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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: C.2.16 64-Bit Portability Changes</title>

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<a name="Api1_005f0-64_002dBit-Portability-Changes"></a>
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<h3 class="subsection"> C.2.16 64-Bit Portability Changes </h3>

<p>Some changes have been made to the Crystal Space <small>API</small> in order to better
support 64-bit hardware, which is now becoming common. Additional changes to
improve 64-bit support have also been made internally, but the internal changes
essentially are transparent to external clients.
<p>The most significant change to the <small>API</small> involves methods and classes
dealing with data opaquely. Historically, opaque data has been handled using
<samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp>, and programmers would cast numbers, booleans, and pointers to
<samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp> when it was necessary to deal with the data in an opaque fashion.
This technique, however, is not portable to 64-bit platforms. For this reason,
the new standard type <samp>&lsquo;intptr_t&rsquo;</samp> was introduced. This type is guaranteed
to be large enough to store any integral numeric or pointer value regardless of
the machine's word size.
<p>Crystal Space now uniformly uses <samp>&lsquo;intptr_t&rsquo;</samp>, rather than <samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp>,
when dealing with opaque data. Upgrading your code to reflect this change is
usually quite simple. Where your code presently declares a variable or casts a
value to <samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp>, change it to <samp>&lsquo;intptr_t&rsquo;</samp>. Likewise, <samp>&lsquo;void**&rsquo;</samp>
becomes <samp>&lsquo;intptr_t*&rsquo;</samp>. For example:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">iGraphics2D canvas = ...;
iEventOutlet* outlet = ...;
outlet-&gt;Broadcast(cscmdCanvasExposed, (void*)canvas);

<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">outlet-&gt;Broadcast(cscmdCanvasExposed, (intptr_t)canvas);
<p>The event system is impacted by this change. Specifically, the following
methods and data members now deal with <samp>&lsquo;intptr_t&rsquo;</samp> rather than <samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp>
for the opaque &ldquo;info&rdquo; member of <code>csevCommand</code>-type events.

<p>The <small>AWS</small> plugin (Alternate Windowing System) and its interfaces have been
been updated for 64-bit platform conformance.  Specifically, the following
methods now deal with <samp>&lsquo;intptr_t&rsquo;</samp> rather than <samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp> for all of
<small>AWS</small>'s opaque data needs.

<p><small>AWS</small> callback functions (<em>triggers</em>) are likewise impacted. You need to
change the declaration of your triggers to use <samp>&lsquo;intptr_t&rsquo;</samp> rather than
<samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp>. For example:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">void MyTrigger(void* sink, iAwsSource* source);

<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">void MyTrigger(intptr_t sink, iAwsSource* source);
<p>Since converting client <small>AWS</small> code to the new <small>API</small> can be rather onerous
on account of the amount of repetitious manual labor involved, the old
<samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp> <small>API</small> is still present in <small>AWS</small>, though heavily
deprecated. In the interests of 64-bit portability, the old <small>API</small> will be
removed at some point in the future.  You are encouraged, therefore, to convert
your code to the new <small>API</small>. As an aid to clients in upgrading their code to
the new <small>API</small>, one of two control macros can be defined which will help to
isolate code which needs to be updated.  Defining <samp>&lsquo;AWS_OBSOLETE_VOIDP&rsquo;</samp>
(via <samp>&lsquo;#define&rsquo;</samp> before including <tt>&lsquo;iaws/aws.h&rsquo;</tt>) removes from the
<small>API</small> all methods dealing with <samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp>, thus invocations of any such
methods will result in compilation errors. Alternately, defining
<samp>&lsquo;AWS_DEPRECATE_VOIDP&rsquo;</samp>, will cause invocations of methods dealing with
<samp>&lsquo;void*&rsquo;</samp> to generate compilation warnings, assuming that the compiler
supports such deprecation warnings. (Presently, only modern version of the
<small>GNU</small> compiler are so configured.)
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