

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 60f1dc962abad0f3b492991a4fbef9be > files > 13060


<area shape="rect" href="$a00093.html" title="a actor that draws 2D data" alt="" coords="2091,524,2182,551">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01689.html" title="An actor that displays text. Scaled or unscaled." alt="" coords="2448,1059,2547,1085">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01317.html" title="abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations" alt="" coords="794,529,863,556">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00143.html" title="a list of nodes that form an assembly path" alt="" coords="1080,544,1206,571">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01318.html" title="represents an 3D object for placement in a rendered scene" alt="" coords="1100,765,1186,792">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01084.html" title="abstract base class for most VTK objects" alt="" coords="211,717,291,744">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00872.html" title="Store vtkAlgorithm input/output information." alt="" coords="479,641,588,668">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00335.html" title="perform coordinate transformation, and represent position, in a variety of vtk coordinate..." alt="" coords="1756,277,1863,304">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01833.html" title="abstract specification for Viewports" alt="" coords="1442,277,1535,304">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01886.html" title="window superclass for vtkRenderWindow" alt="" coords="784,400,872,427">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01323.html" title="represent surface properties of a 2D image" alt="" coords="1260,29,1370,56">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00101.html" title="Superclass for all sources, filters, and sinks in VTK." alt="" coords="779,615,878,641">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01692.html" title="represent text properties." alt="" coords="2078,1092,2195,1119">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01513.html" title="map scalar values into colors" alt="" coords="758,915,899,941">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01250.html" title="represent and manipulate 3D points" alt="" coords="635,1456,712,1483">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00248.html" title="object represents upward pointers from points to list of cells using each point" alt="" coords="626,1415,722,1441">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00242.html" title="object to represent cell connectivity" alt="" coords="626,1296,722,1323">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00253.html" title="object provides direct access to cells in vtkCellArray and type information" alt="" coords="1094,1249,1192,1276">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01322.html" title="represent surface properties of a geometric object" alt="" coords="943,696,1034,723">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00564.html" title="FreeType library support." alt="" coords="1244,1047,1386,1073">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01085.html" title="abstract base class for most VTK objects" alt="" coords="7,291,116,317">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01719.html" title="record modification and/or execution time" alt="" coords="7,1388,116,1415">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01266.html" title="draw vtkPolyData onto the image plane" alt="" coords="2058,953,2215,980">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00092.html" title="represents an object (geometry &amp; properties) in a rendered scene" alt="" coords="1452,755,1524,781">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00984.html" title="abstract class specifies interface to map data to graphics primitives" alt="" coords="1100,1199,1186,1225">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00751.html" title="topologically and geometrically regular array of data" alt="" coords="775,1673,882,1700">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00144.html" title="a list of lists of props representing an assembly hierarchy" alt="" coords="467,476,600,503">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00083.html" title="abstract class specifies interface to map data" alt="" coords="1075,493,1211,520">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00094.html" title="a list of 2D actors" alt="" coords="1068,131,1218,157">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01321.html" title="a list of Props" alt="" coords="764,187,892,213">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01723.html" title="describes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix" alt="" coords="776,844,880,871">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01695.html" title="handles properties associated with a texture map" alt="" coords="1100,892,1186,919">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00985.html" title="abstract class specifies interface for objects which render 2D actors" alt="" coords="1758,524,1862,551">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01261.html" title="Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output." alt="" coords="1411,701,1566,728">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00115.html" title="appends one or more polygonal datasets together" alt="" coords="1890,701,2031,728">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00651.html" title="copy oriented and scaled glyph geometry to every input point" alt="" coords="1763,1505,1856,1532">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01784.html" title="dynamic, self&#45;adjusting array of unsigned char" alt="" coords="748,1139,908,1165">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01260.html" title="concrete dataset represents vertices, lines, polygons, and triangle strips" alt="" coords="1440,1720,1536,1747">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01251.html" title="abstract class for specifying dataset behavior" alt="" coords="943,1607,1034,1633">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00960.html" title="cell represents a 1D line" alt="" coords="218,1945,284,1972">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01278.html" title="a cell that represents an n&#45;sided polygon" alt="" coords="1098,2004,1188,2031">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01760.html" title="a cell that represents a triangle" alt="" coords="488,1945,579,1972">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01428.html" title="a cell that represents a 2D quadrilateral" alt="" coords="791,1935,866,1961">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01762.html" title="a cell that represents a triangle strip" alt="" coords="770,2100,887,2127">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01284.html" title="cell represents a set of 1D lines" alt="" coords="627,1820,720,1847">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01286.html" title="cell represents a set of 0D vertices" alt="" coords="935,1773,1042,1800">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01821.html" title="a cell that represents a 3D point" alt="" coords="494,1739,574,1765">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00458.html" title="an empty cell used as a place&#45;holder during processing" alt="" coords="1092,1668,1194,1695">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01265.html" title="map vtkPolyData to graphics primitives" alt="" coords="1590,1556,1731,1583">