

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 6cbee916fa6aeb5048f5fead705f3524 > files > 137


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<book lang="&language;">

<title>The &kapp; Handbook</title>




<copyright><year>1998-2000</year><holder>Martin Wilz</holder></copyright>
<copyright><year>2009</year><holder>Thomas Eschenbacher</holder></copyright>



<abstract><para>&kapp; is a simple sound editor for KDE.</para></abstract>


<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Introduction                                          ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<chapter id="introduction"><title>Introduction</title>

    <!-- The introduction chapter contains a brief introduction for
    the application that explains what it does, where to get new
    versions of the app, where to report problems, and a brief
    revision history of the app.
    Basically a long version of the abstract. -->

    	This is "&kapp;", a simple sound editor for KDE3.
	Its features include:
	    simple cut, copy and paste functions
	    multi-level undo/redo
<!-- @TODO@   	<listitem><para>
	    simple filter design tools
	</para></listitem> -->
<!-- @TODO@    	<listitem><para>
	    a small editor for additive synthesis
	</para></listitem> -->
	    labeling of signals
	    Recording functionality, including pre-recording
	    Playback via ALSA and OSS
	    Recording via ALSA and OSS
	    MP3 import
	    Ogg/Vorbis import/export
	    FLAC import/export
	    some analysis functions such as Sonagram <!-- or Fourier Transformation -->
	    internally uses 24 bit fixed precision for sample data
	    free selectable sample rates
	    support for editing of multi-channel files
	    playback of multi-channel audio files (audio output will be
	    mixed down to mono or stereo)
	    extendible through an easy-to-use plugin interface
	    import/export of other audio formats through
	    <ulink url="">audiofile</ulink>

	If you are interested what has been done and what has still to be
        done, then look at the files <filename>CHANGES</filename> and
	<filename>TODO</filename> included in the
        source package. Help and constructive critics are always welcome.

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Kwave Resources                                       +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="resources">
    <title>&kapp; Resources</title>

	So if you want to get in contact with the developers, need some
	further help on using &kapp;, submit patches, bug reports or other
	stuf, the following resources might be of interest for you:

        Project Homepage<anchor id="project-homepage"/></para><para>
            For informations about new up-to-date releases or some other
	    information about this project, take a look at
	    the <ulink url="">&kapp; homepage</ulink>
        Mailing List<anchor id="mailing-list"/></para><para>
	If you need some help on using &kapp; or want to get involved
	    in the development, join the Kwave developer mailing list
	    by visiting
	    <ulink url="">
	    SVN Repository<anchor id="svn-repository"/>
	    There also is a SVN repository, hosted by
	    <ulink url="">SourceForge</ulink> where
	    you can get the sources of the latest development version.
	    For instructions on how to get access to the repository, read
	    in the chapter
	    about <link linkend="building_rpm_from_svn">building from SVN</link>,
	    look at <ulink url="">""</ulink>, or just
	    browse through the SVN tree through a nice web interface.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Revision History                                      +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="changes">
    <title>&kapp; Revision History</title>

	This project has been started by Martin Wilz in summer 1998
	and has been developed and improved by him an some other
	people. In November 1999 Thomas Eschenbacher has started
	to fix some little bugs here and there and stepped into
	the source code of the program deeper and deeper. Up to
	today he has extended, rewritten or revised nearly every
	component of the program and spent much time on improving it.

	Since &kapp; v0.8.0 the changlog is no longer included in this
	manual. So if you are interested in a complete list of changes,
	you can find the full history here:
	<ulink url="">

    <!-- changlog cut out, this gives a smaller online help
         and *much* less work for the translators... -->


<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Installation                                          ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<chapter id="installation"><title>Installation</title>

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Getting Kwave                                         +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="getting"><title>How to obtain &kapp;</title>

    	&kapp; has an own homepage under
    	<ulink url=""></ulink>. Here you can
	find further informations about the project, as well as
	informations about current stable and up-to-date development

	If you want to get a &kapp; release, you have the choice to visit
	<ulink url=""></ulink> and
	    download a binary package of the latest stable version, if
	    there is one for your distribution,
	    download a source RPM package of the latest stable version,
	    compile on your own, from a .tar.gz archive with the source code
	    of the latest stable version,
	    compile on your own, from the latest SVN source.

	Don't be afraid, compiling Kwave should be quite simple even if
	you are not a programmer. It just needs some developer packages
	to be installed.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Requirements                                          +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="requirements"><title>Requirements</title>

    	In order to successfully use &kapp;, you need:
		a computer running Linux (&kapp; might also run under
		some other operating system, but we have never tested
		this, please let us know if you get it working under
		some other platform / operating system)
		working sound playback (not really required for using but
		what would you do with a sound editor if you can't
		<emphasis>hear</emphasis> the result of your work?)
		KDE-4.0 or higher (at least the libraries, if you are
		a gnome fan, you can also run &kapp; if the proper
		libs are installed).
		qt-4.1 or higher (normally comes with KDE4)
		ALSA 1.0.14 or higher (for record/playback)
		id3lib-3.8.1 or higher (for ID3 tags)
		mad-0.15 or higher (optionally for MP3 import)
		flac-1.1.0 or higher (for FLAC import/export)
                libsamplerate-0.1.3 or higher (sample rate conversion)
		about 64 MB memory for starting &kapp; (but this may
		vary depending on your platform and configuration)

	For a more complete and up-to-date list, please consult the
	README file that is included in the source distribution or
	can be found here: <ulink
	This file also contains some special hints for getting &kapp; running and/or
	building &kapp; under some distributions.

    	If you intend to compile &kapp; from the sources, you will need at least:
		<ulink url="">cmake</ulink>-2.4.6 or newer
		A C/C++ compiler. GCC-3.4 works fine, some older and any
		newer version (like gcc-4.1 and newer) work too.
		The glibc2 (libc-6) development environment. On SuSE systems
		the package is called "libc", on other systems it might be
		called "libc-devel".
		The KDE4 development environment: "kdelibs4-devel",
		"kdemultimedia4-devel", "kdesdk4".
		The Qt4 development environment,
		the package is normally called "qt4-devel" or similar.
		id3lib-devel-3.8.1 or higher
		mad-devel-0.15 or higher
		(if you have the permission to use MP3 code)
		flac-devel-1.1.0 higher
		If you intend to get the &kapp; sources via SVN, you will also
		need a current subversion package.
		...many other packages, please take a look at the
		<ulink url="">
		"README"</ulink> file included in the source package.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Manual Compilation                                    +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="manual_compilation"><title>Manual Compilation and installation</title>

	Since version 0.7.10 &kapp; uses
	<ulink url="">cmake</ulink>, the make system
	that is also used by KDE itself. So if you can build other KDE
	applications, you should also be able to build &kapp;.
	If you run into problems please report them to
	the &kapp; <link linkend="mailing-list">mailing list</link>.

	In order to compile and install &kapp; on your system, it is best
	practice to do a <emphasis>out-of-tree</emphasis> build. This means
	that you hold the sources of &kapp; in one directory and build the
	package in another (temporary) directory.

	For example, assuming that your sources are already
	unpacked in <filename><replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave-&version;</replaceable></filename>, you
	can do the following:
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>mkdir /tmp/kwave-build</command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd /tmp/kwave-build</command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cmake <replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave-&version;</replaceable> <replaceable>[build options]</replaceable></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>make</command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>su root -c "make install"</command>
	(Specifying build options is a way to enable or disable specific features.
	See the following section for descriptions)


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Build options                                         +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="build_options"><title>Build options</title>

	    By specifying build options, you can enable or disable some features
	    of &kapp;, like excluding some components or plugins from the
	    generated package. Here is a list of the available options:

		    enable playback/recording via ALSA
		    build a debug version
		    build online documentation
		    enable support for FLAC files
		    enable support for mp3 files
		    Please note that you need the permission to use code
		    covered by the MP3 software patents!
		    enable support for ogg files
		    enable playback/recording via OSS
		    enable playback via Phonon (for testing only)
		    enable sample rate conversion

	    These options can be passed to <literal><command>cmake</command></literal>
	    with <command><literal>-D</literal><replaceable>option</replaceable><literal>=</literal><replaceable>value</replaceable></command>.
	    For example, if you want to enable MP3 import,
	    you can pass the corresponding option as follows:
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cmake <replaceable>[source directory]</replaceable> -DWITH_MP3=ON <replaceable>[other options...]</replaceable></command>

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Building RPM packages from tar.gz archives            +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="building_rpm_from_targz">
    <title>Building RPM packages from tar.gz archives</title>

    <sect2 id="building_with_rpm_ta">
    <title>With working rpmbuild -ta</title>

	If you are runnig a system with RPM support, the preferred way to
	install &kapp; on your system will be the creation of a nice RPM
	package. First you should get the current source of &kapp;, either
	as a tar.gz archive from the &kapp; download page or
	check out an up-to-date copy via
	<link linkend="svn-repository">SVN</link> (like described in
	the <link linkend="svn_checkout">chapter about SVN</link>) and read the
	<link linkend="building_rpm_from_svn">next</link> chapter.

	If you have downloaded a tar.gz archives of &kapp;,
	create and install the RPMs just by doing the following steps
	(where <replaceable>[arch]</replaceable> stands for the platform you
	have built the package and might be something like
	<literal>i386</literal>, <literal>i586</literal>,
	<literal>sparc</literal> or whatever,
	<replaceable>XXX</replaceable> stands for the version number
	you have downloaded).

    To build the &kapp; package and install it do:
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpmbuild -ta <replaceable>kwave-XXX.tar.gz</replaceable></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpm -i <replaceable>/usr/src/redhat/RPMS/[arch]/kwave-XXX.[arch].rpm</replaceable></command>

	<emphasis>Note for SuSE users: </emphasis>
	you have to specify the directory
	<filename>/usr/src/packages</filename> instead
	of <filename>/usr/src/redhat</filename> !

	If you haven't seen any errors, then that's it and you can skip the
	rest of this chapter. If rpm was unable to build the packages
	and says something like "spec file not found", then go on and
	read the rest of this section.


    <sect2 id="rpm_build_with_broken_rpm">
    <title>With broken rpmbuild -ta support</title>

    <para><anchor id="manual_rpm_creation"/>
	If you can't get <command>rpmbuild -ta</command> working, here are
	the steps for making that manually (the hard way):

	    Go to your RPM "topdir". This normally
	    is <filename>/usr/src/redhat</filename>
	    for the redhat distribution
	    or <filename>/usr/src/packages</filename> if you
	    have the SuSE distribution.
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd /usr/src/<replaceable>redhat</replaceable></command>

	    Put the tar.gz archive into the SOURCES subdirectory (you
	    have to replace "somewhere" with the real directory where
	    the files are, of course).
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cp <replaceable>/somewhere/kwave-XXX.tar.gz</replaceable> SOURCES</command>

	    Extract the spec file from the archives and put it into
	    the SPEC subdirectory.
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>tar -xOzf SOURCES/<replaceable>kwave-XXX.tar.gz</replaceable> \*.spec > SPECS/kwave.spec</command>

	    Let rpm do the compile job and generate the rpm of &kapp;.
	    If you only want to make a binary package, you
	    can specify <literal>-bb</literal> instead of
	    <literal>-ba</literal>, or just <literal>-bs</literal> to build
	    only a source package.
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpmbuild -ba SPECS/kwave.spec</command>

	    If everything was ok, you can install the binary rpm of
	    &kapp;, it will be in the BUILD directory.
	    If you already have a version of &kapp; installed,
	    please remove it first or use the parameter
	    <literal>-U</literal> instead
	    of <literal>-i</literal> for upgrading instead of installing.
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpm -ivh BUILD/<replaceable>[arch]/kwave-XXX.[arch].rpm</replaceable></command>



<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Building RPM packages from SVN                        +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="building_rpm_from_svn">
    <title>Building RPM packages from SVN</title>

    <sect2 id="svn_checkout"><title>Checking out the sources</title>

	For initially checking out the sources you will need some disk space
	(about 25 megabytes) in a directory of your choice, the svn package
	of your favorite distribution and full access to the internet. If you
	get error messages about rejected connections you either have typed
	something wrong or your provider doesn't give you full access.
	A good place for the source files will be <filename>"$HOME/src"</filename>.

	First create the directory that will receive the subdirectoy with
	&kapp; sources and change into it:
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>mkdir -p <replaceable>$HOME/src</replaceable></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <replaceable>$HOME/src</replaceable></command>
	    Then check out the latest sources from the SVN server:
<screen width="75" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>svn checkout kwave</command>
	or you can check out a specific release with the following command:
<screen width="75" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>svn checkout<replaceable>[release-tag]</replaceable> kwave</command>
	You can look up the names of the release tags in the web svn page at
	<ulink url="">""</ulink>.
	The release tags are always built out of the word <literal>Release-</literal> and
	the version number of the release, with underscores instead of dots.
	For example "<literal>Release-&version_tag;</literal>" for v&version;.

	There <emphasis>must not</emphasis> be a directory named
	<filename>kwave</filename> under
	the directory you want to check out. Otherwise the svn program will
	complain about already existing files and the checkout will
	not work.


    <sect2 id="svn_update"><title>Updating sources from SVN</title>
	The procedure described in the previous section is only necessary
	once. For further updates it is much easier. Just change into the
	directory where you have the checked out sources and do the following:
<screen width="75" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>svn update</command>
	Then go on to the next section and compile as usual.
    If you think that you have messed up your local source or if there
    are conflicts during updating, you can remove all files and
    directories from your &kapp; source directory, <emphasis>except
    the <filename>.svn</filename> directory </emphasis>and then try again.

    <sect2 id="svn_compiling"><title>Compiling</title>
	Building rpm package from a SVN snapshot is quite simple. The procedure
	is nearly the same as described in the last section, so it unhappily also
	has the same problem with the <command>rpmbuild -ta</command> command
	our method internally uses.
	Like in the previous chapter, <replaceable>[arch]</replaceable> stands
	for the platform you have Built the package and might be something
	like <literal>i386</literal>, <literal>i586</literal>,
	<literal>sparc</literal> or whatever,
	<replaceable>XXX</replaceable> stands
	for the version number you have checked out.

	<emphasis>Note for SuSE users: </emphasis>
	here you have to specify the directory
	<filename>/usr/src/packages</filename> instead
	of <filename>/usr/src/redhat</filename> too!

	Assuming that
	you are in the root of where you checked out from SVN, do the
	following to create a Makefile, the &kapp; package and
	install it. If you already have a version of &kapp; installed,
	please remove it first or use <command>rpm -U</command> instead
	of <command>rpm -i</command> for updating instead of installing.
<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>mkdir /tmp/kwave-build</command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd /tmp/kwave-build</command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cmake <replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave</replaceable></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>make rpm</command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>rpm -ivh /usr/src/redhat/BUILD/<replaceable>[arch]/kwave-XXX.[arch].rpm</replaceable></command>

	If you still have problems with <command>make rpm</command>,
	you will find the tar.gz
	archive that was produced in <filename>/tmp</filename>.
	Please follow the instructions in the
	<link linkend="manual_rpm_creation">previous</link> chapter.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: optimizations                                         +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="compiler_optimizations">
    <title>Building CPU optimized packages</title>

	If you are owner of a Pentium, an AMD K6, Athlon or Athlon-XP CPU,
	you might want to use compiler optimizations to compile your version of
	&kapp; that is running some percents faster. The gain in speed will
	be up to 30% on some systems, whereas the functions dealing with
	signal manipulation and all functions that do complex time-frequency
	operations (like FFT and Sonagram) will profit most from it.
	You do not need to understand much about programming for using an
	optimized compiler to compile &kapp;, but maybe you will need some
	time to get the compiler itself working and installed.

    <sect2 id="rpm_optimizations">
    <title>RPM optimizations</title>

	You can easily compile the RPM package optimized for Athlon,
	Athlon-XP, Pentium and Pentium Pro
	(and some other CPUs) by using some defines in your <filename>rpmrc</filename> file.
	You can either modify your system's <filename>rpmrc</filename>
	file in <filename>/usr/lib/rpm</filename> or the
	<filename>.rpmrc</filename> file in your home directory.
	There you can specify option lines like these:

<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<userinput moreinfo="none">optflags: i586 -O2 -march=pentium -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer</userinput>
<userinput moreinfo="none">optflags: i686 -O2 -march=pentiumpro -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer</userinput>
<userinput moreinfo="none">optflags: athlon -O2 -march=athlon -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer</userinput>
<userinput moreinfo="none">optflags: k6 -O3 -march=k6 -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer</userinput>
<userinput moreinfo="none">optflags: k7 -O3 -march=athlon-xp -DNDEBUG -fomit-frame-pointer</userinput>

	(I found those nice tricks at
	<ulink url=""></ulink>.
	Thanks to Matthias Düsterhöft!).
    <!-- german version:

	This means that on an <literal>k7</literal> architecture the
	rpm package will be compiled using
	<literal>-O3 -march=athlon-xp -DNDEBUG
	as compiler option and so
	on, you might extend or adapt these to your own needs.
	The settings apply to all of the sections before in all
	places where <command>rpmbuild -ta</command> is used or where a binary
	RPM is to be created out of a source rpm using
	<command>rpmbuild --rebuild</command>.

	If <command>rpm</command> refuses to install
	your package because it seems not to fit to your computer's
	architecture, you can normally just install an optimized package
	by specifying the additional parameter <command>--ignorearch</command>
	and don't care.


    <sect2 id="optimize_invocation">
    <title>How to pass optimizer options to the compiler manually</title>
	The invocation of the compiler is quite simple. It normally
	is sufficient to set the environment variables
	<literal><symbol>CFLAGS</symbol></literal> and <literal><symbol>CXXFLAGS</symbol></literal>
	in the correct way and then compile as usual. For the best settings
	please consult the documentation or homepage of the corresponding
	If you build &kapp; from a source tree (unpacked tar.gz or from SVN)
	the flags need to be specidied before the call. For example:

	<screen width="40" format="linespecific">
<prompt>% </prompt><command>CFLAGS="-O4 -march=athlon-xp -mcpu=athlon-xp -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" \
  CXXFLAGS="-O4 -march=athlon-xp -mcpu=athlon-xp -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer" \
  cmake <replaceable>[source directory]</replaceable></command>

	If you re-build &kapp; from a source rpm package, please follow
	the instruction in the
	<link linkend="rpm_optimizations">previous section</link>.



<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Basics about digital audio                            ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<chapter id="digital-audio-basics"><title>Basics about digital audio</title>

	This chapter should give a short introduction about the basics of
	digital audio processing, without going too much into details.
	Of course this might be a bit incomplete, but if you have questions,
	you can ask at the &kapp; mailing list or consult some further

<sect1 id="the-analogue-world"><title>The analogue world</title>

	First of all, one must know that the
	world is <emphasis>analogue</emphasis> - but computers work
	<emphasis>digitally</emphasis>. So there are
	several ways to convert analogue audio to digital audio and back
	again. As the way from digital to analogue normally is the
	reversion of the way from analogue to digital, we only describe
	the way from analogue to digital.
	    <imagedata fileref="audio-1.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>Conversion from sound to bits</phrase> </textobject>
    <para>Conversion from sound to bits</para>

	Before continuing, analogue audio has to be transformed
	into electronic signals in order to find it's way into a computer.
	One common way to do this is by using a microphone and an
	amplifier. This combination gets sound (changes of air pressure) at
	it's input and a voltage at it's output. Higher
	amplitude of the pressure changes will be represented by higher voltages
	at the amplifier's output. This output is also called a
	<emphasis>'signal'</emphasis>. Instead of a microphone you can of course
	also imagine other sources of audio. And the "amplifier" can be the one
	that is integrated into your sound card, where you normally can't see it.
	    <imagedata fileref="audio2signal.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>Conversion to electronic signal</phrase> </textobject>
    <para>Conversion to electronic signal</para>

	At this stage, the electrical signal has three limitations that one should
	keep in mind:
		The <emphasis>amplitude</emphasis> (volume) is limited to
		some maximum level.
		This is a consequence of the electronic (amplifiers) that are
		only able to handle voltages within some specific range.
		That's no problem as long as sounds are not too loud. In that
		case the signal would be <emphasis>clipped</emphasis>, which
		means that the electrical signal will run against it's margins
		and the result will be disturbed.
		The <emphasis>frequency range</emphasis> is also limited.
		Due to the mechanical
		constrains of microphones and the limited frequency range of
		amplifiers, a signal's frequency range is limited. There
		are no hard borders besides which the sound abruptely disappears,
		but below some low and above some higher frequency the amplitude
		of the signal starts to decrease more and more. The existance of
		a maximum frequency can be easily understood as a limited speed
		of the electrical signal to rise and fall. By using high quality
		amplifiers and microphones, the limits can be spread into ranges
		where the human ear is no longer able to hear their results and
		thus get out of interest. The human ear normally is not able to
		hear sound above 20 kHz.
	        The signal contains <emphasis>noise</emphasis>.
		Noise is the most ugly enemy of everyone who has to handle audio
		signals in any way. Noise is a typical analogue effect, that makes
		the audio signal "unsharp" and disturbed, it is always present
		and cannot be avoided. One can only try to use high quality
		components that produce as low noise as possible, so that one
		can't hear it.
		Normally noise has a certain volume, so that the interesting sound
		should be much louder in comparism to the noise. This is called the
		<emphasis>signal to noise ratio (SNR)</emphasis>, the higher it is
		the better the sound's quality will be. Sounds that have
		lower volume than the noise cannot be heart.


<sect1 id="digitalization"><title>Digitalization</title>

	When we want to store and play audio in a computer, we must convert
	the analogue sound into digital data first. This process is called
	<emphasis>digitalization</emphasis>. It converts an electronic
	signal into a sequence of digital values.
	    <imagedata fileref="signal2digital.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>Digitalization of the electronic signal</phrase> </textobject>
    <para>Digitalization of the electronic signal</para>

	The conversion can be understood as a repetitive measurement of the
	electonic signal's value at certain time, thus taking a
	<emphasis>sample</emphasis> of the signal. The result is then encoded
	as a digital value.
	The sampling could be done in arbitrary distances or in constant
	intervals. The later method is much easier to handle, and thus it
	is normally used, with a constant rate - the so-called
	<emphasis>sample rate</emphasis>. Usual sample rates are 8000,
	11025, 22050, and 44100 samples per second. In practice sample
	rates are also given as frequencies, in Hz or kHz.
	The sample rate limts the
	highest frequency a digitized signal can represent. Due to
	Shannon's theoreme the highest usable frequency is half of the sample
	rate, so with 44.1 kHz sample rate you cannot sample signals with
	more than 22 kHz. To avoid a violation of that half-sample rate
	rule, your soundcard already has built-in filters that filter away
	frequencies that are higher than half of the used sample rate.
	    <imagedata fileref="sinus2samples.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>Sampled signal</phrase> </textobject>
    <para>Sampled signal</para>


<sect1 id="sample-encoding"><title>Sample Encoding</title>

	The result of the digital sampling process is a sequence of single
	<emphasis>samples</emphasis>. One sample is a digital representation
	of a signal's value at a certain time.
	The value of a sample can be interpreted and encoded in several ways.
	The simplest one is <emphasis>linear</emphasis> encoding. This means
	that each sample's value directly represents the analogue signal's
	value multiplied with a constant factor.
	This is easy to handle, but has the disadvantage that
	noise will be audibles especially on low amplitudes, where it disturbes
	most, and less audible on high amplitudes, where it is less audible.
	One way to reduce the influence of noise is <emphasis>non-linear</emphasis>
	encoding. This means that lower amplitudes are amplified before processing.
	As lower amplitudes are amplified,
	their distance from noise increases and the quality improves. The most
	common methods for this are <emphasis>A-Law</emphasis> and
	<emphasis>U-Law</emphasis> encoding - some standardized logarithmic
	amplification curves, used in digital telephony (ITU G.711 standard).
	    <imagedata fileref="nonlinear.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>Nonlinear Encoding</phrase> </textobject>
    <para>Nonlinear Encoding</para>

<sect1 id="sample-formats"><title>Sample Formats</title>

	Samples can be stored in different formats and precisions. The most common
	ones are integer (fixed-point) formats, that store values with
	<emphasis>fixed	quantisations</emphasis>.
	Depending on where the zero line is defined, it
	has to be destinguished between <emphasis>unsigned</emphasis> (only positive
	values, "zero line" is at half of the numeric range)
	and <emphasis>signed</emphasis> (positive and negative values)
	integer formats.
	    <imagedata fileref="signed.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>Signed Format</phrase> </textobject>
    <para>Signed Format</para>
	    <imagedata fileref="unsigned.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>Unsigned Format</phrase> </textobject>
    <para>Unsigned Format</para>
	As the
	quantisation loses some accuracy, it produces noise, the so-called
	<emphasis>quantisation noise</emphasis>. That kind of noise has more effect
	on low amplitudes, so this method of storing samples is not optimal, but
	quite easy and very fast to handle (computers are fast in calculating with
	fixed point numbers).
	The second way of encoding samples is with <emphasis>floating point</emphasis>
	numbers. With floating point numbers, noise is spread nearly equal over
	all ranges of amplitudes and has advantages especially on low ampliudes.
	However, this format is much slower when used for processing (computers are
	much slower on calculating with floating point values in comparison to
	fixed point numbers).
	&kapp; internally uses <emphasis>signed integer</emphasis> format with
	24 bit precision, stored in 32 bit integers. This has the disadvantage
	of higher memory consumption when processing files with lower precision
	(e.g. 8 bits), but processing 32 bit numbers is very fast and also
	leaves some reserves for internal calculations, as only 24 bits are
	normally used.

<!-- TODO: some chapter about audio compression codecs and so on -->


<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Using Kwave                                           ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<chapter id="using-kwave"><title>Using &kapp;</title>
	Here is a little screenshot of the &kapp; main window, so that you
	get an impression what &kapp; looks like...
		Here's a screenshot of &kapp;
	    	    <imagedata fileref="kwave-main.png" format="PNG"/>
	    	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Main Window</phrase>

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Memory Setup                                          +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="memory-setup"><title>Memory Setup</title>

       When using &kapp; for the first time, you should go to the memory
       setup dialog an modify the settings to be suitable for yor needs
       and the installed memory of your computer. You can reach it under
		Here's a screenshot of &kapp;'s memory setup dialog
	    	    <imagedata fileref="kwave-memory-setup.png" format="PNG"/>
	    	    <phrase>Screenshot of the Memory Setup Dialog</phrase>
	&kapp; is able to use two types of memory: <emphasis>physical</emphasis>
	and <emphasis>virtual</emphasis> memory.
	<emphasis>Physical memory</emphasis> is the memory (RAM) that is
	installed in your computer.
	You should limit the usage of physical memory to some reasonable
	size, as a rule of thumb, half of the installed memory should be ok.
	If you set the limit too high, Linux will take memory from other
	applications, which means that it swaps out memory of other programs
	to the harddisk (swap), which is rather slow. If you set the limit
	too low, you might lose some performance when working with big files,
	because you use less of the fast physical memory than you could.
	If you enable <emphasis>virtual memory</emphasis>, &kapp; is able to
	load and process files
	that are bigger than the amount of real installed physical memory.
	&kapp; does this by using temporary files in a configurable directory,
	which is much faster and more cooperative to other applications than
	using the operating system's swapping. The directory that you
	configure should be on your local hard disk.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Command Line                                          +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="command_line"><title>Command Line</title>

    If you start &kapp; from the command line, you can specify a list
    of files that should be opened. The first specified file will be opened
    first, then the other files. Each file will be opened in an own new
    window of the same &kapp; instance. If you specify wildcards, you can
    open a large number of files at once.
    For example, the following command starts a &kapp; and opens all sounds
    of the KDE window manager, each in a new window:
    <screen><prompt>% </prompt><command>kwave <filename>/usr/share/sounds/KDE_Window*.wav</filename></command></screen>

    In addition to a list of files, you can specify a list of
    <emphasis>Xt toolkit</emphasis> options like <literal>-geometry</literal>
    for specifying the size and/or position of the first opened &kapp;
    window and or <literal>-display</literal> for starting the &kapp; on a
    different display.

    For example, the following command starts a &kapp; window with an initial
    width of 600 pixels and a height of 400 pixels, with the right border
    positioned 30 pixels away from the right and 0 pixels away form the top
    of the screen.
    <screen><prompt>% </prompt><command>kwave <parameter>-geometry 600x400-30+0</parameter></command></screen>


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Opening and Saving files                              +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="open_and_save"><title>Opening and Saving files</title>

    Opening files with &kapp; works like in most other applications, you
    <listitem><para>specify a list of files on the
    <link linkend="command_line">command line</link> when starting &kapp;,</para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>open an empty &kapp; window (for example with
    ) and put a file into it via
    <link linkend="drag_and_drop">drag and drop</link>,
      or you can </para></listitem>
    <listitem><para>open a file through the menu with
	or one of the last recently opened files under
	<guimenu>File</guimenu><guimenuitem>Open Recent</guimenuitem>
	save the current file with
	save under a different name with
	save all areas that are separated by markers, each one to an own
	file, with
	or only the current selection with

    <sect2 id="file_formats"><title>Supported File formats</title>

	    &kapp; supports the following file formats:

            The favourite file format of &kapp; is (like you can guess from the
            name) <filename>.wav</filename>. This format is very common to other
	    "operating systems" and also is commonly used within the KDE environment.
            The second format that &kapp; supports is "ASCII". You can export to
            ASCII, but currently not import from it (this is currently
            not implemented). Please be aware that storing in this format
            might produce very large files! The file format will be described
	    <link linkend="ascii_format">below</link>.
	    <filename>.mp3</filename> and <filename>.mp2</filename> import
	    is available through
	    <ulink url="">libmad</ulink>
	    for the MP3 decoding in combination with
	    <ulink url="">id3lib</ulink> for decoding
	    ID3 tags.

	    Ogg/Vorbis (<filename>*.ogg</filename>) import and export.
	    <ulink url=""></ulink>
	    for details.

	    Additionally &kapp; supports many other common formats through the
	    <ulink url="">audiofile</ulink>
	    plugin. You can import files like <filename>*.au</filename> and
	    <filename>*.snd</filename> (NeXT,Sun Audio),
	    <filename>*.aiff</filename> (Audio Interchange Format) and
	    <filename>*.sf</filename> (Berkeley,IRCAM,Carl Sound Format).



    <sect2 id="converting_to_and_from_wav">
    <title>Converting to and from .wav</title>

	    The best way to work with formats other than those supported by
	    &kapp; is to use an external converter program.
	    A good set of tools for this is in the
	    <ulink url="">SoX</ulink>
	   package, they have also some nice documentation!

	    The plans for future include support for import and also export filters
	    for more formats and maybe some filter that uses a user-defineable script
	    with a call to an external filter, so that even formats not supported
	    by <literal>SoX</literal> (like MP3) can be read and/or written.

    <sect2 id="ascii_format"><title>Format of ASCII files</title>
	    The ASCII format is quite useful for scientific and educational
	    Due to it's simple format, you can either write simple
	    files on your own with a text editor or you can use the output
	    of an other application and convert it into ASCII. As the format is
	    <emphasis>really</emphasis> simple, you
	    should not have big problems in writing a converter and most scientific
	    applications use to have some kind of their own ASCII format for

	    The format of an ASCII file is quite simple and has the following rules:
		At the start of the file comes a block of properties, with one
		property per line.
		Each property line starts with <literal>##</literal>.
		After the properties comes a list of samples, with one sample per line.
		When using multiple channels, the samples are separated by commas.
		Lines might end with a carriage return and/or a line feed
		character (so DOS files are supported too). But when saving,
		files will always be saved with line feed character as the
		end of the line.
		Empty lines and characters after a <literal>#</literal>
		are treated as comments and are ignored.
		Values can be are given in any format that the C library of
		your system is able to read and interprete as a floating
		point or integer number. But when saving, &kapp; will save
		as in signed integer format with a 24 bit range.
		All values are expected to be in signed format. So if you
		import a file with only positive values, you will only see
		samples that are above the zero line.
		When importing, values can be specified in any range,
		&kapp; always does a first pass over the file to get the
		highest absolute value and defines that value as "100%" before
		really reading in the file and scaling it.
		Internally all values are stored with 24 bit precision (signed).

	    Here is an example of a simple ASCII file that represents a
	    sine wave with eleven samples:
		<title>content of an ASCII file with a single sine wave</title>
## 'rate'=44100
## 'tracks'=2
## 'bits'=16
## 'length'=11
## 'Date'='2007-04-22'
## 'Software'='Kwave-0.7.9 for KDE 3.5.5'
  5930496,   5930496 #            0
        0,   8388352 #            1
 -5930752,   5930496 #            2
 -8388608,         0 #            3
 -5930752,  -5930752 #            4
        0,  -8388608 #            5
  5930496,  -5930752 #            6
  8388352,         0 #            7
  5930496,   5930496 #            8
        0,   8388352 #            9
 -5930752,   5930496 #           10


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: New File                                              +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="newfile"><title>Creating a New File</title>

       You can create a new and empty file menu under
		Here's a screenshot of &kapp;'s new file dialog
	    	    <imagedata fileref="kwave-newfile.png" format="PNG"/>
		    <phrase>Screenshot of the File New Dialog</phrase>
	You can select the sample rate, resolution in bits per sample and
	the number of tracks. Per default the file format will be ".wav",
	but it can still be changed at the time when the file is saved.
	The length of the new signal can be set by time (hours, minutes,
	seconds) or by the number of samples. Additionally you can select
	it relative to the highest possible length, which is limited by
	the available memory and &kapp;'s internal limit (2 GB).


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Recording                                             +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="recording"><title>Recording</title>

        &kapp; is able to record audio data from various sources, with all
	sample rates, sample formats and other modes that your sound
	hardware supports. Currently &kapp; records through the old OSS
	sound interface, and since v0.7.4 also the newer and more powerful
	ALSA interface that is the preferred choice for linux kernel 2.6.
       The recording can be reached from the menu under

	Here is a screenshot of the &kapp; record dialog, showing the first
	page with the recording controls during a running recording session.
	Like in most dialogs of &kapp; you can get some help or see tooltips
	on the controls.
		Here's a screenshot of &kapp;'s record dialog
		    <imagedata fileref="kwave-record.png" format="PNG"/>
		    <phrase>Screenshot of the Record Dialog</phrase>

	Here you have the following controls:
	    <guilabel>Pre-Record:</guilabel> If the pre-recording feature of
	    &kapp; is enabled and the recording is startet, &kapp; records
	    into an internal buffer which is some seconds long. If you
	    press the <guibutton>Record</guibutton> (
	    <imagedata fileref="krec_record.png" format="PNG"/>
	    <textobject> <phrase>record button</phrase> </textobject>
	    ) button again, then the recording really starts, and also
	    keeps the already pre-recorded
	    This is useful for example if you want to record your favorite
	    song from radio, but you recognize too late that the song has
	    started. In this case you can still press the record button and
	    get the start of the song from what &kapp; has already pre-recorded
	    before, so that you will no longer miss a start.
	    <guilabel>Record Time:</guilabel> If the length of the recording
	    should be limited to some time, you can activate this setting and
	    select a time in hours, minutes, seconds for your recording. If
	    this option is not enabled, the recording runns until you press
	    the <guibutton>Stop</guibutton> (<inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
	    <imagedata fileref="record_stop.png" format="PNG"/>
	    </imageobject><textobject><phrase>stop button</phrase></textobject>
            </inlinemediaobject>) button.
	    <guilabel>Start At:</guilabel> If this setting is activated, you
	    can set a date and time when the recording will be started. Please
	    keep in mind that if the configured time is in the past, the
	    recording will start immediately.
	    <guilabel>Record Trigger:</guilabel> If enabled, the recording
	    starts only if the volume of the input goes over a certain limit,
	    which can be defined from 0 to 100% of the highest possible
	    input volume. This is useful if you do not want to record
	    leading silence.
	    (Hint: combine this with the prerecording feature mentioned above
	    to catch also some seconds before reaching the trigger, so that
	    you don't miss any silent fade-ins.)
	    The <guibutton>New</guibutton> (<inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
	    <imagedata fileref="record_new.png" format="PNG"/>
	    </imageobject><textobject><phrase>new button</phrase></textobject>
            </inlinemediaobject>) button is active when the recording is not
	    running or is finished, to discard the current file content and
	    start again.
	    The <guibutton>Stop</guibutton> (<inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
	    <imagedata fileref="record_stop.png" format="PNG"/>
	    </imageobject><textobject><phrase>stop button</phrase></textobject>
            </inlinemediaobject>) button is active when the recording or pre-recording
	    is running or &kapp; is waiting for the trigger. If pressed, the
	    current progress will be stopped.
	    The <guibutton>Pause</guibutton> (<inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
	    <imagedata fileref="record_pause.png" format="PNG"/>
	    </imageobject><textobject><phrase>pause button</phrase></textobject>
            </inlinemediaobject>) button is active when the recording or pre-recording
	    is running. The first time you press it, the rcording will be halted and
	    the button starts blinking. When you press it again the button will
	    stop blinking and recording will continue immediately, without waiting
	    for a trigger.
	    The <guibutton>Record</guibutton> (<inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
	    <imagedata fileref="krec_record.png" format="PNG"/>
	    </imageobject><textobject><phrase>record button</phrase></textobject>
            </inlinemediaobject>) button starts the recording and/or prerecording,
	    depending on the features enabled above:
	        If neither prerecording nor trigger level are
	        used, the recording starts as soon as you press
		the record button.
		If prerecording is not used and a trigger level is set, the
		first press will let &kapp; wait for the trigger level to be
		reached. While waiting for a trigger, you can force the
		recording to start immediately by pressing the record button again,
		otherwise the recording will start automatically when the trigger
		level has been reached.
		If prerecording is enabled, the first press starts only the
		prerecording and the second press really starts the recording.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Playback                                              +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="playback"><title>Playback</title>

        Depending on the compilation options &kapp; is able to play sounds
	trough one of the following playback methods:
	ALSA (Advanced Linux Sound Architecture):
	Supercedes OSS, supports more features and more hardware. Might
	collide with KDE or other applications like OSS does, but has a
	plugin called "dmix" as a way out. Newer versions of ALSA use a
	dmix like plugin per default, so this should the best choice
	for you!
	OSS (Open Sound System):
	The oldest linux implementation, capable of mono and stereo output.
	Deprecated since linux kernel 2.6, but still wide spread.
	Might collide with KDE or other sound applications, only
	one application at a time can use OSS playback !

        Before trying to play sounds, you should take a look on the
	playback configuration dialog:
		Here's a screenshot of &kapp;'s playback setup dialog
		    <imagedata fileref="kwave-playback-setup.png" format="PNG"/>
		    <phrase>Screenshot of the Playback Setup Dialog</phrase>

        Currently &kapp; supports only 8 and 16 bit playback, with mono or
	stereo output through the OSS interface, but many also
	all modes your sound hardware supports through the ALSA interface.
	If your sound file uses more or less channels than the
	playback allows, all channels will be mixed together during playback.
	For example if you have a file with three channels and you use
	stereo playback, the left channel will play channel 0 (upper)
	and half of channel 1 (middle), the right channel will play
	the half of channel 1 (middle) and channel 2 (lower).
        For getting a smooth playback without interruptions, you should also
	set the buffer size to an appropriate value. If you encounter
	problems with interrupted playback, you should increase the buffer
	size here. But the bigger you set the buffer, the bigger is the
	latency between the audible sound and the display of the playback
	position in the signal display.
	The playback settings dialog also provides a button for playing a
	simple test sound. You should hear a 440Hz tone that wanders over all
	speakers, from one to the next.
        Once you have configured playback, you can use the playback controls
        of the &kapp; main window or through the
        <menuchoice><guimenu>Play</guimenu></menuchoice> menu or with
        keyboard shortcuts:
	    </menuchoice>: Start playback of the current selection from it's
	    beginning or the whole file from the current cursor position
	    if nothing was selected. Play only once.
	    </menuchoice>: Like before, but repeat in a loop.
	    </menuchoice>: Pause the playback at the current position. Only
	    available when the playback is running.
	    </menuchoice>: Continue the playback from the position where it
	    has been paused. Only available if the playback is paused.
	    </menuchoice>: Stop the playback, go back to the start of the

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: How to select                                         +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="fileinfo"><title>File Properties</title>

	&kapp; is able to handle several meta information that is stored
	within an audio file. It tries to import and export as much of
	these informations as possible. For example, if you import an
	MP3 file with ID3 tags, you can keep those informations when
	exporting to a Wave file. If &kapp; would lose meta information
	when saving, it shows a warning.
        You can view and modify the meta information under
        <guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>File Properties...</guimenuitem>
        </menuchoice>. There you can also change things like sample format,
        resolution and compression.
		Here's a screenshot of &kapp;'s file properties dialog
		    <imagedata fileref="kwave-fileinfo.png" format="PNG"/>
		    <phrase>Screenshot of the File Properties Dialog</phrase>


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: How to zoom and navigate                              +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="navigation"><title>Zooming and navigating</title>

	&kapp; provides several ways to zoom and navigate, using keyboard
	shortcuts, menu commands, toolbar buttons and by using the mouse.
	The following sections should give an overview on how to use all
	of these functions.

    <sect2 id="zooming"><title>Zooming in and out</title>
	<!-- zoom to all -->
	    <emphasis>zoom to whole signal:</emphasis>
	    selects a zoom factor that makes the whole signal visible in the
	    current window.
		menu entry:
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Zoom to whole signal</guimenuitem>
		toolbar button: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
		<imagedata fileref="toolbar_zoomall.png" format="PNG"/>
		</imageobject><textobject><phrase>zoom all button</phrase></textobject>
	<!-- zoom to 100% -->
	    <emphasis>zoom to 100%:</emphasis>
	    zooms in up to a scale where on sample is represented by on pixel
	    on the screen.
		menu entry:
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Zoom to 100%</guimenuitem>
		toolbar button: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
		<imagedata fileref="toolbar_zoomnormal.png" format="PNG"/>
		</imageobject><textobject><phrase>zoom to 100% button</phrase></textobject>
	<!-- zoom in -->
	    <emphasis>zoom in:</emphasis>
	    zooms in to see more details, magnifies by factor 3.
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Zoom In</guimenuitem>
		toolbar button: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
		<imagedata fileref="toolbar_zoomin.png" format="PNG"/>
		</imageobject><textobject><phrase>zoom in button</phrase></textobject>
	<!-- zoom out -->
	    <emphasis>zoom out:</emphasis>
	    zooms in to see less details, shrinks by factor 3.
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Zoom Out</guimenuitem>
		toolbar button: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
		<imagedata fileref="toolbar_zoomout.png" format="PNG"/>
		</imageobject><textobject><phrase>zoom out button</phrase></textobject>
	<!-- zoom selection -->
	    <emphasis>zoom selection:</emphasis>
	    zooms to a factor where the current selection is completely
	    visible in the current view.
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Zoom to Selection</guimenuitem>
<!--	    <listitem><para>
		toolbar button: <inlinemediaobject><imageobject>
		<imagedata fileref="toolbar_zoomselect.png" format="PNG"/>
		</imageobject><textobject><phrase>zoom to selection button</phrase></textobject>
	<!-- zoom predefined time range -->
	    <emphasis>select predefined zoom:</emphasis>
	    select a  zoom factor from the zoom combo box
	    in the toolbar.

    <sect2 id="scrolling"><title>Scrolling left and right</title>
	<!-- scroll left -->
	    <emphasis>scroll left:</emphasis>
	    scrolls to the start of the signal by 1/3 of the current view.
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
		<shortcut><keycombo><keycap>cursor Left</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Scroll left</guimenuitem>
	<!-- scroll right -->
	    <emphasis>scroll right:</emphasis>
	    scrolls to the end of the signal by 1/3 of the current view.
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
		<shortcut><keycombo><keycap>cursor right</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Scroll right</guimenuitem>
	<!-- previous page -->
	    <emphasis>previous page:</emphasis>
	    scrolls to the position right before the current view (left).
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
		<shortcut><keycombo><keycap>Page up</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Previous Page</guimenuitem>
	<!-- next page -->
	    <emphasis>next page:</emphasis>
	    scrolls to the position right after the current view (right).
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
		<shortcut><keycombo><keycap>Page down</keycap></keycombo></shortcut>
		<guimenu>View</guimenu><guimenuitem>Next Page</guimenuitem>
	<!-- to begin -->
	    <emphasis>to begin:</emphasis>
	    scrolls the current view so that it starts
	    at the beginning of the signal.
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:
	<!-- to end -->
	    <emphasis>to end:</emphasis>
	    scrolls the current view so that it ends at the end of the signal.
		menu entry / keyboard shortcut:

    <sect2 id="navigation_overview"><title>Using the overview</title>

	The main screen of &kapp; shows a small <emphasis>overview</emphasis>
	of the whole signal above the horizontal scroll bar of the main
	window. This overview also provides some functionality for navigating:
	<!-- <left click> on overview widget -->
	    <emphasis>single click with left mouse button</emphasis>:
		directly move the current view to the clicked position.
	<!-- <double click left> on overview widget -->
	    <emphasis>double click with left mouse button</emphasis>:
		directly move the current view to the clicked position
		and additionally zoom in.
	<!-- <shift> + <double click left> on overview widget -->
	    <emphasis>double click with left mouse button, with
		<keycap>shift</keycap> pressed</emphasis>:
		directly move the current view to the clicked position
		and additionally zoom out.


    <sect2 id="vertical_zoom"><title>Vertical zoom</title>
	You can zoom the current view vertically by pressing the
	<keycap>Ctrl</keycap> key and scrolling with the mouse wheel.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: How to select                                         +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
    <sect1 id="selecting"><title>How to select</title>

    &kapp; allows you to select a continuous range of samples as well as any
    combination of channels (if you edit a multi-channel file). By selecting
    a range of samples (time scope) all following commands will be limited to
    that range and by de-selecting a channel it's content will not be changed.

    <sect2 id="selecting_channels"><title>Selecting channels</title>
    Selecting or de-selecting a channel is quite simple. Just click on the
    lamp symbol on the left side of the signal to toggle it's state:
	<imagedata fileref="light_on.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>green lamp</phrase> </textobject>
    a green lamp means "enabled", whereas
	<imagedata fileref="light_off.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>red lamp</phrase> </textobject>
    a red lamp means "disabled".

    Note: If a channel is de-selected it will also not be audible for playback!

    <sect2 id="selecting_samples"><title>Selecting samples</title>

    If you select a range of samples in &kapp;, that range will be
    <emphasis>inclusive</emphasis>. That means that the first and the last
    selected sample both belong to the selection and will be used for the
    following actions. So even if you not selected a <emphasis>range</emphasis>
    but only a single sample, the selection will never be really "empty". So for
    example if you see no selected range, the "delete" function applies to that
    single sample.

    The easiest way of selecting a range of samples is just to do that
    with mouse. It works like you are used from other applications: just press
    the left mouse button at the point you want to let the selection start
    and release the button where you want it to end.
    If you want to adjust or move the selection's start or end, you can move the
    mouse cursor near to the start or the end of the selection until it changes
    from the standard arrow cursor into the left-right arrow cursor and then
    press the left mouse button and adjust.
    You can also extend or shrink the selection to a specific point by holding
    down the shift button while klicking with the left mouse button. Depending
    on which border is nearer, the left or right border of the selection will
    be set to a new position.
    There are also some functions available via the menu and of course some
    keyboard shortcuts:
	select the whole signal:
	remove any selection and select "nothing":
	the currently visible area:
	the next block of samples, starting one sample after the end of the current
	selection and with the same length:
	(Hint: use the "<keycap>+</keycap>" key from the numeric keypad!)
	the previous block of samples, ending one sample before the start of the current
	selection and with the same length:
	(Hint: use the "<keycap>-</keycap>" key from the numeric keypad!)
	expand the selection to the start of the signal (first sample):
	<guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Selection</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>to start</guimenuitem>
	expand the selection to the end of the signal (last sample):
	<guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Selection</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>to end</guimenuitem>
    <!-- expand to labels -->
	expand the current selection left and right up to the next label
	(or start/end of the signal if there is none), starting at the
	current cursor position:
	<guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Selection</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>Expand to labels</guimenuitem>
    <!-- no next/previous block -->
	select the area between the next two labels that are right from the
	current selection or up to the end of the signal:
	<guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Selection</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>to next labels</guimenuitem>
	select the area between the previous two labels that are left from the
	current selection or up to the start of the signal:
	<guimenu>Edit</guimenu><guimenuitem>Selection</guimenuitem><guimenuitem>to previous labels</guimenuitem>


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Clipboard                                             +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="clipboard"><title>Clipboard</title>

    &kapp; since v0.8.1 uses the clipboard of KDE. This way it
    is possible to exchange audio data between different &kapp; windows.
    It might be possible as well to exchange data between &kapp; and other
    audio applications, depending on their ability to use the KDE

    When copying data to the clipboard through the <literal>copy</literal>
    function &kapp; uses the mime type
    <literal>audio/vnd.wave</literal> as data format, conforming to
    <ulink url="">RFC 2361</ulink>
    which is the same as the well known <literal>wav</literal> format.
    When pasting from the clipboard into &kapp; all data formats that are
    available as file import formats are supported, like for example
    Ogg/Vorbis, FLAC and so on.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Drag and Drop                                         +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="drag_and_drop"><title>Drag and Drop</title>

    &kapp; supports the KDE Drag and Drop protocol. This enables you
    to open files just by picking them up in a <command>konqueror</command>
    window or the Desktop and let them drop into a window of &kapp;.

    Please note that if you drop a file into a &kapp; window that already
    contains an opened file, the currently opened file will be closed first
    and then the file you dropped will be opened in it. If you don't want that,
    you should open a new empty &kapp; window first.

    You can also select a range of samples and drag or drop them into
    a &kapp; window. Per default the drag operation is done in
    <emphasis>move</emphasis> mode where the selected range is deleted
    from the original place and inserted at the drop position.
    By pressing the <keycap moreinfo="none">Ctrl</keycap> key you can
    modify this and drag in <emphasis>copy</emphasis> mode instead.



<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Command Reference                                     ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<!-- @@@ still to be done ... @@@
<chapter id="commands"><title>Command Reference</title>

    < ! - - (OPTIONAL, BUT RECOMMENDED) This chapter should list all of the
    application windows and their menubar and toolbar commands for easy reference.
    Also include any keys that have a special function but have no equivalent in the
    menus or toolbars. This may not be necessary for small apps or apps with no tool
    or menu bars. - - >

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: The main Kwave window                                 +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

<!-- @@@ still to be done ... @@@
    <sect1 id="kwave-mainwindow"><title>The main &kapp; window</title>

    	<sect2><title>The File Menu</title>
		    	<menuchoice moreinfo="none">
			    <shortcut moreinfo="none">
			    	<keycombo moreinfo="none">
    			    	    <keycap moreinfo="none">Ctrl</keycap>
    	    	    	    	    <keycap moreinfo="none">n</keycap>
    	    	    	    <guimenu moreinfo="none">File</guimenu>
    	    	    	    <guimenuitem moreinfo="none">New</guimenuitem>
			    <action moreinfo="none">Creates a new document</action>

		    	<menuchoice moreinfo="none">
			    <shortcut moreinfo="none">
			    	<keycombo moreinfo="none">
				    <keycap moreinfo="none">Ctrl</keycap>
    	    	    	    	    <keycap moreinfo="none">s</keycap>
    	    	    	    <guimenu moreinfo="none">File</guimenu>
    	    	    	    <guimenuitem moreinfo="none">Save</guimenuitem>

			    <action moreinfo="none">Saves the document</action>

		    	<menuchoice moreinfo="none">
			    <shortcut moreinfo="none">
			    	<keycombo moreinfo="none">
			    	    <keycap moreinfo="none">Ctrl</keycap>
    	    	    	    	    <keycap moreinfo="none">q</keycap>
    	    	    	    <guimenu moreinfo="none">File</guimenu>
    	    	    	    <guimenuitem moreinfo="none">Quit</guimenuitem>

			    <action moreinfo="none">Quits</action> &kapp;



<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Developer's Guide to Kwave                            ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<chapter id="developers"><title>Developer's Guide to &kapp;</title>

    <!-- (OPTIONAL) A Programming/Scripting reference chapter should be
    used for apps that use plugins or that provide their own scripting hooks
    and/or development libraries. -->

	    <imagedata fileref="under-construction.png" format="PNG"/>
	<textobject> <phrase>under construction</phrase> </textobject>
	Sorry, this chapter is still to be written... At the moment the
	source code is nearly completely documented with tags suitable with
	the KDE documentation tools. We currently prefer using
	<ulink url="">doxygen</ulink>. Maybe some day we will spend some time for
	writing a tool that converts the doxygen output into something
	we can include into the docbook source (the source this page has
	been built of).
        If you want to write a plugin, contribute something to this
        project (or maybe write the converter mentioned above), please
	feel free to contact one of the authors directly
	and / or subscribe to
	the &kapp; <link linkend="mailing-list">mailing list</link>.
	Help is always welcome!

    <!-- @@@ most of this has still to be done ... @@@ -->

<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Adding a new language                                 +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="add_new_language"><title>Adding support for a new Language</title>

		<emphasis>make system:</emphasis>
		Edit the toplevel <filename>CMakeLists.txt</filename> and add
		a new entry to the list of languages. Look for the variable
		<literal><symbol>KWAVE_LINGUAS</symbol></literal> and add
		a line for the new language. Each entry consists of a pair with
		a language <emphasis>code</emphasis> and language
		<emphasis>name</emphasis>, like this:

		The language code is a 2-letter code which is used for
		directories and filenames, as it is also used in KDE.
		The language name is used internally for the
		docbook online documentation and the online help only.
		For a list of available language codes and names, please
		refer to the documentation of the international standard
		<ulink url="">ISO 639-2</ulink>.

		<emphasis>user interface:</emphasis>
		Go to the source directory of &kapp; (not the build directory),
		change into the subdirectory <filename>po</filename> and copy the
		file <filename>kwave.pot</filename> to the corresponding <filename>.po</filename> file of
		the language you want to add: <filename>"<replaceable>&lt;code&gt;</replaceable>.po"</filename>.
		After that you can translate the file using your favorite tool, like
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <parameter><replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave</replaceable></parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <parameter>po</parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cp <parameter>kwave.pot</parameter> <parameter><replaceable>fr.po</replaceable></parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>lokalize <parameter>fr.po</parameter></command>

		<emphasis>online help:</emphasis>
		This is similar to the procedure for the user interface, but requires
		some extra steps because the master file is in <literal>docbook</literal>
		format and the <filename>.pot</filename> template is a generated
		Go to the source directory of &kapp; (not the build directory),
		change into the subdirectory <filename>doc</filename> and create
		an empty <filename>.po</filename> file:
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <parameter><replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave</replaceable></parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <parameter>doc</parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>touch <parameter><replaceable>help_fr.po</replaceable></parameter></command>
		Then change your build directory (e.g. somewhere in <filename>/tmp</filename>),
		prepare for building and then generate the <filename>.pot</filename> template (you
		can safely ignore the error messages that come out at this stage).
		This themplate has to be copied to the <filename>.po</filename> file in the source
		directory of the online help.
<prompt>% </prompt><command>mkdir <parameter>/tmp/kwave-build</parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <parameter>/tmp/kwave-build</parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cmake <parameter><replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave</replaceable></parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>make doc</command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cp <parameter>doc/help_en.pot</parameter> <parameter><replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave/doc/help_fr.po</replaceable></parameter></command>
	    Now you can translate the <filename>.po</filename> file, like above:
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <parameter><replaceable>$HOME/src/kwave</replaceable></parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>cd <parameter>doc</parameter></command>
<prompt>% </prompt><command>lokalize <parameter><replaceable>help_fr.po</replaceable></parameter></command>

		For the online documentation you also need screenshots that use the
		translated messages. This requires a built and installed &kapp; package,
		so you should follow the steps mentioned in the section about
		<link linkend="manual_compilation">Manual Compilation and installation</link>.
		Of course you <emphasis>must not</emphasis> pass the build
		option <literal>WITH_DOC=no</literal> or any other build option that
		removes functionality, otherwise you would not be able to get
		screenshots of components that you have disabled.
		For a list of screenshots you can look into one of the existing directories
		in the source tree, for example in <filename>$HOME/doc/de</filename>.
		All screenshots are in <emphasis><filename>.png</filename></emphasis> and
		should follow the
		<ulink url="">KDE
		Documentation Screenshots Requirements</ulink>.
		Here in short:
			Window decoration: Plastik
			Widget style: Plastik
			Colors: KDE Default
			Background: Flat color - Color must be white
			Run X11 in 72dpi mode
			Save the files in 8bpp
			Try to keep the size of each file below 20kB
		<emphasis>desktop file:</emphasis>
		Add a <emphasis>Comment</emphasis> line for the new language
		to the file <filename>kwave/</filename>.
		Please note that this file is UTF-8 encoded!
	<literal>Comment[</literal><replaceable>fr</replaceable><literal>]=</literal><replaceable>Un éditeur de sons pour KDE</replaceable>

	Useful links:
		<ulink url="">RFC 3066</ulink>
		Tags for the Identification of Languages
		<ulink url="">KDE Localization</ulink> contains
		a lot of useful links for KDE translators.
		<ulink url="">Lokalize</ulink> is
		<emphasis>the</emphasis> standard tool that helps you
		translating <filename>.po</filename> files.
		<ulink url="">KDE
		Documentation Screenshots Requirements</ulink>.


<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->
<!-- +++ Section: Adding a new plugin                                   +++ -->
<!-- ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ -->

    <sect1 id="add_new_plugin"><title>Adding a new Plugin</title>

	to be written...



<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Questions and Answers                                 ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<chapter id="faq"><title>Questions and Answers</title>



		    What do I need to compile &kapp;?
		    Read in the
		    <link linkend="requirements">chapter</link>
		    mentioned before. It compiles with
		    gcc-3.x or gcc-4.x as well.

		    Which sound cards does &kapp; support?
		    &kapp; does not need support for any special sound card.
		    The sound card only has to be supported by your
		    operating system and &kapp; uses it's interface to the
		    operating system's sound driver through a OSS or ALSA
		    interface. So &kapp; can play on any sound card that
		    KDE is able to play on.

		    Why are some menu entries / features always disabled?
		    This is just because we decided that those actions
		    are not working stable enough to present them to
		    the normal user and therefore disabled them to
		    avoid trouble. You will get access to them if they
		    are tested and stable enough.

		    Why does &kapp; consume more memory than it can be
		    expected from the size of the opened file?
		    The reason for this is that &kapp; internally stores
		    all samples in 32-bit integers. This was easy to program,
		    made the application faster and a bit more reliable.
		    So if you load an 8-bit file with about one megabyte
		    it will consume about four megabytes.
		    Maybe we will change this somewhere in the future...

		    Which sound formats does &kapp; support?
		    &kapp; currently supports .wav files with 8, 16 and
		    24 bits per sample, with any number of channels
		    (of course including mono and stereo). Additionally it
		    can import all file types that libaudiofile supports
		    and some other formats like Ogg/Vorbis and MP3 (read-only).

		    What if I have files with a format not
		    supported by &kapp;?
		    If you have to work on an other format, you can convert
		    it into .wav format. A good set of tools for this is
		    in the
	            <ulink url="">SoX</ulink> package, they have also some nice

		    I get errors when I want to do playback?
		    Maybe you have choosen a combination of playback
		    rate and sample size that is not supported by your
		    sound driver and / or sound hardware. Try playback with
		    8 bits per sample and mono first, this should always
		    work. Then try to increase the bits per sample and
		    stereo playback step by step. Note that some playback
		    rates are not at all supported by some sound hardware.

		    The playback seems to do something but I hear nothing?
		    Maybe you have forgotten to increase the volume of
		    the playback channel. &kapp; is not responsible for
		    changing the playback volume.

		    Some files are played with half-speed?
		    Try choosing a different sound playback device.

		    The playback sometimes is disturbed and interrupted?
		    You should increase the size of the playback buffer
		    to get a "smoother" playback (this also makes the
		    playback control reacting a bit slower).

		    The playback does not stop if I immediately
		    press the stop button?
		    The reason for this is that the sound driver already
		    has received some playback data from &kapp; at the
		    moment when you press the stop button. Decrease the
		    size of the playback buffer and it should react faster
		    (but makes interruptions more probable).

		    Is ALSA supported?
		    Yes, since v0.7.4 for playback and recording

		    What about playback with 18, 20, 24 or 32 bits per sample
		    or more than two channels?
		    This is possible through the ALSA interface,
		    since v0.7.4.

		    What about MP3 support?
		    Well, as long as there are patent issues, we support only MP3
		    import through the mad library. No export, sorry...
		    Additionally you need to have the permission to use code
		    covered by the MP3 patents when generating a Kwave package
		    for distributing!



<!-- ###################################################################### -->
<!-- ### Chapter: Credits                                               ### -->
<!-- ###################################################################### -->

<chapter id="credits"><title>Credits and License</title>


    	Program copyright from 1998-2000 Martin Wilz
    	Program copyright since 2000 Thomas Eschenbacher
	For a complete list of authors and licenses of all files,
	please see the <filename>LICENSES</filename> file, which is included in the sources.
	It is also available online at
	<ulink url="">

    	Contributors / Authors:
		    Thomas Eschenbacher
		    Sven-Steffen Arndt
		    (homepage, german translation)
		    Ralf Waspe
		    (Help/About plugin)
		    Gilles Caulier
		    (i18n, french translations, splashscreen, beta tester)
		    Dave Flogeras
		    (Notch Filter plugin)
		    Rik Hemsley
		    (<ulink url="">level meter</ulink>)

	    <listitem><para>Juhana Kouhia</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Gerhard Zintel</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Gael Duval</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Aaron Johnson</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Uwe Steinmann</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Juhana Kouhia</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Dave Phillips</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Martin Petriska</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Winfried Truemper</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Bruce Garlock</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem><para>Christoph Raab</para></listitem>
    	    <listitem ><para>tOpHEr lAfaTA</para></listitem>

    	Thanks to (in alphabetical order):
<!--	    <listitem><para>Carsten Jacobi</para></listitem> -->
<!--	    <listitem><para>Frank Christian Stoffel</para></listitem> -->
<!--	    <listitem><para>Achim Dahlhaus</para></listitem> -->
		    Jorge Luis Arzola
		    (packaging for SuSE Linux)
		    Matthias Düsterhöft
		    <emphasis> (for information about RPM optimization)
		    Michael Favreau
		    (packaging for Arch Linux)
		    Aurelien Jarno
		    (<ulink url="">debian</ulink> packager)
		    Martin Kuball
		    (beta tester)
	    <listitem><para>my wife Ximena González<emphasis> (for
	    her patience)</emphasis>
		    T.H.F. Klok and Cedric Tefft
		    (maintainers of the <ulink url="">
		     id3lib</ulink> library)
		    Robert Leslie
		    (author of the
		     <ulink url="">mad</ulink>
		     mp3 decoder library)
		    Erik de Castro Lopo
		    (author of the
		    <ulink url="">sndfile</ulink>
<!--    	    <listitem><para>Klaus Hendrik Lorenz</para></listitem> -->
		    Michael Pruett
		    (author of the
		    <ulink url="">audiofile</ulink>
		    Robert M. Stockmann
		    (packaging for Mandrake / X86_64)
		    Diederick de Vries
		    (packaging for Crux Linux)

	Documentation copyright (C) 2006 Thomas Eschenbacher

	Translations will be done by:
		    Babel D. Fish
		    <email></email> (Sanskrit)


<!-- &license-links; -->

