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<h1>Glossary<a class="headerlink" href="#glossary" title="Permalink to this headline">ΒΆ</a></h1>
<dl class="docutils">
<dd>The thing that plugins plugin to!</dd>
<dt>Extension Point</dt>
<dd>A well defined place where new functionality and/or data can be contributed
to an application.</dd>
<dt>Extension (aka Contribution)</dt>
<dd>An <em>actual</em> piece of functionality or data that is contributed (this is why
extensions are often known as contributions). Think of &#8216;extension points&#8217; as
the &#8216;where&#8217; and &#8216;extensions&#8217; as the &#8216;what&#8217;.</dd>
<dt>Extension Registry</dt>
<dd>The place where (by default) all of the extension points and their associated
extensions are stored.</dd>
<dd>In Envisage, a service is <em>any</em> object that a developer thinks is
sufficiently useful to want to share it.</dd>
<dt>Service Registry</dt>
<dd>The &#8216;yellow pages&#8217; style mechanism that is used to publish and look up
<dd><p class="first">The mechanism for delivering new functionality to an application. A plugin
can do 3 simple things:</p>
<ol class="last arabic simple">
<li>offer extension points</li>
<li>make contributions to extension points (including its own)</li>
<li>create and publish services</li>
<dt>Plugin Manager</dt>
<dd>Finds, starts, and manages the plugins that make up an application.</dd>

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