

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 60f1dc962abad0f3b492991a4fbef9be > files > 21550


<area shape="rect" href="$a01558.html" title="abstract class defines the representation for a vtkSliderWidget" alt="" coords="3240,944,3408,971">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01877.html" title="abstract class defines interface between the widget and widget representation classes..." alt="" coords="2900,860,3074,887">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01317.html" title="abstract superclass for all actors, volumes and annotations" alt="" coords="1735,745,1804,772">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01480.html" title="abstract specification for renderers" alt="" coords="2690,777,2786,804">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00143.html" title="a list of nodes that form an assembly path" alt="" coords="2027,656,2152,683">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01318.html" title="represents an 3D object for placement in a rendered scene" alt="" coords="2047,1367,2132,1393">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01084.html" title="abstract base class for most VTK objects" alt="" coords="334,601,414,628">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01833.html" title="abstract specification for Viewports" alt="" coords="2368,420,2462,447">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01886.html" title="window superclass for vtkRenderWindow" alt="" coords="754,351,842,377">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00285.html" title="create and manipulate unsorted lists of objects" alt="" coords="582,436,683,463">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00089.html" title="superclass for all geometric transformations" alt="" coords="556,1305,708,1332">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00998.html" title="represent and manipulate 4x4 transformation matrices" alt="" coords="583,1215,682,1241">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00335.html" title="perform coordinate transformation, and represent position, in a variety of vtk coordinate..." alt="" coords="2684,420,2791,447">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01322.html" title="represent surface properties of a geometric object" alt="" coords="1724,1031,1815,1057">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01915.html" title="encapsulates a VTK Material description." alt="" coords="923,879,1040,905">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01902.html" title="Represents an XML element and those nested inside." alt="" coords="559,860,706,887">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01537.html" title="vtkShaderProgram" alt="" coords="1320,632,1456,659">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01536.html" title="an adapter to pass generic vertex attributes to the rendering pipeline. .SECTION..." alt="" coords="1683,585,1856,612">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00287.html" title="iterator through a vtkCollection." alt="" coords="910,601,1054,628">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00101.html" title="Superclass for all sources, filters, and sinks in VTK." alt="" coords="1127,20,1226,47">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01250.html" title="represent and manipulate 3D points" alt="" coords="594,164,671,191">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00240.html" title="abstract class to specify cell behavior" alt="" coords="950,131,1014,157">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01085.html" title="abstract base class for most VTK objects" alt="" coords="7,115,116,141">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01719.html" title="record modification and/or execution time" alt="" coords="7,1113,116,1140">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00141.html" title="create hierarchies of vtkProp3Ds (transformable props)" alt="" coords="2366,1183,2464,1209">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00374.html" title="abstract class to specify dataset behavior" alt="" coords="442,217,530,244">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00092.html" title="represents an object (geometry &amp; properties) in a rendered scene" alt="" coords="2379,1535,2451,1561">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00984.html" title="abstract class specifies interface to map data to graphics primitives" alt="" coords="2047,1593,2132,1620">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00094.html" title="a list of 2D actors" alt="" coords="2015,481,2164,508">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01321.html" title="a list of Props" alt="" coords="1706,481,1834,508">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00095.html" title="a list of actors" alt="" coords="2348,561,2482,588">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01319.html" title="a list of 3D props" alt="" coords="2016,583,2163,609">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00088.html" title="abstract API for pickers that can pick an instance of vtkProp" alt="" coords="2336,612,2494,639">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01723.html" title="describes linear transformations via a 4x4 matrix" alt="" coords="1718,1367,1822,1393">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01212.html" title="superclass for 3D geometric pickers (uses ray cast)" alt="" coords="2699,537,2776,564">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01695.html" title="handles properties associated with a texture map" alt="" coords="2047,1540,2132,1567">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00964.html" title="abstract superclass for linear transformations" alt="" coords="1318,1461,1459,1488">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00696.html" title="superclass for homogeneous transformations" alt="" coords="886,1437,1078,1464">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01725.html" title="vtkTransformConcatenation" alt="" coords="886,1347,1078,1373">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01731.html" title="transform points and associated normals and vectors for polygonal dataset" alt="" coords="3230,1161,3419,1188">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01726.html" title="vtkTransformConcatenationStack" alt="" coords="1276,1347,1500,1373">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00353.html" title="generate a cylinder centered at origin" alt="" coords="3258,407,3391,433">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01261.html" title="Superclass for algorithms that produce only polydata as output." alt="" coords="2910,393,3064,420">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01819.html" title="create polygonal text" alt="" coords="3271,460,3378,487">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01582.html" title="create a polygonal sphere centered at the origin" alt="" coords="3260,356,3388,383">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00251.html" title="select a cell by shooting a ray into graphics window" alt="" coords="2936,537,3038,564">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00084.html" title="abstract class specifies interface to map 3D data" alt="" coords="1694,1215,1846,1241">
<area shape="rect" href="$a00582.html" title="provides thread&#45;safe access to cells" alt="" coords="1332,119,1444,145">
<area shape="rect" href="$a01265.html" title="map vtkPolyData to graphics primitives" alt="" coords="2518,1652,2659,1679">