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        <td class="title">Visualization</td>
      <span class="subtitle">Plot a function.
    <div class="synopsis">
      <div class="H2">
        <div class="prototype">fig = 
          <span class="fun">mmplot</span>(
          <span class="par">plotitems</span> = [], 
          <span class="par">options</span> = [], 
          <span class="par">outfig</span> = -1, 
          <span class="par">filename</span> = None
        <p>Implemented in 
        <div class="input">
          <div class="H3">
            <table class="deflist">
              <tbody valign="baseline">
                  <td class="term"><span class="par">plotitems</span></td>
                  <td class="def"><span class="type"></span><p>List of plotitems.</p><p>Default: 
                  <td class="term"><span class="par">options</span></td>
                  <td class="def"><span class="type"></span><p>List of options.</p><p>Default: 
                  <td class="term"><span class="par">outfig</span></td>
                  <td class="def"><span class="type"></span><p>Integer. Figure number. 0 creates a new figure.</p><p>Default: 
                  <td class="term"><span class="par">filename</span></td>
                  <td class="def"><span class="type"></span><p>String. Name of the PNG output file.</p><p>Default: 
        <div class="output">
          <div class="H3">
            <table class="deflist">
              <tbody valign="baseline">
                  <td class="term"><span class="par">fig</span></td>
                  <td class="def"><span class="type"></span><p>Figure number.</p></td>
    <div class="docbook">
      <div class="H2">
          <span class="fun">mmplot</span>
           plots a 2D function 
           with the help of the Gnuplot package.
          <span class="fun">mmplot</span>
           may take four arguments.

             argument is a list of plotitems: 
            <code>[plotitem_1, plotitem_2, ...]</code>
            , where each
                    plotitem is a list containing the 
             axis, the 
             axis, the plot 
                    (Gnuplot styles) and the function 
            . A plotitem looks like 
            <code>"[x, y, style, title]"</code>
             are Numeric arrays, 
             are strings.
             are optionals. If 
             is not specified,
            <code>"Numeric.range(x) vs. x"</code>
             will be plotted. If 
             is not defined or is 
            <span class="fun">mmplot</span>
             uses the global style, if it has been defined in 
            , or 'lines' style, when there
                    is no global style. 
             argument finally looks like
            <code>"[[x1, y1, 'a style', 'a title'], [x2], [x3, y3], [x4, y4, None, 'a title']"</code>
             argument is a list of option tuples: 
            <code>[[option1, value1], [option2, value2], ...]</code>
                    Available options are:
                , adds a grid.
                , adds a global title to the graph.
                , adds a label for X axis.
                , adds a label for Y axis.
                , selects a global plot style. Accepts any Gnuplot style requiring no additional information. Gnuplot styles are: `lines`, `points`, `linespoints`, `impulses`, `dots`, `steps`, `fsteps`,
                                `histeps`, `errorbars`, `xerrorbars`, `yerrorbars`, `xyerrorbars`, `errorlines`,
                                `xerrorlines`, `yerrorlines`, `xyerrorlines`, `boxes`, `boxerrorbars`,
                                `boxxyerrorbars`, `financebars`, `candlesticks` or `vector`. See Gnuplot help
                                for these styles.
                , treat plotitems as additional plotitems to be plotted alongside the existing graph.
                                      If replot is not specified, the graph will be cleared before the plot.
             argument is the figure number to be plot. A list of figures is kept in global variable
             which is not supposed to be modified by the user. 
             stores the
                    number of the current figure (last figure accessed by 
            <span class="fun">mmplot</span>
            ). Each 
             is a Gnuplot
                    pointer for figure 
            . If figure 
             already exists, data will be
                    plotted in figure 
             is returned. If figure 
             does not
                    exist, nothing is done and 
             is returned. If 
            <code>outfig == 0</code>
            , data will be plotted in a
                    new figure and the new figure number is returned. If 
             is not specified, data will be
                    plotted in the current figure, if it already exists, or in a new figure, otherwise. The new figure
                    number is then returned.
             argument is the name of the PNG output file.
        <p>    There are also two special uses of 
          <span class="fun">mmplot</span>
          . When 
          <span class="fun">mmplot</span>
           is called with no args, the current figure is
              replotted and its number is returned. If there is no current figure, nothing is done and 0 is returned.
          <span class="fun">mmplot</span>
          ('reset') clears the figures table.

    <div class="examples">
      <div class="H2">
          <div class="example">
            <div class="listing">
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; import Numeric</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; #</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; x = Numeric.arange(0, 2*Numeric.pi, 0.1)</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; mmplot([[x]])</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; y1 = Numeric.sin(x)</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; y2 = Numeric.cos(x)</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; opts = [['title', 'Example Plot'],\
        ['style', 'linespoints'],\
        ['xlabel', '"X values"'],\
        ['ylabel', '"Y Values"']]</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; y1_plt = [x, y1, None,    'sin(X)']</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; y2_plt = [x, y2, 'lines', 'cos(X)']</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; #</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; # plotting two graphs using one step</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; fig1 = mmplot([y1_plt, y2_plt], opts, 0)</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; #</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; # plotting the same graphs using two steps</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; fig2 = mmplot([y1_plt], opts, 0)</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; fig2 = mmplot([y2_plt], opts, fig2)</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; #</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; # first function has been lost, lets recover it</pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; opts.append(['replot'])</pre>
              <pre class="computer"></pre>
              <pre class="user">&gt;&gt;&gt; fig2 = mmplot([y1_plt], opts, fig2)</pre>
            <table class="images">
              <tbody align="center">
                <tr class="image" valign="bottom">
                  <td><img width="320" src="../images/plt_mmplot_001.png"></td>
                  <td><img width="320" src="../images/plt_mmplot_002.png"></td>
                  <td class="spare"></td>
                <tr class="title" valign="baseline">
                  <td><a href="../images/plt_mmplot_001.png">[[x]]</a></td>
                  <td><a href="../images/plt_mmplot_002.png">[y1_plt, y2_plt], opts, 0</a></td>
                  <td class="spare"></td>
            <table class="images">
              <tbody align="center">
                <tr class="image" valign="bottom">
                  <td><img width="320" src="../images/plt_mmplot_003.png"></td>
                  <td><img width="320" src="../images/plt_mmplot_004.png"></td>
                  <td class="spare"></td>
                <tr class="title" valign="baseline">
                  <td><a href="../images/plt_mmplot_003.png">[y1_plt], opts, 0</a></td>
                  <td><a href="../images/plt_mmplot_004.png">[y2_plt], opts, fig2</a></td>
                  <td class="spare"></td>
            <table class="images">
              <tbody align="center">
                <tr class="image" valign="bottom">
                  <td><img width="320" src="../images/plt_mmplot_005.png"></td>
                  <td class="spare"></td>
                <tr class="title" valign="baseline">
                  <td><a href="../images/plt_mmplot_005.png">[y1_plt], opts, fig2</a></td>
                  <td class="spare"></td>
    <div class="sourcecode">
      <H2>Source Code</H2>
      <div class="H2">
        <pre class="listing">
def mmplot(plotitems=[], options=[], outfig=-1, filename=None):
    import Gnuplot
    import Numeric
    newfig = 0
    if (plotitems == 'reset'):
        __figs__[0] = None
        __figs__[1:] = []
        return 0
    if len(plotitems) == 0:
        # no plotitems specified: replot current figure
        if __figs__[0]:
            outfig = __figs__[0]
            g = __figs__[outfig]
            return outfig
            #assert 0, "mmplot error: There is no current figure\n"
            print "mmplot error: There is no current figure\n"
            return 0
    # figure to be plotted
    if ((outfig &lt; 0) and __figs__[0]):
        # current figure
        outfig = __figs__[0]
    elif ( (outfig == 0) or ( (outfig == -1) and not __figs__[0] )  ):
        # new figure
        newfig = 1
        outfig = len(__figs__)
    elif outfig &gt;= len(__figs__):
        #assert 0, 'mmplot error: Figure ' + str(outfig) + 'does not exist\n'
        print 'mmplot error: Figure ' + str(outfig) + 'does not exist\n'
        return 0
    #current figure
    __figs__[0] = outfig
    # Gnuplot pointer
    if newfig:
        if len(__figs__) &gt; 20:
            print '''mmplot error: could not create figure. Too many PlotItems in memory (20). Use
                     mmplot('reset') to clear table'''
            return 0
        g = Gnuplot.Gnuplot()
        g = __figs__[outfig]
    # options
        #default style
        g('set data style lines')
        for option in options:
            if option[0] == 'grid':
                g('set grid')
            elif option[0] == 'title':
                g('set title "' + option[1] + '"')
            elif option[0] == 'xlabel':
                g('set xlabel ' + option[1])
            elif option[0] == 'ylabel':
                g('set ylabel ' + option[1])
            elif option[0] == 'style':
                g('set data style ' + option[1])
                print "mmplot warning: Unknown option: " + option[0]
        print "mmplot warning: Bad usage in options! Using default values. Please, use help.\n"
    # Plot items: item[0]=x, item[1]=y, item[2]=style
    for item in plotitems:
            title = None
            style = None
            x = Numeric.ravel(item[0])
            if len(item) &gt; 1:
                # y axis specified
                y = Numeric.ravel(item[1])
                if len(item) &gt; 2:
                    # style specified
                    style = item[2]
                    if len(item) &gt; 3:
                        title = item[3]
                # no y axis specified
                y = x
                x = Numeric.arange(len(y))
            g.replot(Gnuplot.Data(x, y, title=title, with=style))
            if newfig:
            #assert 0, "mmplot error: Bad usage in plotitems! Impossible to plot graph. Please, use help.\n"
            print "mmplot error: Bad usage in plotitems! Impossible to plot graph. Please, use help.\n"
            return 0
    # PNG file
    if filename:
        g.hardcopy(filename, terminal='png', color=1)
    fig = outfig
    return fig
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          <td class="copyright">Copyright (c) 2003, Roberto A. Lotufo, UNICAMP-University of Campinas; Rubens C. Machado, CenPRA-Renato Archer Research Center.</td>