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     This manual is part of the SBCL software system. See the `README'
     file for more information.

     This manual is largely derived from the manual for the CMUCL
     system, which was produced at Carnegie Mellon University and later
     released into the public domain. This manual is in the public
     domain and is provided with absolutely no warranty. See the
     `COPYING' and `CREDITS' files for more information.
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<h3 class="section">2.2 Extensions</h3>

<p>SBCL comes with numerous extensions, some in core and some in modules
loadable with <code>require</code>. Unfortunately, not all of these
extensions have proper documentation yet.

<!-- FIXME: Once bits and pieces referred to here get real documentation -->
<!-- add xrefs there. -->
<dt><strong>System Definition Tool</strong><dd><code>asdf</code> is a flexible and popular protocol-oriented system
definition tool by Daniel Barlow. see <a href="../asdf/index.html#Top">the asdf manual</a>, for
more information.

     <br><dt><strong>Third-party Extension Installation Tool</strong><dd><code>asdf-install</code> is a tool that can be used to download and install
third-party libraries and applications, automatically handling
dependencies, etc.

     <br><dt><strong>Foreign Function Interface</strong><dd><code>sb-alien</code> package allows interfacing with C-code, loading shared
object files, etc. See <a href="Foreign-Function-Interface.html#Foreign-Function-Interface">Foreign Function Interface</a>.

     <p><code>sb-grovel</code> can be used to partially automate generation of
foreign function interface definitions. See <a href="sb_002dgrovel.html#sb_002dgrovel">sb-grovel</a>.

     <br><dt><strong>Recursive Event Loop</strong><dd>SBCL provides a recursive event loop (<code>serve-event</code>) for doing
non-blocking IO on multiple streams without using threads.

     <br><dt><strong>Metaobject Protocol</strong><dd><code>sb-mop</code> package provides a metaobject protocol for the Common
Lisp Object System as described in <cite>Art of Metaobject Protocol</cite>.

     <br><dt><strong>Native Threads</strong><dd>SBCL has native threads on x86/Linux, capable of taking advantage
of SMP on multiprocessor machines. See <a href="Threading.html#Threading">Threading</a>.

     <br><dt><strong>Network Interface</strong><dd><code>sb-bsd-sockets</code> is a low-level networking interface, providing
both TCP and UDP sockets. See <a href="Networking.html#Networking">Networking</a>.

     <br><dt><strong>Introspective Facilities</strong><dd><code>sb-introspect</code> module offers numerous introspective extensions,
including access to function lambda-lists and a cross referencing

     <br><dt><strong>Operating System Interface</strong><dd><code>sb-ext</code> contains a number of functions for running external
processes, accessing environment variables, etc.

     <p><code>sb-posix</code> module provides a lispy interface to standard POSIX

     <br><dt><strong>Extensible Streams</strong><dd><code>sb-gray</code> is an implementation of <em>Gray Streams</em>. See <a href="Gray-Streams.html#Gray-Streams">Gray Streams</a>.

     <p><code>sb-simple-streams</code> is an implementation of the <em>simple
streams</em> API proposed by Franz Inc. See <a href="Simple-Streams.html#Simple-Streams">Simple Streams</a>.

     <br><dt><strong>Profiling</strong><dd><code>sb-profile</code> is a exact per-function profiler. See <a href="Deterministic-Profiler.html#Deterministic-Profiler">Deterministic Profiler</a>.

     <p><code>sb-sprof</code> is a statistical profiler, capable of call-graph
generation and instruction level profiling, which also supports
allocation profiling. See <a href="Statistical-Profiler.html#Statistical-Profiler">Statistical Profiler</a>.

     <br><dt><strong>Customization Hooks</strong><dd>SBCL contains a number of extra-standard customization hooks that
can be used to tweak the behaviour of the system. See <a href="Customization-Hooks-for-Users.html#Customization-Hooks-for-Users">Customization Hooks for Users</a>.

     <p><code>sb-aclrepl</code> provides an Allegro CL -style toplevel for SBCL,
as an alternative to the classic CMUCL-style one. See <a href="sb_002daclrepl.html#sb_002daclrepl">sb-aclrepl</a>.

     <br><dt><strong>CLTL2 Compatility Layer</strong><dd><code>sb-cltl2</code> module provides <code>compiler-let</code> and environment
access functionality described in <cite>Common Lisp The Language, 2nd
Edition</cite> which were removed from the language during the ANSI
standardization process.

     <br><dt><strong>Executable Delivery</strong><dd>The <code>:executable</code> argument to <a href="Function-sb_002dext_003asave_002dlisp_002dand_002ddie.html#Function-sb_002dext_003asave_002dlisp_002dand_002ddie">Function sb-ext:save-lisp-and-die</a> can produce a `standalone' executable
containing both an image of the current Lisp session and an SBCL

     <br><dt><strong>Bitwise Rotation</strong><dd><code>sb-rotate-byte</code> provides an efficient primitive for bitwise
rotation of integers, an operation required by eg. numerous
cryptographic algorithms, but not available as a primitive in ANSI
Common Lisp. See <a href="sb_002drotate_002dbyte.html#sb_002drotate_002dbyte">sb-rotate-byte</a>.

     <br><dt><strong>Test Harness</strong><dd><code>sb-rt</code> module is a simple yet attractive regression and
unit-test framework.

     <br><dt><strong>MD5 Sums</strong><dd><code>sb-md5</code> is an implementation of the MD5 message digest algorithm
for Common Lisp, using the modular arithmetic optimizations provided
by SBCL. See <a href="sb_002dmd5.html#sb_002dmd5">sb-md5</a>.

