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<title>Class Library For Numbers Module</title>
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<h1 align="center">Class Library For Numbers Module</h1>
<p>The module clnum adds arbitrary precision floating point and
rational numbers to Python. Both real and complex types are
supported. The module also contains arbitrary precision
replacements for the functions in the standard library math and
cmath modules.</p>
<p>The clnum module uses the <a href=
"">Class Library for Numbers</a> (CLN) to
do all of the hard work. The module simply provides a proper type
interface so that the CLN numbers work with the standard Python
arithmetic operators and interact properly with the built-in Python
numeric types.</p>
<p>To install the clnum module, you need to have some other
components installed on your system.</p>
<p>The GNU g++ compiler and standard library installed so that you
can build C++ programs.</p>
<p>The Python header files and the distutils package.</p>
<p>CLN library and development files.</p>
<p>On a Debian system, these are satisfied by installing the
following packages: g++, libcln-dev, and python-dev. Other Linux
systems will have similar packages. If your system does not have a
CLN package, go to <a href=
""></a> and
download the source. Then follow the instructions for building
<p>Once you have the required components installed, installing the
clnum module is simple. You need to download rpncalc from <a href=
and unpack it. Go to the directory that was created and run the
following command as root.</p>
python install --prefix=/usr/local
<p>Verify the installation by running the unit test
<p>If you want information on customizing the install process, see
the section titled "Installing Python Modules" in the standard
Python documentation.</p>
<h3>Windows Users</h3>
<p>A binary installer is now available for Windows thanks to the
contribution of Frank Palazzolo. So all you need to get this module
installed on Windows is to <a href=
"">download</a> and run
the installer.</p>
<p>If you want to build the source on Windows, see the <a href=
'WindowsBuild.html'>Windows build instructions</a>.</p>
<p>The clnum package adds four numeric types to the standard set
available in Python. The mpf type is an arbitrary precision
floating point type. The mpq type is a rational type. The types
cmpf and cmpq are complex versions of these types.</p>
<dt><b>mpf(x, prec=0)</b></dt>
<dd>Convert a string or a number to arbitrary precision floating
point. If the x argument is a string, it must follow the syntax for
a Python float. However, infinity and NaN are not supported.
Otherwise, the x argument may be any of the types int, long, float,
mpq, or mpf. The optional prec argument specifies the desired
number of decimal digits in the fraction part (zero means use the
global default). See the discussion on precision for more
<dt><b>mpq(numer, denom=None)</b></dt>
<dd>Convert a string or a number to a rational number. If the numer
argument is a string, it must have the form
"[+-]numerator_digits/denominator_digits" (the
"/denominator_digits" part is optional). Otherwise, the numer
argument may be any of the types int, long, float, mpq, or mpf. If
the second parameter is used, both values must be integer types
(int or long). In that case, the numer parameter is the numerator
and denom is the denominator of the rational number. The resulting
number is always reduced to lowest terms.</dd>
<dt><b>cmpf(real, imag=None, prec=0)</b></dt>
<dd>Convert a string or a number to arbitrary precision complex
floating point. If the real argument is a string, it must follow
the syntax for a Python complex. However, infinity and NaN are not
supported. Otherwise, the real argument may be any of the types
int, long, float, complex, mpq, mpf, cmpq or cmpf. If the optional
imag parameter is used, both the real and imag values must be
numbers from the set int, long, float, mpq, or mpf. The optional
prec argument specifies the desired number of decimal digits in the
fraction part (zero means use the global default). See the
discussion on precision for more information.</dd>
<dt><b>cmpq(real, imag=None)</b></dt>
<dd>Convert a string or a number to a complex rational number where
both the real and imaginary parts are rationals. If the real
argument is a string, it must follow the syntax for a Python
complex with the real and imaginary parts following the syntax for
mpq. Otherwise, the real argument may be any of the types int,
long, float, complex, mpq, mpf, cmpq or cmpf. If the optional imag
parameter is used, both the real and imag values must be numbers
from the set int, long, float, mpq, or mpf.</dd>
<p>There are two major categories of numbers, those that are exact,
and those that are approximate. The exact numbers are from the set
int, long, mpq, and cmpq. The approximate numbers are from the set
float, complex, mpf, and cmpf.</p>
<p>Whenever a calculation is performed with high-precision numbers,
you want the result to reflect the precision used in all of the
intermediate calculations. So if the result is exact, you want all
of the intermediate calculations to be exact. This means that there
can be no implicit conversions of approximate numbers to exact
numbers. As a consequence, whenever mpq and cmpq types are used in
an expression they can only be coerced to an approximate type not
the other way around. Since the float and complex types do not
recognize mpq and cmpq, an exception is raised whenever arithmetic
between these types is attempted.</p>
<p>If you perform mixed arithmetic on two approximate types, the
precision of the result always decays to the precision of the value
with the lowest precision. There is one exception to this rule.
Python float and complex types use the C type double to represent
the values. While the CLN library has types that encapsulate
doubles, they can lead to non-recoverable aborts when mixed with
the extended precision type. To avoid this problem, doubles are
converted to an extended precision type with the lowest possible
precision (approximately 17 decimal digits).</p>
<h2>Attributes and Methods</h2>
<p>The mpf and cmpf types have the following attribute.</p>
<dd>The number of decimal digits of precision.</dd>
<p>The complex types cmpq and cmpf have the following attributes
and method. They behave the same as the corresponding attributes
and method of the built-in complex type.</p>
<dd>Returns the complex conjugate of the complex number.</dd>
<dd>The imaginary part of the complex number.</dd>
<dd>The real part of the complex number.</dd>
<p>In addition, the cmpf type has the following attribute.</p>
<dd>The phase angle in radians of the complex number. Range is
<p>The mpq type has the following attributes.</p>
<dd>The denominator of the rational number.</dd>
<dd>The numerator of the rational number.</dd>
<p>Most of the functions in the clnum module are arbitrary
precision floating point versions of Python builtins. See the
Python documentation in the math, cmath, and builtins sections for
the following functions: <b>acos, acosh, asin, asinh, atan, atan2,
atanh, ceil, cos, cosh, degrees, exp, floor, hypot, log, log10,
radians, round, sin, sinh, sqrt, tan,</b> and <b>tanh</b>. Note
that these functions can operate on both real and complex numbers.
If the inputs are real, they work like the functions in the math
module. If the inputs are complex, they work like the functions in
the cmath module.</p>
<p>Since there is no longer a fixed form for the constants
<code>e</code> and <code>pi</code>, they become the functions
<code>exp1</code> and <code>pi</code> in the clnum module. These
functions take the number of decimal digits as the parameter and
return the constant with at least the requested precision. The
parameter is optional and if not provided, the default precision is
<dd><code>m</code> and <code>n</code> must be small integers &gt;=
0. This function returns the binomial coefficient (<code>m</code>
choose <code>n</code>) = <code>m</code>! / <code>n</code>!
<code>(m-n)</code>! for 0 &lt;= n &lt;= m, 0 otherwise.</dd>
<dd>Returns the value of the expression
<dd><code>n</code> must be a small integer &gt;= 0. This function
returns the doublefactorial <code>n</code>!! =
<code>1*3*<small>...</small>*n</code> or <code>n</code>!! =
<code>2*4*<small>...</small>*n</code>, respectively.</dd>
<dd><code>n</code> must be a small integer &gt;= 0. This function
returns the factorial <code>n</code>! =
<dt><b>find_root(func, x1, x3, eps=1e-12, imax=40)</b></dt>
<dd>Find a root of the user-defined function func that is bracketed
by the values x1 and x3. The function must take a single real
parameter and return a single real number. The optional argument
eps specifies the convergence criterion. The optional argument imax
specifies the maximum number of iterations to try before raising an
<dd>Returns the approximate number of decimal digits of precision
used for conversions where the default precision is specified.</dd>
<dd>Returns True if x is one of the types complex, cmpf, or cmpq.
Otherwise, False.</dd>
<dd>Returns True if x is one of the types int, long, mpq, or cmpq.
Otherwise, False.</dd>
<dd>Returns True if x is one of the types int, long, float, mpf, or
mpq. Otherwise, False.</dd>
<dt><b>number_str(s, prec=0, prefer_cmpf=False)</b></dt>
<dd>Converts a string representing a number to the most appropriate
type from the set int, long, mpq, mpf, cmpq, and cmpf. If
prefer_cmpf is True, integers in complex input are treated as
floating point. Otherwise, integers in complex input are treated as
rationals. Integers may have an optional base specification prefix
from the set (0x - hex, 0o - octal, 0b - binary). If the string
represents one of the floating point types mpf or cmpf, the value
of prec is used in the conversion.</dd>
<dt><b>ratapx(x, maxint=0x7FFF)</b></dt>
<dd>Returns a rational approximation to the number x where the
numerator and denominator are constrained to be less than or equal
to maxint.</dd>
<dd>Set the number of decimal digits to use in conversions that
specify the default precision.</dd>
<p>All of the examples assume the following import.</p>
<p><code>from clnum import *</code></p>
&gt;&gt;&gt; x = mpq(1,3); y = mpq(1,5); z = cmpq(mpq(2,3),mpq(3,5))
&gt;&gt;&gt; print x+y
&gt;&gt;&gt; print x-y
&gt;&gt;&gt; print x*y
&gt;&gt;&gt; print x/y
&gt;&gt;&gt; print x+1 # Mix with integers.
&gt;&gt;&gt; print x+z
&gt;&gt;&gt; print z**3
&gt;&gt;&gt; print abs(cmpf(z)), degrees(cmpf(z).phase)  # Polar form of complex number
0.89690826980491402114 41.987212495816660054
&gt;&gt;&gt; print hypot(z.real, z.imag) # Another way to compute abs(z)
&gt;&gt;&gt; print get_default_precision()
&gt;&gt;&gt; print repr(pi(40))
&gt;&gt;&gt; print repr(exp1(40))
&gt;&gt;&gt; def f(x): return x*x-2
&gt;&gt;&gt; r = find_root(f, 1, 2, 1e-20)
&gt;&gt;&gt; print r
&gt;&gt;&gt; print abs(r - sqrt(2))
&gt;&gt;&gt; print ratapx(pi())

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