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     This manual is part of the SBCL software system. See the `README'
     file for more information.

     This manual is largely derived from the manual for the CMUCL
     system, which was produced at Carnegie Mellon University and later
     released into the public domain. This manual is in the public
     domain and is provided with absolutely no warranty. See the
     `COPYING' and `CREDITS' files for more information.
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<h3 class="section">15.2 Statistical Profiler</h3>

<p><a name="index-Profiling_002c-statistical-591"></a>
The <code>sb-sprof</code> module, loadable by
<pre class="lisp">     (require :sb-sprof)
   <p>provides an alternate profiler which works by taking samples of the
program execution at regular intervals, instead of instrumenting
functions like <code>sb-profile:profile</code> does. You might find
<code>sb-sprof</code> more useful than the deterministic profiler when profiling
functions in the <code>common-lisp</code>-package, SBCL internals, or code
where the instrumenting overhead is excessive.

   <p>Additionally <code>sb-sprof</code> includes a limited deterministic profiler
which can be used for reporting the amounts of calls to some functions

<h4 class="subsection">15.2.1 Example Usage</h4>

<pre class="lisp">     (in-package :cl-user)
     (require :sb-sprof)
     (declaim (optimize speed))
     (defun cpu-test-inner (a i)
       (logxor a
               (* i 5)
               (+ a i)))
     (defun cpu-test (n)
       (let ((a 0))
         (dotimes (i (expt 2 n) a)
           (setf a (cpu-test-inner a i)))))
     ;;;; CPU profiling
     ;;; Take up to 1000 samples of running (CPU-TEST 26), and give a flat
     ;;; table report at the end. Profiling will end one the body has been
     ;;; evaluated once, whether or not 1000 samples have been taken.
     (sb-sprof:with-profiling (:max-samples 1000
                               :report :flat
                               :loop nil)
       (cpu-test 26))
     ;;; Record call counts for functions defined on symbols in the CL-USER
     ;;; package.
     (sb-sprof:profile-call-counts "CL-USER")
     ;;; Take 1000 samples of running (CPU-TEST 24), and give a flat
     ;;; table report at the end. The body will be re-evaluated in a loop
     ;;; until 1000 samples have been taken. A sample count will be printed
     ;;; after each iteration.
     (sb-sprof:with-profiling (:max-samples 1000
                               :report :flat
                               :loop t
                               :show-progress t)
       (cpu-test 24))
     ;;;; Allocation profiling
     (defun foo (&amp;rest args)
       (mapcar (lambda (x) (float x 1d0)) args))
     (defun bar (n)
       (declare (fixnum n))
       (apply #'foo (loop repeat n collect n)))
     (sb-sprof:with-profiling (:max-samples 10000
                               :mode :alloc
                               :report :flat)
       (bar 1000))
<h4 class="subsection">15.2.2 Output</h4>

<p>The flat report format will show a table of all functions that the
profiler encountered on the call stack during sampling, ordered by the
number of samples taken while executing that function.

<pre class="lisp">                Self        Total        Cumul
       Nr  Count     %  Count     %  Count     %    Calls  Function
        1     69  24.4     97  34.3     69  24.4 67108864  CPU-TEST-INNER
        2     64  22.6     64  22.6    133  47.0        -  SB-VM::GENERIC-+
        3     39  13.8    256  90.5    172  60.8        1  CPU-TEST
        4     31  11.0     31  11.0    203  71.7        -  SB-KERNEL:TWO-ARG-XOR
   <p>For each function, the table will show three absolute and relative
sample counts. The Self column shows samples taken while directly
executing that function. The Total column shows samples taken while
executing that function or functions called from it (sampled to a
platform-specific depth). The Cumul column shows the sum of all
Self columns up to and including that line in the table.

   <p>Additionally the Calls column will record the amount of calls that were
made to the function during the profiling run. This value will only
be reported for functions that have been explicitly marked for call counting
with <code>profile-call-counts</code>.

   <p>The profiler also hooks into the disassembler such that instructions which
have been sampled are annotated with their relative frequency of
sampling.  This information is not stored across different sampling

<pre class="lisp">     ;      6CF:       702E             JO L4              ; 6/242 samples
     ;      6D1:       D1E3             SHL EBX, 1
     ;      6D3:       702A             JO L4
     ;      6D5: L2:   F6C303           TEST BL, 3         ; 2/242 samples
     ;      6D8:       756D             JNE L8
     ;      6DA:       8BC3             MOV EAX, EBX       ; 5/242 samples
     ;      6DC: L3:   83F900           CMP ECX, 0         ; 4/242 samples
   <h4 class="subsection">15.2.3 Platform support</h4>

<p>This module is known not to work consistently on the Alpha platform,
for technical reasons related to the implementation of a machine
language idiom for marking sections of code to be treated as atomic by
the garbage collector;  However, it should work on other platforms,
and the deficiency on the Alpha will eventually be rectified.

   <p>Allocation profiling is only supported on SBCL builds that use
the generational garbage collector. Tracking of call stacks at a
depth of more than two levels is only supported on x86 and x86-64.

<h4 class="subsection">15.2.4 Macros</h4>

<p><a name="Macro-sb_002dsprof_003awith_002dprofiling"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Macro: <b>sb-sprof:with-profiling</b> (<var>&amp;key sample-interval alloc-interval max-samples reset mode loop max-depth show-progress threads report</var>)<var> &amp;body body<a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003awith_002dprofiling-592"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003awith_002dprofiling-593"></a>Repeatedly evaluate <code>body</code> with statistical profiling turned on. 
   In multi-threaded operation, only the thread in which <code>with-profiling</code>
   was evaluated will be profiled by default. If you want to profile
   multiple threads, invoke the profiler with <code>start-profiling</code>.

        <p>The following keyword args are recognized:

<dt><code>:sample-interval</code><em> &lt;n&gt;</em><dd>     Take a sample every &lt;n&gt; seconds. Default is <code>*sample-interval*</code>.

          <br><dt><code>:alloc-interval</code><em> &lt;n&gt;</em><dd>     Take a sample every time &lt;n&gt; allocation regions (approximately
     8kB) have been allocated since the last sample. Default is

          <br><dt><code>:mode</code><em> &lt;mode&gt;</em><dd>     If <code>:cpu</code>, run the profiler in <code>cpu</code> profiling mode. If <code>:alloc</code>, run the
     profiler in allocation profiling mode. If <code>:time</code>, run the profiler
     in wallclock profiling mode.

          <br><dt><code>:max-samples</code><em> &lt;max&gt;</em><dd>     Repeat evaluating body until &lt;max&gt; samples are taken. 
     Default is <code>*max-samples*</code>.

          <br><dt><code>:max-depth</code><em> &lt;max&gt;</em><dd>     Maximum call stack depth that the profiler should consider. Only
     has an effect on x86 and x86-64.

          <br><dt><code>:report</code><em> &lt;type&gt;</em><dd>     If specified, call <code>report</code> with <code>:type</code> &lt;type&gt; at the end.

          <br><dt><code>:reset</code><em> &lt;bool&gt;</em><dd>     It true, call <code>reset</code> at the beginning.

          <br><dt><code>:threads</code><em> &lt;list-form&gt;</em><dd>     Form that evaluates to the list threads to profile, or <code>:all</code> to indicate
     that all threads should be profiled. Defaults to the current
     thread. (Note: <code>start-profiling</code> defaults to all threads.)

          <p><code>:threads</code> has no effect on call-counting at the moment.

          <p>On some platforms (eg. Darwin) the signals used by the profiler are
     not properly delivered to threads in proportion to their <code>cpu</code> usage
     when doing <code>:cpu</code> profiling. If you see empty call graphs, or are obviously
     missing several samples from certain threads, you may be falling afoul
     of this.

          <br><dt><code>:loop</code><em> &lt;bool&gt;</em><dd>     If true (the default) repeatedly evaluate <code>body</code>. If false, evaluate
     if only once. 


   <p><a name="Macro-sb_002dsprof_003awith_002dsampling"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Macro: <b>sb-sprof:with-sampling</b> (<var>&amp;optional on</var>)<var> &amp;body body<a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003awith_002dsampling-594"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003awith_002dsampling-595"></a>Evaluate body with statistical sampling turned on or off. 

<h4 class="subsection">15.2.5 Functions</h4>

<p><a name="Function-sb_002dsprof_003areport"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>sb-sprof:report</b><var> &amp;key type max min-percent call-graph sort-by sort-order stream show-progress<a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003areport-596"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003areport-597"></a>Report statistical profiling results.  The following keyword
   args are recognized:

<dt><code>:type</code><em> &lt;type&gt;</em><dd>      Specifies the type of report to generate.  If <code>:flat</code>, show
      flat report, if <code>:graph</code> show a call graph and a flat report. 
      If nil, don't print out a report.

          <br><dt><code>:stream</code><em> &lt;stream&gt;</em><dd>      Specify a stream to print the report on.  Default is

          <br><dt><code>:max</code><em> &lt;max&gt;</em><dd>      Don't show more than &lt;max&gt; entries in the flat report.

          <br><dt><code>:min-percent</code><em> &lt;min-percent&gt;</em><dd>      Don't show functions taking less than &lt;min-percent&gt; of the
      total time in the flat report.

          <br><dt><code>:sort-by</code><em> &lt;column&gt;</em><dd>      If <code>:samples</code>, sort flat report by number of samples taken. 
      If <code>:cumulative-samples</code>, sort flat report by cumulative number of samples
      taken (shows how much time each function spent on stack.) Default
      is <code>*report-sort-by*</code>.

          <br><dt><code>:sort-order</code><em> &lt;order&gt;</em><dd>      If <code>:descending</code>, sort flat report in descending order. If <code>:ascending</code>,
      sort flat report in ascending order. Default is <code>*report-sort-order*</code>.

          <br><dt><code>:show-progress</code><em> &lt;bool&gt;</em><dd>     If true, print progress messages while generating the call graph.

          <br><dt><code>:call-graph</code><em> &lt;graph&gt;</em><dd>     Print a report from &lt;graph&gt; instead of the latest profiling


        <p>Value of this function is a <code>call-graph</code> object representing the
resulting call-graph, or <code>nil</code> if there are no samples (eg. right after
calling <code>reset</code>.) 

   <p><a name="Function-sb_002dsprof_003areset"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>sb-sprof:reset</b><var><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003areset-598"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003areset-599"></a>Reset the profiler. 

   <p><a name="Function-sb_002dsprof_003astart_002dprofiling"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>sb-sprof:start-profiling</b><var> &amp;key max-samples mode sample-interval alloc-interval max-depth threads sampling<a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003astart_002dprofiling-600"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003astart_002dprofiling-601"></a>Start profiling statistically in the current thread if not already profiling. 
The following keyword args are recognized:

<dt><code>:sample-interval</code><em> &lt;n&gt;</em><dd>     Take a sample every &lt;n&gt; seconds.  Default is <code>*sample-interval*</code>.

          <br><dt><code>:alloc-interval</code><em> &lt;n&gt;</em><dd>     Take a sample every time &lt;n&gt; allocation regions (approximately
     8kB) have been allocated since the last sample. Default is

          <br><dt><code>:mode</code><em> &lt;mode&gt;</em><dd>     If <code>:cpu</code>, run the profiler in <code>cpu</code> profiling mode. If <code>:alloc</code>, run
     the profiler in allocation profiling mode. If <code>:time</code>, run the profiler
     in wallclock profiling mode.

          <br><dt><code>:max-samples</code><em> &lt;max&gt;</em><dd>     Maximum number of samples.  Default is <code>*max-samples*</code>.

          <br><dt><code>:max-depth</code><em> &lt;max&gt;</em><dd>     Maximum call stack depth that the profiler should consider. Only
     has an effect on x86 and x86-64.

          <br><dt><code>:threads</code><em> &lt;list&gt;</em><dd>     List threads to profile, or <code>:all</code> to indicate that all threads should be
     profiled. Defaults to <code>:all</code>. (Note: <code>with-profiling</code> defaults to the current

          <p><code>:threads</code> has no effect on call-counting at the moment.

          <p>On some platforms (eg. Darwin) the signals used by the profiler are
     not properly delivered to threads in proportion to their <code>cpu</code> usage
     when doing <code>:cpu</code> profiling. If you see empty call graphs, or are obviously
     missing several samples from certain threads, you may be falling afoul
     of this.

          <br><dt><code>:sampling</code><em> &lt;bool&gt;</em><dd>     If true, the default, start sampling right away. 
     If false, <code>start-sampling</code> can be used to turn sampling on. 


   <p><a name="Function-sb_002dsprof_003astop_002dprofiling"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>sb-sprof:stop-profiling</b><var><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003astop_002dprofiling-602"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003astop_002dprofiling-603"></a>Stop profiling if profiling. 

   <p><a name="Function-sb_002dsprof_003aprofile_002dcall_002dcounts"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>sb-sprof:profile-call-counts</b><var> &amp;rest names<a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003aprofile_002dcall_002dcounts-604"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003aprofile_002dcall_002dcounts-605"></a>Mark the functions named by <code>names</code> as being subject to call counting
during statistical profiling. If a string is used as a name, it will
be interpreted as a package name. In this case call counting will be
done for all functions with names like <code>x</code> or (SETF X), where <code>x</code> is a symbol
with the package as its home package. 

   <p><a name="Function-sb_002dsprof_003aunprofile_002dcall_002dcounts"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Function: <b>sb-sprof:unprofile-call-counts</b><var><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003aunprofile_002dcall_002dcounts-606"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003aunprofile_002dcall_002dcounts-607"></a>Clear all call counting information. Call counting will be done for no
functions during statistical profiling. 

<h4 class="subsection">15.2.6 Variables</h4>

<p><a name="Variable-sb_002dsprof_003a_002amax_002dsamples_002a"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b>sb-sprof:*max-samples*</b><var><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003a_002amax_002dsamples_002a-608"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003a_002amax_002dsamples_002a-609"></a>Default number of traces taken. This variable is somewhat misnamed:
each trace may actually consist of an arbitrary number of samples, depending
on the depth of the call stack. 

   <p><a name="Variable-sb_002dsprof_003a_002asample_002dinterval_002a"></a>

<div class="defun">
&mdash; Variable: <b>sb-sprof:*sample-interval*</b><var><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003a_002asample_002dinterval_002a-610"></a></var><br>
<blockquote><p><a name="index-sb_002dsprof_003a_002asample_002dinterval_002a-611"></a>Default number of seconds between samples. 

<h4 class="subsection">15.2.7 Credits</h4>

<p><code>sb-sprof</code> is an SBCL port, with enhancements, of Gerd
Moellmann's statistical profiler for CMUCL.
