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    <h1>Creating a Complete PythonCard Application from Scratch</h1>
    <h4>by Dan Shafer (<a href=""></a>)</h4>
    <p>This is the second in a series of PythonCard walk-through documents. It 
    assumes you have either read and worked your way through 
    <a href="walkthrough1.html">PythonCard Walk-Through No. 1</a> which teaches 
    you the basics of working in the PythonCard environment or that you already 
    understand those basics.</p>
    <h3>Purpose and Scope</h3>
    <p>The purpose of this walk-through is to walk you, step by step, through the
    process of creating a PythonCard application. By the time you have finished 
    this walk-through, you will:</p>
      <li>understand how PythonCard's GUI building facilities work</li>
      <li>know how to create a starting point for a new PythonCard application</li>
      <li>have a grasp of the basic event-handling architecture that gives 
      PythonCard applications life</li>
      <li>know how to create menus and menu items in PythonCard and to hook those
      items up to actions</li>
    <p>Over the years as I've played with various GUI tools and development 
    environments, I have traditionally created a simple counter application as a 
    way of getting familiar with the tool's basic operation and gaining some 
    nodding acquaintance with its language and architecture/API. When PythonCard 
    appeared in my life courtesy of my old colleague Kevin Altis, I decided that 
    I should do the same. Kevin encouraged me to document my efforts and this is 
    the result.</p>
    <p>This document walks you step by step through the process of creating an
    intentionally simplistic PythonCard application. I don't claim that this is 
    the best way to accomplish this objective, let alone the only one. It just 
    happens to be the way I approached it. At the end of this tutorial, I will 
    make a few observations about other things that I could have done that would 
    make the example more instructive or interesting. Note that this tutorial 
    describes how this process is handled in PythonCardPrototype 0.6.4. 
    Continuing enhancements to the UI, especially in the resourceEditor, will
    make the process more and more streamlined over time.</p>
    <h3>The Application</h3>
    <p>This simple application, the finished result of which is shown in Figure 1,
    consists of three buttons and a text field. The text field holds a numeric 
    value (represented as a string) which is manipulated by the three buttons.
    The buttons add 1 to the current value displayed in the field, subtract 1
    from that field's value, and reset the field's value to 0.</p>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig1.png" alt="Finished Counter Application" width="200" height="158" /><br />
    Figure 1. Finished Counter Walk-Through Application</p>
    <h3>The Application Creation Process</h3>
    <p>Creating an application in PythonCard begins with the creation of a basic
    structure. There are two ways to do this. One is to use the PythonCard 
    Resource Editor (called, start with the basic empty
    window, and code from scratch. The other is to copy an existing application's
    folder, rename a few basic things, and begin with a somewhat more complete 
    starting point. I'm taking the latter course here.</p>
    <h3>The process in summary</h3>
    <ol type="A">
      <li>Run resourceEditor to create or modify an existing application.</li>
      <li>Lay out the application's window in Resource Editor. </li>
      <li>Script the components that will trigger actions (buttons and/or menus)</li>
      <li>Cleaning up artifacts of the copied program. Let's go through those 
      steps with my simple Counter tutorial.</li>
    <h4>A. Run resourceEditor to modify an existing application.  </h4>
      <li>Make a copy of the &quot;minimal&quot; project folder in the samples 
      folder of the PythonCard distribution. Put into its own folder called 
      &quot;counter.&quot; (The folder name isn't important to PythonCard.)</li>
      <li>Rename &quot;; to &quot;; and &quot;; to &quot;;</li>
      <li>Launch resourceEditor, which is found in the PythonCard distribution's 
      tools folder</li>
      <li>Open the file in the folder you just created. The 
      window looks identical to the minimal application when it is running, 
      except for the menu bar which remains the resourceEditor's menu bar since
      we are running resourceEditor at the moment) rather than the Counter 
      application's menu bar. Figure 2 depicts this start-up situation. 
      resourceEditor is a &quot;live&quot; editor; the application is running 
      while you edit it.</li>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig2.png" alt="Startup Screen for Walk-Through" width="199" height="101" /><br />
    Figure 2. Startup Screen for Walk-Through Counter Application</p>
    <h4>B. Laying out the window for the counter tutorial application.</h4>
      <li>Select the text field containing the words &quot;Hello PythonCard&quot; 
      by clicking anywhere in it. </li>
      <li>In the Property Editor window, select the &quot;text&quot; property in 
      the right-hand list of properties for the field1 Text Field object. Select 
      the words in the field and delete them with the Backspace key.</li>
      <li>Type the number &quot;42&quot; (or some other number; I just happen to 
      be a Douglas Adams fan) into the box.</li>
      <li>Click Update.</li>
      <li>In the Property Editor window, select the &quot;font&quot; property in 
      the right-hand list of properties for the field1 Text Field object. Click 
      on the &quot;Font&quot; button and set the font size to 24. [Note that 
      there is a bug in the GTK version of wxPython that prevents the 
      font from being changed. This will be fixed in the next release of 
      <li>Click Update.</li>
      <li>Use the resize handles to shape the field so that the entire value 
      &quot;42&quot; shows. Then position the field near the right edge of the 
      window and approximately centered vertically. (You will probably need to 
      resize the window itself; use the same technique for doing so on your 
      system as you'd use for any window.)</li>
      <li>Select the &quot;editable&quot; property of the Text Field object 
      called field1 and uncheck the checkbox. (By making the field read-only, we 
      avoid the necessity of error-checking that would be required if we let the 
      user enter a value directly into the field.) </li>
      <li>Click Update.</li>
      <li>Select Save from the File menu to save the resource 
      <li>From the &quot;Components&quot; menu, select &quot;Add Button&quot;</li>
      <li>In the Property Editor window, select the &quot;name&quot; property in 
      the right-hand list of properties for the Button1 Button object. Change the 
      default name to incrBtn (for &quot;increment button&quot;)</li>
      <li>Click Update.</li>
      <li>In the Property Editor window, select the &quot;label&quot; property in
      the right-hand list of properties for the incrBtn Button object. Change the 
      label from Button1 to Increment.</li>
      <li>Click Update.</li>
      <li>Position this button in the upper left portion of the window.</li>
      <li>Repeat steps 11-15, but this time change the default name to decrBtn
      (for &quot;decrement button&quot; and the label from Button1 to Decrement.
      Remember to click the &quot;Update&quot; button in the Property Editor 
      after setting each property.</li>
      <li>Position the Decrement button below the Increment button, approximately 
       in the middle of the window.</li>
      <li>Repeat steps 11-15 one more time. Change the default 'name' to 
      'resetBtn' and the 'label' to 'Reset'.</li>
      <li>Position the Reset button to the bottom of the vertical row of three
      <li>Save your work.</li>
    <p>Your project should now look like Figure 3.</p>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig3.png" alt="Project With Buttons Added" width="200" height="158" /><br />
    Figure 3. Project With Buttons Added</p>
    <h4>C. Scripting the Buttons</h4>
    <p>Application scripts are stored in the Python (.py) file that represents
    the application. In this case, that means they are in the file</p>
      <li>Using PythonCard's built-in codeEditor or your favorite Python code 
      editor, open the file It is a small file with a self-explanatory
      comment and only one event-handling script right now (which responds to the
      user selecting Exit from the File menu). codeEditor is found in the tools 
      directory of your PythonCard distribution.</li>
      <li>Position your cursor below the last line of the <span class="code">on_menuFileExit_select(self, event):</span> handler.</li>
      <li>Enter the following script, remembering that Python is white-space 
      aware so that indentations of lines are significant.</li>
    <p class="code">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;def on_incrBtn_mouseClick(self, event):<br />
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;startValue = int(self.components.field1.text)<br />
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;endValue = startValue + 1<br />
  = str(endValue)</p>
    <p>Let's examine this script because the others we will write are all but 
    <p>The opening line of a PythonCard event handler always starts with the 
    keyword &quot;def&quot; which is standard Python for function and method 
    definition. The next expression in the line starts with the PythonCard 
    keyword &quot;on_&quot; and is followed by the name of the component we are 
    scripting. In this case, it's the Increment Button, whose name is &quot;
    incrBtn&quot;. After another connecting underscore, the last portion of the 
    handler definition line defines the event for which this handler is to be 
    called. All events take the same basic set of parameters as shown above.</p>
    <p>The next lines are simple Python for the most part. The first line defines 
    a variable called &quot;startValue&quot; to which we assign the current 
    contents of the field, coerced to an integer so we can perform arithmetic on 
    it. The second line adds one to the value we just retrieved. The third line 
    assigns this new result to the field's text property after coercing it to a 
    <ol start="4">
      <li>As long as we're in the application's main code file, let's also make
      our program a little more internally consistent. Change the name of the
      class we're creating from Minimal to Counter. At the end of the file, 
      replace &quot;Minimal&quot; with &quot;Counter&quot; in the line that 
      begins &quot;app = &quot;. The result should look like Figure 4.</li>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig4.png" alt="Code Changes in" width="508" height="502" /><br />
    Figure 4. Code Changes in</p>
    <ol start="5">
      <li>Save your work.</li>
      <li>From the resourceEditor's File menu, select &quot;Run.&quot;</li>
      <li>When the Counter application appears, click on the Increment button and
      watch the displayed value in the text field to confirm that it is 
      incrementing as expected.</li>
      <li>Exit the application.</li>
      <li>Back in your Python Editor, copy the function we just created for the
      Increment button and paste it under that function, being sure indentation
      remains correct.</li>
      <li>Edit the new handler to change the name of the button from incrBtn to
      decrBtn and the '+' sign to a minus (' - ') sign.</li>
      <li>Create a final handler for the Reset button that looks like this:</li>
    <p class="code">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;def on_resetBtn_mouseClick(self, event):<br />
    &nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;self.components.field1.text = "0"</p>
    <p>Figure 5 shows you what your editor window should look like now.</p>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig5.png" alt="Editor Showing Final Code Changes" width="521" height="619" /><br />
    Figure 5. Editor Showing Final Code Changes</p>
    <ol start="12">
      <li>Save your work and test the application again to be sure it still 
    <p>What if the application doesn't run? In that case, you can use the &quot;
    Run with interpreter&quot; command under the &quot;File&quot; menu to get a 
    look at what errors, if any, are occurring. To see this in action, let's 
    introduce a typographical error into (You can skip this 
    discussion if you either already know how to do this or are confident that 
    you'll never create a PythonCard bug that will cause the programs to fail.)</p>
      <li>Open in your Python editor if it isn't already open.</li>
      <li>Change the word &quot;class&quot; to &quot;classy&quot; and save the 
      <li>Run the application as you have been doing. You will probably see a 
      brief console window appear and then disappear. Nothing else happens.</li>
      <li>From the File menu in resourceEditor, choose &quot;Run With Interpreter.
      &quot; This launches your PythonCard application with the Python interpreter
      in a command console for your system so that you can see what error is being
      <li>You should see a syntax error indicated in the new window. It should be
      displaying the line where we created the intentional typo. (See Figure 6)</li>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig6.png" alt="Error Shown in Console Window" width="457" height="320" /><br />
    Figure 6. Error Shown in Console Window</p>
    <ol start="6">
      <li>Press Ctrl-Z and Enter to terminate the Python interpreter and close 
      the console window.</li>
      <li>Go back to the file and fix the line. Save the file and then
      re-run the application either from the resourceEditor's File menu or from
      the command line.</li>
    <h4>D. Cleaning up artifacts of the original program</h4>
    <p>We already took care of changing the class name and the runtime invocation
    name of the application from Minimal to Counter. Now let's change the resource
    file to reflect the program's new name.</p>
    <p>In resourceEditor, go to the Edit menu and select &quot;Background Info...
    &quot; Change the name of the application to &quot;PythonCard Counter&quot; 
    and click OK.</p>
    <p>That ends the basic aspect of this second PythonCard walk-through. You now
    have a finished and working PythonCard application.</p>
    <h3>Optional Step: Adding a Menu</h3>
    <p>We'll add one optional step for a program like Counter, one which you may
    well need to take in any application of even a little greater complexity than
    this one. We'll add a menu to the application.</p>
      <li>In the resourceEditor, go to the Edit menu and choose &quot;Menu Editor
      <li>A dialog box appears (see Figure 7) with the current menu structure 
      displayed on the left. As you can see, the Counter application, which was
      started from the sample application called minimal., has a single menu with
      a single menu choice.</li>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig7.png" alt="Opening Screen of Menu Editor" width="480" height="300" /><br />
    Figure 7. Opening Screen of Menu Editor</p>
    <ol start="3">
      <li>Click on the "New Menu" button. You should see a dialog box like the one
      in Figure 8.</li>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig8.png" alt="New Menu Dialog Box" width="480" height="300" /><br />
    Figure 8. New Menu Item Dialog Box</p>
    <ol start="4">
      <li>In the editing area to the right of the display showing the menu, change
      the name of the menu to menuCounterMenu and its label to Counter.</li>
      <li>Now click on &quot;New Menu Item&quot; and add a new menu item named 
      &quot;counterMenuIncrement&quot;. Make its label &quot;Increment&quot;.</li>
      <li>Click on &quot;New Menu Item&quot; again and do the same for new menu 
      items &quot;Decrement&quot; and &quot;Reset&quot;. When you're done your 
      work should look something like Figure 9.</li>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig9.png" alt="Menu Editor With All Menu Items Defined" width="480" height="300" /><br />
    Figure 9. Menu Editor With All Menu Items Defined</p>
    <ol start="7">
      <li>Save your application in resourceEditor.</li>
      <li>Open the Python code file in your Python editor. Add the 
      handler name shown here:</li>
    <p class="code">&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;def on_counterMenuIncrement_select(self, event):</p>
    <ol start="9">
      <li>Copy the three lines of the function in <span class="code">on_incrBtn_mouseClick</span>
      and paste them into the definition of this menu function. (Be sure levels
      of indentation are consistent.)</li>
      <li>Follow the same procedure for hooking up the Decrement and Reset menu
      options. When you're finished, your code window should look something like
      Figure 10.</li>
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig10.png" alt="All Menu Items Programmed and Ready to Go" width="521" height="634" /><br />
    Figure 10. All Menu Items Programmed and Ready to Go</p>
    <ol start="11">
      <li>Save your work.</li>
    <p>(You'll notice that the new menu doesn't appear in your application in 
    resourceEditor. Rest assured it will be there when you run the application
    outside resourceEditor.)</p>
    <ol start="12">
      <li>Run the application (see Figure 11) and confirm everything works as
    <p class="imageCaption"><img src="images/wt2fig11.png" alt="Finished C ounter Application With Counter Menu" width="200" height="158" /><br />
    Figure 11. Finished Counter Application With Counter Menu</p>
    <p>(<strong>NOTE</strong> that it would obviously be better design to factor 
    out the duplicated code into methods that handle the increment, decrement and
    reset buttons and menus as processes and then to call those methods from
    within the event handlers. We leave that you as an exercise for the reader.
    Don't you hate when we do that to you?)</p>
    <p><a href="walkthrough3.html">Continue on to Walk-Through 3</a></p>
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    <p>$Revision: 1.11 $ : $Author: kasplat $ : Last update $Date: 2004/07/26 15:35:32 $</p>
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