

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > a474e70ca98abfe6bb4b8782531be579 > files > 26


| Gammu phpClass
| Author      : Stieven R. Kalengkian
| Contact     :
| Website     :
| Version     : 2.1
| Last Update : April, 26 2007
| Tested OS   : Linux Slackware 11.0 and Windows XP Pro (unlicense demo only)
| PHP ver.    : 5.1
| MySQL ver   : 5.0
| Apache Web Server  : 1.x and 2.0
| Gammu Version : 1.10.00 built 22:52:25 Apr 18 2006 in MS VC .NET 2003 (win32 and linux)
| Solution Problem :
| The solution to the "No configuration file found" error is to put a copy of the gammurc
| in the directory whrein your php files are found specifically the one that uses the gammu class.
| Reference >> Classes of Davis Muhajereen D. Dimalen
| Description:
| Gammu API with PHP
| (only if you wan't running daemon)
| I recommended you to use Gammu
| --smsd MYSQL see
| this is my custom API-SMS.
| Gammu Command :
| gammu nothing --identify
| gammu nothing --deleteallsms [INBOX_ID]
| gammu nothing --getsmsfolders
| gammu nothing --getallsms
| gammu nothing --getallmemory ME|SM
| echo [text] | gammu nothing --sendsms TEXT [number]
| Change log
| v2.1
| - Add function enable_sudo([int]) 
|   set 1 if using sudo for gammu command exe

class gammu {

/* Initializing gammu bin/EXE */
var $gammu = "/usr/local/bin/gammu";
var $replacemen = array("\n","\t","\r");
var $dataBuffer;
var $filedb = "smsbox.txt";
var $TextEncrypt = 0;
var $sudo = 1;

//var $configFile = "/etc/gammurc";
/* Locate gammurc files (fullpath) */

   function gammu($ex="") {
           if ($ex!="") { $this->gammu = $ex; }

   function gammu_exe($exe,&$respon) {
           if (file_exists($this->gammu)) {
               if ($this->sudo == 1) {
               @exec("sudo ".$exe,$respon);
               } else { @exec($exe,$respon); }
           else { array_push($respon,"Can not found $this->gammu or Gammu is not installed"); }

   function Send($number=0,$text,$validity=0,$report=0,$reply=0,&$respon) {
          // if ($report == 1) { $option.="-report "; }
          // if ($validity != 0) { $option.="-validity $validity "; }
          // if ($reply == 1) { $option.="-reply "; }
           $text=str_replace($this->replacemen," ",$text);
           if ($number) {
               if ($this->sudo == 1) { exec("echo $text | sudo ".$this->gammu." nothing --sendsms TEXT $number $option -autolen ".strlen($text)."",$rs); }
               else { $this->gammu_exe("echo $text | ".$this->gammu." nothing --sendsms TEXT $number $option -autolen ".strlen($text)."",$rs); }
           for($i=0;$i<count($rs);$i++) {
           if (eregi("OK",$respon)) { return 1; } else { $this->Error=$respon; return 0; }

   function Identify(&$MANUFACTURER,&$MODEL,&$IMEI,&$SIM_IMSI,&$NetworkName,&$NetworkLevel,&$BatteryLevel,&$respon) {
                $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." nothing --identify",$rs);
                for($i=0;$i<count($rs);$i++) {
                $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." nothing --monitor 1",$rs);
                for($i=0;$i<count($rs);$i++) {
                if(eregi("Error opening device",$r)) {
                        $respon="Not Connected ($r) [Error opening device]";
                        return 0;
               if (eregi("No configuration file found",$r)) {
                        $respon="No configuration file found";
                        return 0;

                if (eregi("Gammu is not installed",$r)) {
                        return 0;
                if (preg_match("/Manufacturer(.+):(.+)/",$r,$s)) {
                if (preg_match("/Model(.+):(.+)/",$r,$s)) {
                if (preg_match("/IMEI(.+):(.+)/",$r,$s)) {
                if (preg_match("/SIM IMSI(.+):(.+)/",$r,$s)) {
                if (preg_match("/Battery level(.+):(.+)/",$r,$s)) {
                if (preg_match("/Network level(.+):(.+)/",$r,$s)) {
                if (preg_match("/Network  (.+):(.+)/",$r,$s)) {

                if ($x > 0) { return 1; }

   function Del($d,&$respon) {
              $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." nothing --deleteallsms $d",$rs);
              for($i=0;$i<count($rs);$i++) {


   function Get() {
           //Checking SMS INBOX Folder
           //$this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." nothing --getsmsfolders",$rs);
           for($i=0;$i<count($rs);$i++) {
                   if (preg_match("/^(.). \"(.+)Inbox\", phone\s*/",$rs[$i],$s)) {
                   else if (preg_match("/^(.). \"(.+)Inbox\", SIM\s*/",$rs[$i],$s)) {
                   else if (preg_match("/^(.). \"(.+)Outbox\", phone\s*/",$rs[$i],$s)) {
                   else if (preg_match("/^(.). \"(.+)Outbox\", SIM\s*/",$rs[$i],$s)) {
                   else if (eregi("Error opening device",$rs[$i])) {
                           $respon="Error opening device";
                           return $respon;

           $trimData=array(" ","\n","\r","\t","\"","'");
           $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." nothing --geteachsms",$rs);
           for ($i=0;$i<count($rs);$i++) {
           //echo $rs[$i];
                   //Initializing Data
                   if (eregi("^SMS message",$rs[$i])) continue;
                   if (preg_match("/Location (.+), folder \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                           if ($folder == "Outbox") {
                           if ($folder == "Inbox") {

                   //Inbox SMS Center Buffer
                   else if (preg_match("/^SMSC number(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                   //Outbox Ref Number Buffer
                   else if (preg_match("/^Reference number(.+): (.+)/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                   //Inbox SentTime Buffer
                   else if (preg_match("/^Sent (.+): (.+)/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                           if (!$u or $u <=0) { $u=date("U"); }
                           $data[$folder][$fid]['SentTime']=date("Y-m-d H:i:s",$u);
                   //Coding Buffer
                   else if (preg_match("/^Coding (.+): (.+)\s*/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                   //Phone Number Buffer
                   else if (preg_match("/^Remote number(.+): \"(.+)\"\s*/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                           if (substr($number,0,1) == "0") {
                   //Status Buffer
                   else if (preg_match("/^Status (.+): (.+)\s*/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                   //Buffer linked
                   else if (preg_match("/(.+)Concatenated \(linked\) message, ID \((.+)\) (.+), part (.+) of (.+)/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                   //Buffer Other Information
                   else if (preg_match("/^(.+) : (.+)\s*/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                   //Buffer Other Body
                   else {
                           //By Pass last line or info for Gammu UNIX/LINUX version
                           if (preg_match("/(.+) SMS parts in (.+) SMS sequences/",$rs[$i],$xxx)) continue;
                           //Buffer BODY
                           if (trim($rs[$i])) { $data[$folder][$fid]['body'].=htmlspecialchars(trim(addslashes($rs[$i]))); }
           return $data;
           //return 1;

   function setFile($filedb) {
   function setEncryptText($t) {

   function SaveTXT(&$respon) {
           if ($this->dataBuffer) {

           if (!file_exists($this->filedb)) {
                $fp=@fopen($this->filedb,"w+") or $respon="Can not create file $this->filedb";
           //Save Inbox
           for ($i=0;$i<count($this->dataBuffer['Inbox']);$i++) {
           //Save Outbox
           for ($i=0;$i<count($this->dataBuffer['Outbox']);$i++) {
           if ($this->TextEncrypt == 1) {
           else { fwrite($fp,"e=0\r\n".$write); }
           $respon="SMS SAVED [".count($this->dataBuffer['Inbox'])." Inbox] [".count($this->dataBuffer['Outbox'])." Outbox]";

           else { $respon="NO DATA SAVED"; }


   function ReadTXT(&$respon) {
           if (file_exists($this->filedb)) {
                   if ($ck == "e=0") {
                           while($fg=@fgets($fp,10240)) {
                                 if ($x==1) continue;
                                 if (!$dataDump[$x][3]) continue;
                                 if ($dataDump[$x][0] == "INBOX") {
                                 if ($dataDump[$x][0] == "OUTBOX") {
                   if (!$this->dataBuffer) { $respon="NO DATA FOUND"; return 0; }
                   else { return 1; }
           else { $respon="Can not found $this->filedb"; return 0; }

   function DeleteTXT($id,$box='Inbox') {
          if ($this->dataBuffer[$box][$id]) {

   function SaveSQL(&$respon) {

   function setDate() {
           $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." --setdatetime",$respon);
           $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." --getdatetime",$respon);
           return $data;

   function getContact($me="SM",&$respon) {
         if ($this->Version() < 1.10) {
                 $respon="Invalid Gammu Version, require version 1.10+<br>Your version $this->gammu_version";
             return false;
         $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." nothing --getallmemory $me",$rs);
         for($i=0;$i<count($rs);$i++) {
                 //if (!$rs[$i]) continue;
                 if (preg_match("/^Memory (.+), Location (.+)/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                         if (!trim($d[1])) continue;
                         //echo $d[1]." - ".$d[2]."<br>";
                 if (preg_match("/^Email address (.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Name(.+): \"(.+)\/(.+)\"\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Name(.+): \"(.+)\"\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Name(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Last name(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^First name(.+): \"(.+)\/\"\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^First name(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Job title(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Company(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Home number(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Work number(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Mobile number(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Fax number(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^General number(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^URL address(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Street address(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^City(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^State(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Zip code(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Text(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^LUID(.+): \"(.+)\"/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else if (preg_match("/^Date and time(.+): (.+)/",$rs[$i],$d)) {

                 else if (preg_match("/^(.+):(.+)/",$rs[$i],$d)) {
                 else { $data[$x]['Buffer']=$rs[$i]; }
         return $data;

   function Version() {
            $this->gammu_exe($this->gammu." nothing --version",$respon);
            preg_match("/^\[Gammu version (.+) built (.+)\]/",$respon[0],$gm);
            $this->gammu_version = "$My.$Mi";
            return $this->gammu_version;

   function enable_sudo($s=1) {
