

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 6ef51d926bdada55489b8a3f94b164c6 > files > 44


<chapter id="configuration">
>Indstil &kplayer;</title>

>Som andre &kde;-programmer er &kplayer; meget indstilleligt. Når du <link linkend="howto-installation"
>installerer &kplayer;</link
> og dets multimedieafspillende baggrundsprogram <link linkend="howto-installation-mplayer"
>, skulle standardindstillingerne gøre det muligt at afspille multimedieindhold uden yderligere indstilling. Dette kapitel beskriver måder at få &kplayer;s brugergrænseflade til bedst at passe til din smag og at indstille mediaafspilning for optimal kvalitet og ydelse.</para>

<sect1 id="configuration-ui">
>User interface</title>

>Når &kplayer; først installeres, indeholder dets vindue en <link linkend="parts-menu-bar"
>, en <link linkend="parts-toolbar-main"
>, en <link linkend="parts-toolbar-playlist"
>værktøjslinje for spillelisten</link
> og en <link linkend="parts-status-bar"
>. Desuden vises sædvanligvis en <link linkend="parts-toolbar-slider"
> når du begynder at afspille en fil.</para>

>I menuen <link linkend="menu-settings"
> finder du tilvalg til at skjule værktøjslinjer som du ikke behøver og til at vise <link linkend="parts-toolbar-slider"
>øvrige tilgængelige værktøjslinjer</link
>. Visse er kun tilgængelige for videofiler, mens fremgangsværktøjslinjen er tilgængelig når &kplayer; kan detektere den nuværende fils tidslængde.</para>

>Menulinjen selv kan vises eller skjules med genvejstastekombinationen <keycombo action="simul"
>. Du kan også skjule statuslinjen hvis du ikke behøver informationen den viser.</para>

>To show or hide the <link linkend="parts-library"
>multimedia library</link
>, press <keycombo action="simul"
> or choose <menuchoice
>Show Library</guimenuitem
>. To show or hide the <link linkend="parts-message-log"
>message log</link
> detailing internal operation of &mplayer; backend as well as &kde; <acronym
> Slaves, press <keycombo action="simul"
> or choose <menuchoice
>Show Message Log</guimenuitem

>Hver værktøjslinje har et lille område ved en af kanterne hvor du kan trykke og holde venstre museknap nede for at trække værktøjslinjen til en ny position. De fleste værktøjslinjer kan enten placeres vandret længst oppe eller længst nede i &kplayer;s vindue, eller lodret til venstre eller til højre for det, mens spillelistens værktøjslinje kun kan placeres vandret.</para>

>Similarly, you can move around the multimedia library and the message log by pressing and holding the &LMB; on the title area of the window and dragging it above or below the <link linkend="parts-video-area"
>video area</link
> and positioning it in relation to the toolbars.</para>

>Hvis du <mousebutton
>klikker på en værktøjslinje, får du en <link linkend="popup-toolbar"
> om at indstille den. Du kan vælge værktøjslinjens orientering, tekstposition og ikonstørrelse.</para>

>&kplayer; husker naturligvis alle indstillinger du vælger og positionerne hvor du placerer dine værktøjslinjer. Det husker   synlighedsindstillingerne for <link linkend="howto-full-screen"
> og for normal tilstand separat.</para>


<sect1 id="configuration-playlist">

>&kplayer;'s <link linkend="toolbar-playlist"
>playlist toolbar</link
> has a drop down box that shows the current playlist. It stores files and streams that have been played or are going to be played and lets you easily switch to a different item and play it. For details on the playlist feature see the <link linkend="howto-playlist"
>Playlist micro-HOWTO</link
>. Following is a description of options that affect the playlist behavior.</para>


> option is available from the <link linkend="menu-player"
> menu</link
>, the <link linkend="toolbar-playlist"
>playlist toolbar</link
> and the <link linkend="popup-playlist"
>playlist popup menu</link
>. When enabled, it makes &kplayer; start playing items from the beginning of the list after it finishes playing the last item on the list.</para

> option is also available from the <link linkend="menu-player"
> menu</link
>, the <link linkend="toolbar-playlist"
>playlist toolbar</link
> and the <link linkend="popup-playlist"
>playlist popup menu</link
>. When enabled, it makes &kplayer; play items in a random order. When the <guimenuitem
> option is also enabled, items will be reshuffled every time &kplayer; restarts playback from the top of the list. To reshuffle immediately, disable the <guimenuitem
> option and then enable it again.</para

>Allow duplicate entries on playlists</guilabel
> option is available on the <link linkend="settings-general"
> page</link
> of the &kplayer; Configuration dialog. When enabled, it allows &kplayer; to put identical entries on the playlist. By default it is disabled, and if you queue the same file twice, the old entry will be removed before adding the new one at the bottom of the playlist.</para


>The <guimenuitem
> command opens the current playlist in the <link linkend="parts-library"
>multimedia library</link
> where you can add new items and remove or change the order of existing ones. It is available from the <link linkend="popup-playlist"
>playlist popup menu</link
> that you can open by <mousebutton
> clicking the playlist drop down box on the <link linkend="parts-toolbar-playlist"
>playlist toolbar</link

>To save the current playlist in the <guilabel
> section of the <interface
>multimedia library</interface
>, <mousebutton
> click the playlist drop down box on the <link linkend="parts-toolbar-playlist"
>playlist toolbar</link
>, select <menuchoice
>Add to</guisubmenu
> and enter a playlist name. The new playlist will then be added to each menu that works on playlists. See the <link linkend="configuration-playlists"
>multimedia library configuration</link
> for details.</para>


<sect1 id="configuration-library">
>Multimedia library</title>

>&kplayer;'s <link linkend="parts-library"
>multimedia library</interface
> is the place to access all your multimedia and arrange it into playlists. The things you create in the library affect other parts of &kplayer;, in particular some menus and the current playlist. For details on the multimedia library feature see the <link linkend="howto-library"
>Multimedia library micro-HOWTO</link

<sect2 id="configuration-now-playing">
>Now Playing</title>

>This section shows the contents of the current playlist and lets you modify it, for example by adding new files, streams and directories, removing existing items or changing their order. The changes are reflected on the current playlist shown on the <link linkend="parts-toolbar-playlist"
>playlist toolbar</link
>. The commands to modify the playlist contents are available from the <link linkend="menu-library"
> menu</link
> or the <link linkend="popup-library"
>library <mousebutton
> click menu</link


<sect2 id="configuration-recent">

>This section shows the recently played files and streams and lets you modify the list. The top few entries are shown on the <guisubmenu
>Play Recent</guisubmenu
> submenu of the <link linkend="menu-file"
> menu</link
> and <mousebutton
> click <link linkend="popup-menus"
>popup menus</link

>The <guilabel
>Maximum Recent entries in the library</guilabel
> option on the <link linkend="settings-general"
> page</link
> of the &kplayer; Configuration dialog gives the maximum number of files, folders and streams the <guilabel
> section can hold. When a new entry is added and the total number of entries exceeds this number, the bottom entry is removed from the list.</para>

>The <guilabel
>Maximum entries on Play Recent menu</guilabel
> option on the <link linkend="settings-general"
>same page</link
> of the global settings gives the maximum number of commands the <guisubmenu
>Play Recent</guisubmenu
> submenus can have. When a new entry is added and the total number of entries exceeds this number, the last entry is removed from the menus.</para>


<sect2 id="configuration-playlists">

>This section stores the playlists you create and lets you add new playlists and change or remove the existing ones. You can also add new playlists by selecting files, folders or streams elsewhere in the multimedia library, <mousebutton
> clicking the selection and choosing <menuchoice
>Add to</guisubmenu
>New Playlist...</guimenuitem
> from the popup menu. <mousebutton
> clicking a folder and choosing <menuchoice
>Add to</guisubmenu
> will also add the folder to the list of playlists.</para>

>Play List</guisubmenu
> submenu on the <link linkend="menu-file"
> menu</link
> and <guisubmenu
>Add to</guisubmenu
> submenu on the <link linkend="menu-library"
> menu</link
> as well as their equivalents on <link linkend="popup-menus"
>popup menus</link
> each have a list of commands to either play a playlist or add new content to it. Each playlist in this section has its own command on each of those menus. When you add, remove or rename a playlist, the menus are updated to reflect the changes.</para>

>The <guilabel
>Maximum entries on playlist menus</guilabel
> option on the <link linkend="settings-general"
> page</link
> of the &kplayer; Configuration dialog gives the maximum number of playlists that will be included on the submenus that work on playlists.</para>


<sect2 id="configuration-devices">

>This section lists the disk and tuner devices available on your system as well as the <acronym
> tracks and <acronym
> titles found on the disks you insert into the disk devices and the channels available on the tuner devices. &kplayer; puts any devices it finds on this list, and you can add new devices or remove existing ones.</para>

>The <link linkend="menu-file"
> menu</link
> and some of the <mousebutton
> click <link linkend="popup-menus"
>popup menus</link
> have submenus that let you easily access and play multimedia available on these devices. Each device from this section has its own <link linkend="submenu-device"
>. When you add, remove or rename a device, the menus are updated to reflect the changes.</para>

>When &kplayer; finds titles on a <acronym
> disk or tracks on a <acronym
> disk, it updates the corresponding menu to include commands to play the individual titles or tracks. &kplayer; looks for titles and tracks when you insert a disk into a drive or when you select <guimenuitem
>Play Disk</guimenuitem
> or <guimenuitem
>Load Disk</guimenuitem
> command for a disk device that does not yet have any titles or tracks listed.</para>

>Similarly, when you change the channel list for a tuner device, &kplayer; updates the corresponding menu to include commands to play each of the available channels. The option to change the channel list is on the <link linkend="properties-general"
> page</link
> of the device properties dialog that you can open by selecting the device in the multimedia library and choosing the <guimenuitem
> command from the <link linkend="menu-library"
> menu</link
> or the <mousebutton
> click <link linkend="popup-library"
>popup menu</link

>To add a new device, select the <guilabel
> node and choose <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
> command from the <link linkend="menu-library"
> menu</link
> or the <mousebutton
> click <link linkend="popup-library"
>popup menu</link
>. This will bring up a dialog box as shown below.</para>

<imagedata fileref="device-add.png" format="PNG"/>
>Add device dialog</phrase>

>Enter a unique descriptive name for the device into the <guilabel
> field and the path to the device node under the <filename
> directory into the <guilabel
> field. Select the device type from the <guilabel
> drop down box. For a tuner device you will need to choose a channel list, and for TV device also an input driver. Click the <guibutton
> button to add the device to the <interface
>multimedia library</interface
> and to the <guimenu
> menu and various <link linkend="popup-menus"
>popup menus</link

>There are many more device specific options that you can see and change in the <link linkend="properties"
>device properties dialog</link
>. To open it, select the device in the <interface
>multimedia library</interface
> and choose the <guimenuitem
> command from the <link linkend="menu-library"
> menu</link
> or the <mousebutton
> click <link linkend="popup-library"
>popup menu</link
>. For more information on disk and tuner device support in &kplayer; see the <link linkend="howto-devices"
>Devices micro-HOWTO</link


<sect2 id="configuration-list-view">
>List view</title>

>There are several ways you can customize the <interface
>list view</interface
> where the library shows the multimedia found in the folder you select from the <interface
>tree view</interface

>The <guisubmenu
> submenu of the <link linkend="menu-library"
> menu</link
> and the <link linkend="popup-library"
>library popup menu</link
> allows you to choose what columns to show in the <interface
>list view</interface
>. Each available column has a command on this submenu that either shows or hides that column. What columns are available depends on the folder selected in the tree view and on its contents.</para>

>To change the order of columns in the <interface
>list view</interface
>, click and drag a column header with the &LMB;. However, the <guilabel
> always has to be the first column. To change the width of a column, click and drag the divider on the right side of the column header.</para>

>To change the sorting order of items in the <interface
>list view</interface
>, <mousebutton
> click the header of the column you want to sort by. To sort in the reverse order, click the same header again. The new sorting order will apply to all folders in the multimedia library, except for <link linkend="howto-library-playlist-folders"
>playlist folders</link
> with a <link linkend="howto-library-ordering-sorting"
>custom order</link
> of items.</para>



<sect1 id="configuration-shortcuts">

>For at ændre opsætningen af genvejstaster som bruges af &kplayer;, vælges <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Indstil genveje...</guimenuitem
>. Det åbner en dialog som vises nedenfor.</para>

<imagedata fileref="shortcuts-configure.png" format="PNG"/>
>Indstillingsdialogen for genvejstaster</phrase>

>Hvis du ændrer tastebindinger, så sørg for at du ikke duplikerer en eksisterende genvej og desuden at du ikke bruger &Shift;-tasten til de nye genveje, eftersom &Shift;-tasten har en <link linkend="howto-properties"
> i &kplayer;.</para>

>Gennemsøg listen for at finde handlingen som du vil tilføje eller ændre genvejstaster for og markere den ved at <mousebutton
>klikke på navnet. Derefter vil du kunne ændre genvejstast ved at vælge tilvalgknapperne <guilabel
>, <guilabel
> eller <guilabel
>, eller ved at klikke på den store knap i området <guilabel
>Genvej for valgt handling</guilabel
>. Dialogen <guilabel
>Indstil genvej</guilabel
> vises så.</para>

<imagedata fileref="shortcuts-define.png" format="PNG"/>
>Dialogen Indstil genvej</phrase>

>Vælg om du vil ændre <guilabel
> eller <guilabel
> genvejstast, tryk derefter på tasten eller tastekombinationen som du vil skal fungere som genvej. Hvis feltet <guilabel
>Luk automatisk</guilabel
> er markeret, forsvinder dialogen så snart du har skrevet tastekombinationen, ellers forbliver den åben til du trykker på <guibutton
> eller <guibutton
>. Ved at klikke på den lille sorte ikon med et hvidt kryds ryddes genvejen.</para>

<sect2 id="configuration-userdefmenus">
>Brugerdefinerede menuer</title>

>Du kan tilføje din egen sammenhængsafhængige menu i &kplayer; så menuen vises ved at trykke på en tastekombination, og et tilvalg derefter kan vælges fra den ved at trykke på en anden tast, eller ved at bruge tasterne <keysym
>pil opad</keysym
> og <keysym
>pil nedad</keysym
> og trykke på returtasten.</para>

>For at gøre dette, tilføjes en <guilabel
> genvej for hver af handlingerne som du vil skal vises i menuen og marker feltet <guilabel
> i dialogen <guilabel
>Indstil genvej</guilabel
>, tryk på tastekombinationen som du vil skal vise den nye menu, og tryk derefter separat på tasten som vil vælge tilvalget i menuen.</para>



<sect1 id="configuration-toolbars">

<sect2 id="configuration-toolbars-style">
>Toolbar style and position</title>

>The <link linkend="popup-toolbar"
>toolbar popup menu</link
> has several options to change the toolbar appearance. To display this menu, <mousebutton
> click the toolbar for which you want to change the options.</para>

>The <guisubmenu
> submenu contains options to place the toolbar at the <guimenuitem
>, <guimenuitem
>, <guimenuitem
> or <guimenuitem
> side of the &kplayer; window. You can also click and drag the toolbar by the handle on its left border with the &LMB; to move it to a new position. The <guimenuitem
> option displays the toolbar on top of other parts of &kplayer; window. The <guimenuitem
> option makes the toolbar show as small lines that you need to <mousebutton
> click to expand the toolbar.</para>

>The <guisubmenu
>Text Position</guisubmenu
> submenu allows you to display a description of each icon on the toolbar either underneath or alongside the icon, or display only the description instead of the icon. By default only the icon is displayed without the description.</para>

>The <guisubmenu
>Icon Size</guisubmenu
> submenu allows you to choose the size of the icons on the toolbar. The choices are <guimenuitem
>, <guimenuitem
>, <guimenuitem
>, <guimenuitem
> and <guimenuitem


<sect2 id="configuration-toolbars-dialog">
>Toolbar configuration dialog</title>

>To configure &kplayer;'s toolbars, select <guimenuitem
>Configure Toolbars...</guimenuitem
> from the <link linkend="menu-settings"
> menu</link
> or from the <link linkend="popup-toolbar"
>toolbar popup menu</link
>. This will open a dialog box as shown below.</para>

<imagedata fileref="toolbars-configure.png" format="PNG"/>
>Toolbar configuration dialog</phrase>

>The drop down list box at the top of this dialog shows the name of the selected toolbar and lets you switch to another toolbar. The <guilabel
>Current actions</guilabel
> list box shows the actions included on the currently selected toolbar, and the <guilabel
>Available actions</guilabel
> list box shows all the other actions that exist in &kplayer;.</para>

>The buttons in the middle part of the dialog let you include or exclude actions from the selected toolbar and change the order of buttons and other elements on the toolbar. The right arrow button puts the action selected in the <guilabel
>Available actions</guilabel
> box on the toolbar, and the left arrow button takes the action selected in the <guilabel
>Current actions</guilabel
> box off the toolbar. The up and down arrow buttons move the action selected in the <guilabel
>Current actions</guilabel
> box back and forward within the toolbar respectively.</para>

>To be included on a toolbar, an action needs an icon that will be shown on the toolbar if the action is shown as a button. Some actions already have icons, but for others you need to choose one. The <guilabel
>Change Icon...</guilabel
> button opens a dialog box that allows you to choose an icon for the selected action.</para>

<imagedata fileref="toolbars-change-icon.png" format="PNG"/>
>Change icon dialog</phrase>

>When the <guilabel
>System icons</guilabel
> option is selected, the drop down box on the right lets you select a category of system icons to choose an icon from. By default the <guilabel
> category is selected that shows the action icons in your system icon theme. If you have icons other than the system icon theme that you want to choose from, select the <guilabel
>Other icons</guilabel
> option and click the <guibutton
> button to open the standard dialog to find the directory where your icons are stored. The <guilabel
> box lets you filter the icons by name.</para>



<sect1 id="configuration-dialog">
>Øvrige indstillinger</title>

>&kde; er kendt som det mest fleksible og indstillelige desktopmiljø, og &kplayer; er ingen undtagelse. Foruden indstillingsvalgmulighederne som beskrives i foregående afsnit, findes der mange flere tilvalg, hvoraf de fleste er tilgængelige i <link linkend="settings"
>&kplayer;s indstillingsdialog</link
>. Vælg <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
>Indstil &kplayer;...</guimenuitem
> for at vise det.</para>

>The dialog is divided into several sections. Some of them affect &kplayer; behavior, including <link linkend="settings-general"
> options. The <link linkend="settings-controls"
>Controls section</link
> tells &kplayer; which changes it should remember globally and which ones it should store in individual <link linkend="howto-properties"
>file properties</link
>, and its subsections allow you to fine tune individual &kplayer; controls, including <link linkend="settings-progress"
>, <link linkend="settings-volume"
>, <link linkend="settings-contrast"
>, <link linkend="settings-brightness"
>, <link linkend="settings-hue"
>, <link linkend="settings-saturation"
>, and <link linkend="settings-sliders"
>slider controls</link
> in general. Other sections affect options that &kplayer; uses for interaction with <link linkend="howto-installation-mplayer"
> and control various aspect of multimedia playback, including <link linkend="settings-video"
>, <link linkend="settings-audio"
>, <link linkend="settings-subtitles"
> and <link linkend="settings-advanced"
> options.</para>

>Kapitlet <link linkend="settings"
> giver fuldstændige detaljer om hver side og alle tilgængelige tilvalg. Desuden beskriver <link linkend="howto-settings"
>Vejledningen for avanceret indstilling</link
> nogen af de mere avancerede valgmuligheder mere detaljeret.</para>

>Visse yderligere tilvalg som gælder &kplayer;s hovedvindue er tilgængelige fra <link linkend="popup-title-bar"
>titellinjens sammenhængsafhængige menu</link
> som du kan vise ved at <mousebutton
>klikke på <link linkend="parts-title-bar"
> eller <mousebutton
>klikke på den lille knap i øverste venstre hjørne af &kplayer;s vindue eller ved at trykke på <keycombo action="simul"


<sect1 id="configuration-properties">

>&kplayer; har en særlig funktion som lader dig vælge mange forskellige tilvalg baseret på hver fil. Tilvalgene kaldes fil-egenskaber og opbevares sammen med url'en for hver enkelt fil eller netværkssted.</para>

>Der er to måder at angive en fil-egenskab. Den enkleste måde er at holde &Shift;-tasten nede når en indstilling ændres såsom videostørrelse eller proportion, lydstyrke, videokontrast eller lysstyrke, osv. &kplayer; anvender ændringen for filen som for øjeblikket er indlæst og husker  den i tilsvarende fil-egenskab. Så snart en anden fil indlæses går indstillingen tilbage til hvad den var inden ændringen (hvis ikke den anden fil også har samme egenskab indstillet). Når du indlæser og afspiller den første fil igen, anvender &kplayer; igen ændringen som du gjorde af indstillingen og beholder den til du indlæser en ny fil eller url.</para>

>The other way to set a file property is through the <link linkend="properties"
>File Properties dialog</link
>. The properties in the dialog are arranged according to their function. General properties like <guilabel
>, <guilabel
> and others are in the <link linkend="properties-general"
> section. Properties that control the video size are in the <link linkend="properties-size"
> section. Other sections contain properties that affect &kplayer; interaction with <link linkend="howto-installation-mplayer"
> and control multimedia playback, including <link linkend="properties-video"
>, <link linkend="properties-audio"
>, <link linkend="properties-subtitles"
> and <link linkend="properties-advanced"
> properties.</para>

>Select <menuchoice
> <guimenuitem
> to open the properties of the current file or <acronym
>. You can also <mousebutton
> click an item in the <link linkend="parts-library"
>multimedia library</interface
> and select the <guimenuitem
> command to open the properties dialog for that item.</para>

>Kapitlet <link linkend="properties"
> giver fuldstændige detaljer om hver side og alle tilgængelige egenskaber. Desuden beskriver <link linkend="howto-properties"
>minivejledningen for filegenskaber</link
> funktionen mere detaljeret og giver nogle eksempler.</para>

