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Written by: Lionel Cons <> (original author)
            Karl Berry  <>
            Olaf Bachmann <>
            and many others.
Maintained by: Many creative people <>
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<title>Crystal Space 1.2.1: 1.1 How To Read This Manual</title>

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<a name="HowToRead"></a>
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<hr size="1">
<h2 class="section"> 1.1 How To Read This Manual </h2>

<p>This manual has been written by numerous volunteers, and as such, conventions
within the manual are not always the same.  Where possible, the overall
maintainers of this manual have modified the original documents to fit a more
standard convention for easier reading.  If you find anything in this manual
which is not correct, please submit a bug report either to the mailing list,
or to the Crystal Space bug tracking system. See section <a href="Feedback.html#0">Feedback and Bug Reporting</a>.
<p>This manual can be read in just about any order, however, if you are a first
time user of Crystal Space, you may want to read it in order from front
to back, as it has been organized to be most useful to the new user when
perused in that order.
<p>If you have used Crystal Space before, check the standard Crystal Space history
logs (<tt>&lsquo;CS/docs/history.txt&rsquo;</tt> and <tt>&lsquo;CS/docs/history.old&rsquo;</tt>) to find out
what's new.
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