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<title>Dynamic-extent allocation - SBCL 1.0.31 User Manual</title>
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     This manual is part of the SBCL software system. See the `README'
     file for more information.

     This manual is largely derived from the manual for the CMUCL
     system, which was produced at Carnegie Mellon University and later
     released into the public domain. This manual is in the public
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<h3 class="section">6.2 Dynamic-extent allocation</h3>

<p><a name="index-Dynamic_002dextent-declaration-137"></a>
SBCL has limited support for performing allocation on the stack when a
variable is declared <code>dynamic-extent</code>. The <code>dynamic-extent</code>
declarations are not verified, but are simply trusted as long as
<code>sb-ext:*stack-allocate-dynamic-extent*</code> is true.

   <p>If dynamic extent constraints specified in the Common Lisp standard
are violated, the best that can happen is for the program to have
garbage in variables and return values; more commonly, the system will

   <p><a name="Variable-sb_002dext_003a_002astack_002dallocate_002ddynamic_002dextent_002a"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b>sb-ext:*stack-allocate-dynamic-extent*</b><var><a name="index-sb_002dext_003a_002astack_002dallocate_002ddynamic_002dextent_002a-138"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dext_003a_002astack_002dallocate_002ddynamic_002dextent_002a-139"></a>If true (the default), the compiler respects <code>dynamic-extent</code> declarations
and stack allocates otherwise inaccessible parts of the object whenever
possible. Potentially long (over one page in size) vectors are, however, not
stack allocated except in zero <code>safety</code> code, as such a vector could overflow
the stack without triggering overflow protection. 

   <p>There are many cases when <code>dynamic-extent</code> declarations could be
useful. At present, SBCL implements stack allocation for

<li><code>&amp;rest</code> lists, when these are declared <code>dynamic-extent</code>.

     <li><code>cons</code>, <code>list</code>, <code>list*</code>, and <code>vector</code> when the
result is bound to a variable declared <code>dynamic-extent</code>.

     <li>simple forms of <code>make-array</code>, whose result is bound to a variable
declared <code>dynamic-extent</code>: stack allocation is possible only if
the resulting array is known to be both simple and one-dimensional,
and has a constant <code>:element-type</code>.

     <p><strong>Note</strong>: stack space is limited, so allocation of a large vector
may cause stack overflow. For this reason potentially large vectors,
which might circumvent stack overflow detection, are stack allocated
only in zero <code>safety</code> policies.

     <li>closures defined with <code>flet</code> or <code>labels</code>, with a bound
<code>dynamic-extent</code> declaration. Closed-over variables, which are
assigned to (either inside or outside the closure) are still allocated
on the heap. Blocks and tags are also allocated on the heap, unless
all non-local control transfers to them are compiled with zero

     <li>user-defined structures when the structure constructor defined using
<code>defstruct</code> has been declared <code>inline</code> and the result of the
call to the constructor is bound to a variable declared

     <p><strong>Note:</strong> structures with &ldquo;raw&rdquo; slots can currently be
stack-allocated only on x86 and x86-64.

     <li>all of the above when they appear as initial parts of another
stack-allocated object.



<pre class="lisp">     ;;; Declaiming a structure constructor inline before definition makes
     ;;; stack allocation possible.
     (declaim (inline make-thing))
     (defstruct thing obj next)
     ;;; Stack allocation of various objects bound to DYNAMIC-EXTENT
     ;;; variables.
     (let* ((list (list 1 2 3))
            (nested (cons (list 1 2) (list* 3 4 (list 5))))
            (vector (make-array 3 :element-type 'single-float))
            (thing (make-thing :obj list
                               :next (make-thing :obj (make-array 3)))))
       (declare (dynamic-extent list nested vector thing))
     ;;; Stack allocation of arguments to a local function is equivalent
     ;;; to stack allocation of local variable values.
     (flet ((f (x)
              (declare (dynamic-extent x))
       (f (list 1 2 3))
       (f (cons (cons 1 2) (cons 3 4)))
     ;;; Stack allocation of &amp;REST lists
     (defun foo (&amp;rest args)
       (declare (dynamic-extent args))
   <p>Future plans include

<li>Stack allocation of assigned-to closed-over variables, where these are
declared <code>dynamic-extent</code>;

     <li>Automatic detection of the common idiom of applying a function to some
defaults and a <code>&amp;rest</code> list, even when this is not declared

     <li>Automatic detection of the common idiom of calling quantifiers with a
closure, even when the closure is not declared <code>dynamic-extent</code>.

