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<title>player_albumwidget - Gmerlin 0.4.1</title>
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This manual is for Gmerlin
(version 0.4.1, 9 January 2008).

Copyright (C) 2001-2008 Members of the Gmerlin project.

     Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this
     document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License,
     Version 1.1 or any later version published by the Free Software
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Up:&nbsp;<a rel="up" accesskey="u" href="Media-tree.html#Media-tree">Media tree</a>

<h5 class="subsubsection"> Album widget</h5>

<p>The album widget can either be in an own window (when the tree is in tabbed mode)
or in a notebook right of the tree widget. It lists all tracks of that album. 
At the bottom there is a toolbar and a display of the total playback time of the album.

   <p>A <b>track</b> in gmerlin is a piece of media, which can have an arbitrary number of audio-,
video- and subtitle <b>streams</b>. A track can be divided into <b>chapters</b> (which are just
seekpoints). Some files (like ALBW wrapped mp3s or concatenated Ogg streams), will show
up as multiple tracks. You can move them around in the whole tree as if they were separate

   <p><b>Doubleclicking</b> an album opens it if it was closed or vice versa.

   <p>The <b>right click menu</b> offers lots of options and shortcuts, not all of them are
documented here.

   <p><b>Adding tracks</b> can happen in multiple ways:

<li>Drag Files or URLs from filenanagers or webbrowsers into an album
<li>Use the buttons
<img src="../img/folder_open_16.png" alt="../img/folder_open_16.png">
<img src="../img/earth_16.png" alt="../img/earth_16.png">
in the album toolbar, or the right click menu

   <p><b>Drag and Drop</b> is supported:
<li>From most webbrowsers and filenmanagers into the album (see above)
<li>From one regular album to another. By default, tracks are moved. 
  Press the &lt;CTRL&gt;-key before dragging, and the tracks will be copied. 
<li>Inside all albums to sort the tracks
<li>From an album window into the tree window to transfer tracks to
  another album
<li>From the album to text editors or graphics programs, which support
dropping text. You'll get a string representation of the tracks, which
will make designing disk covers easier. 

   <p><b>Error tracks</b> are tracks, which failed to load last time you tried. 
They are marked red but remain in the album. If they are on removable
disks or in the network, you might retry playing them when they become
available. To delete all error tracks, go to &ldquo;Select error tracks&rdquo; in the
right click menu to select them. Then, press <kbd>&lt;CTRL&gt;+DELETE</kbd>
to get rid of them.

   <p>For keyboard commands, see <a href="gmerlin_005fplayer_005fshortcuts.html#gmerlin_005fplayer_005fshortcuts">Shortcuts</a>.
