

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 5f4f12a39060ac3b53c6373c1c5d3563 > files > 9


Help on module pymetar:

    pymetar - Pymetar v0.14 (c) 2002-2008 Tobias Klausmann


    Pymetar is a python module and command line tool designed to fetch Metar
    reports from the NOAA ( and allow access to the
    included weather information.
    This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it
    under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
    Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at your
    option) any later version.
    This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
    WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    General Public License for more details.
    You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
    with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307, USA.
    Please e-mail bugs to:

    class EmptyIDException(exceptions.Exception)
     |  This gets thrown when the ReportFetcher is called with an empty ID
    class EmptyReportException(exceptions.Exception)
     |  This gets thrown when the ReportParser gets fed an empty report
    class NetworkException(exceptions.Exception)
     |  This gets thrown when a network error occurs
    class ReportFetcher
     |  Fetches a report from a given METAR id, optionally taking into
     |  account a different baseurl and using environment var-specified 
     |  proxies.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  FetchReport(self, StationCode=None, proxy=None)
     |      Fetch a report for a given station ID from the baseurl given
     |      upon creation of the ReportFetcher instance.
     |      If proxy is not None, a proxy URL of the form
     |      protocol://
     |      is expected, for example:
     |      If no proxy is specified, the environment variable http_proxy 
     |      is inspected. If it isn't set, a direct connection is tried.
     |  GetReport(self)
     |      Get a previously fetched report again
     |  MakeReport(self, StationID, RawReport)
     |      Take a string (RawReport) and a station code and turn it
     |      into an object suitable for ReportParser
     |  __init__(self, MetarStationCode=None, baseurl='')
     |      Set stationid attribute and base URL to fetch report from
    class ReportParser
     |  Parse raw METAR data from a WeatherReport object into actual 
     |  values and return the object with the values filled in.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  ParseReport(self, MetarReport=None)
     |      Take report with raw info only and return it with in 
     |      parsed values filled in. Note: This function edits the
     |      WeatherReport object you supply!
     |  __init__(self, MetarReport=None)
     |      Set attribute Report as specified on instantation.
     |  extractCloudInformation(self)
     |      Extract cloud information. Return None or a tuple (sky type as a
     |      string of text and suggested pixmap name)
     |  extractSkyConditions(self)
     |      Extract sky condition information from the encoded report. Return 
     |      a tuple containing the description of the sky conditions as a 
     |      string and a suggested pixmap name for an icon representing said 
     |      sky condition.
     |  match_WeatherPart(self, regexp)
     |      Return the matching part of the encoded Metar report.  
     |      regexp: the regexp needed to extract this part.  
     |      Return the first matching string or None.  
     |      WARNING: Some Metar reports may contain several matching 
     |      strings, only the first one is taken into account!
    class WeatherReport
     |  Incorporates both the unparsed textual representation of the
     |  weather report and the parsed values as soon as they are filled 
     |  in by ReportParser.
     |  Methods defined here:
     |  __init__(self, MetarStationCode=None)
     |      Clear all fields and fill in wanted station id.
     |  getCycle(self)
     |      Return cycle value.
     |      The cycle value is not the frequency or delay between 
     |      observations but the "time slot" in which the observation was made. 
     |      There are 24 cycle slots every day which usually last from N:45 to 
     |      N+1:45. The cycle from 23:45 to 0:45 is cycle 0.
     |  getDewPointCelsius(self)
     |      Return dewpoint in degrees Celsius.
     |  getDewPointFahrenheit(self)
     |      Return dewpoint in degrees Fahrenheit.
     |  getFullReport(self)
     |      Return the complete weather report.
     |  getHumidity(self)
     |      Return relative humidity in percent.
     |  getISOTime(self)
     |      Return the time when the observation was made in ISO 8601 format
     |      (e.g. 2002-07-25 15:12:00Z)
     |  getPixmap(self)
     |      Return a suggested pixmap name, without extension, depending on 
     |      current weather.
     |  getPressure(self)
     |      Return pressure in hPa.
     |  getRawMetarCode(self)
     |      Return the encoded weather report.
     |  getReportURL(self)
     |      Return the URL from which the report was fetched.
     |  getSkyConditions(self)
     |      Return sky conditions
     |  getStationAltitude(self)
     |      Return the station's altitude above the sea in meters.
     |  getStationCity(self)
     |      Return city-part of station name
     |  getStationCountry(self)
     |      Return country-part of station name
     |  getStationLatitude(self)
     |      Return the station's latitude in dd-mm[-ss]D format :
     |      dd : degrees
     |      mm : minutes
     |      ss : seconds
     |      D : direction (N, S, E, W)
     |  getStationLatitudeFloat(self)
     |      Return latitude as a float
     |  getStationLongitude(self)
     |      Return the station's longitude in dd-mm[-ss]D format :
     |      dd : degrees
     |      mm : minutes
     |      ss : seconds
     |      D : direction (N, S, E, W)
     |  getStationLongitudeFloat(self)
     |      Return Longitude as a float
     |  getStationName(self)
     |      Return full station name
     |  getStationPosition(self)
     |      Return latitude, longitude and altitude above sea level of station
     |      as a tuple. Some stations don't deliver altitude, for those, None 
     |      is returned as altitude.  The lat/longs are expressed as follows:
     |      xx-yyd
     |      where xx is degrees, yy minutes and d the direction.
     |      Thus 51-14N means 51 degrees, 14 minutes north.  d may take the 
     |      values N, S for latitues and W, E for longitudes. Latitude and 
     |      Longitude may include seconds.  Altitude is always given as meters 
     |      above sea level, including a trailing M.
     |      Schipohl Int. Airport Amsterdam has, for example:
     |      ('52-18N', '004-46E', '-2M')
     |      Moenchengladbach (where I live):
     |      ('51-14N', '063-03E', None)
     |      If you need lat and long as float values, look at 
     |      getStationPositionFloat() instead
     |  getStationPositionFloat(self)
     |      Return latitude and longitude as float values in a 
     |      tuple (lat, long, alt).
     |  getTemperatureCelsius(self)
     |      Return the temperature in degrees Celsius.
     |  getTemperatureFahrenheit(self)
     |      Return the temperature in degrees Fahrenheit.
     |  getTime(self)
     |      Return the time when the observation was made.  Note that this 
     |      is *not* the time when the report was fetched by us
     |      Format:  YYYY.MM.DD HHMM UTC
     |      Example: 2002.04.01 1020 UTC
     |  getVisibilityKilometers(self)
     |      Return visibility in km.
     |  getVisibilityMiles(self)
     |      Return visibility in miles.
     |  getWeather(self)
     |      Return short weather conditions
     |  getWindCompass(self)
     |      Return wind direction as compass direction
     |      (e.g. NE or SSE)
     |  getWindDirection(self)
     |      Return wind direction in degrees.
     |  getWindSpeed(self)
     |      Return the wind speed in meters per second.
     |  getWindSpeedBeaufort(self)
     |      Return the wind speed in the Beaufort scale
     |      cf.
     |  getWindSpeedMilesPerHour(self)
     |      Return the wind speed in miles per hour.

        Convert a metar date to an ISO8601 date.
        Parse Lat or Long in METAR notation into float values. N and E 
        are +, S and W are -. Expects one positional string and returns 
        one float value.

    CLOUD_RE_STR = '^(CLR|SKC|BKN|SCT|FEW|OVC|NSC)([0-9]{3})?$'
    COND_RE_STR = '^(-|\\\\+)?(VC|MI|BC|PR|TS|BL|SH|DR|FZ)?\\\n(DZ|RA|S......
    __author__ = ''
    __revision__ = '80'
    __version__ = '0.14'
