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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: 4.20.2 Creating an External MSVC 7, 7.1 or 8 Application</title>

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<h3 class="subsection"> 4.20.2 Creating an External <small>MSVC</small> 7, 7.1 or 8 Application </h3>

<p>Originally written by Philip Wyett <a href=""></a>.

<em>Last updated 20 January 2006.</em>
<p>This <small>HOWTO</small> is a step by step guide for creating a basic Crystal Space
application with <small>MSVC</small> 7 (<small>.NET</small> 2002), 7.1 (<small>.NET</small> 2003) or
8 (<small>.NET</small> 2005) outside the Crystal Space source tree. 
<p><em>Note:</em> This text was initially written with only <small>MSVC</small> 7 in mind, 
consequently, the screenshots are from that version. However, its successors, 
versions 7.1 and 8, are, in the aspects relevant to this <small>HOWTO</small>, very
similar to version 7. Hence, the instructions herein should be easily
applicable to those versions as well. If there is a setting that needs to be
different for different <small>MSVC</small> versions, the text will explicitly state 
<p><small>IMPORTANT</small>: This tutorial assumes you have a basic familiarity with
<small>MSVC</small> and it's inner workings. This tutorial also assumes you have a fully
compiled (both release and debug) version of Crystal Space somewhere on your
<a name="1"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Step 1 - Creating a basic project solution. </h4>

<p>Start <small>MSVC</small> and from the <em>File</em> menu click on <em>File</em> then
<em>New</em> and once the sub menu of <em>New</em> opens, click on
<em>Project</em>.  You will now be presented with a dialog box (see image
below) for creating a new project.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap0.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap0">
<p>Firstly we need to select the type of project we wish to create.  Crystal Space
applications are Win32 applications and primarily work from a console base.
This still allows the creation of <em>Graphical User Interface</em> (<small>GUI</small>)
applications.  However, it also allows you to use the <em>-console</em> command
line switch and access more verbose runtime data normally only available with
debug builds.  If you do wish to create standard win32 applications, you may do
so.  However...  the <em>-console</em> switch will not operate correctly in that
type of application.
<p>In the <em>Project Types:</em> window select <em>Visual C++ projects</em>.  Next we
move to the <em>Templates:</em> window and choose the application type we wish to
create.  As mentioned above Crystal Space applications are Win32 applications.
So, search that window and select <em>Win32 Project</em>.  Now enter the name of
your application in the <em>Name</em> text box.  In our example, the application
will be named <tt>&lsquo;simple1&rsquo;</tt>.  Once done, click on the <em><small>OK</small></em> button.
<p>You will now be presented with another dialog box (see image below).
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap1.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap1">
<p>We wish to specify some application settings.  So, click on hyperlink text
<em>Application Settings</em> below <em>Overview</em> and you will be presented
with what can be seen in the screenshot below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap2.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap2">
<p>As discussed above, Crystal Space applications are primarily console based
(though <small>GUI</small> are allowed) inorder to give us acces to the verbose
diagnostic text via <em>-console</em>.  Under <em>Application type:</em>, select
<em>Console application</em>.  We are starting from a blank canvas. So, in the
<em>Additional options:</em> section, check the box <em>Empty project</em>.  Once
done, click on the <em>Finish</em> button.
<p>You should now be in the <small>MSVC IDE</small> (Intergrated Development
Environment), with the <em>simple1</em> project loaded.  Lets move on...
<a name="2"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Step 2 - Adding files/code to the project solution. </h4>

<p>Rather than create code for this tutorial and keeping inline with time honored
tradition - We are now going to cheat and use existing Crystal Space code. :-)
<p>Firstly copy and paste the <tt>&lsquo;simple1.cpp&rsquo;</tt> and <tt>&lsquo;simple1.h&rsquo;</tt> from the
Crystal Space code tree, into the newly created <tt>&lsquo;simple1&rsquo;</tt> project
directory.  These files can be found here:

<p>Once done, return to the <small>MSVC IDE</small> and select the <em>Solution Explorer</em>
tab within the <em>Solution Explorer</em> window.  See the image below to see the
<em>Solution Explorer</em> window from within the <small>MSVC IDE</small>.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap3.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap3">
<p>To add file(s) to a project, select the appropriate folder in the
<em>Solution Explorer</em> window, be that <em>Source Files</em> or
<em>Header Files</em> etc.  Right click on it to bring up the context menu and
then hover over <em>Add</em> until the sub menu appears and then click on
<em>Add Existing Item...</em>.  You will now be presented with the
<em>Add Existing Item</em> dialog box, which can be seen in the image below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap4.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap4">
<p>After selecting the desired file(s) you wish to add, click on the <em>Open</em>
button to finalize your choice(s) and be returned back to the <small>MSVC IDE</small>.
Repeat this process twice adding <tt>&lsquo;simple1.cpp&rsquo;</tt> to the <em>Source Files</em>
folder and <tt>&lsquo;simple1.h&rsquo;</tt> to the <em>Header Files</em> folder. Once done you
should have a <em>Solution Explorer</em> window which looks like the image below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5">
<a name="3"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Step 3 - Setting Crystal Space <small>PATHS</small> inside <small>MSVC</small>. </h4>

<p>First thing we need todo is point <small>MSVC</small> to both Crystal Spaces <tt>&lsquo;include&rsquo;</tt>
and both the release and debug build <tt>&lsquo;libs&rsquo;</tt> directories, so it may access
them at compile/link time.  Select <em>Tools</em> from the <em>File menu</em> and
then <em>Options</em><small class="dots">...</small> You will now be presented with the <em>Options</em>
dialog box, which can be seen below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap6.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap6">
<p>Click <em>Projects</em> folder of the <em>Options</em> dialog.  Now click on
<em>VC++ Directories</em>.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap7.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap7">
<p>Lets first add the path to the location of the Crystal Space <tt>&lsquo;include&rsquo;</tt>
directory.  Select <em>Include files</em> in the <em>Show directories</em> for drop
down menu.  Next click on the <em>New Line</em> button (folder beneath the drop
down menu).  Click the browse button (button with three dots) on the right hand
side, enabling you to select the Crystal Space <em>include</em> directory -
wherever it is on your system.  See the image below for an example of it set.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap8.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap8">
<p>To set the paths to the Crystal Space lib files, you must remember you need to
add two&mdash;one pointing to the location where the release libs are and another
to where the debug libs are located.  In the <em>Show directories</em> for drop
down menu, now select <em>Library files</em>.  Follow the same browse and
selection procedure as you used when adding the <tt>&lsquo;include&rsquo;</tt> path, adding the
following paths - adjusting for where you have Crystal Space located on your
system as well as the <small>MSVC</small> version number you compiled with. Here it was
version 7; for versions 7.1 you need to use 
<tt>&lsquo;out\release71\libs\&rsquo;</tt> and <tt>&lsquo;out\debug71\libs\&rsquo;</tt>, likewise for version 
8 you need <tt>&lsquo;out\release8\libs\&rsquo;</tt> and <tt>&lsquo;out\debug8\libs\&rsquo;</tt>.

<p>See image below for an example of this set.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap9.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap9">
<p>Once done, click on the <em>OK</em> button and return to the <small>MSVC IDE</small>.
<a name="4"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Step 4 - Setting Preprocessor Definitions in <small>MSVC</small>. </h4>

<p>Crystal Space essentially has three preprocessor definitions which MUST be set
in-order to successfully compile and link your application.  They are
<samp>&lsquo;CS_WIN32_CSCONFIG&rsquo;</samp>, which is added whether the build is release or debug.
<samp>&lsquo;__CRYSTAL_SPACE__&rsquo;</samp>, which is also set whether the build is release or
debug.  And finally <samp>&lsquo;CS_RELEASE&rsquo;</samp> or <samp>&lsquo;CS_DEBUG&rsquo;</samp>, which is added as you
may guess <samp>&lsquo;CS_RELEASE&rsquo;</samp> in the settings for release builds and
<samp>&lsquo;CS_DEBUG&rsquo;</samp> in the settings for debug builds.
<p>To set the preprocessor definitions for your project.  Select your project in
the <em>Workspace</em> window.  See area highlighted in blue in the image below.
Now, from the <em>Project</em> menu select <em>Properties</em>.  Alternatively, you
can right click on the highlighted area in the <em>Workspace</em> and then click
on <em>Properties</em> - both ways work.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5">
<p>Once you have clicked on <em>Properties</em>.  You will then be presented with
the <em>Properties</em> dialog box, which can be seen in the image below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap10.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap10">
<p>Open the C/C++ folder and select <em>Preprocessor</em>.  Insert the appropriate
definitions in the <em>Preprocessor Definitions</em> text box i.e.  for a debug
build <samp>&lsquo;CS_WIN32_CSCONFIG&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;__CRYSTAL_SPACE__&rsquo;</samp> and <samp>&lsquo;CS_DEBUG&rsquo;</samp>,
making sure to separate with semi-colons.  Alternatively, you can click the
elipsis (<small class="dots">...</small>) button to pull up an easier view.  An example of the ones
entered for a debug build can be seen in the image below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap11.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap11">
<p>Open the C/C++ folder and select <em>Preprocessor</em>.  Insert the appropriate
definitions in the <em>Preprocessor Definitions</em> text box i.e.  for a release
build <samp>&lsquo;CS_WIN32_CSCONFIG&rsquo;</samp>, <samp>&lsquo;__CRYSTAL_SPACE__&rsquo;</samp> and <samp>&lsquo;CS_RELEASE&rsquo;</samp>,
making sure to separate with semi-colons.  Alternatively, you can click the
elipsis (<small class="dots">...</small>) button to pull up an easier view.  An example the ones
entered for a release build can be seen in the image below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap12.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap12">
<p>Once done, click on the OK button and return to the MSVC <small>MSVC IDE</small>.
<a name="5"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Step 5 - Setting Run-Time Library Used with Crystal Space Applications. </h4>

<p>As in step 4 we need to change one or more project settings.  Select your
project in the <em>Workspace</em> window.  See area highlighted in blue in the
image below.  Now, from the <em>Project</em> menu select <em>Properties</em>.
Alternatively, you can right click on the highlighted area in the
<em>Workspace</em> and then click on <em>Properties</em> - both ways work.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5">
<p>Once you have clicked on <em>Properties</em>, you will be presented with the
<em>Properties</em> dialog box once again.
<p>Open the C/C++ folder and select <em>Code Generation</em>.  Crystal Space uses
the Multithreaded DLL run-time internally, so to avoid conflict and errors
applications should use the same.
<p>For debug builds you need to select <em>Debug Multithreaded DLL</em> from the
<em>Runtime Library</em> drop down menu.  As can be seen in the image below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap13.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap13">
<p>For release builds you need to select <em>Multithreaded DLL</em> from the
<em>Runtime Library</em> drop down menu.  As can be seen in the image below.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap14.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap14">
<p>Once done, click on the <em>OK</em> button and return to the <small>MSVC IDE</small>.
<a name="6"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Step 6 - Linking with the Crystal Space libraries. </h4>

<p>When compiling Crystal Space in release and debug mode, you will end up with
the following static libs, some of which you may require at some point in your
own applications if you use the functionality contained within a given library.

<p>Crystal Space debug library names (the <em>_d</em> indicates a debug CS library):

<p><code>libcrystalspace_d.lib libcrystalspace_directx_d.lib libcrystalspace_opengl_d.lib libcrystalspace_windows_d.lib</code>

<p>Crystal Space release library names:

<p><code>libcrystalspace.lib libcrystalspace_directx.lib libcrystalspace_opengl.lib libcrystalspace_windows.lib</code>
<p>To add the necessary libraries to link our application.  If you are unsure
which libraries to take, using only <tt>&lsquo;libcrystalspace(_d).lib&rsquo;</tt> is 
sufficient in most cases.  As in step 4 we need to change one or more project 
settings.  Select your project in the <em>Workspace</em> window.  See area 
highlighted in blue in the image below. Now, from the <em>Project</em> menu 
select <em>Properties</em>.  Alternatively, you can right click on the 
highlighted area in the <em>Workspace</em> and then click on <em>Properties</em> - 
both ways work.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap5">
<p>For applications we need only link with the primary Crystal Space library.  The
other libraries provide support for custom plugin modules. Open the
<em>Linker</em> folder and select <em>Input</em>.  In the text box <em>Additional
Dependencies</em> add the Crystal Space libraries as named below into the box with
those already there.



<p>See image below for example of debug build link settings.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap15.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap15">



<p>See image below for example of release build link settings.
<p><img src="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap16.jpg" alt="usingcs/ownprojects/msvc7proj/snap16">
<p>Finally, click on <em>OK</em> to return to the <small>MSVC IDE</small> and then build the
<a name="7"></a>
<h4 class="subsubheading"> Commonly encountered problems. </h4>

<strong>Q.</strong> I get the following error:

<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">----------Configuration: simple1 - Win32 Release----------
C:\CS\INCLUDE\csplatform.h(26) : fatal error C1083:
  Cannot open include file: 'csconfig.h': No such file or directory
Error executing cl.exe.

simple1.exe - 1 error(s), 0 warning(s)
<p><strong>A.</strong> Repeat <em>Step 4</em> - You seem to have not set one or more of the
preprocessor definitions correctly.
<strong>Q.</strong> I get the following link errors:

<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">----------Configuration: simple1 - Win32 Release----------
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: void __thiscall csReversibleTransform::RotateThis(
    class csVector3 const &amp;,float)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static struct iSCF *  iSCF::SCF&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: __thiscall csView::csView(
    struct iEngine *,struct iGraphics3D *)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static bool __cdecl csInitializer::OpenApplication(
    struct iObjectRegistry *)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static void __cdecl csCommandLineHelper::Help(
    struct iObjectRegistry *,struct iCommandLineParser *)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static bool __cdecl csCommandLineHelper::CheckHelp(
    struct iObjectRegistry *,struct iCommandLineParser *)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static bool __cdecl csInitializer::SetupEventHandler(
    struct iObjectRegistry *,
    bool (__cdecl*)(struct iEvent &amp;),unsigned int)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static bool __cdecl csInitializer::RequestPlugins(
  struct iObjectRegistry *,...)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;bool __cdecl csDefaultRunLoop(struct iObjectRegistry *)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static void __cdecl csInitializer::DestroyApplication(
    struct iObjectRegistry *)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;public: static struct iObjectRegistry * __cdec
   int,char const * const * const)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;int __cdecl csPrintf(char const *,...)&quot;
simple1.obj : error LNK2001: unresolved external symbol
  &quot;int __cdecl csPrintfV(char const *,char *)&quot;
MSVCRT.lib(crtexe.obj) : error LNK2001:
  unresolved external symbol _main
Release/simple1.exe : fatal error LNK1120: 14 unresolved externals
Error executing link.exe.

simple1.exe - 15 error(s), 0 warning(s)
<p><strong>A.</strong> This would indicate that you have forgotten to add the Crystal
Space static libraries to link with.  Work through <em>Step 6</em> again and
re-check the settings you have entered.
<strong>Q.</strong> I get the following link errors:

<table><tr><td>&nbsp;</td><td><pre class="example">----------Configuration: simple1 - Win32 Release----------
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _strchr already defined in LIBC.lib(strchr.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _strstr already defined in LIBC.lib(strstr.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _tolower already defined in LIBC.lib(tolower.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _strncpy already defined in LIBC.lib(strncpy.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _free already defined in LIBC.lib(free.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _memmove already defined in LIBC.lib(memmove.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _realloc already defined in LIBC.lib(realloc.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _malloc already defined in LIBC.lib(malloc.obj)
MSVCRT.lib(MSVCRT.dll) : error LNK2005:
  _strncmp already defined in LIBC.lib(strncmp.obj)
LINK : warning LNK4098: defaultlib &quot;MSVCRT&quot; conflicts with use
  of other libs; use /NODEFAULTLIB:library
Release/simple1.exe : fatal error LNK1169: one or more multiply
  defined symbols found
Error executing link.exe.

simple1.exe - 10 error(s), 1 warning(s)
<p><strong>A.</strong> This or similar LNK2005 errors, tend to indicate that you have
forgotten to set the correct run-time library in the project settings.  Work
through <em>Step 5</em> again and make sure you have your project set to
<em>Debug Multithreaded DLL</em> or <em>Multithreaded DLL</em> for debug and
release builds respectively.

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