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			<h1><a href="index.html"><img src="data/logo-head.png" alt="logo" /> anyRemote</a></h1>
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				<p>Frequently Asked Questions and their answers.</p>
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				<p>We will be pleased for any questions, suggestions, patches and examples of configuration files!</p>
					<li>Post in the <a href="">Forum</a></li>
					<li>Please, send e-mails to  <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru</a></li>
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			<li><a href="#faq01">When i run configure, it fails with the error: <em>configure: error: cannot find install-sh or in . ./.. ./../..</em> message</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq02">I have compilation errors. What can i do ?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq03">I run anyRemote and got the following: <em>ERROR: Fails in init_cfg()</em></a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq04">I can run anyRemote but something doesn't work ...</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq05">Does anyRemote support application <em>XXX</em>?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq06">Java client can not find PC with anyRemote</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq07">Seems anyRemote works ... but something is going wrong. How can i fix it?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq08">I have tried all suggestions ... but it still doesn't work. What else can I do?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq09">It is impossible to control sound volume with some configuration files.</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq10">Should I run Bemused server to make anyRemote work?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq11">Sometimes java client can not connect to anyRemote</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq12">I've created a configuration file for application <em>XXX</em>. Can I share it with other anyRemote users?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq13">I've got an error when trying to connect to the phone using <em>cu</em></a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq14">kAnyremote crashes with <em>python: xcb_lock.c:33: _XCBUnlockDisplay ...</em> message</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq15">I have Nokia Series40 phone and can not upload Java Client to it</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq16">I have Nokia Symbian phone got <em>openConnection Exeption SymbianOS error=-1 : General: System error</em> message</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq17">Java client can not find PC with anyRemote (Bluez issue)</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq18">How can i add some phone-specific initialization command ?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq19">Some application did not woks under KDE4. Why ?</a></li>
			<li><a href="#faq20">Does anyRemote J2ME client supports WinMobile devices ?</a></li>

		<h2><a name="faq01">When i run configure, it fails with the error: <em>configure: error: cannot find install-sh or in . ./.. ./../..</em> message</a></h2>
		<p>Problem can be solved by executing:</p>
automake -a
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		<h2><a name="faq02">I have compilation errors. What can i do ?</a></h2>
		<p>Make sure all needed development packages are installed on your system. For example, if your compiler can not find <strong>bluetooth.h</strong> header file, you need to install development packages for <a href="">Bluez</a>. To determine which package is absent is not so hard. Just remember which file was not found by compiler, then open <a href=""></a> or <a href=""></a> and try to search the package you need to install.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq03">I run anyRemote and got the following: <em>ERROR: Fails in init_cfg()</em></a></h2>
		<p>you have to specify a configuration file which will be used by anyRemote:</p>
		<pre>anyremote -f /path/to/configuration/file</pre>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq04">I can run anyRemote but something doesn't work ...</a></h2>
		<p>Try to localize problem. Do not use GUI frontends and run anyRemote from command line with <strong>-log</strong> option set. Do not test configuration files one by one. Just choose the simplest one, like kdialog.cfg and inspect what does work and what does not. Look at $HOME/.anyRemote/anyremote.log for error messages.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq05">Does anyRemote support application <em>XXX</em>?</a></h2>
		<p>In principle it is possible to support almost any application with anyRemote. There are several ways to do that:</p>
				<li>Some appication (for example Tvtime, Xdtv, Xmms) have command line management utility.</li>
				<li>KDE-oriented applications suport <a href="">DCOP</a> command-line interface.</li>
				<li>Some appications (for example Rhythmbox) support <a href="">D-BUS</a> command-line interface.</li>
				<li>Finally it is possible to manage application with keyboard and mouse emulation. Use <strong>Emulate(...)</strong> command to do that. If you are not satisfied with Emulate(...) command it is possible to use external software like <a href="">XAutomation</a></li>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq06">Java client can not find PC with anyRemote</a></h2>
		<p>Be sure you are using a Server-mode configuration file. Be sure the page and inquiry scan are enabled on bluetooth interface (this could be done with command <strong>hciconfig hci0 piscan</strong>). Also see <a href="#faq17">#17</a></p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq07">Seems anyRemote works ... but something is going wrong. How can i fix it?</a></h2>
		<p>Well, different phones works differently, so it can happen. Try to upgrade to the latest version of anyRemote. Inspect &lt;home&gt;/.anyRemote/*anyremote.log files to determine the possible reasons of undesirable behavoiur. Make sure you have set Log=debug in the configuration file you are using. Also, make sure that the version of the Java Client is the same as the version of anyRemote.</p>
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		<h2><a name="faq08">I have tried all suggestions ... but it still doesn't work. What else can I do?</a></h2>
		<p>Send an e-mail to <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru</a>. Please, describe the problem, specify phone model and version of distro you have. Also attach to the letter full log file ($HOME/.anyRemote/*anyremote.log.*) as well as terminal output of anyRemote.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq09">It is impossible to control sound volume with some configuration files.</a></h2>
		<p>See <a href="tips-tricks.html">Tips &amp; Tricks</a> page. </p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq10">Should I run Bemused server to make anyRemote work?</a></h2>
		<p>No. AnyRemote does not use <a href="">Bemused</a> server. It could emulate it to some extent instead. See <a href="bemused.html">this</a> for details.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq11">Sometimes java client can not connect to anyRemote</a></h2>
		<p>This could happen if java client tries to connect to anyRemote at the moment when bluetooth browsing process is active. In normal situation KDEBluetooth or anyRemote GUI tries to find bluetooth devices around from time to time. Unfortunately this could prevent the java client to connect to anyRemote. You can just wait a bit and try to connect again.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq12">I've created a configuration file for application <em>XXX</em>. Can I share it with other anyRemote users?</a></h2>
		<p>Definitely. Send a letter with a short description and attached configuration file. We'll add it to the next release of anyRemote.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq13">I've got an error when trying to connect to the phone using <em>cu</em></a></h2>
<pre>cu -l /dev/rfcomm0 -s 19200
cu: open (/dev/rfcomm0): Connection refused
cu: /dev/rfcomm0: Line in use</pre>
		<p>It needs to pair phone and PC again. To do this remove pairing info on the phone and then make pairing again.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq14">kAnyRemote crashes with <em>python: xcb_lock.c:33: _XCBUnlockDisplay ...</em> message.</a></h2>
		<p>Update to the version v5.1 or newer.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>
		<h2><a name="faq15">I have Nokia Series40 phone and can not upload to it Java Client.</a></h2>
		<p>It is impossible to upload JAR files using OBEX to some old Nokia Series40 phones (6021, 6230i). It needs to use <a href="">Gammu</a> or Nokia tool suite (works under MS Windows).</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq16">I have Nokia Symbian phone got <em>openConnection Exeption SymbianOS error=-1 : General: System error</em> message</a></h2>
		<p>The problem is still under investigations. Try to reinstall Java Client. If You have entered bluetooth address directly, be sure it looks like <b>btspp://0008F4163038:19</b> (no spaces and only one semicolon). Send report to <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyRemote</a></p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>
		<h2><a name="faq17">Java client can not find PC with anyRemote (BlueZ issue)</a></h2>
		<p>Check version of <a href="">BlueZ</a>. Versions at least from 3.28 to 3.32 contains a <a href="">bug</a> in SDP server. How to check: run anyRemote, then </p>
		<pre>sdptool browse local</pre>
		<p>If You see something like:</p>
		<pre>Browsing FF:FF:FF:00:00:00 ...
Service Search failed: Success</pre>
                <p>then Your have got it. Mandriva 2008.1 and Suse 11.0 contains this issue.</p>
		<p>A workaround: instead of search in Java Client, enter bluetooth address of PC directly.</p>

		<h2><a name="faq18">How can i add some phone-specific initialization command ?</a></h2>
		<p>Create file <strong>$HOME/.anyRemote/hook_connect</strong> and put all needed commands there. These commands will be added to the end of <strong>(Connect)</strong> command sequence.</p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="faq19">Some application did not works under KDE4. Why ?</a></h2>
		<p>KDE4 uses <a href="">D-BUS</a> instead of <a href="">DCOP</a> for interprocess communication. As a result, application which were rewritten for KDE4 (like Amarok2, KsCD and Gwenview) will not work with old configuration files, created for KDE3
		and it needs to use new version of configuration file designed for use with KDE4. </p>
		<p class="scroll2top"><a href="#content">Scroll to top</a></p>

		<h2><a name="winmobile"></a><a name="faq20">Does anyRemote J2ME client supports WinMobile devices ?</a></h2>
		<p>It depends on Midlet Manager You use. The best variant is Esmertec Jeodek. anyRemote java client runs flawlessly under it.</p>
		<p>If it is impossible to use Esmertec Jeodek, You can try <a href="">Esmertec's JBed</a>. 
		In this case it needs to use <strong>only</strong> anyRemote-nojsr82.jar. But anyway, there are exist a couple of serious issues under JBed. 
		<a href="">Seems they are related</a> to 
		<a href="">Jbed</a> itself.</p>
		<p>These is a list of known issues under JBed:</p>
				<li>It needs to press <strong>"Connect"</strong> twice to connect.</li>
				<li>After disconnecting java client could hangs.</li>
				<li>Sometimes icons is not shown.</li>
				<li>Touchscreen does not works.</li>
	        <p>It seems anyRemote works better with older versions of JBed,than with newer ones.</p>

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		<p>Maintained by <a href="mailto:anyremote&#64;mail&#46;ru">anyRemote</a>. Website by <a href="">m.lettner</a>.</p>
