

distrib > Mandriva > 2010.0 > i586 > media > contrib-release > by-pkgid > a6aeef6569cbf8004b7d8b8f7109129c > files > 6


<?xml version='1.0' encoding='UTF-8'?>
<!DOCTYPE config PUBLIC "-//DNSdoctor//DTD Config V1.0//EN" "config.dtd">
<!-- $Id: dnsdoctor.conf,v 1.7 2006/02/10 14:07:24 sdalu Exp $ -->

  <!-- ===[ Preset configurations ]================================== -->
  <!--                                                                -->
  <!-- . Can be reverted                                              -->
  <!--     verbose: intro,testname,explain,details,reportok,fatalonly -->
  <!--              testdesc,counter                                  -->
  <!--     transp : ipv4,ipv6,udp,tcp,std                             -->
  <!--     output : byseverity,byhost,text,html                       -->
  <!--     error  : allfatal,allwarning,dfltseverity,stop,nostop      -->
  <!-- . Cannot be reverted                                           -->
  <!--     quiet  : any values enable this mode                       -->
  <!--     one    : any values enable this mode                       -->
  <!--                                                                -->
  <preset name="default">
    <param name="verbose" value="explain,details,intro,counter"/>

  <preset name="verbose">
    <param name="transp"  value="ipv4,ipv6,std"/>
    <param name="output"  value="byseverity,text"/>
    <param name="verbose" value="explain,details,intro,counter"/>
    <param name="error"   value="dfltseverity"/>

  <preset name="minimal">
    <param name="verbose" value="explain,details,fatalonly"/>
    <param name="error"   value="stop"/>
    <param name="quiet"   value=""/>

  <!-- ===[ Constants ]============================================== -->
  <!--                                                                -->
  <!-- We are providing here default values that can be               -->
  <!-- overwritten in the different profiles                          -->
  <!--                                                                -->

  <!-- For connectivity testing                                       -->
  <!--  the '%s' will be replaced by the IP address                   -->
  <const name="ping4" value="/bin/ping -n -q -w 5 -c 5 %s > /dev/null"/>
  <const name="ping6" value="/usr/sbin/ping6 -n -q -w 5 -c 5 %s > /dev/null"/>

  <!-- For openrelay testing                                          -->
  <const name="mail:fake_user" value="dnsdoctor"/>
  <const name="mail:fake_dest" value=""/>
  <const name="mail:fake_from" value=""/>
  <const name="mail:fake_host" value=""/>

  <!-- For delegation in 512 bytes tests                              -->
  <const name="inexistant_hostname"   value="doesntexist"/>
  <const name="delegation_query_size" value="255"/>

  <!-- Minimum and maximum for SOA fields                             -->
  <!--  min: 0  / max: 2147483647                                     -->
  <const name="soa:expire:min"  value="604800"/>
  <const name="soa:expire:max"  value="3628800"/>
  <const name="soa:minimum:min" value="180"/>
  <const name="soa:minimum:max" value="604800"/>
  <const name="soa:refresh:min" value="3600"/>
  <const name="soa:refresh:max" value="172800"/>
  <const name="soa:retry:min"   value="900"/>
  <const name="soa:retry:max"   value="86400"/>

  <!-- Allowed serial drift for SOA                                   -->
  <!--  . A drift of the serial number can be allowed between         -->
  <!--    the master and its slaves, to try avoiding reporting errors -->
  <!--    due to the zone transfert being done                        -->
  <!--  . If the serial follow rfc1912 recommandation and use the     -->
  <!--    YYYYMMDDnn format the soa:serial:drift_days will be applied -->
  <!--    otherwise the soa:serial:drift_ticks                        -->
  <!--  Value must be >= 0 (use carefully)                            -->
  <const name="soa:serial:drift_days"  value="200"/>
  <const name="soa:serial:drift_ticks" value="100"/>

  <!-- For testing nameservers belonging to the same (sub)domain      -->
  <!--  Maximum size of the parent domain to consider different       -->
  <!--   (the minimal value is 1 for the root label)                  -->
  <!--  For example a value of 2 will consider that -->
  <!--   and are part of the same domain but        -->
  <!-- and are not                -->
  <const name="ns:same_domain:depth" value="2"/>

  <!-- SMTP testing                                                   -->
  <!-- The following timeout value (in seconds) can be specified      -->
  <!--  . open: time allowed to TCP for establishing the connection   -->
  <!--  . session: time allowed for the whole session                 -->
  <!--     (note: time required for establishing the TCP session      -->
  <!--      is not taken into account)                                -->
  <const name="smtp:open:timeout"    value="10"/>
  <const name="smtp:session:timeout" value="40"/>

  <!-- ===[ Mapping ]================================================ -->
  <!--                                                                -->
  <!-- Allow to automatically apply a particular test profile         -->
  <!--  by looking at the zone in which the domain belongs            -->
  <!--                                                                -->

  <!-- Reverse                                                        -->
  <map zone="" profile="reverse"/>
  <map zone=""     profile="reverse"/>
  <map zone=""      profile="reverse"/>

  <!-- TLD / ccTLD                                                    -->
  <!--  You need to realize that you can obtain different results     -->
  <!--   for the same zone configuration if they belong to different  -->
  <!--   TLD /ccTLD as they will now use a different profile          -->
  <!--  Now that you have been informed, you can uncomment the        -->
  <!--   following lines                                              -->
<!--  <map zone="fr."           profile="afnic"/> -->
<!--  <map zone="re."           profile="afnic"/> -->
<!--  <map zone="de."           profile="de"/>    -->
<!--  <map zone="cn."           profile="cn"/>    -->

  <!-- Default -->
  <map zone="."             profile="default"/>

  <!-- Local Variables: -->
  <!-- mode: xml        -->
  <!-- End:             -->