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#*    serrano/prgm/project/bigloo/tutorial/README                      */
#*    -------------------------------------------------------------    */
#*    Author      :  Manuel Serrano                                    */
#*    Creation    :  Thu Aug 20 16:54:07 1998                          */
#*    Last change :  Mon Oct  4 18:13:09 1999 (serrano)                */
#*    -------------------------------------------------------------    */
#*    The Bee tutorial                                                 */

This directory implements a TUTORIAL for the Bigloo IDE, the BEE. This
tutorial require xemacs, prcs and gprof to be installed. If some are
missing, you will have to skip some part. This directory contains the
following files:

        README        cdfile.scm    tex.sch       tutorial.scm
        args.sch      front.scm     tex.scm       xmcd.scm
        back.scm      makedir.c

Process STRICTLY as described:

1.  Copy the present directory to a fresh destination. e.g.
       $ cp -r tutorial /tmp/tutorial

2.  Go to the directory you have copied the tutorial and edit with Xemacs 
    (if you don't have xemacs installed do even think to run that tutorial) 
    the tutorial.scm file. e.g

       $ cd /tmp/tutorial
       $ emacs tutorial.scm

3.  The first step is to set the `Bee Root Directory'. This will tell the Bee
    where to store its administration file. It is likely that the default
    `Bee Root Directory' is the current directory. This may be seen in the
    left-most part of the mode-line. Anyhow, click on the `Root' icon of the
    tool bar. You will be prompted a message like:

       Root directory: /tmp/tutorial/

    accept that choice, xemacs will print out the message

       Setting bee-root-directory to "/tmp/tutorial/".

    You are now all set. 

4.  The first action will be to create a Makefile for that project. This
    is done clicking the `Mkmf' tool bar icon. This assume that the 
    current emacs buffer is visiting the Bigloo file containing the
    main module.

    A window will appears that prints out the command executed. After a while,
    the command will complete and the message

       compilation completed...

    will be print in the mini-buffer.

5.  Before anything else, we will register a revision for our project (this
    require prcs to be available). Click on the `version' menu bar with 
    [button-3] and select [Checkin project version]. A new version has been 
    checked in.

6.  It is now time to compile. This is done clicking on the `Compile' icon
    of the tool bar. The compilation fails, raising a window a displaying
    an error message. Click [button-2] on the error line:

   File "tutorial.scm", line 109, character 5005:
       #	     (add-xmcd-db id kind title author songs))
       #	     ^
       # *** ERROR:bigloo:LAMBDA1062
       # Unbound variable -- ADD-XMCD-DB
    click on the first line of the error message with [button-2]:
    The error is that the binding ADD-XMCD-DB is undefined. It is actually
    defined in the XMCD module. To automatically import that binding, bring
    the cursor on the identifier ADD-XMCD-DB of the "tutorial.scm" buffer
    and then click with [button-1] on the tool bar icon `Import'. This will 
    add the importation for that binding. Save the buffer.

7.  If you want to check the documentation for module extern clause, bring
    the cursor on the identifier EXTERN (of the module declaration) and click
    one the tool bar icon `Info'. This will pop up an info window documenting
    the Bigloo foreign interface. Bee on-line documentation is context 
    sensitive. If no region is active it tries to document the identifier the
    cursor is in. If a region is active it tries to document that region. For
    instance, mark the whole comment

       ;; beginning of /tmp/tutorial/makedir.c
    and click `Info'. This will present the documentation for comments.

8.  Re-compile (click on the `Compile' tool bar icon). This will raise 
    another error:

       File "xmcd.scm", line 36, character 1775:

    This will pop a window up and the cursor will be located on the source
    error line. The problem here is that the function MAKEDIR is 
    undefined. It is actually defined in the C file `makedir.c'. To be able
    to use it, you have to import that extern file. For that, click on the
    `Extern' icon of the tool bar of the "xmcd.scm" Xemacs' buffer. You are 
    prompted for:

       Import C file: /tmp/tutorial

    select the makedir.c file.

    This will automatically insert an extern close in the xmcd module file and
    will add an entry to the Makefile. In addition your file will be saved.

9.  You may now click one more time on the `Compile' icon. This time 
    it will build the binary file called bin/tutorial. If want to read the 
    compilation message pop up the BEE menu [button-3] and select the menu 
    [Compilation] and the sub-menu [View last messages]. This will pop up 
    a window containing the previous compilation messages.

10. The binary file is called `bin/tutorial'. If you run it with no argument
    that program will read data on the current input port. Try 

       $ bin/tutorial -help

    This program, draws compact disc cover and add compact disc songs to a 
    CDDB data base. For instance, try:

       $ bin/tutorial > toto-98.tex
       $ latex toto-98.tex
       $ dvips -o toto-98.dvi
       $ gv

11.  Try touching some .sch file. For instance, try

       $ touch tex.sch 

    and then recompile. As you may see, files depending from tex.sch 
    are recompiled..

12. Try something more complex. Open the front.scm (for instance, using the
    module browser) file and turn the export clause to:

       (export (front-cover ::bstring author editor notes musicians songs)))

    This will enforce the first argument of FRONT-COVER to be a string. 
    Recompile the program now. As you may see, "front.scm" is recompiled but
    tutorial.scm is recompiled too. This is mandatory because TUTORIAL imports
    FRONT. Since a prototype of an exported function from FRONT has 
    changed, it may happen that the compilation of TUTORIAL will change too. 
    That's why it is recompiled. Now touch "front.scm"

       $ touch front.scm

    Recompile, and you will see that only "front.scm" is recompiled. There 
    is no need to recompile "tutorial.scm" because the module clause of 
    FRONT dit not change.

    To add a CD to the database, try

       $ bin/tutorial -adddb

    This will fail raising:

       *** ERROR:bigloo:make-xmcd-name:
       Can't create directory -- cddb/scheme

13. It is time to inspect the program with Bdb, the Bigloo debugger. Edit
    the "tutorial.scm" file. Start Bdb with a button-1 click on the tool bar 
    icon labelled `Bdb'. A new window is popped up. You will see something 

       Bdb (v1.0)                                      ("`-/")_.-'"``-._
       the Bigloo debugger                              . . `; -._    )-;-,_`)
       Sun Aug 15 08:24:45 CEST 1999                    v   '  _  )`-.\  ``-'
       Manuel Serrano                                 _.- _..-_/ / ((.'
       email:                                       ((,.-'   ((,/                      
                      *** THIS IS AN ALPHA RELEASE ***
       If it fails, ...


    This is the debugger. Try

       (bdb) run -adddb

    The program will stop prompting the same error as before. Click [button-3]
    of your mouse and select `Show stack'. This will pop up a new window 
    display the execution stack. Click with [button-2] on the first line of 
    that window. A window prompting the source line where the error has been 
    raised will appear. Bring the mouse on the identifier PATHNAME after a 
    while, the value of that variable will appears in the minibuffer. Click 
    on the `Show' icon of the Bdb window. Now click with [button-2] on the line

       #3    MAKE-XMCD-NAME(...) at xmcd.scm:44

    of the frame window. The debugger will print the values of the local 
    variable just before the call to MAKE-XMCD-NAME in the function 
    ADD-XMCD-DB-ENTRY. Let's suppose that we are not able to understand the 
    problem yet. Raise the popup menu of the stack frame window and choose 
    to close that window.

14. It is time to set a breakpoint in the MAKE-XMCD-NAME function. For that 
    bring the mouse in the left margin of a buffer visiting the module xmcd. 
    Then, click [button-3] on the definition source line of MAKE-XMCD-NAME:

       (define (make-xmcd-name title id kind)

    This will make an icon for that breakpoint to be printed in the left
    margin. The icon, won't appear on the line you have clicked to but on 
    the line containing the first instruction of the make-xmcd-name function.
    At that time, re-try 

       (bdb:MAKE-XMCD-NAME) run

    on the Bdb window. The execution stops at the beginning of MAKE-XMCD-NAME

       (bdb:MAKE-XMCD-NAME) next 3

    to skip 3 lines. Brings the mouse on the PATHNAME identifier to check
    the value of that variable. For that click twice with [button-1], in the
    highlighted region, click [button-3] and select "bprint".  You may also 
    inspect the value of the function parameters TITLE, ID and KIND. Now try

       (bdb:MAKE-XMCD-NAME) step

    You will enter the C function MAKEDIR of the file `makedir.c'. Re-open
    the stack frame window of Bdb ([button-3], then select show stack). As you
    may see the C function is not printed. This is because the normal behavior
    of the frame stack display is to hidden extern functions. To make it 
    appears, click [button-3] on the frame window a select `Show C stack'. 
    Now both Bigloo functions and C functions will be printed. 

15. Bring the mouse on the C identifier PATHNAME. Click [button-1] twide, then
    [button-3] and print the variable's value. You will see that PATHNAME 
    is bound to `cddb/jazz'. The C function MKDIR fails at creating nested 
    directories. That why the execution fails. Try in your shell

       $ mkdir cddb

    and then, whitin the debugger, re-start a new execution

       (bdb:makedir) run

    The execution will stops on the breakpoint we have previously setup.
    Bring the mouse of that breakpoint and click [button-2]. Select 
    [Disable breakpoint] and then continue the execution

       (bdb:MAKE-XMCD-NAME) c

    That time the execution will complete.

16. It is time to check in a new revision of our project. Proceed as step 5.

17. Makes any change to the file tutorial.scm and select 

       [Compare to file version]

    of the `version' menu bar. A window will be popped up. You may select
    the version of the file you want to compare the current buffer with. 
    Select the first one, that is click [button-2] on the first line. Emacs
    will display two buffers an runs ediff on it. Type `q' when done with the
    differences editor.

18. It is time now for profiling. Edit the Makefile file [button-3], select
    the [Makefile] then [Edit Makefile] entry. Removes the `-farithmetic' 
    option from the BFGLAGS_O option. The pop the Bee menu one more time 
    [button-3] of the tutorial.scm buffer and select in the [Profile] menu:

       [Compile for profiling]

    This will force a new compilation of the whole source file in profile mode.
    Now, select from the Bee menu:

       [Run for profile]

    You will be prompted:

       Run argument: []
    Set the run argument as for instance:

       Run argument: [] -adddb
    As soon as the execution will be completed a window will be popped up 
    printing the result of the profile. Bigloo function and printed with
    a different color as C functions. Bigloo module initialization functions
    are also print with a different colors. You may click on each Bigloo
    line to edit the definition of the function of the line. For instance,
    click on the line:

       0.00      0.00     0.00       11     0.00     0.00  STRING-GOOD-CASE

    It may happens that some Bigloo functions cannot be edited. This is true
    for function that are generated by the compiler, such as error handlers.

19. It is time now for cleaning. Select from the Bee menu the entry 
    [Compilation], select the sub-menu [make] and then select [clean].