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Written by: Lionel Cons <> (original author)
            Karl Berry  <>
            Olaf Bachmann <>
            and many others.
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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: 1.9 Feedback and Bug Reporting</title>

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<h2 class="section"> 1.9 Feedback and Bug Reporting </h2>

<p>If you find a bug in Crystal Space there are two ways to report it to the
developers. The preferred method of reporting bugs is to use the Crystal Space
bug tracker:

<p><a href=""></a>
<p>Additionally, you can send a message to the main Crystal Space mailing list
(see section <a href="Mailing-Lists.html#0">Mailing Lists</a>) at <a href=""></a>.

<p>Try to give as much information as possible about the bug, including:
Crystal Space version number. If it is a <small>SVN</small> snapshot then include
the time that you downloaded it. If you are using <small>SVN</small> directly then
state the revision of your working copy.
Operating System (Windows (<em>95, 98/<small>SE</small>/<small>ME</small>, <small>NT</small>4, 2000,
<small>XP</small></em>), MacOS/X, Unix &mdash; <small>GNU</small>/Linux, Free<small>BSD</small>, etc.  &mdash; <small class="dots">...</small>).
The compiler that you used (<small>GCC</small>, Mingw, <small>MSVC</small>, <small class="dots">...</small>).
Architecture (Intel x86, <small>AMD</small> x86, <small>AMD</small> 64, <small>SPARC</small>, <small>MIPS</small>,
<small>M68K</small>, Alpha, PowerPC, <small class="dots">...</small>).
Graphics adapter (brand/model, total on-board memory, driver version, <small class="dots">...</small>).
Video settings (color depth, resolution, Crystal Space video driver, <small class="dots">...</small>).
Description of the problem.
Exact error message (or output of Crystal Space). If possible it would be 
nice to get the output of the Crystal Space application with the
<samp>&lsquo;-verbose=-scf&rsquo;</samp> option specified on the command line. On Windows, if you 
are using a gcc based compiler and you compiled in optimize mode then you'll 
also need to add the <samp>&lsquo;-console&rsquo;</samp> option. If you compiled with <small>MSVC</small> 
and you build in release mode then you'll need the <samp>&lsquo;-noconsole&rsquo;</samp> option.
How to reproduce the crash (if it is reproducible).
A fix for the bug if available (Unified diff files are desirable).

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