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      SciTE Lua Scripting Extension
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	  SciTE Lua Scripting Extension</font></a>
<h3>Lua Scripting Extension Notes</h3>
The SciTE Lua Scripting Extension uses a copy of Lua 5.1 as
its scripting engine.  Currently, all of the standard libraries are
included, although this list may be trimmed in a future revision.
Lua is Copyright (C) 1994-2007, PUC-Rio.  The complete Lua license
is included in <tt>luaCOPYRIGHT</tt> in the SciTE installation directory.  To
find more information about Lua, including documentation for the
language itself, visit <a href=""></a>.
For more ideas about what Lua can do, you may also want to check out
the community portal, <a href=""></a>,
<a href="">an introduction to using Lua with SciTE,</a>
and <a href="">some example scripts</a>.
<h4>SciTE Properties and Lua Event / Command Handlers</h4>
The properties ext.lua.startup.script and extension.<i>filepattern</i>
can be used to define commands and event handlers that will be called
by the SciTE.  Other properties beginning with ext.lua may also
influence how Lua behaves.  See the <a href="SciTEDoc.html">SciTE Documentation</a>
for more details on this.
By defining functions in the startup script or the active extension
script, you can tailor SciTE to your needs, adding new behavior and
functionality that is tightly integrated.
To begin, you can handle any many of the events exposed by the
<a href="SciTEExtension.html">SciTE Extension Interface</a>.  You do
this simply by defining functions with the same name as the event.
Currently, <tt>OnOpen</tt>, <tt>OnClose</tt>, <tt>OnSwitchFile</tt>, <tt>OnSave</tt>,
<tt>OnBeforeSave</tt>, <tt>OnChar</tt>, <tt>OnKey</tt>,
<tt>OnSavePointReached</tt>, <tt>OnSavePointLeft</tt>, <tt>OnDwellStart</tt>,
<tt>OnDoubleClick</tt>, <tt>OnMarginClick</tt>,
and <tt>OnUserListSelection</tt> are supported.
For some of these events, SciTE will pass one or more arguments to
the event handler function: <tt>OnOpen</tt>, <tt>OnClose</tt>,
<tt>OnSwitchFile</tt>, <tt>OnSave</tt>, and
<tt>OnBeforeSave</tt> will receive the filename of the affected buffer as
their first argument.
An <tt>OnChar</tt> handler should expect a single-character string argument.
An <tt>OnKey</tt> handler should expect an integer keycode and boolean
shift, control, and alt arguments. The keycode is currently a platform specific value
but this may change in future.
<tt>OnDwellStart</tt> will receive the position of the mouse and the
word under the mouse as arguments and the word will be empty when the mouse starts moving.
<tt>OnUserListSelection</tt> receives two arguments: a number
indicating the list type, and a string indicating the selected
item text.  The other event handlers will not be passed any arguments.
Event handlers return a boolean value to indicate whether SciTE should
continue processing the event.  Return a true value to indicate that
the event has been fully handled, and that no further handlers should
be called.  Return a false value to give other extensions a chance to
process the same event.  In many but not all cases, a well behaved
event handler will return false.  Remember that, in Lua, the only
non-true values are <tt>false</tt> and <tt>nil</tt>.  Unlike in C++, Python and many
other languages, 0 evaluates to <tt>true</tt>.
There is one additional event handler, <tt>OnClear</tt>, that is not
expressly defined in the Extension interface, but is exposed to Lua.
Whenever SciTE re-reads the properties (which occurs every time you
switch buffers or open a new file, but can also occur at other times),
the Lua Extension removes any globals that were created since the last
time properties were read, and restores any globals that were
overwritten. Then, if the startup script defines a function
<tt>OnClear</tt>, that function will be called so that scripts have a
chance to clean up other changes they might have made outside of the
Lua global scope (e.g. dynamic properties modified through the props
object; see below) and/or to tailor the Lua environment according to
local properties for the current buffer.
After this, SciTE reads the properties and ultimately loads the
extension script, if one is defined.  However, at the time when the
<tt>OnClear</tt> event fires, the extension script is not yet loaded.
Thus, <tt>OnClear</tt> can only be defined in the startup script,
not in an extension script.
In addition to event handlers, you can also use define new commands
that are available through the Tools menu or through keyboard shortcuts.
To specify that a command that will be handled by Lua, specify
subsystem 3 for the command.  Then, to implement the command using Lua,
just define a global function.  The command name is the function name.
You can also use predefined functions like <tt>dofile</tt> and <tt>dostring</tt> as tool
Anything specified after the command name is passed to the Lua function
as a single string argument.  An example of a command, using the
built-in dofile command, is shown below.
<div class="example">*=Run My Script<br />
  command.subsystem.1.*=3<br />
  command.1.*=dofile $(SciteDefaultHome)/My Script.lua<br />
Note that the command line is &quot;not&quot; evaluated directly
as a Lua script.
If there is no function matching the command name, no error will be
displayed.  This is because Lua assumes in this case that the command
is meant for some other extension, such as the <a href="SciTEDirector.html">SciTE Director
Extension</a>.  However, if the command function is found, but fails
to execute, an error is reported.
<h4>Multiple handlers</h4>
<a href="">Scite Ext Man</a> can help in
more complex applications where you have
multiple scripts needing to handle an event.
<hr noshade="noshade" width="80%" align="left" />
<h4>Predefined Lua Functions and Objects:</h4>
Within Lua scripts you can use the following functions / objects:
</p><pre><tt>  trace(s) - writes s to the output pane (no prefix, no newlines)
  dostring(s) - executes s as a Lua string, like Lua 4&#39;s dostring
  editor - the editor pane
  output - the output pane
  props - a pseudo-table representing the SciTE properties
  buffer - a table associated with the current buffer or document
  scite - a namespace for functions which control SciTE.
In addition, all constants defined in Scintilla.iface are exposed as
Lua globals variables. Function names are exposed as their block
capital equivalents, with the SCI_ prefix.
All functions and objects defined in the Lua standard library are also
available.  Although dostring was deprecated in Lua 5, it is restored
since some have said it would be useful in tool commands.
A function <tt>_ALERT()</tt> is also defined to be an alias for the built-in
<tt>print()</tt>, which prints the alert message (plus a newline) to the window.
This provides a reasonable way for Lua to present error messages to
the user.  You are free to override <tt>_ALERT</tt> with a different definition
if you prefer.
The props pseudo-table allows you to read or write properties by name
using normal Lua table-access semantics, e.g. <tt>props[""]</tt>.
As with Lua tables, you can also un-set a property by assigning nil to its key.
When you assign a value to a property from Lua, this overrides any values
specified in the configuration files for that setting.  The underlying file
properties are not changed.  If you later assign nil to the same property
from Lua, this removes the run-time setting, allowing any file-based
property setting to show through once again.
The editor and output panes support the following properties and
</p><pre><tt>  textrange(startPos, endPos) - gets the text in the specified range

  findtext(text, [flags], [startPos, [endPos]])
    - returns the start and end of the first match, or nil if no match
    - flags can be 0 (the default), or a combination of <a href="">SCFIND constants</a>

  match(text, [flags], [startPos])
    - returns a generator that allows you to loop over the matches
      i.e. for m in editor:match(text, flags) do ... end
    - the match object (i.e. the loop counter m in the above
      example) supports read-only properties pos, len, and text;
      and also supports a function replace(replaceText) to
      support search and replace.
    - while looping through matches, if the document is modified
      by any method other than the loop counter's replace method,
      this may cause the match generator to lose its place.
    - also, do not attempt to store the match object for later
      access outside the loop; it will not be useable.

  append(text) - appends text to the end of the document
  insert(pos, text) - inserts text at the specified position
  remove(startPos, endPos) - removes the text in the range
Most of the functions defined in Scintilla.iface are also be exposed
as pane methods. Those functions having simple parameters (string,
boolean, and numeric types) are fully supported. For example,
<tt>editor:InsertText(pos, text)</tt> does practically the same thing as
<tt>editor:insert(pos, text)</tt>. Functions having a stringresult parameter
will include a string in the return value.  For both strings and
stringresults, if the function is documented as expecting a length
as its first parameter, you do not pass the length from Lua. Instead,
it is inferred from the context.
The keymod parameter type has partial support. When an iface function
is declared as taking a keymod, the Lua equivalent expects two
numbers: first the key code (e.g. <tt>SCK_LEFT</tt> or <tt>string.byte("'")</tt>, and
second the modifiers (e.g. <tt>SCMOD_CTRL</tt>).
Functions that have more complex parameters are not supported.
Functions that are declared to return a numeric type have the result
added to their return value.  If the function also has a stringresult,
that comes first, followed by the numeric return value.
Some functions are declared as 'get' or 'set' rather than 'fun' in
the iface file.  These are generally exposed to Lua as properties,
e.g. <tt>editor.TabSize = 8</tt>.  Some of the getters and setters also have
a parameter.  Where possible, these are exposed to Lua as indexed
properties, e.g. <tt>editor.StyleBold[SCE_PROPS_DEFAULT] = true</tt>.
However, if an iface function is declared as get / set but cannot be
mapped to a Lua property, it is exposed as a Lua function instead.
It is intended that a complete guide to the iface functions and
properties should be added to the documentation, so you don't have
to look at the iface file and do the mental text manipulation.
This is not done yet, but would be a good project for someone.
<a href="">ScintillaDoc</a> would be a good template to follow.  An api file
would also be a good addition.
The <tt>scite</tt> namespace includes the following functions:
</p><pre><tt>  scite.Open(filename)
    - opens a file in a new buffer
    - activates the file's buffer if it is already opened.

  scite.SendEditor(SCI_constant, ...)
    - sends a message to the editor pane
    - equivalent to the corresponding iface function or property

  scite.SendOutput(SCI_constant, ...)
    - sends a message to the output pane

    - returns the symbolic name of a Scintilla / SciTE constant

    - equivalent to the corresponding IDM_ command defined in SciTE.h
<tt>Open</tt> requires special care.  When the buffer changes in SciTE, the
Lua global namespace is reset to its initial state, and any extension
script associated with the new buffer is loaded.  Thus, when you call
Open, this may change the environment in which your current script is
running.  When possible, you can avoid confusion by simply returning
after scite.Open, but when that is not possible, just bear in mind
that there are side effects.  Local variables, unlike globals, will
be retained after the buffer change until your script returns.
The <tt>SendEditor</tt> and <tt>SendOuput</tt> functions duplicate the
functionality of the editor and output objects, providing access to these
through an interface that is more familiar to Scintilla C++ developers.
This may be useful for prototyping C++ code using Lua.  Internally,
<tt>SendEditor</tt> and <tt>SendOutput</tt> are translated to the
corresponding iface function or property, so their arguments and
return types are identical.  (Although the calling convention for
properties is obviously different.)
The <tt>ConstantName</tt> function may be useful when generating debug messages,
or if extending the SciTE LuaExtension to support macro recording.
The <tt>MenuCommand</tt> function enables usage of SciTE's menu commands
as defined in SciTE.h.

<h4>Lua 5.1</h4>
Despite some of the big changes in Lua 5.1 dealing with changes
in the language, most of the compatibility options have been
turned on.
- table.getn still works, but the '#' operator should be used
- Lua 5.0's varargs are still available
- Lua 5.0's math.mod is still available, as well as 5.1's
- Lua 5.0's string.gfind is still available, as well as 5.1's
- [C API] Lua 5.0's luaL_openlib behavior is still available
- table.setn was deprecated
- loadlib was moved into the package table (package.loadlib)
- Lua 5.0's long string nesting throws an error

<hr noshade="noshade" width="80%" align="left" />

<h4>Disabling Lua</h4>
Lua is currently loaded just-in-time, before it is first used.  The
ways that Lua can become are through the ext.lua.startup.script
property, by naming a lua file named in the extension.<i>filepattern</i>
property, or by using the extension mechanism to define tool commands
(i.e. subsystem 3).  If you do not do any of these things, the Lua
scripting engine is not loaded, and for all practical purposes, SciTE
should behave as it did before Lua was added.
Nevertheless, it is still possible to build SciTE without the Lua
support. To do this, simply define the variable <tt>NO_LUA</tt> when you build
it, e.g. for MSVC, <tt>nmake -f scite.mak -DNO_LUA</tt>; or with GNU tools,
<tt>make NO_LUA=1</tt>.