

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > 82caf12953255346221f5bd2b01320b4 > files > 89


#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# lecxe program
# by
# Version
# 0.01a    Initial release (alpha)

# Modules
use strict;
use Win32::OLE;
use Win32::OLE::Const;
use Getopt::Std;

# Vars
use vars qw(%opts);

# Get options

# Not enough options
exit &usage unless ($opts{i} && $opts{o});

# Create Excel object
my $Excel = new Win32::OLE("Excel.Application","Quit") or
        die "Can't start excel: $!";

# Get constants
my $ExcelConst=Win32::OLE::Const->Load("Microsoft Excel");

# Show Excel
$Excel->{Visible} = 1 if ($opts{v});

# Open infile
my $Workbook = $Excel->Workbooks->Open({Filename=>$opts{i}});

# Open outfile
open (OUTFILE,">$opts{o}") or die "Can't open outfile $opts{o}: $!";

# Print header for outfile
print OUTFILE <<'EOH';
#!/usr/bin/perl -w

use strict;
use Spreadsheet::WriteExcel;

use vars qw($workbook %worksheets %formats);

$workbook = Spreadsheet::WriteExcel->new("_change_me_.xls");


# Loop all sheets
foreach my $sheetnum (1..$Excel->Workbooks(1)->Worksheets->Count) {

        # Format sheet
        my $name=$Excel->Workbooks(1)->Worksheets($sheetnum)->Name;
        print "Sheet $name\n" if ($opts{v});
        print OUTFILE "# Sheet $name\n";
        print OUTFILE "\$worksheets{'$name'} = \$workbook->add_worksheet('$name');\n";

        # Get usedrange of cells in worksheet
        my $usedrange=$Excel->Workbooks(1)->Worksheets($sheetnum)->UsedRange;

        # Loop all columns in used range
        foreach my $j (1..$usedrange->Columns->Count){

                # Format column
                print "Col $j\n" if ($opts{v});
                my ($colwidth);
                print OUTFILE "# Column $j\n";
                print OUTFILE "\$worksheets{'$name'}->set_column(".($j-1).",".($j-1).
                        ", $colwidth);\n";

                # Loop all rows in used range
                foreach my $i (1..$usedrange->Rows->Count){

                        # Format row
                        print "Row $i\n" if ($opts{v});
                        print OUTFILE "# Row $i\n";
                        do {
                                my ($rowheight);
                                print OUTFILE "\$worksheets{'$name'}->set_row(".($i-1).
                                        ", $rowheight);\n";
                        } if ($j==1);

                        # Start creating cell format
                        my $fname="\$formats{'".$name.'R'.$i.'C'.$j."'}";
                        my $format="$fname=\$workbook->add_format();\n";
                        my $print_format=0;

                        # Check for borders
                        my @bfnames=qw(left right top bottom);
                        foreach my $k (1..$usedrange->Cells($i,$j)->Borders->Count) {
                                my $lstyle=$usedrange->Cells($i,$j)->Borders($k)->LineStyle;
                                if ($lstyle > 0) {

                        # Check for font
                        my ($fontattr,$prop,$func,%fontsets,$fontColor);
                        while (($prop,$func) = each %fontsets) {
                                if ($fontattr ne "") {

                        while (($prop,$func) = each %fontsets) {
                                if ($fontattr==1) {
                                        $format.=$fname."->$func;\n" ;

                        if ($fontColor>0&&$fontColor!=$ExcelConst->{xlColorIndexAutomatic}) {
                                $format.=$fname."->set_color(".($fontColor+7).");\n" ;

                        # Check text alignment, merging and wrapping
                        my ($halign,$valign,$merge,$wrap);
                        my %hAligns=($ExcelConst->{xlHAlignCenter}=>"'center'",
                        if ($halign!=$ExcelConst->{xlHAlignGeneral}) {
                        my %vAligns=($ExcelConst->{xlVAlignBottom}=>"'bottom'",
                        if ($valign) {
                        if ($merge==1) {

                        if ($wrap==1) {


                        # Check patterns
                        my ($pattern,%pats);
                        if ($pattern&&$pattern!=$ExcelConst->{xlPatternAutomatic}) {
                                $pattern=$pats{$pattern} if ($pattern<0 && defined $pats{$pattern});

                                # Colors fg/bg
                                my ($cIndex);
                                if ($cIndex>0&&$cIndex!=$ExcelConst->{xlColorIndexAutomatic}) {
                                if ($cIndex>0&&$cIndex!=$ExcelConst->{xlColorIndexAutomatic}) {

                        # Check for number format
                        my ($num_format);
                        if ($num_format ne "") {

                        # Check for contents (text or formula)
                        my ($contents);
                        $contents=$usedrange->Cells($i,$j)->Text if ($contents eq "");

                        # Print cell
                        if ($contents ne "" or $print_format) {
                                print OUTFILE "# Cell($i,$j)\n";
                                print OUTFILE $format if ($print_format);
                                print OUTFILE "\$worksheets{'$name'}->write(".($i-1).",".($j-1).
                                print OUTFILE ",$fname" if ($print_format);
                                print OUTFILE ");\n";

# Famous last words...
print OUTFILE "\$workbook->close();\n";

# Close outfile
close (OUTFILE) or die "Can't close outfile $opts{o}: $!";

sub usage {
        printf STDERR "usage: $0 [options]\n".
                "\t\t-v       \tverbose mode\n" .
                "\t\t-i <name>\tname of input file\n" .
                "\t\t-o <name>\tname of output file\n";

sub END {
        # Quit excel
        do {
                $Excel->{DisplayAlerts} = 0;
        } if (defined $Excel);


=head1 NAME

lecxe - A Excel file to Spreadsheet::WriteExcel code converter


This program takes an MS Excel workbook file as input and from
that file, produces an output file with Perl code that uses the
Spreadsheet::WriteExcel module to reproduce the original

=head1 STUFF

Additional hands-on editing of the output file might be neccecary

* This program always names the file produced by output script

* Users of international Excel versions will have som work to do
  on list separators and numeric punctation characters.

=head1 SEE ALSO

L<Win32::OLE>, L<Win32::OLE::Variant>, L<Spreadsheet::WriteExcel>

=head1 BUGS

* Picks wrong color on cells sometimes.

* Probably a few other...


I do not guarantee B<ANYTHING> with this program. If you use it you
are doing so B<AT YOUR OWN RISK>! I may or may not support this
depending on my time schedule...

=head1 AUTHOR


Copyright 2001,

This package is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.