driver you want for this example:\n&quot;\<br>    &quot; (a) Direct3D 9.0c\n (b) Direct3D 8.1\n (c) OpenGL 1.5\n&quot;\<br>    &quot; (d) Software Renderer\n (e) Apfelbaum Software Renderer\n&quot;\<br>    &quot; (f) NullDevice\n (otherKey) exit\n\n&quot;);<br><br>  char i;<br>  std::cin &gt;&gt; i;<br><br>  switch(i)<br>  {<br>  case 'a': driverType = video::EDT_DIRECT3D9;break;<br>  case 'b': driverType = video::EDT_DIRECT3D8;break;<br>  case 'c': driverType = video::EDT_OPENGL;   break;<br>  case 'd': driverType = video::EDT_SOFTWARE; break;<br>  case 'e': driverType = video::EDT_BURNINGSVIDEO;break;  <br>  case 'f': driverType = video::EDT_NULL;     break;<br>  default: return 0;<br>  }	<br>
<font color="#008000">  // create device</font></font></pre> 
                <pre>  IrrlichtDevice *device = createDevice(driverType,
     core::dimension2d&lt;s32&gt;(640, 480), 16, false);<br>
  if (device == 0)<br>    return 1; // could not create selected driver.<br><br>  video::IVideoDriver* driver = device-&gt;getVideoDriver();<br>  scene::ISceneManager* smgr = device-&gt;getSceneManager();<br><br>  <font size="2">device-&gt;getFileSystem()-&gt;addZipFileArchive<br>      (<font color="#FF0000">&quot;../../media/map-20kdm2.pk3&quot;</font>);

	scene::IAnimatedMesh* q3levelmesh = smgr-&gt;getMesh(<font color="#FF0000">&quot;20kdm2.bsp&quot;</font>);
	scene::ISceneNode* q3node = <font color="#800080">0</font>;
	<b>if </b>(q3levelmesh)
		q3node = smgr-&gt;addOctTreeSceneNode(q3levelmesh-&gt;getMesh(<font color="#800080">0</font>));
          <p> So far so good, we've loaded the quake 3 level like in tutorial 
            2. Now, here comes something different: We create a triangle selector. 
            A triangle selector is a class which can fetch the triangles from 
            scene nodes for doing different things with them, for example collision 
            detection. There are different triangle selectors, and all can be 
            created with the ISceneManager. In this example, we create an OctTreeTriangleSelector, 
            which optimizes the triangle output a little bit by reducing it like 
            an octree. This is very useful for huge meshes like quake 3 levels.<br>
            Afte we created the triangle selector, we attach it to the q3node. 
            This is not necessary, but in this way, we do not need to care for 
            the selector, for example dropping it after we do not need it anymore.</p>
          <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
              <td> <pre><font size="2">scene::ITriangleSelector* selector = <font color="#800080">0</font>;
	<b>if </b>(q3node)
		q3node-&gt;setPosition(core::vector3df(-<font color="#800080">1370</font>,-<font color="#800080">130</font>,-<font color="#800080">1400</font>));

		selector = smgr-&gt;createOctTreeTriangleSelector(
            q3levelmesh-&gt;getMesh(<font color="#800080">0</font>), q3node, <font color="#800080">128</font>);
          <p> We add a first person shooter camera to the scene for being able 
            to move in the quake 3 level like in tutorial 2. But this, time, we 
            add a special animator to the camera: A Collision Response animator. 
            This thing modifies the scene node to which it is attached to in that 
            way, that it may no more move through walls and is affected by gravity. 
            The only thing we have to tell the animator is how the world looks 
            like, how big the scene node is, how gravity and so on. After the 
            collision response animator is attached to the camera, we do not have 
            to do anything more for collision detection, anything is done automaticly, 
            all other collision detection code below is for picking. And please 
            note another cool feature: The collsion response animator can be attached 
            also to all other scene nodes, not only to cameras. And it can be 
            mixed with other scene node animators. In this way, collision detection 
            and response in the Irrlicht<br>
            engine is really, really easy.<br>
            Now we'll take a closer look on the parameters of createCollisionResponseAnimator(). 
            The first parameter is the TriangleSelector, which specifies how the 
            world, against collision detection is done looks like. The second 
            parameter is the scene node, which is the object, which is affected 
            by collision detection, in our case it is the camera. The third defines 
            how big the object is, it is the radius of an ellipsoid. Try it out 
            and change the radius to smaller values, the camera will be able to 
            move closer to walls after this. The next parameter is the direction 
            and speed of gravity. You could set it to (0,0,0) to disable gravity. 
            And the last value is just a translation: Without this, the ellipsoid 
            with which collision detection is done would be around the camera, 
            and the camera would be in the middle of the ellipsoid. But as human 
            beings, we are used to have our eyes on top of the body, with which 
            we collide with our world, not in the middle of it. So we place the 
            scene node 50 units over the center of the ellipsoid with this parameter. 
            And that's it, collision detection works now. <br>
          <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
              <td> <pre><font size="2">	scene::ICameraSceneNode* camera = 	<br>		camera = smgr-&gt;addCameraSceneNodeFPS(<font color="#800080">0</font>,<font color="#800080">100.0f</font>,<font color="#800080">300.0f</font>);
	camera-&gt;setPosition(core::vector3df(-10<font color="#800080">0</font>,<font color="#800080">50</font>,-15<font color="#800080">0</font>));

	scene::ISceneNodeAnimator* anim =<br>    smgr-&gt;createCollisionResponseAnimator(
		selector, camera, core::vector3df(<font color="#800080">30</font>,<font color="#800080">50</font>,<font color="#800080">30</font>),
		core::vector3df(<font color="#800080">0</font>,<font color="#800080">-3</font>,<font color="#800080">0</font>),
		core::vector3df(<font color="#800080">0</font>,<font color="#800080">50</font>,<font color="#800080">0</font>));<br>
          <p> Because collision detection is no big deal in irrlicht, I'll describe 
            how to do two different types of picking in the next section. But 
            before this, I'll prepare the scene a little. I need three animated 
            characters which we <br>
            could pick later, a dynamic light for lighting them, a billboard for 
            drawing where we found an intersection, and, yes, I need to get rid 
            of this mouse cursor. :)</p>
          <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
              <td> <pre><font size="2">	<font color="#0A246A"><i>// disable mouse cursor

</i></font>	device-&gt;getCursorControl()-&gt;setVisible(<b>false</b>);

	<font color="#0A246A"><i>// add billboard

</i></font>	scene::IBillboardSceneNode * bill = smgr-&gt;addBillboardSceneNode();
	bill-&gt;setMaterialType(video::EMT_TRANSPARENT_ADD_COLOR );
	bill-&gt;setMaterialTexture(<font color="#800080">0</font>, driver-&gt;getTexture(<br>         <font color="#FF0000">&quot;../../media/particle.bmp&quot;</font>));
	bill-&gt;setMaterialFlag(video::EMF_LIGHTING, <b>false</b>);
	bill-&gt;setSize(core::dimension2d&lt;f32&gt;(<font color="#800080">20.0f</font>, <font color="#800080">20.0f</font>));

	<font color="#0A246A"><i>// add 3 animated faeries.

</i></font>	video::SMaterial material;
	material.Texture1 = driver-&gt;getTexture(<font color="#FF0000"><br>         &quot;../../media/faerie2.bmp&quot;</font>);
	material.Lighting = <b>true</b>;

	scene::IAnimatedMeshSceneNode* node = <font color="#800080">0</font>;
	scene::IAnimatedMesh* faerie = smgr-&gt;getMesh(<br>        <font color="#FF0000">&quot;../../media/faerie.md2&quot;</font>);

	<b>if </b>(faerie)
		node = smgr-&gt;addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(faerie);
		node-&gt;setPosition(core::vector3df(-<font color="#800080">70</font>,<font color="#800080">0</font>,-<font color="#800080">90</font>));
		node-&gt;getMaterial(<font color="#800080">0</font>) = material;

		node = smgr-&gt;addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(faerie);
		node-&gt;setPosition(core::vector3df(-<font color="#800080">70</font>,<font color="#800080">0</font>,-<font color="#800080">30</font>));
		node-&gt;getMaterial(<font color="#800080">0</font>) = material;

		node = smgr-&gt;addAnimatedMeshSceneNode(faerie);
		node-&gt;setPosition(core::vector3df(-<font color="#800080">70</font>,<font color="#800080">0</font>,-<font color="#800080">60</font>));
		node-&gt;getMaterial(<font color="#800080">0</font>) = material;

	material.Texture1 = <font color="#800080">0</font>;
	material.Lighting = <b>false</b>;

	<font color="#0A246A"><i>// Add a light

</i></font>	smgr-&gt;addLightSceneNode(<font color="#800080">0</font>, core::vector3df(-<font color="#800080">60</font>,<font color="#800080">100</font>,<font color="#800080">400</font>),
		video::SColorf(<font color="#800080">1.0f</font>,<font color="#800080">1.0f</font>,<font color="#800080">1.0f</font>,<font color="#800080">1.0f</font>),
		<font color="#800080">600.0f</font>);</font></pre></td>
          <p>For not making it to complicated, I'm doing picking inside the drawing 
            loop. We take two pointers for storing the current and the last selected 
            scene node and start the loop.</p>
        <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
            <td> <pre><font size="2">	scene::ISceneNode* selectedSceneNode = <font color="#800080">0</font>;
	scene::ISceneNode* lastSelectedSceneNode = <font color="#800080">0</font>;

	<b>int </b>lastFPS = -<font color="#800080">1</font>;

	<b>while</b>(device-&gt;run())<br>  <strong>if</strong> (device-&gt;isWindowActive())
		driver-&gt;beginScene(<b>true</b>, <b>true</b>, <font color="#800080">0</font>);

        <p> After we've drawn the whole scene whit smgr-&gt;drawAll(), we'll do 
          the first picking: We want to know which triangle of the world we are 
          looking at. In addition, we want the exact point of the quake 3 level 
          we are looking at. For this, we create a 3d line starting at the position 
          of the camera and going through the lookAt-target of it. Then we ask 
          the collision manager if this line collides with a triangle of the world 
          stored in the triangle selector. If yes, we draw the 3d triangle and 
          set the position of the billboard to the intersection point. </p>
        <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
            <td><pre><font size="2">		core::line3d&lt;f32&gt; line;
		line.start = camera-&gt;getPosition();
		line.end = line.start +
         (camera-&gt;getTarget() - line.start).normalize() * <font color="#800080">1000.0f</font>;

		core::vector3df intersection;
		core::triangle3df tri;

		<b>if </b>(smgr-&gt;getSceneCollisionManager()-&gt;getCollisionPoint(
			line, selector, intersection, tri))
			driver-&gt;setTransform(video::ETS_WORLD, core::matrix4());
			driver-&gt;draw3DTriangle(tri, video::SColor(<font color="#800080">0</font>,<font color="#800080">255</font>,<font color="#800080">0</font>,<font color="#800080">0</font>));
        <p> Another type of picking supported by the Irrlicht Engine is scene 
          node picking based on bouding boxes. Every scene node has got a bounding 
          box, and because of that, it's very fast for example to get the scene 
          node which the camera looks<br>
          at. Again, we ask the collision manager for this, and if we've got a 
          scene node, we highlight it by disabling Lighting in its material, if 
          it is not the billboard or the quake 3 level. </p>
        <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
            <td><pre><font size="2">		selectedSceneNode = smgr-&gt;getSceneCollisionManager()-&gt;

		<b>if </b>(lastSelectedSceneNode)
                video::EMF_LIGHTING, <b>true</b>);

		<b>if </b>(selectedSceneNode == q3node ||
           selectedSceneNode == bill)
			selectedSceneNode = <font color="#800080">0</font>;

		<b>if </b>(selectedSceneNode)
               video::EMF_LIGHTING, <b>false</b>);

		lastSelectedSceneNode = selectedSceneNode;</font></pre></td>
        <p> That's it, we just have to finish drawing.</p>
        <table width="95%" border="0" cellspacing="2" cellpadding="0" bgcolor="#CCCCCC" align="center">
            <td> <pre><font size="2">		driver-&gt;endScene();

		<b>int </b>fps = driver-&gt;getFPS();

		<b>if </b>(lastFPS != fps)
		  core::stringw str = L&quot;Collision detection example - Irrlicht Engine [&quot;;<br>		  str += driver-&gt;getName();<br>		  str += &quot;] FPS:&quot;;<br>		  str += fps;<br><br>		  device-&gt;setWindowCaption(str.c_str());<br>		  lastFPS = fps;<br>		}

	<b>return </b><font color="#800080">0</font>;
