

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > a60d2b584c1e89890acc4540c73aebd5 > files > 15


(*pp camlp4o -I `ocamlfind query sexplib` -I `ocamlfind query type-conv` pa_type_conv.cmo pa_sexp_conv.cmo *)

(* File:

    Copyright (C) 2005-

      Jane Street Holding, LLC
      Author: Markus Mottl
      email: mmottl\

   This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
   modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
   version 2 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.

   This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
   but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
   Lesser General Public License for more details.

   You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public
   License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software
   Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA

(** Conv_test: module for testing automated S-expression conversions and
    path substitutions *)

TYPE_CONV_PATH "Conv_test"

open Format

open Sexplib
open Sexp
open Conv

module Exc_test : sig
  exception Test_exc of (string * int) with sexp
end = struct
  exception Test_exc of (string * int) with sexp

(* Test each character. *)
let check_string s =
  let s' =
    match (Sexp.of_string (Sexp.to_string (Sexp.Atom s))) with
    | Sexp.Atom s -> s
    | _ -> assert false
  assert (s = s')

let () =
  for i = 0 to 255 do
    check_string (String.make 1 (Char.chr i))

(* Test user specified conversion *)

type my_float = float

let sexp_of_my_float n = Atom (sprintf "%.4f" n)

let my_float_of_sexp = function
  | Atom str -> float_of_string str
  | _ -> failwith "my_float_of_sexp: atom expected"

(* Test simple sum of products *)

type foo = A | B of int * float
with sexp

(* Test polymorphic variants and deep module paths *)

module M = struct
  module N = struct
    type ('a, 'b) variant = [ `X of ('a, 'b) variant | `Y of 'a * 'b ]
    with sexp
    type test = [ `Test ]
    with sexp

type 'a variant =
  [ M.N.test | `V1 of [ `Z | ('a, string) M.N.variant ] option | `V2 ]
with sexp

(* Test empty types *)

type empty with sexp

(* Test variance annotations *)

module type S = sig
  type +'a t with sexp

(* Test labeled arguments in functions *)

type labeled = foo : unit -> unit with sexp

(* Test recursive types *)

(* Test polymorphic record fields *)

type 'x poly =
    p : 'a 'b. 'a list;
    maybe_t : 'x t option;

(* Test records *)

and 'a t =
    x : foo;
    a : 'a variant;
    foo : int;
    bar : (my_float * string) list option;
    sexp_option : int sexp_option;
    sexp_list : int sexp_list;
    poly : 'a poly;
with sexp

type v = { t : int t }

(* Test manifest types *)
type u = v = { t : int t }
with sexp

(* Test types involving exceptions *)
type exn_test = int * exn
with sexp_of

open Path

let main () =
  let make_t a =
      x = B (42, 3.1);
      a = a;
      foo = 3;
      bar = Some [(3.1, "foo")];
      sexp_option = None;
      sexp_list = [];
      poly =
          p = [];
          maybe_t = None;
  let u = { t = make_t (`V1 (Some (`X (`Y (7, "bla"))))) } in
  let u_sexp = sexp_of_u u in
  printf "Original:      %a@\n@." pp u_sexp;
  let u' = u_of_sexp u_sexp in
  assert (u = u');
  let foo_sexp = Sexp.of_string "A" in
  let _foo = foo_of_sexp foo_sexp in

  let path_str = ".[0].[1]" in
  let path = Path.parse path_str in
  let subst, el = subst_path u_sexp path in
  printf "Pos(%s):       %a -> SUBST1@\n" path_str pp el;
  let dumb_sexp = subst (Atom "SUBST1") in
  printf "Pos(%s):    %a@\n@\n" path_str pp dumb_sexp;

  let path_str = ".t.x.B[1]" in
  let path = Path.parse path_str in
  let subst, el = subst_path u_sexp path in
  printf "Record(%s):    %a -> SUBST2@\n" path_str pp el;

  let u_sexp = subst (Atom "SUBST2") in
  printf "Record(%s): %a@\n@\n" path_str pp u_sexp;

  printf "SUCCESS!!!@."

let () =
  try main (); raise (Exc_test.Test_exc ("expected exception", 42)) with
  | exc -> eprintf "Exception: %s@." (Sexp.to_string_hum (sexp_of_exn exc))