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	  	  <h1 class="firstHeading">Installation</h1>
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	    <table id='toc' class='toc'><tr><td><div id='toctitle'><h2>Contents</h2></div>
<li class='toclevel-1'><a href="Installation.1.html#Requirement"><span class="tocnumber">1</span> <span class="toctext">Requirement</span></a></li>
<li class='toclevel-1'><a href="Installation.1.html#Installation"><span class="tocnumber">2</span> <span class="toctext">Installation</span></a>
<li class='toclevel-2'><a href="Installation.1.html#CGI"><span class="tocnumber">2.1</span> <span class="toctext">CGI</span></a></li>
<li class='toclevel-2'><a href="Installation.1.html#inetd"><span class="tocnumber">2.2</span> <span class="toctext">inetd</span></a></li>
<li class='toclevel-1'><a href="Installation.1.html#Directory_layout"><span class="tocnumber">3</span> <span class="toctext">Directory layout</span></a></li>
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<div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=1" title="Installation">edit</a>]</div><a name="Requirement"></a><h1> Requirement </h1>
<p>To install DNSdoctor, you will need:
<ul><li> <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">ruby</a> (version 1.8.2)
<p><br />
If you want the following components/improvements, there are some extra requirements:
<ul><li> Graphical User Interface
<ul><li> <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">GTK2</a>
</li><li> <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">Gnome2 ruby binding</a> (only the GTK part is required)
</li><li> Web Interface
<ul><li> <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">apache</a> (or any other web server)
</li><li> <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">mozilla</a> (or any other web client)
</li><li> Speed improvement
<ul><li> <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">libxml2</a>
</li><li> <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">ruby-libxml</a>
<div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=2" title="Installation">edit</a>]</div><a name="Installation"></a><h1> Installation </h1>
<p>You can go for the easy way by using pre-existing packaging, there are known to be available for the following operating systems:
<ul><li> Debian  <a href="" class='external autonumber' title="" rel="nofollow">[1]</a>
</li><li> Redhat
</li><li> FreeBSD <a href="" class='external autonumber' title="" rel="nofollow">[2]</a>
<p><br />
Otherwise you will need to perform the installation manually.
<ul><li> You need to fetch the dnsdoctor tarball <a href="" class='external autonumber' title="" rel="nofollow">[3]</a> and extract it:
tar xvfz dnsdoctor-${version}.tgz
cd dnsdoctor
<ul><li> Now you need to use <tt>ruby</tt> to start the <tt>installer.rb</tt> scripts (you generally need to become <b>root</b>), the syntax is as folllow:<br /> <code>ruby installer.rb -DKEY1=value1 -DKEYN=valuen target1 targetn</code>
<dl><dd><ul><li>Existing options (use <code>-DKEY=value</code> <i>after</i> the <tt>installer.rb</tt>):
<dl><dd><dl><dt> RUBY     &nbsp;</dt><dd> Full path to the ruby interpreter. It is useful if you have several versions  of the ruby interpreter, it will let you choose the one that you will use for <tt>dnsdoctor</tt>.
</dd><dt> PREFIX   &nbsp;</dt><dd> Prefix to use for the installation (default to: <tt>/usr/local/</tt>). If you are on a FreeBSD system you will choose <tt>/usr/local/</tt>, if you are on Linux you will prefer <tt>/usr</tt>, another possibility is <tt>/opt</tt>
</dd><dt> HTML_PATH&nbsp;</dt><dd> Prefix to use for refering to an URL (default to: <tt>/dnsdoctor</tt>). For example the <a href="" class='external free' title="" rel="nofollow"></a> site is set to use an empty value.
<dl><dd><ul><li>Existing targets:
<dl><dd><dl><dt> all      &nbsp;</dt><dd> install everything (ie: common cli cgi ...)
</dd><dt> common   &nbsp;</dt><dd> install the common part. It is requiered by the targets below and you will need to install at least one of them to have something usefull.
</dd><dt> cli      &nbsp;</dt><dd> install the cli part (command line interface)
</dd><dt> cgi      &nbsp;</dt><dd> install the cgi and a set of web pages provided as an example
<pre>ruby installer.rb all
<ul><li> The last (optional) step is to edit the configuration file (<tt>dnsdoctor.conf</tt>) to adapt it to your system. Typical items that need to be changed are the programs used to test the icmp connectivity (<tt>ping</tt>), the list of rules to apply according to the TLD, ...
<div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=3" title="Installation">edit</a>]</div><a name="CGI"></a><h2> CGI </h2>
<p>Here is an example of <a href="" class='external text' title="" rel="nofollow">Apache2</a> configuration file,
assuming DNSdoctor has been installed in <tt>/usr/local/</tt> (<code>PREFIX=/usr/local</code>) and for html pages generated in the <tt>/dnsdoctor/</tt> namespace (<code>HTML_PATH=/dnsdoctor</code>).
</p><p>The following aliases map the URL to the location of the needed files on
the filesystem:
<pre>AliasMatch  ^/dnsdoctor/?$            /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/html/form.html
AliasMatch  ^/dnsdoctor/(en|fr)/?$    /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/html/form.html.$1
AliasMatch  ^/dnsdoctor/(en|fr)/(.*)$ /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/html/$2.$1
ScriptAlias /dnsdoctor/cgi-bin/       /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/cgi-bin/
Alias       /dnsdoctor/js/            /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/js/
Alias       /dnsdoctor/style/         /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/style/
Alias       /dnsdoctor/img/           /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/img/
Alias       /dnsdoctor/               /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/html/
<p>The directory containing the CGI (or only the file) need to have CGI permissions:
<pre>&lt;Directory /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/cgi-bin/&gt;
    Options ExecCGI 

<p>For the web pages given as an <i>example</i>, as they can exist in several languages (only english and french for now) you need to enable the <tt>MultiViews</tt>:
<pre>&lt;Directory /usr/local/libexec/dnsdoctor/www/&gt;
    Options MultiViews
<div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=4" title="Installation">edit</a>]</div><a name="inetd"></a><h2> inetd </h2>
<p>First you need to edit the file <tt>/etc/services</tt>, which contains information regarding the known services available in the Internet to add the following line (the port 1904 is just an example):
<pre>dnsdoctor       1904/tcp  # DNSdoctor service
<p>You also need to configure <tt>inetd</tt>, so that it is listening for the new dnsdoctor service, this is done by adding the line in <tt>inetd.conf</tt>:
<pre>dnsdoctor stream tcp nowait root /usr/local/bin/dnsdoctor dnsdoctor --INPUT=inetd
<p>If you have an IPv6 stack installed but don't have the connectivity with the outside world add the option <tt>-4</tt> to the <tt>dnsdoctor</tt> command.
<div class="editsection" style="float:right;margin-left:5px;">[<a href=";action=edit&amp;section=5" title="Installation">edit</a>]</div><a name="Directory_layout"></a><h1> Directory layout </h1>
<p>Below is the directory structure used by <tt>dnsdoctor</tt> (in the case where only the <tt>PREFIX</tt> variable has been used during the installation).
 |-- bin
 |   `-- dnsdoctor               # Command line
 |-- etc
 |   `-- dnsdoctor               # Configuration directory
 |      |-- dnsdoctor.conf       #   Main configuration file
 |      |-- rootservers          #   List of the root servers (YAML file)
 |      |-- reverse.profile      #   Profile for checking reverse delegation
 |      |-- ...                  #   ...
 |      `-- default.profile      #   Default set of rules to be used
 |-- libexec
 |   `--dnsdoctor
 |      |-- cgi-bin
 |      |   `-- diagnose.cgi     # CGI
 |      |-- html                 # HTML directory (javascript, css, pics, ...)
 |      |   |-- en               #   English version
 |      |   |-- ...              #   ...
 |      |   `-- fr               #   French version
 |      |-- locale               # Localisation files
 |      |-- test                 # test set
 |      |-- lib                  # Extra libraries (NResolv, Address, ...)
 |      `-- dnsdoctor            # Core component
 `-- share
     `-- doc
         `-- dnsdoctor           # Documentation
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