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          <td class="ProgramTitle"> Snmp load check</td>




            <p class="NewsItemDate">Script :</p>

            <p class="SectionTitle"> Last update : Sept 5 2006</p>




          <td valign="top"> 

            <p class="SectionTitle">Description : </p>

            <p class="SectionBody">Checks by snmp v1, v2c or v3 cpu or average 

              load. <br>

              Works on Windows, Linux/Unix, AS400, Cisco, Cisco catalyst,  HP Procurve, LinkProof, 

              Blucoat, Nokia, Fortinet, Netscreen.</p>

            <p class="SectionBody">Check types are selected by the -T option : 


            <table border="1">
                <td class="SectionTitle"> 
                  <div align="center">-T value</div>
                <td class="SectionTitle"> 
                  <div align="center">System </div>
                <td class="SectionTitle"> 
                  <div align="center">-w &amp; -c values</div>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>netsl</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">Linux : load provided by Net SNMP</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">3 values : load average on 1 min, 5 min, 
                  15 min (absolute)</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>netsc</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">Linux : CPU usage given by net-snmp</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">1 value in %</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>as400</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">as400 CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">1 value in %</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>cisco</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">cisco CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">3 values : CPU average on 5sec, 1 min 
                  &amp; 5 min (%)</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>cata</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">cisco catalyst CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">3 values : CPU average on 5sec, 1 min 
                  &amp; 5 min (%)</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>nsc</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">Netscreen CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">3 values : CPU average on 5sec, 1 min 
                  &amp; 5 min (%)</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>fg</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">Fortigate CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">1 value in %</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>bc</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">bluecoat CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">1 value in %</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>nokia</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">nokia CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">1 value in %</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>hp</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">HP procurve switch CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">1 value in %</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>lp</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">Linkproof CPU usage</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">1 value in %</td>
                <td class="SectionBody"><b>hpux</b></td>
                <td class="SectionBody">HP-UX load</td>
                <td class="SectionBody">3 values : load average on 1 min, 5 min, 
                  15 min</td>

            <p class="SectionBody"> V&eacute;rifie par snmp v1,v2c ou v3 la charge 

              ou l'ocupation CPU.</p>

            <p class="SectionBody"><span class="SectionTitle">SNMP Login</span><br>


            <p class="SectionBody">See <a href="index_info.html">snmp info page</a></p>

            <p class="SectionTitle">Requirements :</p>

            <p class="SectionBody"> - Perl in /usr/bin/perl - or just run 'perl 

              script' <br>

              - Net::SNMP<br>

              - file '' in plugin diretory<br>


            <p class="SectionBody"><a href="" class="SectionTitle">Dowload 
              lastest version : 1.3.1</a> </p>

            <p class="SectionBody"><a href="index_commands.html" class="SectionTitle">Configurations 


            <p class="SectionTitle"><span class="SectionTitle">Changelog</span> 
              : On CVS repository on sourceforge : <a href=""></a>.</p>
            <p class="SectionTitle">Examples :</p>

            <p class="SectionBody"><br>

              All examples below are considering the script is local directory. 

              Host to be checked is with snmp community &quot;public&quot;.</p>

            <p class="SectionBody">If multiple interfaces are selected, all must 

              be up to get an OK result</p>

            <table border="1" cellspacing="5">
                <td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="282"> 
                  <p>Get help 
                <td class="SectionBody"> 
                  <p>./ <b>-h</b></p>
                <td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="282"> 
                  <p>Check loads on linux with Net-SNMP : checks the 1, 5 and 
                    15 minutes load average. 
                <td class="SectionBody"> 
                  <p>./ -H -C public <b>-w 3,3,2 -c 
                    4,4,3 -T netsl</b></p>
                <td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="282"> 
                  <p>Check cpu load (generic) : checks the %used CPU for the last 
                <td class="SectionBody"> 
                  <p>./ -H -C public <b>-w 98% -c 
                <td class="NewsItemDate" valign = top width="282"> 
                  <p>Check cpu load on AS/400 
                <td class="SectionBody"> 
                  <p>./ -H -C public <b>-w 98% -c 
                    99% -T as400</b></p>

            <p class="NewsItemDate">Output of -h</p>

            <table border="1" cellspacing="5">


                <td class="SectionBody" valign = top> 
SNMP Load &amp; CPU Monitor for Nagios version 1.3<br>
                  (c)2004-2006 Patrick Proy 
                  <p>Usage: ./ [-v] -H &lt;host&gt; -C &lt;snmp_community&gt; 
                    [-2] | (-l login -x passwd [-X pass -L &lt;authp&gt;,&lt;privp&gt;]) 
                    [-p &lt;port&gt;] -w &lt;warn level&gt; -c &lt;crit level&gt; 
                    [-f] [-t &lt;timeout&gt;] [-V]<br>
                    -v, --verbose<br>
                    print extra debugging information <br>
                    -h, --help<br>
                    print this help message<br>
                    -H, --hostname=HOST<br>
                    name or IP address of host to check<br>
                    -C, --community=COMMUNITY NAME<br>
                    community name for the host's SNMP agent (implies v1 protocol)<br>
                    -2, --v2c<br>
                    Use snmp v2c<br>
                    -l, --login=LOGIN ; -x, --passwd=PASSWD<br>
                    Login and auth password for snmpv3 authentication <br>
                    If no priv password exists, implies AuthNoPriv <br>
                    -X, --privpass=PASSWD<br>
                    Priv password for snmpv3 (AuthPriv protocol)<br>
                    -L, --protocols=&lt;authproto&gt;,&lt;privproto&gt;<br>
                    &lt;authproto&gt; : Authentication protocol (md5|sha : default 
                    &lt;privproto&gt; : Priv protocole (des|aes : default des) 
                    -P, --port=PORT<br>
                    SNMP port (Default 161)<br>
                    -w, --warn=INTEGER | INT,INT,INT<br>
                    1 value check : warning level for cpu in percent (on one minute)<br>
                    3 value check : comma separated level for load or cpu for 
                    1min, 5min, 15min <br>
                    -c, --crit=INTEGER | INT,INT,INT<br>
                    critical level for cpu in percent (on one minute)<br>
                    1 value check : critical level for cpu in percent (on one 
                    3 value check : comma separated level for load or cpu for 
                    1min, 5min, 15min <br>
                    -T, --type=stand|netsl|netsc|as400|cisco|bc|nokia|hp|lp<br>
                    CPU check : <br>
                    stand : standard MIBII (works with Windows), <br>
                    can handle multiple CPU.<br>
                    netsl : linux load provided by Net SNMP<br>
                    netsc : cpu usage given by net-snmp (100-idle)<br>
                    as400 : as400 CPU usage<br>
                    cisco : Cisco CPU usage<br>
                    cata : Cisco catalyst CPU usage<br>
                    nsc : NetScreen CPU usage<br>
                    fg : Fortigate CPU usage<br>
                    bc : Bluecoat CPU usage<br>
                    nokia : Nokia CPU usage<br>
                    hp : HP procurve switch CPU usage<br>
                    lp : Linkproof CPU usage<br>
                    -f, --perfparse<br>
                    Perfparse compatible output<br>
                    -t, --timeout=INTEGER<br>
                    timeout for SNMP in seconds (Default: 5)<br>
                    -V, --version<br>
                    prints version number</p>







            <p class="SectionBody">This project is hosted on : <br>

              <A href=""> <IMG src="" width="210" height="62" border="0" alt=" Logo" /></A> 


            <p class="SectionBody"> Nagios and the Nagios logo are registered 

              trademarks of Ethan Galstad.</p>






