

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 60f1dc962abad0f3b492991a4fbef9be > files > 15644


<area shape="rect" href="$a01488.html" title="A view containing a renderer." alt="" coords="2347,1321,2461,1348">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01830.html" title="The superclass for all views." alt="" coords="571,1449,640,1476">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01084.html" title="abstract base class for most VTK objects" alt="" coords="236,756,316,783">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00902.html" title="an abstract superclass for classes observing events invoked by vtkRenderWindowInteractor..." alt="" coords="528,509,683,536">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01491.html" title="platform&#45;independent render window interaction including picking and frame rate control..." alt="" coords="904,389,1096,416">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01886.html" title="window superclass for vtkRenderWindow" alt="" coords="956,655,1044,681">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00285.html" title="create and manipulate unsorted lists of objects" alt="" coords="555,807,656,833">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01150.html" title="An adapter between a vtkPainter and a rendering device." alt="" coords="707,253,880,280">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01833.html" title="abstract specification for Viewports" alt="" coords="1337,1100,1431,1127">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01317.html" title="abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations" alt="" coords="571,1211,640,1237">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00681.html" title="manager for OpenGL&#45;based selection." alt="" coords="2021,341,2171,368">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01482.html" title="Render the props of a vtkRenderer." alt="" coords="719,617,868,644">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01485.html" title="Perform part of the rendering of a vtkRenderer." alt="" coords="1144,549,1259,576">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00954.html" title="a virtual light for 3D rendering" alt="" coords="965,756,1035,783">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00998.html" title="represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices" alt="" coords="556,953,655,980">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00227.html" title="a virtual camera for 3D rendering" alt="" coords="956,1339,1044,1365">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00470.html" title="a simple event forwarder command" alt="" coords="1487,1500,1687,1527">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01322.html" title="represent surface properties of a geometric object" alt="" coords="748,1547,839,1573">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00634.html" title="A 3D terrain model for the globe." alt="" coords="1329,115,1439,141">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00614.html" title="Geo interface to a camera." alt="" coords="736,164,851,191">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00633.html" title="A multi&#45;resolution geographic data source." alt="" coords="945,339,1055,365">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01719.html" title="record modification and/or execution time" alt="" coords="5,1824,115,1851">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01480.html" title="abstract specification for renderers" alt="" coords="1735,847,1831,873">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00092.html" title="represents an object (geometry &amp; properties) in a rendered scene" alt="" coords="1348,1700,1420,1727">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01318.html" title="represents an 3D object for placement in a rendered scene" alt="" coords="957,1777,1043,1804">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00984.html" title="abstract class specifies interface to map data to graphics primitives" alt="" coords="957,1925,1043,1952">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00141.html" title="create hierarchies of vtkProp3Ds (transformable props)" alt="" coords="1733,1761,1832,1788">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01619.html" title="Subclass of vtkAbstractArray that holds vtkStdStrings." alt="" coords="221,1449,331,1476">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00903.html" title="provide event&#45;driven interface to the rendering window (defines trackball mode)" alt="" coords="2032,1321,2160,1348">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01489.html" title="create a window for renderers to draw into" alt="" coords="1317,373,1451,400">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01481.html" title="a list of renderers" alt="" coords="921,705,1079,732">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00143.html" title="a list of nodes that form an assembly path" alt="" coords="937,1153,1063,1180">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01321.html" title="a list of Props" alt="" coords="936,937,1064,964">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00956.html" title="a list of lights" alt="" coords="1136,743,1267,769">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00346.html" title="a list of Cullers" alt="" coords="1133,791,1269,817">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00717.html" title="DEPRECATED A vtkPolyDataPainter that colors each polygon with a color coded integer..." alt="" coords="1120,1231,1283,1257">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00093.html" title="a actor that draws 2D data" alt="" coords="1541,1355,1632,1381">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01723.html" title="describes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix" alt="" coords="553,1700,657,1727">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01695.html" title="handles properties associated with a texture map" alt="" coords="957,1687,1043,1713">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00964.html" title="abstract superclass for linear transformations" alt="" coords="205,1719,347,1745">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00095.html" title="a list of actors" alt="" coords="1317,847,1451,873">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01841.html" title="a list of volumes" alt="" coords="1311,897,1457,924">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01319.html" title="a list of 3D props" alt="" coords="1311,1049,1457,1076">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01265.html" title="map vtkPolyData to graphics primitives" alt="" coords="1712,1841,1853,1868">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01142.html" title="create wireframe outline around bounding box" alt="" coords="1719,1213,1847,1240">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01261.html" title="Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output." alt="" coords="1307,999,1461,1025">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00643.html" title="Sphere patch with Lat/Long scalar array." alt="" coords="1877,1091,1997,1117">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00513.html" title="Returns the portion of the input dataset that lies within a selection frustum." alt="" coords="907,8,1093,35">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00636.html" title="vtkGeoTerrainNode" alt="" coords="929,59,1071,85">