

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 5da8d467c02607b5ed34a24ab05b8d3a > files > 35


#!/usr/bin/env python

"""hive -- Hive Shell

This lets you ssh to a group of servers and control them as if they were one.
Each command you enter is sent to each host in parallel. The response of each
host is collected and printed. In normal synchronous mode Hive will wait for
each host to return the shell command line prompt. The shell prompt is used to
sync output.


    $ --sameuser --samepass
    username: myusername
    connecting to - OK
    connecting to - OK
    targetting hosts:
    CMD (? for help) > uptime
    23:49:55 up 74 days,  5:14,  2 users,  load average: 0.15, 0.05, 0.01
    23:53:02 up 1 day, 13:36,  2 users,  load average: 0.50, 0.40, 0.46

Other Usage Examples:

1. You will be asked for your username and password for each host. host1 host2 host3 ... hostN

2. You will be asked once for your username and password.
   This will be used for each host. --sameuser --samepass host1 host2 host3 ... hostN

3. Give a username and password on the command-line: user1:pass2@host1 user2:pass2@host2 ... userN:passN@hostN

You can use an extended host notation to specify username, password, and host
instead of entering auth information interactively. Where you would enter a
host name use this format:


This assumes that ':' is not part of the password. If your password contains a
':' then you can use '\\:' to indicate a ':' and '\\\\' to indicate a single
'\\'. Remember that this information will appear in the process listing. Anyone
on your machine can see this auth information. This is not secure.

This is a crude script that begs to be multithreaded. But it serves its

Noah Spurrier

$Id: 509 2008-01-05 21:27:47Z noah $

# TODO add feature to support username:password@host combination
# TODO add feature to log each host output in separate file

import sys, os, re, optparse, traceback, types, time, getpass
import pexpect, pxssh
import readline, atexit

#histfile = os.path.join(os.environ["HOME"], ".hive_history")
#    readline.read_history_file(histfile)
#except IOError:
#    pass
#atexit.register(readline.write_history_file, histfile)

CMD_HELP="""Hive commands are preceded by a colon : (just think of vi).

:target name1 name2 name3 ...

    set list of hosts to target commands

:target all

    reset list of hosts to target all hosts in the hive. 

:to name command

    send a command line to the named host. This is similar to :target, but
    sends only one command and does not change the list of targets for future


    set mode to wait for shell prompts after commands are run. This is the
    default. When Hive first logs into a host it sets a special shell prompt
    pattern that it can later look for to synchronize output of the hosts. If
    you 'su' to another user then it can upset the synchronization. If you need
    to run something like 'su' then use the following pattern:

    CMD (? for help) > :async
    CMD (? for help) > sudo su - root
    CMD (? for help) > :prompt
    CMD (? for help) > :sync


    set mode to not expect command line prompts (see :sync). Afterwards
    commands are send to target hosts, but their responses are not read back
    until :sync is run. This is useful to run before commands that will not
    return with the special shell prompt pattern that Hive uses to synchronize.


    refresh the display. This shows the last few lines of output from all hosts.
    This is similar to resync, but does not expect the promt. This is useful
    for seeing what hosts are doing during long running commands.


    This is similar to :sync, but it does not change the mode. It looks for the
    prompt and thus consumes all input from all targetted hosts.


    force each host to reset command line prompt to the special pattern used to
    synchronize all the hosts. This is useful if you 'su' to a different user
    where Hive would not know the prompt to match.

:send my text

    This will send the 'my text' wihtout a line feed to the targetted hosts.
    This output of the hosts is not automatically synchronized.

:control X

    This will send the given control character to the targetted hosts.
    For example, ":control c" will send ASCII 3.


    This will exit the hive shell.


def login (args, cli_username=None, cli_password=None):

    # I have to keep a separate list of host names because Python dicts are not ordered.
    # I want to keep the same order as in the args list.
    host_names = []
    hive_connect_info = {}
    hive = {}
    # build up the list of connection information (hostname, username, password, port)
    for host_connect_string in args:
        hcd = parse_host_connect_string (host_connect_string)
        hostname = hcd['hostname']
        port     = hcd['port']
        if port == '':
            port = None
        if len(hcd['username']) > 0: 
            username = hcd['username']
        elif cli_username is not None:
            username = cli_username
            username = raw_input('%s username: ' % hostname)
        if len(hcd['password']) > 0:
            password = hcd['password']
        elif cli_password is not None:
            password = cli_password
            password = getpass.getpass('%s password: ' % hostname)
        hive_connect_info[hostname] = (hostname, username, password, port)
    # build up the list of hive connections using the connection information.
    for hostname in host_names:
        print 'connecting to', hostname
            fout = file("log_"+hostname, "w")
            hive[hostname] = pxssh.pxssh()
            print hive[hostname].before
            hive[hostname].logfile = fout
            print '- OK'
        except Exception, e:
            print '- ERROR',
            print str(e)
            print 'Skipping', hostname
            hive[hostname] = None
    return host_names, hive

def main ():

    global options, args, CMD_HELP

    if options.sameuser:
        cli_username = raw_input('username: ')
        cli_username = None

    if options.samepass:
        cli_password = getpass.getpass('password: ')
        cli_password = None
    host_names, hive = login(args, cli_username, cli_password)

    synchronous_mode = True
    target_hostnames = host_names[:]
    print 'targetting hosts:', ' '.join(target_hostnames)
    while True:
        cmd = raw_input('CMD (? for help) > ')
        cmd = cmd.strip()
        if cmd=='?' or cmd==':help' or cmd==':h':
            print CMD_HELP
        elif cmd==':refresh':
            refresh (hive, target_hostnames, timeout=0.5)
            for hostname in target_hostnames:
                if hive[hostname] is None:
                    print '/============================================================================='
                    print '| ' + hostname + ' is DEAD'
                    print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                    print '/============================================================================='
                    print '| ' + hostname
                    print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                    print hive[hostname].before
            print '=============================================================================='
        elif cmd==':resync':
            resync (hive, target_hostnames, timeout=0.5)
            for hostname in target_hostnames:
                if hive[hostname] is None:
                    print '/============================================================================='
                    print '| ' + hostname + ' is DEAD'
                    print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                    print '/============================================================================='
                    print '| ' + hostname
                    print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                    print hive[hostname].before
            print '=============================================================================='
        elif cmd==':sync':
            synchronous_mode = True
            resync (hive, target_hostnames, timeout=0.5)
        elif cmd==':async':
            synchronous_mode = False
        elif cmd==':prompt':
            for hostname in target_hostnames:
                    if hive[hostname] is not None:
                except Exception, e:
                    print "Had trouble communicating with %s, so removing it from the target list." % hostname
                    print str(e)
                    hive[hostname] = None
        elif cmd[:5] == ':send':
            cmd, txt = cmd.split(None,1)
            for hostname in target_hostnames:
                    if hive[hostname] is not None:
                except Exception, e:
                    print "Had trouble communicating with %s, so removing it from the target list." % hostname
                    print str(e)
                    hive[hostname] = None
        elif cmd[:3] == ':to':
            cmd, hostname, txt = cmd.split(None,2)
            if hive[hostname] is None:
                print '/============================================================================='
                print '| ' + hostname + ' is DEAD'
                print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                hive[hostname].sendline (txt)
                print '/============================================================================='
                print '| ' + hostname
                print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                print hive[hostname].before
            except Exception, e:
                print "Had trouble communicating with %s, so removing it from the target list." % hostname
                print str(e)
                hive[hostname] = None
        elif cmd[:7] == ':expect':
            cmd, pattern = cmd.split(None,1)
            print 'looking for', pattern
                for hostname in target_hostnames:
                    if hive[hostname] is not None:
                        print hive[hostname].before
            except Exception, e:
                print "Had trouble communicating with %s, so removing it from the target list." % hostname
                print str(e)
                hive[hostname] = None
        elif cmd[:7] == ':target':
            target_hostnames = cmd.split()[1:]
            if len(target_hostnames) == 0 or target_hostnames[0] == all:
                target_hostnames = host_names[:]
            print 'targetting hosts:', ' '.join(target_hostnames)
        elif cmd == ':exit' or cmd == ':q' or cmd == ':quit':
        elif cmd[:8] == ':control' or cmd[:5] == ':ctrl' :
            cmd, c = cmd.split(None,1)
            if ord(c)-96 < 0 or ord(c)-96 > 255:
                print '/============================================================================='
                print '| Invalid character. Must be [a-zA-Z], @, [, ], \\, ^, _, or ?'
                print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
            for hostname in target_hostnames:
                    if hive[hostname] is not None:
                except Exception, e:
                    print "Had trouble communicating with %s, so removing it from the target list." % hostname
                    print str(e)
                    hive[hostname] = None
        elif cmd == ':esc':
            for hostname in target_hostnames:
                if hive[hostname] is not None:
        # Run the command on all targets in parallel
        for hostname in target_hostnames:
                if hive[hostname] is not None:
                    hive[hostname].sendline (cmd)
            except Exception, e:
                print "Had trouble communicating with %s, so removing it from the target list." % hostname
                print str(e)
                hive[hostname] = None

        # print the response for each targeted host.
        if synchronous_mode:
            for hostname in target_hostnames:
                    if hive[hostname] is None:
                        print '/============================================================================='
                        print '| ' + hostname + ' is DEAD'
                        print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                        print '/============================================================================='
                        print '| ' + hostname
                        print '\\-----------------------------------------------------------------------------'
                        print hive[hostname].before
                except Exception, e:
                    print "Had trouble communicating with %s, so removing it from the target list." % hostname
                    print str(e)
                    hive[hostname] = None
            print '=============================================================================='
def refresh (hive, hive_names, timeout=0.5):

    """This waits for the TIMEOUT on each host.

    # TODO This is ideal for threading.
    for hostname in hive_names:

def resync (hive, hive_names, timeout=2, max_attempts=5):

    """This waits for the shell prompt for each host in an effort to try to get
    them all to the same state. The timeout is set low so that hosts that are
    already at the prompt will not slow things down too much. If a prompt match
    is made for a hosts then keep asking until it stops matching. This is a
    best effort to consume all input if it printed more than one prompt. It's
    kind of kludgy. Note that this will always introduce a delay equal to the
    timeout for each machine. So for 10 machines with a 2 second delay you will
    get AT LEAST a 20 second delay if not more. """

    # TODO This is ideal for threading.
    for hostname in hive_names:
        for attempts in xrange(0, max_attempts):
            if not hive[hostname].prompt(timeout=timeout):

def parse_host_connect_string (hcs):

    """This parses a host connection string in the form
    username:password@hostname:port. All fields are options expcet hostname. A
    dictionary is returned with all four keys. Keys that were not included are
    set to empty strings ''. Note that if your password has the '@' character
    then you must backslash escape it. """

    if '@' in hcs:
        p = re.compile (r'(?P<username>[^@:]*)(:?)(?P<password>.*)(?!\\)@(?P<hostname>[^:]*):?(?P<port>[0-9]*)')
        p = re.compile (r'(?P<username>)(?P<password>)(?P<hostname>[^:]*):?(?P<port>[0-9]*)')
    m = (hcs)
    d = m.groupdict()
    d['password'] = d['password'].replace('\\@','@')
    return d

if __name__ == '__main__':
        start_time = time.time()
        parser = optparse.OptionParser(formatter=optparse.TitledHelpFormatter(), usage=globals()['__doc__'], version='$Id: 509 2008-01-05 21:27:47Z noah $',conflict_handler="resolve")
        parser.add_option ('-v', '--verbose', action='store_true', default=False, help='verbose output')
        parser.add_option ('--samepass', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use same password for each login.')
        parser.add_option ('--sameuser', action='store_true', default=False, help='Use same username for each login.')
        (options, args) = parser.parse_args()
        if len(args) < 1:
            parser.error ('missing argument')
        if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
        if options.verbose: print time.asctime()
        if options.verbose: print 'TOTAL TIME IN MINUTES:',
        if options.verbose: print (time.time() - start_time) / 60.0
    except KeyboardInterrupt, e: # Ctrl-C
        raise e
    except SystemExit, e: # sys.exit()
        raise e
    except Exception, e:
        print str(e)