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  <title>Module: ActionController::Helpers::ClassMethods</title>
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    <div id="classHeader">
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        <tr class="top-aligned-row">
          <td class="class-name-in-header">ActionController::Helpers::ClassMethods</td>
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                <a href="../../../files/lib/action_controller/helpers_rb.html">
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    <div id="description">
The Rails framework provides a large number of <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a> for working with
<tt>assets</tt>, <tt>dates</tt>, <tt>forms</tt>, <tt>numbers</tt> and
Active Record objects, to name a few. These <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a> are available to all templates
by default.
In addition to using the standard template <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a> provided in the Rails
framework, creating custom <a href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a>
to extract complicated logic or reusable functionality is strongly
encouraged. By default, the controller will include a <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a> whose name matches that of the
controller, e.g., <tt>MyController</tt> will automatically include
Additional <a href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a> can be specified
using the <tt><a href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a></tt> class
method in <tt><a href="../Base.html">ActionController::Base</a></tt> or any
controller which inherits from it.
The <tt>to_s</tt> method from the Time class can be wrapped in a <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a> method to display a custom
message if the Time object is blank:
  module FormattedTimeHelper
    def format_time(time, format=:long, blank_message=&quot;&amp;nbsp;&quot;)
      time.blank? ? blank_message : time.to_s(format)
FormattedTimeHelper can now be included in a controller, using the <tt><a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a></tt> class method:
  class EventsController &lt; ActionController::Base
    helper FormattedTimeHelper
    def index
      @events = Event.find(:all)
Then, in any view rendered by <tt>EventController</tt>, the
<tt>format_time</tt> method can be called:
  &lt;% @events.each do |event| -%&gt;
      &lt;% format_time(event.time, :short, &quot;N/A&quot;) %&gt; | &lt;%= %&gt;
  &lt;% end -%&gt;
Finally, assuming we have two event instances, one which has a time and one
which does not, the output might look like this:
  23 Aug 11:30 | Carolina Railhawks Soccer Match
  N/A | Carolina Railhaws Training Workshop



    <div id="method-list">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Methods</h3>

      <div class="name-list">
      <a href="#M000139">helper</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000141">helper_attr</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000140">helper_method</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000142">helpers</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;


    <!-- if includes -->

    <div id="section">


    <!-- if method_list -->
    <div id="methods">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Public Instance methods</h3>

      <div id="method-M000139" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000139"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="ClassMethods.src/M000139.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('ClassMethods.src/M000139.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">helper</span><span class="method-args">(*args, &amp;block)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
The <tt><a href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a></tt> class method
can take a series of <a href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a> module
names, a block, or both.
<li><tt>*args</tt>: One or more modules, strings or symbols, or the special
symbol <tt>:all</tt>.

<li><tt>&amp;block</tt>: A block defining <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a> methods.

When the argument is a string or symbol, the method will provide the
&quot;_helper&quot; suffix, require the file and include the module in the
template class. The second form illustrates how to include custom <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a> when working with namespaced
controllers, or other cases where the file containing the <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a> definition is not in one of
Rails&#8217; standard load paths:
  helper :foo             # =&gt; requires 'foo_helper' and includes FooHelper
  helper 'resources/foo'  # =&gt; requires 'resources/foo_helper' and includes Resources::FooHelper
When the argument is a module it will be included directly in the template
  helper FooHelper # =&gt; includes FooHelper
When the argument is the symbol <tt>:all</tt>, the controller will include
all <a href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a> beneath
<tt>ActionController::Base.helpers_dir</tt> (defaults to
<tt>app/helpers/**/*.rb</tt> under RAILS_ROOT).
  helper :all
Additionally, the <tt><a href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a></tt>
class method can receive and evaluate a block, making the methods defined
available to the template.
  # One line
  helper { def hello() &quot;Hello, world!&quot; end }
  # Multi-line
  helper do
    def foo(bar)
      &quot;#{bar} is the very best&quot;
Finally, all the above styles can be mixed together, and the <tt><a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a></tt> method can be invoked with
a mix of <tt>symbols</tt>, <tt>strings</tt>, <tt>modules</tt> and blocks.
  helper(:three, BlindHelper) { def mice() 'mice' end }

      <div id="method-M000141" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000141"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="ClassMethods.src/M000141.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('ClassMethods.src/M000141.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">helper_attr</span><span class="method-args">(*attrs)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Declares <a href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a> accessors for
controller attributes. For example, the following adds new <tt>name</tt>
and <tt>name=</tt> instance methods to a controller and makes them
available to the view:
  helper_attr :name
  attr_accessor :name

      <div id="method-M000140" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000140"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="ClassMethods.src/M000140.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('ClassMethods.src/M000140.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">helper_method</span><span class="method-args">(*methods)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Declare a controller method as a <a
href="ClassMethods.html#M000139">helper</a>. For example, the following
makes the <tt>current_user</tt> controller method available to the view:
  class ApplicationController &lt; ActionController::Base
    helper_method :current_user, :logged_in?

    def current_user
      @current_user ||= User.find_by_id(session[:user])

     def logged_in?
       current_user != nil
In a view:
 &lt;% if logged_in? -%&gt;Welcome, &lt;%= %&gt;&lt;% end -%&gt;

      <div id="method-M000142" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000142"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="ClassMethods.src/M000142.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('ClassMethods.src/M000142.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">helpers</span><span class="method-args">()</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Provides a proxy to access <a href="ClassMethods.html#M000142">helpers</a>
methods from outside the view.



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