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<html xmlns="" xml:lang="en" lang="en">
  <title>Module: ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper</title>
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1" />
  <meta http-equiv="Content-Script-Type" content="text/javascript" />
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    <div id="classHeader">
        <table class="header-table">
        <tr class="top-aligned-row">
          <td class="class-name-in-header">ActionView::Helpers::JavaScriptHelper</td>
        <tr class="top-aligned-row">
                <a href="../../../files/lib/action_view/helpers/javascript_helper_rb.html">
        <br />

  <!-- banner header -->

  <div id="bodyContent">

  <div id="contextContent">

    <div id="description">
Provides functionality for working with JavaScript in your views.
<h2>Ajax, controls and visual effects</h2>
<li>For information on using Ajax, see <a

<li>For information on using controls and visual effects, see <a

<h2>Including the JavaScript libraries into your pages</h2>
Rails includes the Prototype JavaScript framework and the Scriptaculous
JavaScript controls and visual effects library. If you wish to use these
libraries and their helpers (<a
href="PrototypeHelper.html">ActionView::Helpers::PrototypeHelper</a> and <a
you must do one of the following:
<li>Use <tt>&lt;%= javascript_include_tag :defaults %&gt;</tt> in the HEAD
section of your page (recommended): This function will return references to
the JavaScript files created by the <tt>rails</tt> command in your
<tt>public/javascripts</tt> directory. Using it is recommended as the
browser can then cache the libraries instead of fetching all the functions
anew on every request.

<li>Use <tt>&lt;%= javascript_include_tag &#8216;prototype&#8217; %&gt;</tt>:
As above, but will only include the Prototype core library, which means you
are able to use all basic AJAX functionality. For the Scriptaculous-based
JavaScript helpers, like visual effects, autocompletion, drag and drop and
so on, you should use the method described above.

For documentation on <tt>javascript_include_tag</tt> see <a



    <div id="method-list">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Methods</h3>

      <div class="name-list">
      <a href="#M000516">array_or_string_for_javascript</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000512">button_to_function</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000513">escape_javascript</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000514">javascript_tag</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000511">link_to_function</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;
      <a href="#M000515">options_for_javascript</a>&nbsp;&nbsp;


    <!-- if includes -->
    <div id="includes">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Included Modules</h3>

      <div id="includes-list">
        <span class="include-name"><a href="PrototypeHelper.html">PrototypeHelper</a></span>

    <div id="section">

    <div id="constants-list">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Constants</h3>

      <div class="name-list">
        <table summary="Constants">
        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
          <td class="context-item-name">JAVASCRIPT_PATH</td>
          <td class="context-item-value">File.join(File.dirname(__FILE__), 'javascripts')</td>
        <tr class="top-aligned-row context-row">
          <td class="context-item-name">JS_ESCAPE_MAP</td>
          <td class="context-item-value">{         '\\'    =&gt; '\\\\',         '&lt;/'    =&gt; '&lt;\/',         &quot;\r\n&quot;  =&gt; '\n',         &quot;\n&quot;    =&gt; '\n',         &quot;\r&quot;    =&gt; '\n',         '&quot;'     =&gt; '\\&quot;',         &quot;'&quot;     =&gt; &quot;\\'&quot; }</td>


    <!-- if method_list -->
    <div id="methods">
      <h3 class="section-bar">Public Instance methods</h3>

      <div id="method-M000512" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000512"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="JavaScriptHelper.src/M000512.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('JavaScriptHelper.src/M000512.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">button_to_function</span><span class="method-args">(name, *args, &amp;block)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Returns a button with the given <tt>name</tt> text that&#8216;ll trigger a
JavaScript <tt>function</tt> using the onclick handler.
The first argument <tt>name</tt> is used as the button&#8216;s value or
display text.
The next arguments are optional and may include the javascript function
definition and a hash of html_options.
The <tt>function</tt> argument can be omitted in favor of an
<tt>update_page</tt> block, which evaluates to a string when the template
is rendered (instead of making an Ajax request first).
The <tt>html_options</tt> will accept a hash of html attributes for the
link tag. Some examples are :class =&gt; &quot;nav_button&quot;, :id =&gt;
Note: if you choose to specify the javascript function in a block, but
would like to pass html_options, set the <tt>function</tt> parameter to nil
  button_to_function &quot;Greeting&quot;, &quot;alert('Hello world!')&quot;
  button_to_function &quot;Delete&quot;, &quot;if (confirm('Really?')) do_delete()&quot;
  button_to_function &quot;Details&quot; do |page|
    page[:details].visual_effect :toggle_slide
  button_to_function &quot;Details&quot;, :class =&gt; &quot;details_button&quot; do |page|
    page[:details].visual_effect :toggle_slide

      <div id="method-M000513" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000513"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="JavaScriptHelper.src/M000513.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('JavaScriptHelper.src/M000513.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">escape_javascript</span><span class="method-args">(javascript)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Escape carrier returns and single and double quotes for JavaScript

      <div id="method-M000514" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000514"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="JavaScriptHelper.src/M000514.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('JavaScriptHelper.src/M000514.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">javascript_tag</span><span class="method-args">(content_or_options_with_block = nil, html_options = {}, &amp;block)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Returns a JavaScript tag with the <tt>content</tt> inside. Example:
  javascript_tag &quot;alert('All is good')&quot;
  &lt;script type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;
  alert('All is good')
<tt>html_options</tt> may be a hash of attributes for the &lt;script&gt;
tag. Example:
  javascript_tag &quot;alert('All is good')&quot;, :defer =&gt; 'defer'
  # =&gt; &lt;script defer=&quot;defer&quot; type=&quot;text/javascript&quot;&gt;alert('All is good')&lt;/script&gt;
Instead of passing the content as an argument, you can also use a block in
which case, you pass your <tt>html_options</tt> as the first parameter.
  &lt;% javascript_tag :defer =&gt; 'defer' do -%&gt;
    alert('All is good')
  &lt;% end -%&gt;

      <div id="method-M000511" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000511"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="JavaScriptHelper.src/M000511.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('JavaScriptHelper.src/M000511.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">link_to_function</span><span class="method-args">(name, *args, &amp;block)</span>
        <div class="method-description">
Returns a link of the given <tt>name</tt> that will trigger a JavaScript
<tt>function</tt> using the onclick handler and return false after the
The first argument <tt>name</tt> is used as the link text.
The next arguments are optional and may include the javascript function
definition and a hash of html_options.
The <tt>function</tt> argument can be omitted in favor of an
<tt>update_page</tt> block, which evaluates to a string when the template
is rendered (instead of making an Ajax request first).
The <tt>html_options</tt> will accept a hash of html attributes for the
link tag. Some examples are :class =&gt; &quot;nav_button&quot;, :id =&gt;
Note: if you choose to specify the javascript function in a block, but
would like to pass html_options, set the <tt>function</tt> parameter to nil
  link_to_function &quot;Greeting&quot;, &quot;alert('Hello world!')&quot;
      &lt;a onclick=&quot;alert('Hello world!'); return false;&quot; href=&quot;#&quot;&gt;Greeting&lt;/a&gt;

  link_to_function(image_tag(&quot;delete&quot;), &quot;if (confirm('Really?')) do_delete()&quot;)
      &lt;a onclick=&quot;if (confirm('Really?')) do_delete(); return false;&quot; href=&quot;#&quot;&gt;
        &lt;img src=&quot;/images/delete.png?&quot; alt=&quot;Delete&quot;/&gt;

  link_to_function(&quot;Show me more&quot;, nil, :id =&gt; &quot;more_link&quot;) do |page|
    page[:details].visual_effect  :toggle_blind
    page[:more_link].replace_html &quot;Show me less&quot;
      &lt;a href=&quot;#&quot; id=&quot;more_link&quot; onclick=&quot;try {
        $(&amp;quot;more_link&amp;quot;).update(&amp;quot;Show me less&amp;quot;);
      catch (e) {
        alert('RJS error:\n\n' + e.toString());
        \n$(\&amp;quot;more_link\&amp;quot;).update(\&amp;quot;Show me less\&amp;quot;);');
        throw e
      return false;&quot;&gt;Show me more&lt;/a&gt;

      <h3 class="section-bar">Protected Instance methods</h3>

      <div id="method-M000516" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000516"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="JavaScriptHelper.src/M000516.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('JavaScriptHelper.src/M000516.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">array_or_string_for_javascript</span><span class="method-args">(option)</span>
        <div class="method-description">

      <div id="method-M000515" class="method-detail">
        <a name="M000515"></a>

        <div class="method-heading">
          <a href="JavaScriptHelper.src/M000515.html" target="Code" class="method-signature"
            onclick="popupCode('JavaScriptHelper.src/M000515.html');return false;">
          <span class="method-name">options_for_javascript</span><span class="method-args">(options)</span>
        <div class="method-description">



<div id="validator-badges">
  <p><small><a href="">[Validate]</a></small></p>
