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  <title>Module: ActionController::UrlWriter</title>
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    <div id="classHeader">
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          <td class="class-name-in-header">ActionController::UrlWriter</td>
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                <a href="../../files/lib/action_controller/url_rewriter_rb.html">
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    <div id="description">
In <b>routes.rb</b> one defines URL-to-controller mappings, but the reverse
is also possible: an URL can be generated from one of your routing
definitions. URL generation functionality is centralized in this module.
See <a href="Routing.html">ActionController::Routing</a> and <a
href="Resources.html">ActionController::Resources</a> for general
information about routing and routes.rb.
<b>Tip:</b> If you need to generate URLs from your models or some other
place, then <a href="UrlWriter.html">ActionController::UrlWriter</a> is
what you&#8216;re looking for. Read on for an introduction.
<h2>URL generation from parameters</h2>
As you may know, some functions - such as <a
href="Base.html#M000294">ActionController::Base#url_for</a> and
ActionView::Helpers::UrlHelper#link_to, can generate URLs given a set of
parameters. For example, you&#8216;ve probably had the chance to write code
like this in one of your views:
  &lt;%= link_to('Click here', :controller =&gt; 'users',
          :action =&gt; 'new', :message =&gt; 'Welcome!') %&gt;

  #=&gt; Generates a link to: /users/new?message=Welcome%21
link_to, and all other functions that require URL generation functionality,
actually use <a href="UrlWriter.html">ActionController::UrlWriter</a> under
the hood. And in particular, they use the <a
method. One can generate the same path as the above example by using the
following code:
  include UrlWriter
  url_for(:controller =&gt; 'users',
          :action =&gt; 'new',
          :message =&gt; 'Welcome!',
          :only_path =&gt; true)
  # =&gt; &quot;/users/new?message=Welcome%21&quot;
Notice the <tt>:only_path =&gt; true</tt> part. This is because <a
href="UrlWriter.html">UrlWriter</a> has no information about the website
hostname that your Rails app is serving. So if you want to include the
hostname as well, then you must also pass the <tt>:host</tt> argument:
  include UrlWriter
  url_for(:controller =&gt; 'users',
          :action =&gt; 'new',
          :message =&gt; 'Welcome!',
          :host =&gt; '')        # Changed this.
  # =&gt; &quot;;
By default, all controllers and views have access to a special version of
<a href="UrlWriter.html#M000070">url_for</a>, that already knows what the
current hostname is. So if you use <a
href="UrlWriter.html#M000070">url_for</a> in your controllers or your
views, then you don&#8216;t need to explicitly pass the <tt>:host</tt>
For convenience reasons, mailers provide a shortcut for <a
href="UrlWriter.html#M000070">ActionController::UrlWriter#url_for</a>. So
within mailers, you only have to type &#8216;<a
href="UrlWriter.html#M000070">url_for</a>&#8217; instead of &#8216;<a
in full. However, mailers don&#8216;t have hostname information, and
what&#8216;s why you&#8216;ll still have to specify the <tt>:host</tt>
argument when generating URLs in mailers.
<h2>URL generation for named routes</h2>
<a href="UrlWriter.html">UrlWriter</a> also allows one to access methods
that have been auto-generated from named routes. For example, suppose that
you have a &#8216;users&#8217; resource in your <b>routes.rb</b>:
  map.resources :users
This generates, among other things, the method <tt>users_path</tt>. By
default, this method is accessible from your controllers, views and
mailers. If you need to access this auto-generated method from other places
(such as a model), then you can do that in two ways.
The first way is to include <a
href="UrlWriter.html">ActionController::UrlWriter</a> in your class:
  class User &lt; ActiveRecord::Base
    include ActionController::UrlWriter         # !!!

    def name=(value)
      write_attribute('name', value)
      write_attribute('base_uri', users_path)   # !!!
The second way is to access them through <a
href="UrlWriter.html">ActionController::UrlWriter</a>. The autogenerated
named routes methods are available as class methods:
  class User &lt; ActiveRecord::Base
    def name=(value)
      write_attribute('name', value)
      path = ActionController::UrlWriter.users_path   # !!!
      write_attribute('base_uri', path)               # !!!



    <div id="method-list">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Methods</h3>

      <div class="name-list">
      <a href="#M000070">url_for</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;


    <!-- if includes -->

    <div id="section">


    <!-- if method_list -->
    <div id="methods">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Public Instance methods</h3>

      <div id="method-M000070" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000070"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="UrlWriter.src/M000070.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('UrlWriter.src/M000070.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">url_for</span><span class="method-args">(options)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Generate a url based on the options provided, default_url_options and the
routes defined in routes.rb. The following options are supported:
<li><tt>:only_path</tt> - If true, the relative url is returned. Defaults to

<li><tt>:protocol</tt> - The protocol to connect to. Defaults to

<li><tt>:host</tt> - Specifies the host the link should be targetted at. If
<tt>:only_path</tt> is false, this option must be provided either
explicitly, or via <tt>default_url_options</tt>.

<li><tt>:port</tt> - Optionally specify the port to connect to.

<li><tt>:anchor</tt> - An anchor name to be appended to the path.

<li><tt>:skip_relative_url_root</tt> - If true, the url is not constructed
using the <tt>relative_url_root</tt> set in

<li><tt>:trailing_slash</tt> - If true, adds a trailing slash, as in

Any other key (<tt>:controller</tt>, <tt>:action</tt>, etc.) given to
<tt><a href="UrlWriter.html#M000070">url_for</a></tt> is forwarded to the
Routes module.
   url_for :controller =&gt; 'tasks', :action =&gt; 'testing', :host=&gt;'', :port=&gt;'8080'    # =&gt; ''
   url_for :controller =&gt; 'tasks', :action =&gt; 'testing', :host=&gt;'', :anchor =&gt; 'ok', :only_path =&gt; true    # =&gt; '/tasks/testing#ok'
   url_for :controller =&gt; 'tasks', :action =&gt; 'testing', :trailing_slash=&gt;true  # =&gt; ''
   url_for :controller =&gt; 'tasks', :action =&gt; 'testing', :host=&gt;'', :number =&gt; '33'  # =&gt; ''



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