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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: C.2.12 Interface Changes</title>

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<a name="Api1_005f0-Interface-Changes"></a>
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<h3 class="subsection"> C.2.12 Interface Changes </h3>

<a name="1"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iDocument&rsquo;</samp> Changes </h4>

<p>The <code>iDocument::Parse()</code> method now accepts an optional argument
indicating whether or not extraneous whitespace in <samp>&lsquo;CS_NODE_TEXT&rsquo;</samp> nodes
should be condensed.  Most implementations of <samp>&lsquo;iDocument&rsquo;</samp> will attempt to
respect this option if possible.  For implementations where it does not make
sense, the option will be ignored.
<p>Previously, <small>XML</small>-based implementations of the <samp>&lsquo;iDocument&rsquo;</samp> interface
condensed whitespace in <samp>&lsquo;CS_NODE_TEXT&rsquo;</samp> nodes at <code>Parse()</code> time.  This
is no longer the case.  Whitespace is now preserved by default.  If the new
behavior is unsuitable for your case, use the new argument to
<code>iDocument::Parse()</code> to indicate that whitespace should be condensed.
This change was made in order to conform to the latest <small>XML</small> specification
which states that <small>XML</small> scanners must preserve whitespace by default.
Consult the following documents for more information regarding this issue.

<p><a href=""></a><br>
<a href=""></a>
<a name="2"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Mesh Factory Changes </h4>

<p>The mesh factory interfaces (<samp>&lsquo;iGeneralFactoryState&rsquo;</samp>,
<samp>&lsquo;iHazeFactoryState&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;iInstancingFactoryState&rsquo;</samp>,
<samp>&lsquo;iLightningFactoryState&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;iSprite2DFactoryState&rsquo;</samp>,
<samp>&lsquo;iThingFactoryState&rsquo;</samp> and <samp>&lsquo;iSprite3DFactoryState&rsquo;</samp> no longer have the 
following methods. Use the methods with same name from 
<samp>&lsquo;iMeshObjectFactory&rsquo;</samp> instead:

<a name="3"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iGeneralMeshState&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;iRainState&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;iInstancingMeshState&rsquo;</samp> Changes </h4>

<p>From <samp>&lsquo;iGeneralMeshState&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;iInstancingMeshState&rsquo;</samp>, 
<samp>&lsquo;iRainState&rsquo;</samp> and <samp>&lsquo;iParticle&rsquo;</samp> the following methods have been 
removed. Use the methods with the same name from <samp>&lsquo;iMeshObject&rsquo;</samp> instead.

<a name="4"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iImage&rsquo;</samp> Changes </h4>

<p>The <samp>&lsquo;iImage&rsquo;</samp> interface has been reduced to a level where it merely serves
as a container for pixel data; however, the image editing functionality was
only relocated, not removed.
<p>Forbidding direct manipulation of an <samp>&lsquo;iImage&rsquo;</samp>'s pixel data has the 
following consequences:
The <code>Clone()</code> function was removed. The
<samp>&lsquo;csImageMemory&rsquo;</samp> class provides a constructor that copies the pixel data
from another <samp>&lsquo;iImage&rsquo;</samp> object, providing a functionality equal to 

To edit the pixel data of an image, create a clone of an image (e.g. a
<samp>&lsquo;csImageMemory&rsquo;</samp> as mentioned above) and manipulate the data in the newly
cerated instance.

If the image data is needed in another
format, as the <code>SetFormat()</code> call has been removed from the interface.

The image editing functionality found in methods such as <code>Rescale()</code>,
<code>Sharpen()</code> was moved into the <samp>&lsquo;csImageManipulate&rsquo;</samp> class.

The <code>CopyXXX()</code> method that copied an image into another are now provided
by <samp>&lsquo;csImageMemory&rsquo;</samp>.

<p>As a side-effect of these changes, the <samp>&lsquo;csImageFile&rsquo;</samp> and 
<samp>&lsquo;csImageMemory&rsquo;</samp> were merged and the former removed.
<a name="5"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <code>iImageIO::Load()</code> Parameter Change </h4>

<p><code>iImageIO::Load()</code> now requires the image source data in an 
<samp>&lsquo;iDataBuffer&rsquo;</samp> object, instead of separate <samp>&lsquo;buffer&rsquo;</samp> and <samp>&lsquo;size&rsquo;</samp>
<a name="6"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iLight&rsquo;</samp> Changes </h4>

<p>The <samp>&lsquo;iLight&rsquo;</samp> and its implementation (<samp>&lsquo;csLight&rsquo;</samp>) have been extended to
also handle spot- and directional-lights. Note that the accual computation of
lighting does not yet support these, however the engine can now store and
handle the required data.
<p>There have also been two smaller changes to the interface to make it more
coherent. The influence radius have been renamed <em>cut-off</em> distance, and
thus the methods <code>GetInfluenceRadius()</code> and <code>SetInfluenceRadius()</code>
have been renamed accordingly to <code>GetCutoffDistance()</code> and
<code>SetCutoffDistance()</code>, respectively.  Also, <code>SetAttenuation()</code> has
been renamed to <code>SetAttenuationMode()</code> in order to avoid confusion with
other similary named methods.  For the <code>CS_ATTN_LINEAR</code> attenuation type
the specification has changed slightly. As a default, the distance where light
goes out is same as the cut-off distance, but this can be changed by altering
the first attenuation constant. See comments in
<tt>&lsquo;CS/include/iengine/light.h&rsquo;</tt> for exact details of the different
attenuation modes.
<a name="7"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iParticleState&rsquo;</samp> Changes </h4>

<p>From <samp>&lsquo;iParticleState&rsquo;</samp>, the following methods have been removed.
Use the methods with the same name from <samp>&lsquo;iMeshObject&rsquo;</samp> instead.

<a name="8"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iMaterialList&rsquo;</samp> Change </h4>

<p>The function <code>iMaterialList::NewMaterial()</code> now needs an additional
name parameter. It is not recommended to change the name later.
<a name="9"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iObjectModel&rsquo;</samp> Change </h4>

<p>The function <samp>&lsquo;iObjectModel::GetObjectBoundingBox()&rsquo;</samp> only has one
parameter now. The optional <samp>&lsquo;type&rsquo;</samp> parameter has been removed as it
was not implemented anywhere. In addition to that the constants
<code>CS_BBOX_NORMAL</code>, <code>CS_BBOX_ACCURATE</code>, and <code>CS_BBOX_MAX</code>
are also removed.
<a name="10"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <samp>&lsquo;iSprite3DState&rsquo;</samp> Changes </h4>

<p>Some methods from <samp>&lsquo;iSprite3DState&rsquo;</samp> have been removed that basically 
provided functionality which was also already available through 
<code>SetBaseColor()</code>. Use <code>SetColor()</code> from <samp>&lsquo;iMeshObject&rsquo;</samp>.
<code>GetBaseColor()</code>. Use <code>GetColor()</code> from <samp>&lsquo;iMeshObject&rsquo;</samp>.

<p>Likewise, the <code>GetFactory()</code> method has been removed from 
<samp>&lsquo;iThingState&rsquo;</samp>. Equivalent functionality can be achieved by using
<code>GetFactory()</code> from <samp>&lsquo;iMeshObject&rsquo;</samp> and querying the returned object
for the <samp>&lsquo;iThingFactoryState&rsquo;</samp> interface. Example:
<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">  csRef&lt;iThingFactoryState&gt; thing_fact_state =
  	scfQueryInterface&lt;iThingFactoryState&gt; (mesh-&gt;GetMeshObject ()
	-&gt;GetFactory ());
<a name="11"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> <code>iTextureManager::FreeImages()</code> Removal </h4>

<p><code>iTextureManager::FreeImages()</code> has been removed.  It was used to release
the <samp>&lsquo;iImage&rsquo;</samp> objects associated with textures with the purpose of freeing
up memory.  This happens automatically now; the images associated with a
texture are released by the renderer as soon as the image data is converted
into the internal texture format (that is, uploaded to the graphics hardware).
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